t . -i'i . I -. ... I i i iimin n i i v r " .. iNothino. , rrotessionaL jaaaMitMBfc- . ... ( a." AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. Boyd, Publisher Published Every Friday. Office, Corner Third and Jefferson Streets. Entered in the Postofflce at Athena, Oregon, as Second Class Mail Matter. Subscription Rates. One copy, one year $1-50 One copy, six months "5 One copy, three months SO When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00) Advertising Rates. Display, transient, running less than one month, first insertion, per inch 25c Subsequent insertions 125 Display regular, per inch.. 128 Local readers, first insertion, per line, 10c Subsequent insertions, per line 5c Lodge resolutions, per line 5c Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c oATHENA.ORE.. SEPT. 8 1911 Within a very few days the schcol year will begin over the greater part of tbe land. This meauB that for the next nine or ten months, and for flve'days escb week, the children from most homes will be under the direct care and instruction of the teaohera whose influence over those ohildren is ueoesaany seoond only and in many cases greater than that of the par ents. Very fortunately, most of this great army of teaohors ooneista ol men aud women not only above the average in eduoation, but of superior moral worth and intelligence. This being the fact, tbe loss inteiferenoe parents make with tbe relation of tbe teaoker to 'the pnpil the bettor. Teachers are seleoted for a certain work: in which tbey are rightly supposed to te experts. Therefore any interference with their method of instruction, dis cipline and government almost invar iably works barm to tbo ohildren, prevents the teaobeia from working to tbo best advantage and injures the morale and standing ot tbe school. That members of tbe poultry trusts have been found guilty and have re ceived prison sentenoea instead of lines is an enoouraging faot. Hither to trust magnates have usually man aged to escape throng h tbe operation of immunity baths, and convenient legal teobnioalities apparently de signed to favor them. And when tbey have been found guilty the pen alty was a fine whioh was usually charged up to tbe consumer. That has been tbe exporienoe with tbe oil, sugar and tobacco trusts, tut with the suooess attending the prosecution of tbo poultry frost it is to bo hoped that a new day lias dawned for the public. Tbo faoulty of tho Athena publio sohools la uuuouuofid iu uuolher col umn of today's Press. The faoulty ia headed by Prof. W. W. Wiloy, an Oregon educator of ability and n flat- toiWtg l reputation iu school work. His assistants are among the bust, aud the prediction is made that Ath ena sohools are to have a suooussful year. Modford will give the uso of iJOO acres of laud to a oapable stockman who will raiso goats. Tbo Southern Oregon oity wants to tuild up that district ns a goat oeutor, for it is well adapted to these sturdy auiuiuls, that are so valuable iu cloaiing up brush laud and mukiug it ready for orchards. Tom-IIello, Bill! 1 hoar you hnvo n position with my frionds Skinnor & Co.? Kill Oh, jos; I have n position ns collector there. Toin-Thnt's first rate. Who recommended you? Bill Oh, nobody. I told them Hint I onco collected nn account from you, nud thoy instantly pave mo tho place Twelve Hundred New Patterns for Winter Suits. Guarantee nil wool, with top workman ship, at prices from $15.00 up The best values for the money ever offered in Athena. i Ladieti' 8uiU made to measure or , made frutu your owu mutfrial. t'ouie in and look at tho material aud Kt priCuH, btf ore going elsnwht'i'te. - leaning, Pressing, ReDairing T - All Work First Clas. ,jf J. CONLEY, The Tailor Main Street, - - Atlieua, Oicgou Europjan Hotel. Most American travelers on their first trips on tbe continent of Europe are astounded when upon the day of their departure from a hotel they are presented with their bill by the head waiter instead of by the landlord or by his chief clerk. But it is the cus tom, and. this important individual is thus assured of his tip. But they fret and fume Inwardly as they think of all the other servants to be tipped and usually end by giving each one about three times what he expects. There are two ways of avoiding this worry if they only knew. In small ho tels and pensions where an average of $2 or 10 francs a day is paid for pen sion it is proper to allow 1 franc a day for each person for service and when going a way divide it according ly among those who have served you. In larger hotels a more satisfactory way is to take 10 per cent of tbo hotel bill, whatever it is, add it to the amount of the bill and request the head waiter to divide it among the servants. Thus is the tipping ques tion very much simplified. New York Tribune. The JURKCIIaRRIS f Vnnc tc vqj ftONr.SHOUlDUl 1 "U5l5nui 5uivEIlui Jf - .;;nr 1 Swoet Mother Love. A man awoke one night with a toothache. Ho groaned, ho turned and twisted, ho howled, ho wat up and lay down again. He arranged his pillow and pressed It against his face, with an other groan. Ills wife slept on aud never moved. N lie wanted attention, he wanted sym patthy, and he groaned again. Still she slept. Injury added to the pain; it wasn't treating a fellow right to sleep like that when he was suffering with a painful tooth, and he called her name. Still she slept. Ho hnd groaned three times as loud as he could, and she didn't awake. Then the baby, in its crib in another room, sighed softly in lis sleep. Tho woman was on her feet nnd standing beside Its crib, anxious eyed, in nn instant. "And I actually thought," Bald the man, "that she loved nio most." St. Louis Star. National Purses. The Englishman carries gold, silver and copper loose in his trousers pock et, pulls out a handful of mixed eolns and selects the one he needs. The American curries his "wad of bills" in a Ion i irrow pocketbook in wlil -li the kk" !'!) irk:i He (Inf. The French man i!!"'.' use of a leather purse with P'i iiiculshlng chai'Mcterlstlcs. The ;c: - : uses one gnyly embroid ered in siiiis by the fair hands of some IiOftclii'U. The half civilized capital ist fi hi i ,i torrid South American city clinics hi i dollars In a belt with cun ningly devised pockets. The Italian of the pooler classes ties up his little fortune In a gayly colored handker chief, which he hides about his clothes. A similar course finds favor with the Spaniard, while the lower class Rus sian exhibits a preference for his hoots or the lining of ills clothes ns a hiding place for his savings. Loudon Mail. ' Bee's Double Stomach. The bee has two distinct stomachs. In the first It stores away the honey it so industriously gathers up from the flowers until such time as It Is ready to yield it up, while the other stomach is used simply and solely for digestion purposes. Thus the food and the honey are never mixed. When the bee re turns to the hive and Is ready to de posit the honey It has gathered it contracts the muscles of the stomach, by which act the honey Is ejected through the mouth. As to bee food, It Is various In kind, consisting largely of the honey It so patiently makes for others. What Nothing I. If any man thinks that he can con ceive well enough how there should bo nothing, I will engage that what he means by nothing Is as much some thing ns anything thai he ever thought of lii Ills life, and I believe that If lie knew what nothing was it would be Intuitively evident, to him that It could not be. Absolute nothing Is the ag gregate of all the contradictions In tho world. Jonathan Kd wards. A Partial Alibi. "She claims nlie has a perfect nllbl." "What Is her nllbl?" "She says she can prove that at the very time the crime was committed her own little girl was brushing her hair." "That proves an alibi for her hair, but how about herself?" Houston 1'ost. Walking. "I know how people walk," said Willie (o his grandmother. "They put ono foot down nnd let It stay till It gets away behind, then do the same with the other foot, and keep on doing It." Chicago News. Quite Likely. "I wonder when the first surgical operation was performed." "I suppose It was In Adam's time. Vhcii lie had his fall he must have broken something." New York Tress. Tho Woathor. Sunshine Is delicious, rain is refresh ing, wind braces up, snow is exhila rating; there Is really no such thing ns bad weather only different kinds of good weather. -John Ruskln. His Lesson. "But, you silly boy, If I married you with your means you couldn't oven dress me." "Terhnps with a few lessons I could learn." Ejehnr. A Curious Dost. According to n Chinese legend, there lived Jn Canton 200 years before Christ an artist named Llui Kao ToUtlg, who won nn immortal reputation owing to tho filet that ho Was able to fashion out of a Umiu pod n boat, cotuplott) with rudder, alla, mast aud nil other uot'ossnry appurtenance!. Moreover, on the exterior of tbo Unt were en graved various maxim by Confucius. Tor this masterpiece, It is said, th" Emperor Tsl Fou paid i i. i Nothing. BInks Where I spent Christmas last year the thermometer dropped to zero. Jinks That's nothing. Blnks What's nothing? Jinks Why, zerol Considerate. Miss Antique I don't believo you could tell my age. Miss Caustique I could, but I wouldn't be so mean. Philadelphia Record. A Little Way T Tommy What does the paper roeari by calling Mr. Bugghaus nn eight by ten business man? T. s Father I pre sume it means he is not exactly satiate. Administrator's Sale. In tbe matter of tbe Estate of B. C. Kidder, deceased. Notioe of sale of real estate. Notice is hereby given that in pursu ance of an order of tbe County Court of Umatilla County, State of Oregon, made on the 26th day of August, 1911, in the matter of the estate of B. C. Kidder, deceased, I will sell at pri vate sale for cash in hand, at the home of Ruth C. Kidder widow of said deceased at the oity of Atbena, Umatilla county, state of Oregon, on or after tbe 30 tb day of September, 1911, the following real property, to- wit: The southwest quarter of Seotion 5, township 2 North, Range 32 E. W. M. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 28tb day of Angnst, 1911. George B. Kidder, Administrator of the estate of B. C. Kidder, deceased. I S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calib, both night and day. Calls promptly answered. Office on Third Street, Athena Oregor G.S.NEWSOM.M.D. i PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Athena, Oregon. Calls answered promptly night or day. DJR. W. G. nUGIIES, i Demist Office in Postoffice Building, Athena Ore. Hours, 9 to 12 and 1 to 5.t fETERSON & WILSON Attorneys-at-Law Athena, Oregon. - Pendleton, Oregon Homer I. Watts Attorney-at-Law Athena, Oregon. C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V. Ofllclal Stock IuHpector. Graduate McKillip veiinary college, Chicago rhone Main 27, PENDLETON, OKKGOJi Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist TROY LAUNDRY For GOOD WORK HENRY KEENE, Agent, BANNER SALVE Administratrix Notice. Iu the County Court of the State of, Oregon, iu and for tbe County of Umatilla. Iu tbe matter of tbe Estate of Charles Wilson, Deceased: Notioe is hereby given that Maggie Wil-ou pf Atbena, Oregon, was on tbe 1st day of Jnne, 1911, appointed ad ministratrix of the estate of Charles Wilson, deceased, by the above en titled oonrt, aud that all persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to present said claims with proper vouchers thereto, to said administratrix or to her attorney, Homer I. Watts, at his office in Ath ena Oregon. Maggie Wilson, Administratrix of tbe Estate of Charles Wilson, dooeased. the most he-alina salva in tho world. THE jST. NICHOLS HOTEL S. E. FROOME, prop. t Iff Only First-class Hotel in the City. Mi f THE ST. NICHOLS Is the only one thai can accommodate commercial travelers. Iff Can beiecomended for Us clean and well ventilated rooms. REPORT OP THE CONDITION OV THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA No. 4510. Atlicnn, in the Stale of Oregon, AT Til to Close of Business Sept. 1st, '11 KKSOUHCK8. Loans nnd discounts JIIMMilOKK Ovt'ldi'iins sccurcil and unsocmcd IU I'.H 1W 11 H bonds to seen re ci mi hit ion Ui .MX) 00 llonds, wrui'ltli's, etc. 7I0."2 Hunk ttiK-lxiiist' rurnituiT fixtures llMWOUO Line from Nut. Hunks, not rtwrvr HKcntN 7ll!WIW Hue friii 11 iipr'vM reserve iikimiIn, KiXliiiOl ( Ihm'Uh and oIIiit ( ash ik'ins 115 21 KrHcllonal impi'i-cniTi'iicy, nirki'l.s and cents, SI.'iO HptvU' lOi'lli.'.'i Iti'd'm'n fund with V H Treasurer (5 per cent ofelreiilatlon) (ii'iiX) Total 3 stn tm 04 1.1 A III I. I l l ICS. Capilal stock paid In $V) 00000 Nn rid us In ml 10 000(H) llmllvlded profits, less expenscsand taxes iiald 5 311 (IS National fianlc notesoiitstaiidlm: lll.'iOOOO line to .stalo and l'rlvalo ltiiuks and Itanker.. 707 :!0 lilvldeuds unpaid :t00 00 Individual deposits subject to chock 17H Oil SI liemand cerlillcatea of deposit 07 0O0 M Certitled checks Stl 00 I 'ashler's checks outstanding 70 00 Hills tiaviible. llicludinir riM-t itlcntCR Total $ (U Will 01 State of OrcHim, l County of l mat Ilia ) 1, V'.H. 1.0 (irow, cashlcroltheahovo-imnied bank, do solemnly swear that the almve state ment Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. !'. . I.e (irow, (.'ashler, Subscribed and sworn to beforemn this 7th Homer I. Walts, Notary I'ublie. Cob. Maik and thibd, Athena, Or. Special Trains TO IDE "ROUND-UP O.-W. R. C& N. Athena to Pendleton and re turn, Set. 14, 15 and 16, at one and one-third fare for the round trip. day of Sept., 1011, Cult kit Atti .1: S. !'. Wilson, II. koepke, M. Iu Watts, lt rectors Foi the nooouimodation of all desiring to attand "Tha Ronud-Up" and re turn same date, special trains will be run on the above dates on the fol lowing schedule: Leave 10:35 a.m.; Arrive at Pendleton 11:15 a. m. Re turning, leave Pendleton Thursday and Friday at 10:00 p. in., and on Saturdny at 11 p. m. Also visit on tbe same dates Pendle ton's big County Fair. For further information, oall on your agent. J. R. Mathers, Local Agent, Atbena, Oie. R. Burns, District Freight & Passeugsr Agt. Walla Walla, Wash. CA. J. Parker Nsi-. - I . s7 Everything Flrct Claim - Mo d em Mud I p-to -date SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET ATHENA "dignifying THE INDUSTRIES" Ttiu Is the title of a beautiful 64-pag-e book, which will show any boy or (tin bow to SUCCEED. Drop a pcitat la the nisi I TODAY and It will be sent FREE. The aim of the College Is to dignify and popularise the Industries, and to serT ALL the people. It offers courses la Agriculture, C1U Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering. Mining Engln ee:lng, Forestry, Domestlo. Science and Art, Com uirrce. Pharmacy and Music. The College opens September aid. Catalog free. Address : REGISTRAR. OREQOK AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Corvallls, Oregon. T J 'V When the bones ache and the joints art 'nu'iecl. with much tendernes at the affected parts, you need a DOvrsriv.i .icaocratins asent to overcomo the attack. BALLARD'S SNOW LIN I ME NT IS A PAIN RELIEF OF GREAT EFFICACY. Its wonderful penetrating power affords a most nraUfyir.s sense of relief to the afflicted. It eases pain quickly, subdues all Inflammatory condiUns r.nd rapidly restores strength and comfort In the aching joints. It Is equally effective in rclicvir.fj r.-juraliia sr.J sciatica. Itub It in well, gently but thoroughly: Its healing and strengthening -r.C.v .ic mnlfc?t as soon as It reaches the nerves at the seat of the disturbance. A few applications controls the disorder and restores normal conditions. As a household remedy for curing cuts, wounJj, burns, sores or the hundred and one accidents that are always occurring to the flesh, It htj no cuperior. Put Up in Three Sizes, 25c, 50q and $1.00 per Bottle. JAMES F. BALLARD rrtopniETca ST. LOUIS, MO. For Sore Eyes. Granulated Lids, Redness of the Eyeball, Weak Sight, Smarting Sensations in the Eyes, use Stephens Eye Salve. It Is a remedy of proven merit. BYRON N. HAWKS. 0 for tt p We are sole agents for Royal Worcester and Gossard Corsets, Dent's Gloves, Hart, Schaffher & Marx Mens Clothing, Butterick Patterns, Hercules Boys Clothing Ever wear Hosiery, Carheart Working Clothes and Gloves, Utz C& Dunn Shoes, J. C& cTVl Mens Shoes and John B. Stetson Hats, Special. Are you ready? We are, in every way, shape and form. We have made preparation as we never have before for the big crowd that is coming to Pendletons big Shows. For the Women, we have suits, sweaters coats, petticoats, skirts, waists, muslin underwear and the warmer knitted kind; hosiery", kid and silk gloves, auto veils, and the newer conceits, shoes, in fact every thing that you would expect to find in Pendleton's Greatest and Best Store Three floors and an annex; basement chock full of the best merchandise that mon ey and skilled buyers in every department could find, and coming from all parts of the world. For Men and boys we have everything that you desire from a collar button to a suit of clothes, not one thing missing; overcoats for big men and little men and the boys. Our shoe store has made a name for itself as being the home of good shoes, and this store is the home of the cTVlodel Pure Food Grocery, in our basement. We have made extra arrangements for our out-of-town visitors. In addition to our lavatories on the top floor, we have made a rest room opposite the office. We will check your parcels, grips and suit cases free of charge and you will have the as surance of knowing they are in a safe place. Headquarters for Fair and Roundup Visitors THE PEOPLES WAKEHOUSE Save Your Coupons. Where it pays to trade. Save Your Coupons I UNEQllAliED "AS i A ll Mllliilil IllSrQUALLED ASI m A IrcouGH0 if I If A imsm VL 1 II 1m mVrv Iff I viyuV ' vJ I MmMSuS I ii Inft lfu " tSCJPlEXT CONSVMPTtOX I ) I I WsP 1 CiiainlserlaiaMeiiciaeCoJlii, jM J' I LHirS 1 W 5 ! lu,,CTWMa tSAMMdCim, fil jfA ft IllrWrn W Wfi oMoinM.iowa.u&A. !l yjffjl UiU L jlUNEQUALIlDJliv jPBICE, TWEHTT-F17E CEKKfe fuNEQUAUED- f Tj AS A 'xilm1Nfc vl ccoprrtiiit Ounbormii co, 13K2.J kwAS A PLEASANT I EVERY . BOTTLE , GUARANTEED. l'.