AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F.B.Boyd, Publisher. Published Every Friday. Office, Corner Third and Jefferson Streets. "Entered in the Poetofflce at Athena, Oregon, as Second Class Mail Matter. Subscription Rates. One' copy, one year $1.50 One copy, six months 75 One copy, three months 50 When paid in Advance, (otherwise, $2.00) the yeai'a crop. The eohednle pro vidos for an eight and nine day eer vioe from the leading districts to Chi cago and the epeoial fruit oars will leave Portland daily. Governor West is in for a grilling by repntlioan newspapers for bis aotion in paroling prisoners from the state penitentiary. Tbe sovemor's side of the question is yet to be heard, and when it is heard, it's dollars to brick bate that tbe usual corking up prooess will take place. Advertising Rates. Display, transient, running less than one month, first insertion, per inch 25c Subsequent insertions UH Display regular, per inch 142 Local readers, first insertion, per line, iwc Subsequent insertions, per line 5c Lodge resolutions, per line 5c Church notices, admission, per line. . 5c cTHENA. ORE.. SEPT. 1 1911 Urging governors of all states to help along tbe "See America First movement Governor West bas address ed a letter to them, calling their atten (ion to the beanties of tbe PaoifJo Northwest and mtkiug uu urgent ap peal to do everything possible to stay the tide of foreign travel and tarn it to the PaoiQo Coast. Governor West calls atteuitou to tbe faot that this tendency on the part of Americans is great eoouomio Joss to the country and should be oombattod on evory possible occasion. II o estimates that $3,000, 000 is spout abroad every season by Amoroaiis that should be used in see ing their own country instead Ihe governor calls attention to the big con vention called for Baltimore, January 22-27, 1912, when the "See America First" movement will bo discussed and asks that euoh state send a big delegation. Tlio very general and unfavorable comments made upon the apppoaoblog marriage of'two promiuent members of .New York and Nowport society are sbowiug tbe high regard most peo ple have for tbe sanctity of marriage and home life. Ordinarily it is no body's Lnsinesi exoopt those immed iately concerned when two people join tboir lives. 13ut when tba circum stances are notorious nnd oilensive to public Boutimuut, it is a different matter. The ben that fails to lay an egg all winter when eggs are dear and lays in spring when ' eggs ate cheap, and tbe man who basics himself over tri fles to negleot matters of importance are striking examples of misdireoted energy, says an exobange. In the opinion of Secretary Fitzger ald prospects were never better for a successful fair, und he dooluros there is no juoHliou but till producensors will Le left in ranks behiud. Inas much as exhibits and uttoudauco ure the principal factors in makiug county fairs a sncaoss, he assures us that he has the former and this will draw the luttcr. So here's to Fitz (.Vrald und the best fair Umatilla and MotroHv. counties ovor had. "1'ele" running lor congiess, is al ready so soon in tho limelight for pub lic iuspeotion. Tho Livo Wiro, dowu at I'utidluton, has jumped i'titersou in to au ulluged swap with the Governor wboroby tho uttomey-politician is to Lo eluctod to congress by the votes of paroled couviots let loose from the Oregon peuitoutiuiy. it is said that thoro is a tribe in Africa t hut will not allow n speaker to speak for a longor time than ho ouu stum! upon one foot. If tho custom worn adopted in congress and btate leg iHlutuius tliuio would pioLubly bo less talk anil mote woik. Iinpiovud fast train service has beon provided y tho railroads from Oregon orchards to tho Kust that will, no doubt, facilitate tho marketing of Twelve Hundred New Patterns for Winter Suits. Guarantee Gems From Pope. With tbe exception of Shakespeare, Pope is the author of more familiar phrases than any other writer of mod ern times. Hero ore a few of his gems: "Shoot folly nw she flies." "Hope Kprlngs eternal in the human breast." ".Man never Is but always to be bless ed." "Whatever is Is right. fbe proper study of mankind is man." "Grows with his growth and strength ens with his Htrengtli. -urunr is heaven's first law." "Worth makes the man and want of It the fellow." "Honor and shnme from no condition rise; act well your part there all the honor lies." "An honest man's the noblest work of God." "Thou wert my guide, philosopher and friend." "Ev ery woman Is at heart a rake." "Wo man's nt best a contradiction still." Just as the twlsr is hunt the tree's in clined." "Who shall decide when doc tors disagree?" "A little learning is n dangerous thing." "To err is human, to forgive divine." "Beauty draws us with a single hair." "Fools rush, m where angels fear to trend." "Damn with faint praise." "Tho many head ed monster." Sharp Banking. Everybody Is familiar with tbe little Bavlngs banks for ten cent pieces, the kind that holds fifty dimes and cannot be opened until It is full. Such a hank was given to n little girl and her brother, the children of n Washington official. It contained one dime, a nest egg. The day was warm and soon the desire of the jolufowncrs of the bank to convert tho deposit into two glasses of soda water became all but uncon trollable. The question was how to got the money out. Finally the boy destined, Ills father thinks, to become a Napoleon of finance lilt upon a lan and dragged his sister to (lie nearest drug store. There ho explained the situation to the man behind the counter nnd broached his plan of operations. In short, he asked the man to lend lit mi forly-nino ten cent pieces for a minute or two. Tho man was ready for a customer, produced the needed coins, and the little boy and girl went home penniless and happy. New York Tribune. Tho Blow on the Jaw. A man tstruek with any degree of force upon the mental area of the jaw, although ho may be In perfect physical condition, Instantly collapses and falls to tho ground, says a medical journal. The attitude assumed In recovery, which may be Instantaneous or delay ed some minutes, Is most characteris tic, lie squirms about, raises his head and rolls his eyes in an attempt to lo cato himself. Ho tries to get on his side and elbow; he endeavors to rise upon his hands and knees. If ho re gains his feet he staggers like a drunk en man, and should ho proceed to re open hostilities lie Is usually prompt ly "put out" by his adversary, Tho blow Is practically never fatal; tho heart's action is never unduly acceler ated; the pulse and respiration are nor mal; the pupils are normal; there Is no headache, no sweats, no cold extremi ties, no pallor none of the ordinary signs of shock or concussion. When the Time Comes. Man liltlo knows what calamities are beyond his patience to bear till he tries them. As in ascending the heights of ambition, which look bright from be low, every step wo rise shows us some new and gloomy prosiect of hidden disappointment, so In our descent from the summits of pleasure, though tho vale of misery below may appear at first dark and dooinv. -M tiw busy muse--thing is wo ppoar o be at ion. rease 8 per )0,(XX) le re isteln rsons luaro es of avol 1 np ganl ked tho taps Broadway and the Strand. Broadway, New York, is the more or less exact counterpart of the London Strand. It is actually broader, but It appears more narrow because Vhe bouses are so much higher, and it Is a little straighter because it is a made road, not a road evolved from what was once a path along river mud. The general effect is identical. There are the same kinds of shops and a crowd I of tho same type passiugfto or from the business quarter of the city. But, as I have said, one rubs one's ,eyes looking out nt the crowd upon the sidewalk. It Is the Strand crowd cosmopolitan, varied, people touching one another so closely that the tops of their heads nppcnr to form nnothcr tier on the street, a tier paved with hats instead of wood blocks or gran ite sets. Thoro it is, the crowd. But It appears to stop still. In one's first astonishment one thinks that afTfhc&e-T people nre waiting for a procession to pass. One cannot believe that they are the procession. Nevertheless as tbe Blow trolley passes onward one realizes that tho crowd Is nctually in motion-that it is the thing itself, not the procession. It Is an extraordinary Shock, this first impression of the land of hurry. Ford Madox Hueffer in Atlantic. Victor Hugo's Golden Gift. A Paris chifl'onnli r makes a living of a sort, and he sometimes In overhaul ing the dust bins comes across a find. In this respect a I'nris contemporary relates a capital story of Viet' r IIu.'; . A little silver gilt souvenir sm. on whhh the poet valued very much disappear ed. Through the carelessness of the maidservant It had found its way into tho nsh bucket and in due course into the hands of the chiffonnior who practiced in the district. This worthy succeeded In getting the poet to awake from his reveries and to descend from the lofty heights of Olympus In other words, his study to receive back tho lost spoon. Hugo was delighted to get back his souvenir. Tho author of "Hernaul" was never n prodigal, so he rewarded the chlffonnier by presenting him with a copy of bis "Lcs Chansons des Rues ct dos Bols," snylng, "There, my man j you will find in it as much gold as Is contained in any jewel caso In tho world." London Globe. Guarding the Bank of England. The Bauk of England's nightly guard Is drawn from the guards stationed in the Tower of Loudon. The custom of providing a little gnrrisou of guards for the Bank of England every night dates back to 1780, the tlmo of tho Gordon riots. Tho troops are made very comfortable lu the bank, and the olllccr in command is provided with a dinner for himself and two friends. Of course an allowance of wine, sat isfactory from both points of view, is made. The vaults of the Bank of Eng land would make lino robbing. They frequently contain fifty millions ster ling. Several keys arc necessary to open the lock to the whitewashed vaults, and each key is in the posses sion of a different person. Tho gold lies piled on trucks to facilitate re moval or is heaped against tho walls in sacks. Notice to Creditors. In tbe Matter of tbe Estate of A. J. Willaby, deceased: Notice is hereby given to all per sons whom it may conoern that Clyde Willaby bas been appointed adminis trator of tbe estate of A. J. Willaby, deoeased. All persons having claims against the said estate are required to present them, with proper vouohers as required bylaw to tbe said adminstra tor at tbe law offioes of Peterson & Wilson, bis attorneys, at Athena, Ore gon, or Pendleton, Oregon, within six months from the date of tbe first pub lication of this notioe. Dated at Athena. Oiegon, on this tbe 1st day of September, A. D., 1911. , Clyde Willaby, Administrator. Peterson & Wilson, Attorneys for tbe Administrator. n Professional S. Ft Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls, both night and day. Calls promptly answered. Office on Third Street, Athena Oregor G. S. NEWSOM, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ' Athena, Oregon. Calls answered promptly night or day", DK. W. G. HUGHES, Dentist Office in Postofnce Building, Athena Ore. Hours, 9 to 12 and 1 to 5." PETERSON & WILSON Attorneys-at-Law Athena, Oregon. - Pendleton, Oregon Homer I. Watts Attorney-at-Law Athena, Oregon. C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V. Olllclul Stock Inspector. Graduate McKillip Vetlnary College, Chicago I'hono MhIii S7, l'KSDLETON, OKEGOM Legs That Hear. One of the strangest and most un expected of the uses to which wo could Imagine a leg as being put is that Of nn organ of hearing. Yet such seems to bo one at least of the functions of the fore legs in the cricket. On the outer side of the tibia a small oval space may be seen, In which the strong armature which covers tho rest of the body is reduced to it thin and mem branous condition, making thus n sort of window or drumhead. Communi cating with this, inside the log, are tho ends of a nerve, and it can hardly bo doubted, therefore, that ho whole apparatus constitutes an auditory organ. Too Willing. "Say, Frost, lend mo your razor, will you?" "Gladly." "Oh, if It's as dull as that I don't want it." nousekcepcr. . Administratrix Notice. Iu the County Couit of tho State of Oregou, iu and for the County of Umatilla. In the matter of the Estate of Charles Wilsou, Deceased: Notice is hereby given that Maggie Wilson of Atuoua, Oregon, was on the 1st day of June, 1011, appoiuted ad ministratrix of the estate of Charles Wilson, deceased, by the above en titled court, aud that all persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to presont said claims with proper vouohers tboreto, to said administratrix or to her attorney, Homer I. Watts, at his ofiioe in Ath ena Oregon. Maggie Wilson, Administratrix of tbe Estate of Charles Wilsou, dooeased. Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist TROY LAUNDRY For GOOD WORK HENRY KEENE, Agent, BANNER S A LVE tho most hoalina salvo in tho world. J THE 1ST. NICHOLS HOTEL! J. E. FROOME, prop. 5 Iff Only First-class Hotel in the City. THE ST. NICHOLS la the only one that can accommodate commercial travelers Cau beieooiuended tor Its clean and well ventilated rooms. Cor. Mais and Third, ATBSNA.Or. $ - , .. T; r A. J. Parker BARBER SHOP Everything Flrt Claim - Blodern and l'p-to -data SGUTH SIDE MAIN STREET ATHENA - OIGNimNG THE : INDUSTRIES nt S.. . Thl is tbe title of a beautiful 64-page book, wblch will show any boy or girl bow to SUCCEED. Drop a postal la the mail TODAY and It will be sent FREE. Tbe aim of the College Is to dignify and popularlje the Industries, and to serve ALL the people. It offer courses in Agriculture. Civil Engineering, Electrical Unsinesrlng. Mechanical Engineering, Mining Engin eering, Forestry, Domestic. Science and Art, Com merce, Pharmacy and Music Tbe College opens September Hi. Catalog free. Address: REGISTRAR. OREGON AQSICrlTVRAJ. COLLEGE, CorTallls, Oregon. m k-3 4 When the bones ache ar.d tiio at the affected parts, you sc-'t a po ' ' tbe attack. -i;vl. vr kh much tenderness i. vjiins sfrent to overcome ALLAK LINSHENT IS A PAIN RELIEF OF G5?AT EFFICACY.. Its wonderful penetrates povrcr affords r. most frr.'iUfyir.s senso of relief to the afflicted. It eases pain quickly, subdues all inflammatory condiMoiw sv.l rapiuly restores strength and comfort n the aching joints. It is equally effective in rciicvlr.s r. .,r,;!:i, ar.J halloa. Rub it in well, wntly but thoroughly; its hcalin and strongtbcnln.-r Xv.t: -.: - 'nC,- a, soon as It reaches the nerve at the seat of the disturbance. A few application-; ' - u i-o,Jer tnd restores normal conditions. As a household remedy for curing cuts, -.vour.-.:... w,:, ::-t,s cr the hundred and one accidents that are always occurring to the flesh, it ho :.o -ii;;. ricr. Put Up in Three Sfoss, 2Sg SCc and $1.00 per Bottle. JAMES P. BALLARD rRWHIETCB ST. LOUIS, MO. For Sore Eyes. Granulated Lid, RcdncK.i of ihs V.yuh M, V, urn- StcnhcnH Eye Eatvc. It -1 lght, Smarting Sensations In tbe Eyes, ei'y of proven merit. 3 BYRON N. HAWKS. 4 Oyr August Cta- up Sale It is now in full swing. All Summer goods are being sold at ridiculously" low prices. Be wise, come and hitch your dollar to the biggest load of depend able, new, seasonable goods it ever pulled. This is the greatest sale ever offered the people of Umatilla county on new, seasonable goods. Come early while the choosing is good and before some one else buys what would have been your choice. Men's clothing, boy's clothing, hats, shoes and fur nishings, slaughtered. Woman's ready-to-wear suits, coats, etc., sacrificed. Piece goods, underwear, women's and children's shoes, at prices that will make you open your eyes with wonder. Don't wait, but drop whatever you are doing and come at once. It will be the best investment you have made in, many a day. We Give Trading Coupons with all Cash Business. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Save Your Coupons. Where it pays to trade. Save Your Coupons. ;! UNEQUALLED AS A J WimMUMl I UNEQUALLED AS A I " ifffttlUWIlii J! jfuffiP li8ISl rrhU Ubtt AioptaUo ifj "jjjC jlliiiJ ihflfll I I JwilSf i I 'Mm Jl!S0Rlffil OTI 5 ill 1: Chamberlala Msdiclns Co j k t " J III Hlcji w'Nfsj- I -"rr'-icTr''"9 rMAjixAcitT, ' I' yfl 1 "'WBJSWS. f tvf' On Moines. lowa,US.A. jM IHImH t vJ - jw wwwwt jctX UNEQUAIEDAbv BPElCE,!ffEHTT-Fl?E CENTS. N EQUALLED f AS A jTffe,w cccrrKHti ti uuatr!ia &, ten (05rAS A PLEASANT II l'CURECROUP, .iHlillM It EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED.