The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 30, 1911, Image 1

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' J 87
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This Edition con
tains Six Pages
Athena Merchants
Carry Big Stocks
Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer
S. F. WILSON, President,
H. KOEPKE Vice-President.
F. S. Le GROW, Cashier,
E. A. ZERBA. Ass't. Cashier.
A. B. M'EWEN, M. L. WAITS, .
F. S. Le GROW.
We extend to our Depositors everyr cAccommdation
consistent with sound Banking.
Failure in Morrow, Gilliam and Grant
Counties Leaves Surplns Men
and Machinery.
lew Paint Store
Bundy & Christian, Proprietors
We have put in a full stock of Wallpaper, which iu
eludes the latest styles and paterns. Let us figure on
your painting, paper hanging and decorating.
fl (I
Saving at the Spigot
Wasting at the Bung"
That's what buying poor paint
means. Paint may be low
priced by the gallon and be
extravagant to use owing to
to it's poor covering power
and wearing quality. After
the paint is applied it's too late
to save. Start right and use
The Sherwin Williams Paint
It covers more surface, spreads easier, and lasts
longer than any other prepared paint, or hand-mixed
lead and oil.
Crop failnres dne to burning winds,
have left many harvesters and owners
of equipment free for the season, ac
cording to Dell B. Sonlly, auditor of
the Central Door Lumber Co., of
Portland, who arrived in Pendleton
after an extended visit to Heppnar,
lone, Condon, Lexington and other
points in that seotion, says a oonnty
seat paper.
As a result, many of those owning
machinery and equipment are not only
willing bnt anxions, he says, to accept
employment for the season in the
bouuteous harvest fields of Umatilla
county and the Walla Walla valley.
"They are anxions to have the mat
ter called to the atteution of the com
mercial olub," said Mr. Sonlly, "be
cause there are a number who wonld
load their threshers and other ma
chines onto trains and bring them
here if they conld be assured that
work will be plentiful."
Many of the grain warehouses do
not intend to open at all. he says, for
in many parts the grain has been
burned to a oinder. The crop is prac
tically a total loss.
Especially is this tine at lone and
Condon. "A great many men in that
seotion are coming over this way any
way," he said, "for the harvest and
some of tbem intend to tring their
equipment and take their obanoes of
getting work so oertain are they that
there will be a heavy demaud on ac
count of the size and general exoel
lenoe of crops in this section.
"If the farmers through some oivio
organization oonld take the matter up
and give tbem assnranoe of work,
there is little question that the labor
problem in Umatilla oonnty wonld be
solved for tbia season, at least." i
Head of Portland Fire Department
Lost Life at Post of Duty.
Lumber,' Mill Work and all Kinds of .
' Posts and Blacksmith coal
A. M. Johnson, Manager
Athena, Oregon j
David Campbell, veteran Chief of
the Portland fire department, was
killed at 8:35 o'olock Monday morn
ing while heading a desperate flgbt
on flames surrounding thousands of
gallons of oil in tbe Union Oil Com
pany's plant at East Water and East
Salmon streets, Portland.
The fire was one that imperiled tbe
lives of soores of firemen aud thou
sands of onlookers.
The plant was destroyed, at a loss of
) $100,000.
Chief Campbell met death while
making courageous efforts to plan tbe
handling of a dangerous fire that bad
been defying control. He walked cool
ly into the burning plaoe in search of
a possible solution to the grave prob
lem that confronted him and bis men.
Warned of tbe risk, he said simply
that it was necessary for him to go
As he passed to tbe center of the
building a fearful explosion wrecked
tbe one-story concrete struoture. Tbe
Chief was plunged to death in aseetn
ing canldron, amid tons of debris.
There was trouble in identifying bim
when the body was removed three
hours later.
Because the fire was confined Bafely
to tbe limits of tbe building at tbe
time of tbe explosion, tbe firemen
soon desisted from their attaoks upon
it and concentrated their efforts npon
the spot where tbe body of their Chief
was supposed to lie. When tbe smoke
cleared away so that the watobers
were able to see a patch of white
amid tbe wreckage in tbe center of
tbe basement, tbe word went one to
another that the body had been found.
The Chief's body was terribly burned
and tbe clothing bad been destroyed.
jgt The Freshestl and most Choice the Market affords in
Best that Money can Buy Always Found Here
Had it not been for the discovery of a
few gold buttons near the body, tbe
identification could not have been
Wood's Team Defeated.
Colonel Wood brought his aggrega
tion of ball tossera over from Weston
Satnrday afternoon, and what Ish
Watts' fiasbeens didn't do to tbem
isn't worth tolling. Jim Prioe was
tbe bright particular star for Weston
Wood lasted three innings in right
field, never trapped a fly, Inst tbe ball
twice and fanned every time he oame
to bat. Bert Cartano played a star
game at first and at the bat for Ath
ena and Fay LeGrow was there with
tbe goods in rnnning bases. Tbe fea
ture of tLe Kama was Ish Watts' catch
ftf A Hnor a f oanrrA Tl.A nnoUnnnd !
- - " - " v Dvuuuut ail unDUCDno
took the, crimp out of tbe Colonel's
men in tbe first inning by piling- up
enough runs to win tbe came. Wood
showed up well at practioe, receiving
tn rows at first base in a really cred
itable manner, but when tbe came
started aud he was shifted to bis po
sition in right field, his Franklin
county reoord stuck to him and bis
grotesque Speokeldouner stunts queered
bis team mates. Be was finally der-
rioked to the bench, where be belongs.
Contest Being Conducted Bv Agricul
tural College Lectures Sent in
Bulletin Form to Youngsters.
H. A. Bundv and Chas. May Make
Statement as to Warden's Method.
H. A. Bendy and Charles May of
this city, were arrested by Deputy
Fish Warden Thompson of Portland,
while fishing on the Umatilla river
last Saturday. Tbe Athena men were
charged with having in their posses
sion trout under legal size, and for the
offense were fined $25 each In tbe Jus
tioe court at Pendleton.
Relative to the methods employed by
Thompson in obtaining evidence on
wbiob bis charge was based, the fol
lowing statement was brought to tbe
Frees office this morning by Deputy
Game and Fish Warden Boone Wat
son, of Pendleton:
Athena, Ore., June 29, 1911.
This is to state that Warden Thomp
son fished with us on tbn Umatilla
river, Saturday, June 21, and that be
gave us tbe fish he caught, and to tbe
best of our knowledge be may have
put small fish in our basket as well as
ourselves, as they were all in one bas
ket. He never notified ns he was a
game warden or that it was illegal to
keep small fish. He also let the Wil
son boys go with small fish in their
basket after examining their oatob,
having told us be examined tbeir bas
kets and as ttey bad a fine oatob be
passed up what few small ones tbey
bad. Bert Wilson told us tbey had
eight small ones.
Signed, H. A. Bundy,
Chas. L. May.
One phase of extension work now
being carried on by the Oregon Agri
cultural College terminated in the
close of tbe contest of 125 boy gardeu
ers of tbe city of Portland by an ex
hibition of vegetable products grown
bv themselves for prizes given by var
ii in generous merchants.
While tbe contest bas been directly
under tbe control of tbe Young Men's
Christian Association of Portland.
with G. C. Holt in charge, tbe work
has been onrried out under tbe aus
pices and guidance of tbe agriculture
department of the Oregon Agricultural
oollege. This is tbe first time that
the extension work has reached boy
gardeuers and tbe results of the oon
test have been gratifying.
Tbe objeot of this departure in ex
tension work bas been to stimulate in
terest among city boys in agricultural
praotice, to give them a working
knowledge of the growing of vegeta
bles in approved ways, as well as to
beautify tbe city and add to its pros
pcrity by cleaning up and utilizing
the "back yards." In addition some
phases of the instructional work of tbe
college have beeu shown by tbe work.
Arthur G. B. Bouquet, iustruotor in
vegetable gardening at the college,
gave the leotares to tbe boy gardeners,
and is the autbor of tbe bnllotins is
sued to them, of whiob copies can be
secured by persons desiring informa
tion, by application iffr the division of
horticulture at tbe oollego. The sub
jects covered inclnde hot bed and cold
frame construction and management,
growing vegetable seedlings under
glass; seeds and seeding; soil prepara
tion and fertilization; tbe transplant
ing of celery, tomatoes, etc. ; garden
cultivation and irrigation; phases of
tomato growiug; methods of growing,
bleaching and marketing celery; and
the preparation of vegetables for mar
ket and for exhibition.
Account of Impressive Ceremonv as
Published in Portland Paper.
Littlejohn's Pennant Winners Will Mi
grate to Pendleton Sunday for Game.
At the Roundup Park in Pendleton
Sunday afternoon, Billy Littlejohn's
pennant winners will play tbe last
game of tbe Blue Mountain league
sobednle for tbe season 1911, with the
The Pendleton mustangs have been
coming up tbe scale the last low
weeks and are powerfully strengthened
in all dipartmnnts. The Millers are
in fine fettle for tbe fray, and taking
all things tase ball into consideration,
there will be one of the fastest old
ball games that the Pendletoniaua
ever witnessed wbeo tbo teams come
At Weston Sunday the Buckaroos
trounced tbe Weston Mountaineers to
tbe tune of 6 to 2. Weston was re
inforced with Brown, Frink, Lieu
alien and Pioard, of tbe Athena team.
Tbe only swatting done off Berger
was by Blown, Frink and Pinard.
Brown got a two-base bit, Fiiuk two
three-base bits and Picard a three
base smash.
There will doubtless be many Ath
ena fans go to Pendleton Sunday to
witness tbe game.
In New Quarters.
Postmaster Wortbiogton moved the
postoffice fixtures into his buildiug
Wednesday night. He has about
everything arranged and in order. Dr.
Newsom and Dr. Hughes each have
a Dice suite of rooms iu tbe building,
with entrauces from tbe postoffice lobby.
55; DELL BROTHERS, WKE5' ,s Athena, Oregon
Concrete Cross Walks.
Crnsbed rock is in place for tbe new
concrete crosswalks oo Main street.
When ibe cement arrives work of con
structing tbe walks will tegin. Con
crete bas proved lo be a euooess in all
towns where it has been put in use
for crosswalks, withstanding heavy
traffic satisfactorily.
while Miss Clementine Lambert, Miss
Marcia Parker and Miss Grace Lang
don dispensed pnncb. Tbe latter was
served on tbe porob screened with
The bride and groom graduated at
the same time from tbe University of
Oregou. Both were prominent in
sohool life, Mr. MoEwen being a Sig
ma Nu and the lady a Kappa Alpha
Eat Strawberries Tomorrow,
Tooiorrow is Strawberry Day at
Weston and tbe hospitable people of
that town and surrounding oonntry
have made great preparations to serve
all who attend with free strawberries.
The berries will be strictly tbe moun
tain product, famous for riob flavor
aud exoellent keeping qualities. All
other products of tbe mountain dis
trict will be on exhibition, the objeot
being to give the visitors some idea of
what monntain lands are capable of
producing. A large number of Athena
people will be in attendance.
Third Eastern Oregon District Agricul
tural Society to Enlarge Pavilion.
Tramps Cut Weeds.
Baker will prove an inhospitable
place for the bnbos from this time on,
for tbe police department bas adopted
tbe policy of arresting ever? v&g.
They are then put cu tbe streets cut
ting weedf.
Mr. aud Mrs. Ralph B. McEwen
arrived in the city Friday evening,
and are now established on tbe farm
northwest of town, where they will he
at home to their friends. Tbe Press
clips tbe followiug account of tbe
wedding oeromony and following re
ception, from tbe Portland Telegram
of Friday's issue:
Another beautiful Juno wedding
was celebrated last night at !) o'olock
when Miss Laura Adele Goff. daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Goff,'
beoame the bride of Ralph Buell Mo
Ewen of Atbeua. Tbe bride entered
tbe First Presbyterian oburob, wbioh
was handsomely decorated" for Ibe oo-
casiou, on tbe arm of her father, wbo
gave her away. She was robed in an
empire gown of white satin with
square court train. About the bodice,
where bung tbo groom's gift, a band
oarved gold pendant on a slender
chain, were masses of lace that had
trimmed her mother's wedding dress.
Her full length tulle veil was circled
with orange blossoms and bur boquet
was a shower of bride's roses aud
lilies of the-valley.
The boquet was caught by Miss
Frances Nelson, of Albany, tbo maid
of honor. Miss Nelson wore white
satin enveloped iu marqnisette iu
shades changing from shell pink to
cerise. Ibe gown was trimmed with
rose point lace and American beauty
satin, and she wore a band ot tbe
same satin in ber hair. Miss Nelson
carried an armful of bright pink car
nations. There were fonr bridesmaids
in smart lingerie frooka. Miss Fran
cis Oberteoffer and Miss Vera Parker
wore uudordresnes of green satin and
carried showers of piuk sweet pons.
Miss Luoile Smith and Miss Kate Lee
of Seattle, bad yellow satin slips be
neath tbe white aud carried white
sweet peas.
The costumes of tbe flower girls,
Miss Jessioa McEwen cf Athena, sister
of Mr. MnEwou, aud Miss Medora
Steele, were imported. Pale pink
cbitfon embroidered in pink rosebuds
oovered messaline of the same tones.
Over tbeir arms were Wattean baskets
heaped with pink roses and leaves.
Tbe latter tbey scattered befcre tbe
The best man was Arthur Van Dus
en of Astoria, and the ushers Osoar
Beck, Cliftou WoArthur, L. A. Hen
derson of Hood River and Orville Goss,
cousin of tbe bride, from Berkeley.
E. E. Coursen played tbe wedding
march and acoompanied the soloist?,
Miss Edna Zimmerman and C. M.
Steele. Rev. T. B. Griswold read
tbo services.
At tbe Golf home a reception was
held in rooms Oiled with pink roses.
Tbe bride aud groom, her parents and
Miss Nelson received. Mrs. Goff was
wearing black marqnisette over piok
satin with autique diamond broooh.
Jin the dining room Mrs. Harry Ilen
d urn boot and Miss Bessie Bibee served,
In order to aooommodate tbe large
crowda wbioh are expeoted to be in
Pendleton during fair week this fall,
Tbe Third Eastern Oregon Distriot '
Agricultural sooiety is planning exten
sive changes iu its pavilion. These
changes include improvements in tbe
entranoe, in platform, booth and seat
ing accommodations.
Instead of the two little gateways
for entranoe and exit, there will be
one large royal arch at the corner of
the pavilion, ou each side of wbiob
will be the ticket windows. This ar
rangement will not only greatly im
prove the exterior appearance but
will do much toward facilitating tbe
handling of the crowds. The large
muslo shell will be moved baok
against the wall and a platform ex
tended oat from it for speakers and
vaudeville performers. Thi Umatilla
county booth wbioh has heretofore oo
oupied a central position in the rear
of tbe pavilion will be moved to ono
side, thus increasing the seating and
standing room for the visitors. Ad
ditional Beats will be constructed and
everything done for the comfort of tbe
many,, who will be present during the
afternoous and evenings.
Stanfield Musician Dead.
After a long illness, Miss Blanche
Sawyer, ot Stanfield well known and
popular for her ability as a vooalist,
died at her borne Saturday evening,
reports tbe Pendleton papers. Miss
Sawyer, wbo was 28 years ot age, bad
beeu a resident ot Stanfield for about
a year, coming from Fargo, N. D.
She died of tukeroulosis.
State and National Conventions of
Churches of Christ Held in Portland
The State and National Conventions
of the Churches of Christ will be held
this year ut Portland, ending July
Uttb. Tbe oburob at Atbeua is send
ing several delegates. Pastor and Mrs.
A. Maokenzle Meldrum und Mrs.
David Taylor left tbia morning and
others will follow later. Mr. Mel
drum will deliver tbe annual address
at tbe State Couveutiou next Sunday.
Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Meldrum are
delegates to the Christian Woman's
Board of Missions, of wbioh tbo Ath
ena ohumh bas a strong auxiliary,
Mrs. Henry Koepke being its esteemed
As a rule the State convention is
hold annually at Turner but this yyr
it will be held iu conjunction with
tbo Natioual.oonventiou at Portland.
Last year tbe National convention was
bold ut Topeka, Kan. and in 1909 at
Pittsburg, Pa., when it was estimated
that there were not, less than 50,000
people iu attendance. At a commuu-
ion service, JiO.OOO people, tbe largest
number to simultaneously partake of
tbe Lord's Supper iu tbe history of the
world, wore present.
While there will be a large gather
ing convene at Portland, it is not an
ticipated a repetition of tbe Pittsburg
assembly will be experienced, as that
was tbe Centennial convention.
Services at Christian Church.
Tbe services will be conduoted in
the Christian churob next Suuday by
Mr. Robert Lee Bussabarger of New
Albany, Ipdiana. Mr. Bussabarger is
a classmate of tbe Atbeua preaoher
aud while in tbe University of Ken
tucky maintained a splendid standard
of integrity aud scholarship. He is
among tbe brightest young meu in the
brotherhood, and preaches for a largo
congregation iu New Albany; tbe
Bible school numbers 287. He is a
thoughtful, logical, clear aud forceful
speaker and 1 bespeak for bim a splen
did bearing.
A. Mackenzie Meldrum.
To Press Subscribers: Please note
tbe date of your subscription ou the
margin or wrapper of your paper.
Are you iu arrears? If so, come for
ward aud remit, aud greatly oblige.