The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 23, 1911, Image 5

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    Purify Your Blood
The cause of pimples, boils and oth-
tr eruptions, as well as of that tired
feeling and poor appetite, which are so
common In the spring, Is impure and
Impoverished blood.
The best way to purify and enrich
the blood, as thousands of people know
by experience, is to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Accept no substitute, but Insist on
caving Hood's.
Get it today in usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs.
OWARD E. BURTON Asimver sn Chemliit,
Luudville. Cnloruilo. Huummen tiriimi! iinid.
lllver, Load, tl. Gold, Silver. Gold, Wet Zino
ir Copper, $1. Mulling envelopes sad fall prfteliss
lent on appMcution. Control ond.TTmplro work to
Kicea. twieronuei uaroonate national nut
Write Today for Prices .
113 and 315 Front St PORTLAND, ORE.
Write for catalogues and literature. Developing
ind printing. Mail order given prompt attention
Portland i-taoto Supply Co.
149 Third Street PORTLAND, ORB.
are the safest and most reliable cathartic and
system cleanser. The best remedy for Torpid
J,iver, Biliousness and Sick Headache.
At Druggists' or by Mall, 25 Cents
Hoyx Chemical Co. Portland, Oreqon
You tf (he noil thorough instructions in driving
prur teal work nat cat be produced, (1st
HUie work, drill press and iorgmg.
Fiueh equipped nacbie shop and tdwel
room. Tuition, lee $35 cash; $40
payments $10 per week.
East 23d and Morrison. Portland, Or.
Kerosene MANTLES
L. A. KLEIN & CO.. Inc., Distributers
28 Front Street Portland, Ore
Skylights Tanks Gutters
Down Spouts Steel Ceiling
204 Market Portland. Oregon
I Will 171 Vi or 8 case of Stomach Trou
i win Jjivc ble Neurology will not cure.
$500.00 Sickuor,Yejxou "i"1 my
twwaww new booklet Neurology,
the Way to Health." Mailed free.
DR. H. W. FREEZE, Neurologist
308 Merchants Trust Bids.,
Portland, Ore.
130 Railway Exchange Building, Portland, Or.
Whitney's Rodent Torch will do the work.
Fully tested at Lewis and Clark Fair and O.
A. C. Address
M. T. WHITNEY, Chitwood, Or.
Habits Positively Cured.
Only authorized Kasler In
titrate in Oregon. Write-
ror lllastrntea eirraimr.
sEttEY iNSTITUn. 71 1. 1 1 TO H.
rlliU iVfc iflthn
109 Commonwealth Bldg., Portland, Or.
Prospective students write for information.
Open and private Clinic, morning, afternoon and
ivenintr. Invalids and others desiring skilled at
tendance should write for rooms to the College or
Greiner's Chiropractic Health Home
, MATILDA M. GREINER, D. C, Superintendent.
77i Williams Avenue, Portland, Oregon
Trained nurses, skilled operators and the best
Chiropractic advice in consultation in every case.
uuoi ruum i!
Isrwri tun nar ' 1
Housewives have used a cloth to protect their
hair while sweeping, but nothing to protect
their lungs, causing irritation and inflamma
tion Dust Is both dangerous and annoying.
You would refuse water that was not clean,
but continue to breathe polluted atmosphere
and never complain.
chemically prepared, absorbs tiie dust and dis
ease germs, saves doctors' bills. Make your
premises dust clean" by using Sweeping
Compound; burn the sweepings.
NO-DUST No. 1. for household use. Jn 5 and
10-lb. cans, S5c and 60c. grocers; 7Mb metal
drums. 12.50.
NO-DUST No. 1 for business places, 75-lb.
drums, $2.25; 150-lb. barrels, $4.00; 210-lb. bar
rels, $6.00: f. o. b. Portland. Order by mall or
through your grocer or druggist. Send for
625 Washington St, Portland, Ore.
Deceive the United States In Salary
Returns Office Boys at
$10,000 a Year.
Denver, Colo. Somewhere In Den
ver there are several maybe a scora
of office boys who are drawing fabu
lous salaries for opening mall and
running errands. The boys don't
know that they are drawing these sal
aries of $3,000 or 5,000, or even J10,
000 a year, but they are Just the same.
But It Is only in the reports of an
nual net Incomes that are being made
to the United States Internal revenue
officers by Denver corporations that
these salaries appear.
Under corporation tai law salaries
are deducted from the net total sum
taxable. Revenue officers say the total
of salaries this year as shown by the
returns has taken an enormous Jump.
If some of the reports are true, they
say, there are many firms In Denver
who are giving away money every day.
Then there are salaries Hated for
employes now living ' in three-room
fiats that, if really paid, would enable
them to live In mansions.
If the stomach is too
weak to properly digest
your food try
It strengthens, tones
and invigorates the en
tire digestive system.
Start today,
Ice Good for Hair.
Explorers say that the frigid tones
give Immunity from common colds.
But no recent explorer seems to have
mentioned the old belief that long so
journs among the ice are good for the
hair. This was the firm conviction of
whaling skippers in the days when
Dundee was the port for the Arctic.
It was said that even the baldest of
seamen contrived to grow a passable
crop of hair before returning.
Greatest Little Invention.
The greatest little Invention that
has been given to the world is tb
lucifer match. It' was invented In
1827. It Is small, but like Portla'i
candle, It has shed a great light iota
the world. It gave man mastery oi
fire. Before this fire had been a con
trary hired man, but now it becamf
an obedient servant
A Poor Job.'
"Tea, sir," said the great financier,
proudly, as he flicked the ash from his
18-penny cigar, "I am the architect oi
my own fortune." "Well," rejoined th
friendly critic, "all I've got to say ia
that It's a lucky thing for you ther
were no building inspectors around
when you were constructing it." Ex
An Important Art.
The art of being agreeable should
be instilled Into every girl in the
schoolroom. This is far more impor
tant to the average girl, and far more
conducive to her general happiness in
life than much of the useless "cram
ming" which forms so large a part of
many a school curriculum. Gentle
for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes
and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't
Smart Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists
Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c,
60c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in
Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books
and Eye Advice Free by Mail.
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
Guesswork in Lire.
Silence and solitude are also won
derful solvers of problems and guess
ers of riddles. There is a good deal
of guesswork to this life. It's not all
logic. It's not all a choice between
two goods. Many of these mysteries
can never be unraveled, and we have
to take a chance at them, do the best
we can and let them go.
A Hard Road to Travel.
A drunken man, whom a friend was
trying to bring to his home some
miles away, was constantly crossing
from one side of the road to the other,
so his friend said to him: "Come on.
.Tat, come on; the road is long." "I
know tt is long," said Pat; "but It
Isn't the length of it, but the breadth
of it that's killing me." U Fann's
"Irish tife
She Hasn't Changed.
Emancipated womaA Is nothing
more than human; I think that you
may safely set that down. A woman
I could mention wouldn't go to the
convention because she didn't have a
stylish gown. Washington Herald.
To Clean Gloves.
A mixture of finely powdered full
er's earth and alum la excellent for
cleaning white gloves. It should be
rubbed la well, then brushed off. and
the glovea sprinkled with dry bran
aid whitlag.
'hyslclans Discover That Skin Taken
from the Human Body May Be
Kept In Healthy Condition
Philadelphia, Pa. Through the suc
cessful outcome, of an operation, per
formed on 18-year-old Anna Windt, the
physicians at the Samaritan hospital
have made a discovery which may be
of Incalculable benefit In the grafting
of skin. The discovery is that skin
taken from the human body may be
kept in a healthy condition for an in
definite period and that it may then
be used to replace skin that has been
burned or otherwise destroyed.
Early this year a man entered the
Samaritan hospital to have an opera
tion performed. This operation in
cluded the removal of thirty-two
square inches of skin from his abdo
men. Dr. Babcock had this carefully
rolled up and put on ice until he
should be ready for the experiment.
This was made thirty-five days after
the skin had been removed from the
male patient. Twenty square inches
were taken, smoothed out, and care
fully put in place on the girl's arm.
For several days the arm was ex
amined minutely and then it became
apparent that the frozen skin was "ta
king hold" to the natural skin with as
much firmness as if it had been taken
directly from living: flesh.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small, sugar
coated, easy to take aa candy, regulate
and invigorate stomach, liver and bow
els and cure constipation.
The Successful Men.
Perhaps It is more than true that
half of the great college buildings in
the land are splendid gifts from "Vil
lage Chumps," who broke away from
home because they could not find a
chance to expand or express them
selves In their native two-by-four
town, and never, or hardly ever aft
er, got the first ghost of a show or
the spare time to acquire an educa
tion. Ahead of Optimist
The man who accepts calamity
when it hits him as so much necessary
medicine administered for his own
good, and makes no ugly face when
swallowing defeat, even If he admits
It, is not to be classed as a pessimist.
Such a man Is far ahead of the optim
ist who insists he never had anything
handed him and fools himself, as he
often does others.
Flies and Mosquitoes carry disease
germs, especially Malaria, Chills, nml Fe
ver. Two or three dnps of llamlins Wis
ard Oil on the inject trite will take out all
the poison. Btops that itch, too.
Welsh Rabbit Recipe.
"You are a great success with a
chafing dish," said the admiring guest
"Tell us how you manage it?" "It's
very simple," replied Mr. Crosslots.
"You take everything your wife has
set out on the table for you and put
it Into the chafing dish. Then you
light the alcohol lamp underneath and
with a large spoon stir the mixture
vigorously until your wife tells you to
In Different Circumstances.
"Hurry, dear!" exclaimed the hus
band.' "The fire Is gaining. We must
get out Haven't you got your clothes
onT "Oh, I can't go out this way,"
she screams. "I couldn't find any
thing to put on but my bathing suit,
and I'm not going to face all that
crowd In it!" Life,
I Was Cured by Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
Waurika, Okla. "I had female trou
bles for seven years, was all run down.
and so nervous I
could not do any.
thing. The doctors
treated me for dif
ferent things but
did me no good. I
got so bad that I
could not sleep day
or night. While in
this condition I read
of Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Compound, and
began its use and
wrote to Mrs. Pinkham for advice. In
a short time I had gained my average
weight and am now strong and well."
Mrs. Sallie Stevens, K. F. D., 2fo.
8, Box 81, Waurika, Okla.
Another Grateful Woman.
Huntington, Mass. "I was in a ner.
tous, run down condition and for three
years could find no help.
"I owe my present good health to
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound and lilood Purifier which 1 be
lieve saved my life.
"My doctor knows what helped me
and does not say one word against it."
Mrs. Mari Janette Bates, Box
184, Huntington, Mass.
Because your case is a difficult one,
floctors having done you no good, do
not continue to suffer without giving
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound a trial. It surely has cured
many cases of female ills, such as in
flammation, ulceration, displacements,
fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodio
pains, backache, that bearindowij
Xteliug, and nervous, prostration.
Man In Arkansas Failed In His At
tempt to Bribe Agent Into Giv
ing Him Lower Berth.
"Do you know what time the nexv
train will pass through here going
north?" asked a man who had been
compelled to stay over night in a
small town In Arkansas.
"There will be one In about twenty
minutes," replied the ticket agent
"Bully! Do you ever smoke?"
"Yes, sometimes."
"Here's a cigar that I bought In Dal
las. You can't get anything like It in
this town. I think you'll enjoy it.
They charge 17 cents apiece by the
thousand for that brand."
"Thanks. I'm afraid it may spoil
my taste, but I'll take a chance on it.
Just the same."
"Say, can you fix me out with a
lower berth for St. Louis?"
"I can telegraph to have one re
served for you on the train that
passes through here at 5:30 tomorrow
"No, no; I Want to go on the train
that's coming now. Can't you fix me
out on that one?"
"Nope. I'm very sorry I can't do
"Oh, come on! you can arrange It
some way."
"No, it's impossible."
"Well, I'll have to fix it with the
conductor, then, I suppose."
"You won't be able to get a berth
from him."
"I won't, eh! Yen watch me. There's
a sleeper on the train, isn't there?"
"What! No sleeper? What kind of
trains do you run on this line, anyhow?"
"Well, this one that's coming la a
freight train."
n-Kf-Sntim, --a
Stomach Blood and " ,
Liver Troubles
Much sickness starts with weak stomach, and consequent
poor, impoverished blood. Nervous and pale-people luck
good, rich, red blood. Their stomachs need invigorating
for, after all, a man can be no stronger than his stomach.
A remedy that makes the stomach strong and the liver '
active, makes, rich red blood and overcomes and drives
out disease-producing bacteria and cures a whole multi
tude of diseases.
Cet rid of yoar Stomach Weakness end
Liver Laziness by taking a coarse ot
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
the ireat Stomach Restorative, Liver
Inviiorator and Blood Cleanser.
You can't afford to accept any medicine of unknown
composition as a substitute for "Golden Medical Discov
cry," which is a medicine op known composition, having
a complete list of ingredients in plain English on its bottle-wrapper,
same being attested as correct under oath.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and Invigorate Stomach, Liver and Bowels.
atfajflilc :HTtH;tfiJ
if liiffii
fit, ISESJ
"My husband," said Mrs. Jenner Lee
Ondego, "went on a strike the other
"Why, I didn't know he worked at
any regular Job," said Mrs. Selldom
Holme. "O, yes; he winds the clock once a
week, and always has done it on Mon
day morning, but last Monday he
kicked. He says It's an eight-day
clock, and, by George, he's going to
let the blamed thing run eight days
hereafter without touching it! Saves
him six windings in a year. You'd
think, to hear him rant about It, that
he's the first man who ever found that
out. Some men are so peculiar."
"No," said Mrs. Selldom-Holme;
"they're all alike." My husband feeds
the chickens on the same plan."
First Country Sheriff Is he an
actor with a following.
Second Country Sheriff He had
about 200 following last night.
Not for the Cook After All.
"Madam, I have an attachment for
your cook."
"Well, call after nine o'clock, and go
to the rear door."
"But that is after working hours."
"I know it. We do not permit court
ing in the kitchen until after working
hours, my good man."
"Courting nothing! I ain't no police
man! This is an attachment for the
stove, an' she said you told her to or
der it"
$2-5 3 32& 4 Shoes M5
Douglas Spring Styles include more
Snappy and Up-to-Date Shapes in Oxfords
and High Cuts than ever before produced.
W.L.Douelas warrants everv nair of his shoos to hold thoir sliane.
look and fit better and wear lunger than any othor make, giving.
you Hotter value lor the money tiian you can obtain olsewuere.
The genuine have W. L,. Douglas name anil the retail '
price stamped on the bottom, which guarantees full value :
and protects the wearer HiraliiHt high prlcei and inferior Mine.
If your df tiler cannot anpuly you with the genuine W.L.Douulns dlioea, writa BOYS SHOES
for Mitil Order 1'hihIok. Shoes ent dlrmt from fm-tory to wearer, nil chaws
prepaid. W, L. loiaiclna, 115 Npnrlt St., ltrai.-k.tou, Mu, $2.00,$ 2.50 4S3.00
Knew a Thing or Two.
The farmer had bought a pair of
shoes in the city shop. "Now, can't I
sell you a pair of Bhoe-trees?" sug
gested the clerk. "Don't git fresh with
me, sonny." replied the farmer, brist
ling up; "I don't believe shoes kin be
raised on trees any niore'n I believe
rubbers grow on rubber plants, or
oysters on oyster plants, b'gosh!"
Moth win find Mrs. Wlnttlow Soothlna
Syrup the best remedy to uso foi their ciiildruu
luring the teething period.
To Stop Bloeding at the Note.
Introduce by means of a probe a
small piece of lint or soft cotton, pre
viously dipped into some mild styp
tic, as a solution of alum, white vit
riol, creosote, or even cold water.
This will generally prove successful.
but if It should fall, cold water may
be snuffed up the nostrils. If these
remedies fall, and If the bleedlnr be
very profuse, medical advice should
be obtained.
Waste Land Grows Rubber.
Wide reaches of waste land on the
Island of Singapore are now being set
out in rubber plants, which seem to
do well. In Malacca there were for
merly square miles of land covered
with lalang, the hiding place of tigers
and other big game, which have been
transformed into fine rubber plantations.
Irrigation to Reclaim Island.
The Hawaiian island of Lanal,
which haB been practically barren for
several years, will be reclaimed by a
water conservation system and de
voted to suRar beet culture.
To Get
Its Beneficial Effects;
Always Buy the Genuine
"My father has been a sufferer from sick
headache for the last twenty-five years and
never found any relief until be began
taking your Cascarets. Since he has
begun taking Cascarets he has never had
the headache. They have entirely cured
him. -Cascarets do what you recommend
them to do. I will give you the privilege
of using his name." B. M. Dickson,
uso Kesiner bt., W. Indmuapolis, Ind,
Ptauwnt. Palatable, Potent Taut Good,
Do Good. Never Slekan, Weaken or Gripe.
10c 25c 60c Never sold in bulk. Te (jen.
Dine tablet stamped CCC, Guaranteed M
cure or your moner back.
manufactured hyiho
(P f6 $YM.0.
Sold ly all leading
OneSize Onyt 50t o Mile
Men's Hifth Grade Black or Tan Oxfords, New
est Spring Stylus, All Leathers, IS. 50 values, all
sizes go at
Mail Ordora
Promptly filled
Thalr Mistake. 1
Some folks get to thinking In sunn
of figures, and seemingly forget the
bright and shady places peopled by
men and women with their Joys and
rheumatism, for the very reason that
they cannot set such trivial things
down in their ledgers.
Something Serious the Matter,
"Doctor, I've come to see you about
my wife. I'm afraid there's some
thing serious the matter with her."
"I'm sorry to hear that What are
her symptoms?"
"Why, the other day, when I was
out of town, she had occasion to go
to my office, an-1 there she found sev
eral letters marked 'private' that she
didn't open."
not needed
Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is not a
strong drink. As now made,
there is not a drop of alcohol
in it. It is a non-alcoholic tonic
and alterative. Ask your own
doctor about your taking this
medicine for thin, impure
blood. Follow his advice
every time. He knows.
W publish our formuiM
www vauia-u eivviivi
7 from our modloluo
W ure yon to
oonauit your
229 Morrison St., Bet. 1st and 2d, Portland, On,
of the year to lmve your teeth out and plute and,
briil ifework demo nml here is tlie plsoe to get the
beat painless work lionnlblo. Compart our i'rtct
Ws flnlnh piste an4
Uritlun work tor out.
of town imtrona la
one lu it dxulrsd.
l'rifnlf'M eirrsoaioa
fmo when pistes os
brl'.'" wnrk ia order.
2 0(1. r.nnuli.tU Ira. $5.00
,( 5j22kBnVB.Tlh4.l
'Gold ;
enamel Filling. 1.00
V , ft- V " i
anl'i iift lm. 4m jiliVi . ni
"k n f i' fen rim
Plates 5.00
DR.W.s. Will, PHinnnMoMuMu Painless Enlr'tlon .6(1
Tiiat inuuiaii raanui UIST MITHOOe
AU work fullr aTtiurantrm for fifteen years.
Wise Benta! Co., Inc.
Painless Dentists
FatllngBtilMIng, Third and Washington. PORTLAND, 0R(
euiwtfourai 11 at. to r. M. Ssodsjra. t U)
Ask your doctor, "What is the first great
rule of health?" Nine doctors out of
ten will quickly reply, "Keep the bowels
regular.'' Then ask him another ques
tion, "What do you think of Ayer's
Pills for constipation?"
Marts b the 1. G. Ajer Ce., Lewell, Hut.
C. Gee Wo
The Chinese Doctor
Tills wondeful man has
mixiii a life study of the
properties of Roots,
Herbs and Darks, and
is giving the world the
benefit of his services.
A No Mercury, Poisons
or Drugs Used. Ne
Operations or Cutting
Guarantees in cure Ontarrh, As'hms, I,un,
8toma h and Kldnry troubles, and all Private
Diseases of M n and Women.
Just received from Pekln, Chins safe, sure
and reliable. U..fullinir in It works.
Jf you cannot csi!, write for symptom blank
ad circular. Inclose 4 cents in stamps,
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
No. U-'ll
II KM writing; to advertisers platMM
mention tins paper.