The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 23, 1911, Image 4

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    Wit Mm $to
Six and Eight Pages- Every Friday.
F.B.Boyd, Publisher.
Application for entrance a2nd class matter
made on July 5,
1907 at the poHtofflce al Athena, Oregon
Uuderart Actot Congress of March 3, 1879
Oregon has reoeived a great amount
of advertising in tbe east. It baa
come through publicity campaigns
assisted by transportation companies,
and iu the exhibition of the products
of tbo state. That whioh attracted
tbe most attention, however, was not
the highly colored literature of ambi
tious communities, or the exhibition
of the tig red apple, tut, and really
more important of all, the progressive
laws of tbe state, says an exchange.
These have teen burled in forensio do
bate from the halls of congress, have
boen the subject that has called the
beat, political authorities into argu
mentative discourse in tbe magazines;
has been Ihe subject of debate on tbe
stump and has figured in the editorial
and news oolumns of the groat dailies.
Oregon used to bo known in the east
beoause it was near Seattle, while
now it is known as the politioal para
gon whore ultra demooratio ideas pre
vail and the soepter of sovereignty is
in the gripof the horny fist that votes.
Think of it, a tig, brawny, hard fist
ed producer, whose heritage is tbe
right to a full dinner bucket, teing a
sovereign in fact. He has always been
in theory, but it was Oregon, the last
and tbe bent of tbe went, that made
; him so in fact. The right of the gov
erned to initiate laws that they must
obey, and to referend laws that they
do not wish to obey, is a prinoiplo
now so universally aooopted as to be
beyond the empirical and beoomo pol
itically orthodox.
Fur Seals Are as Particular as Women
In Fixing Up.
The cat carries her clothesbrusb in
her mouth, for with her rough tongue
she cleanses her glossy coat as a boy
brushes off his clothes. She licks one
of her front paws and rubs it over her
face and she is ready for her break
fast. Foxes, dogs and wolves do not use
their mouths when they need to wash
and brush, but scratch themselves vig
orously with their hind paws and are
as fresh as ever.
The cow with her long, rough tongue
combs her coat of hair until it Is clean
and curly. The horse more than any
other animal depends on his owner to
keep his coat in proper condition, but
often lie will roll on the green grass
or rub himself down against a tree or
Field mice comb their hair with their
hind legs, and the fur seal in a similar
manner spends as much time as a wo
man in making herself look smart.
Although the elephant appears to be
thick skinned and callous, he takes
great care of his skin. He often gives
himself a shower bath by drawing
water into his long trunk and blowing
it on the different parts of Ills body.
After the bath he sometimes rolls him
self in a-toilet preparation of dust to
keep off the flies.-Our Dumb Animals.
Eight million feet of ilr lumber has
been ordered from one mill on .Puget
Sound. This is said to be tbe largest
order ever plaood with one concern.
The buyer is tho Grand Trunk Paoitio
Railroad. The Port Blakely Mill
Company is the luoky oonoeru. It
has farmad tbe ooptraot to half a doz
n other companies in order to make
rapid deliveries. As tbe Grand Trunk
ia doing extensive development work
across tbe border it bus need of large
quantities of ties, timbers and other
construction materials. The lumber
market is improving steadily.
Prince Lucien Bonaparte Won a Bride
From His Brother Pierre.
It is said that the two brothers,
Trince Louis Lucien Bonaparte and
Trince Pierre, in their early youth
when shooting mouflons in the moun
tains in Corsica, came across a beau
tiful peasant girl with whom they both
fell violently in love.
Who she was and whether she favor
ed both brothers or neither I cannot
tell. He that as it may, they quar
reled. Les preux chevaliers of old
would no doubt in similar occurrence
have had recourse to lance and sword.
The Corsican princes decided to play
for their belle a game of cards. Tbey
went to the nearest inn and wrote and
signed a paper agreeing that which
ever won the game should marry the
lady fair. Prince Lucien won and,
faithful to his word, a short time nfter
married her.
She never left the island ns far as I
know. Prince Lucien lived in England,
securing to her 'a comfortable income,
which she received till her death, some
where about the spring of 1891.-From
the Princess Murat's Memoirs.
One of the laws passed by the recent
legislature of Washington and whioh
took eifeot last Thursday, provides
that it is a misdemeanor for a person,
flrra or corporation to engage iu sell
ing milk without first having obtained
a permit from a proper health ofiloor
aud thoy must use caps for bottles hav
ing printed on them tbe name of the
seller. Another law whioh goes into
effect limits the employmentof women
iu moobauioal or mercantile estab
lishments, laundries, hotels or restaur
ants to eight hours labor a day. Still
auotber law prohibits tho sale of to
baooo iu uuy form to boys under -1
years of age.
Stricter rules are to govuru nntionnl
banks, horeafter, as tUe Comptroller
of the Currouoy has issued new in
structions to all examiners. It will
be harder for persons iuteudiug to
start uatiounl banks to got charters.
The comptroller poiuts out that many
banks huve beuu started as u euooula
tiou iu the past that is, to sell out.
lie diH&pproves such policy, on the
ground that the ouly good reason for
starting a Lauk is to till a business
uoed. Hereafter, tho financial respon
sibility ot all persons subscribing to
uatiounl bank stooka must bo ascer
tained by tho examiner.
Many politicians aud bnsiuess meu
who aro accused of politioal corrup
tion would got people to more readily
beliova their protestations ot iuuo
ceuco if thoy would abstaiu from
tiyiug to block investigation. To
raise technical objuotious nud twist
aud squirm to prevent inquiry ia a
poor way to convince people of their
For Sale or Trade at Once.
Five aores, well improved fruit
rauob, with good C-room house, near
Freewater, Oregou; one-halt uiila west
of the oarliue, at Suuuysido station.
Two miles from Freewater aud oue
half mile from chuioh aud school.
Owing to tbe fact that I am iu bus
iuess at Falloreek, Ore., aud my sou
who is living oti tho plane intends to
leave it soou, to take a positiou iu
Portlaud. this leaves uo one to see tc
the pluoe, so I will sell it ou easy
terms or would take part in trade If
intt'i'ttsted go aud tee the place at
ouoe. Prioe. fliOOO.
A. T. Brewer, Fallcreek, Orcg.
Flower Perfumes.
A garden full of flowers is more fra
grant when shadowed by a cloud than
when bathed in sunshine; at least that
is the conclusion to which experiments
of a French scientist lead. lie asserts
that it is light and not. ns commonly
believed, oxygen that exerts the great
est Influence In desortying odors. Ac
cording to the same authority, the in
tensity of tho perfume given off by a
flower depends upon the relation be
tween the pressure of water in the
cells of the plant, which tends to drive
out the essential oils that cause the
odor, and the action of tho sunlight,
which tends to diminish water pres
sure In the cells. Sprinkling the plant
increases the turgescence and as n
consequence a more copious production
of perfume. At night the air rounu a
flower bed is heavy with odors, be
cause then their emnnntion is not op
posed by the sunlight. New lone
The Shapes of Egga.
There was recently hnd before tho
Zoological society of London a mathe
matical discussion of tho differences in
the shape of eggs. A few eggs, like
those of the owl and the tortoise, are
spherical, or nearly so; a few. like the
grebe's or the cormorant's, are ellip
tical, with symmetrical ends; the great
mnioritv. like the hen's, are ovoid, or
blunter at one end than the other. Tho
hen's egg is always laid blunt end fore
most. Eggs that are the most unsym
motricnl are also eggs of large size
relatively to the parent bird. The
yolks of eggs are spherical, whatever
the form of the entire egg may be.
This has been shown to be due to their
being Inclosed in a fluid, the "white,
which makes the pressure everywhere
on the surface of the yolk practically
constant Scientific American.
Just a Bit Too Apt.
To eke out his salary the people of a
small country church gave their pas
tor a donation party, among the pres
ents being a fine new dress coat for
the pastor and a pretty bonnet for his
On the following Sunday as they
walked up the aisle in their new habili
ments the choir inadvertently struck
out with the voluntary much to the
discomfiture of the sensitive clergy
man and his wife "Who are these In
bright array ?" Ladles' Ilome Journal.
Young, but Wise.
"Put mamma thinks I am too young
to marry."
"Why should she think that? You're
fmeu older than she was when she got
married, aren't you?"
"Yes. but father wns drawing a
much larger salary at the time than
you're getting." Chicago Kccord-IIer-
Practiced, but Not Perfect
Jack-I'll be frank with you. You
are not the first girl I've kissed by any
mentis. Maud-And I'll be equally
frank with you. You have a great deal
to learn, even at that Boston Transcript.
A Cavity That May Have Bsen the
Seat of a Sixth Gcnss.
Despite the progress nf physiology
the study of the- human body is full
of mystery. Some of its well known
organs have never revealed either
their unas or the reason of their crea
tion. The part played by the spleen
in l.;;man life was discovered but re
cent 'y; It is now regarded as one of
the principal agents In the circulation
of t'le blood. Hut there are in the
marvelous human organism mys
terious parts which it is possible that
no savant, however profound his
learning, may ever understand. For
instance, in the skull, behind the car
tilage of the nose, there Is a little
cavity of unknown origin, Physiolo
gists believe that at one time several
thousand generations ago it contained
a gland consisting of two lobes joined
by their common base.
This cavity the delta turcica Is. In
the opinion of certain savants, th?
vestige of a sixth sense which was of
great use to the antediluvian ances
tors of man. It Is believed that this
little gland enabled them to see in the
darkness when they had not yet learn
ed the secret of procuring light: that
it wns the seat of the mysterious
sense of situation or locality, the pow
er to orient their course, the sense so
highly developed to this day In sav
ages and certain animals. The theory
is plausible, but it is doubtful whether
man will ever acquire any real knowl
edge of the reason for 'the existence
of the delta turcica. Exchange.
Homes of the African Grosbeaks as
Big as a Native's Hut.
The biggest bird's nest in the world,
not excepting the stork's. Is built by
the African grosbeak. It is really 100
nests or more bound together with
closely interwoven sticks, vines and
strands of coarse grass and is not
built by a single pair of birds, but by
a colony of them. It Is of such enor
mous size that at a little distance it is
often mistaken for one of the native
huts built in the trees so frequently
found In wild tropical countries where
man eating animals abound, and the
only way to sleep In safety Is to "roost
The birds usually select a thorn tree,
probably because of the protection af
forded by the sharp, long thorns
against marauders. All around the
nest the roof of sticks, thatched with
dry grass, projects to let the rain run
off. A deep fringe of grass hangs from
this cornice like a curtain to keep out
any stray drops. These great nests
are added to from year to year, each
pair of mated birds building on the
main nest. Sometimes the nest be
comes too heavy, and the branch
breaks or the great mass of sticks falls
to the ground, destroyed by Its own
weight. The grosbeak is no larger
than an English sparrow and just as
gregarious. New York Fress.
Ro've !ot to be poor; wbatsveryou
hare, vpon 1 less.-Div Johusou.
Honesty Extraordinary.
A traveler writing in an Italian
magazine says that the Swiss canton
of Ticino is inhabited by the most hon
est folk It is possible to imagine. In
most of the Ticinese villages, the
writer says, the oldest Inhabitants do
not remember any case of thieving,
however petty, within a lifetime. Lost
objects when found must never be
taken away: they must be left where
thev were dropped or placed in a con
spicuous position so that the rightful
owner can find his property more easi
ly. The case is cited of an American
woman tourist who lost her purse on
an excursion in the Val Capriasca.
The purse contained gold coin and a
jeweled watch. Upon returning from
her trip she found the purse with its
contents intact on n little heap of
leaves, so placed that it could not fail
to attract her attention. New York
The Parsees of India.
It was i.t a point uear the ancient
city of Surat that the Parsees first
landed in India when driven out of
Persia bv their Mohammedan conquer
ors eleven centuries ago. Few things
are more remarkable than the manner
iu which this small community has re
tained its religion and racial charac
teristics unchanged during that long
period. The peculiar style of head
dress worn by the Parsees is said to
have been made compulsory by tho
Hindu king of India when the Parsees
first obtained refuge in that eouutry.
ami they have used it ever since. To
day the Parsees are the leading com
mercial nation of India.
Told Him In Few Words.
A man once wrote to the llev. C. II.
Spurgeon. the famous preacher, saying
that he had heard he smoked and could
not believe it to be true. Would Mr.
Spurgeon write and tell him if it real
ly was so? The reply was:
"Dear Sir I cultivate my tlowers
and burn my weeds Yours truly, C. II.
Millions-Do you think you will
'earn to like your titled son-in-law?
t:illlons-l don't know. I can't tell
where to place hlhi In my expense ac
count. D Is neither a recreation nor
An investment.
A Child Wonder.
"What a wonderful memory your
child lias for name- and fact's!"
"Yes," replied the proud mother.
"She never fails to recognize auy of
her former s:epfathers."-Judge.
True glorv consists in so living as
to make the world happier and better
for our living.-Pliny.
"toisoninsr. swellings
ot tho flesh, bites and
stings of insects, stiff
neck and lame back
should bi treated with
It neutralizes poisons, sub
dues inflammation, relaxes con
tracted muscles and restores
healthy conditions. For heal
ing cuts, wounds, burns or
scalds, there la nothing like It
Jn the wholo list of curative
agents. It cures by a mim
power that Is more effective
than the strong, harsh lini
ments. When rubbed in lor
Rheumatic pains. r
sciatica, its wonderful penetrat
ing and relieving influence 3
very gratifying. It is an all
around household liniment that
is useful in a thousand ways
and its application is . always
followed bv beneficial results.
i-l 2.1 p. !50 nnil S1.00.
JamesF.Ballard,Prop. St.Louls.Mo.
A Good line of
Use Stephens Eye Salve for 1'a
bore byes,
It Cures.
Byron N. Hawks.
The Mother's Friend
Is a good hose, which go out with the boy, stay
with him through the day's play, and come back
home whole at night. Look for the trade mark
shown below.
II m SB w m n u wammr m m
My son Rex was taken down a year ago with lung trouble. We
doctored. some months without improvement. Then' I began giving
Dr. King's New Discovery, and I soon noticed a change for the better.
I kept this treatment up for a few weeks and now my son is perfectly
well and works every day. MRS SAMp RIPpEEt Ava, Mo.
50c AND $1.00
..ii-.' .
jwiMH'im.','m ihmm
follows a cold, but never follows the use of
m p
j' siilHtk3 j
It stops the cough and heals the lungs
and prevents a cold from settling on your
lungs and resulting in Pneumonia, Pleurisy,
or Consumption.
You are in no danger of serious results if
as it soothes and heals the inflamed air pas
sages and the cough disappears.
Be sure and get FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR, as preparations
containing opiates stop the cough temporarily by paralyzing the nerves
in the throat and leave the germs of serious lung trouble and you get
one cold on another because the first one was not cured perfectly. h. ;
Saved Her Life From Pnsiirnonla.
"My wire had a severe attack of Pneumonia which
followed a severe attack of La Gripoe and I believe
that FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR 'saved her life!"
writes JamesTToffee, of Raymond, Missouri.
Dr. C. J. Bishop. Atnew, Mich., writes: "I have
used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR in three very
severe cases of Pneumonia with good results in every
case." '
Cured When Very Low With Pneumonia.
J. V. Bryan, of Lowder, 111., writes: "My little
boy was very low with Pneumonia. Unknown to
the doctor we gave him FOLEY'S HONEY AND
TAR. The result was magical and puzzled the
doctor, as it immediately stopped the racking cough
and he quickly recovered."
Threa Sizes, 25c, 50a and $1.C0
The 50-cent size contains 21-2 times as much as; the
small size, and the $ size almost 6 times as much.