Press Paragraphs Carl Engdahl was in the oity, from Helix, Sunday afternoon. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dudley, Jane 18, 1911, a daughter. George Marquis, of Whitman col lege was in the oity Wednesday. Mrs. jr. S. LeQrow and Miss Ceoile Boyd spent Wednesday in Pendleton, Mrs. , Lillian Downs-Dobson will teaob in the Lamar district this fall. Mrs. ,1. D. Taylor was in the oity from fendleton, Sauday, visiting friends. v f Dr. Newsom was in Pendleton. Tues day; night, going down to meet his wife and son. Mrs. :; Una Stnrgis and son, Jas., of Pendleton, spent Wednesday even ing (in this oity. Miss Zelma DePeatt arrived home Saturday afternoon from Taooma, for the summer vaoation. Miss Leta "Edington left Satnrday for her home in Oorvallis, after a vis it of several weeks here. Byron Hawks and Sam Pambrun are spending a few days on the Uma tilla in quest of the festive trout. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pinkerton were in the oity from Weston, Sunday, vis iting at the home of their son, Chas. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Koontz and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dell spent a por tion'of the week camping on the Uma tilla. James King, a prominent Weston ranober, was io the oity yesterday and took out an Idaho combined Har vester. Mrs. Joseph Forrest drove in from the Thorn Hollow ranch Sunday, and took the (rain for Pendleton in the afternoon. Mrs. Crockett, daughter and two sons, were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' 1. M. Meldrum this week, from Pendleton. " Mrs. G. S. Newsom and son. Max, arrived in tbe oity Wednesday from Corvallia, where they visited relatives for several weeks. Lost Between the farm of Frank Jackson and town, a child's pongee silk -coat. Finder, please leave at Mosgrove's store. Theodore Russell came down from Spokane Sunday, and is spending bis vaoation at tbe home of Mr. and , Mrs. Geo. Bannister. County Treasurer G. W. Bradley was in the oity Wednesday, having come up from Pendleton to attend the funeral of Mrs. B. A. Marquis. Dr. C: W. Lassen, veterinarian, waa iu the city from Pendleton Tuesday. He was here in oonneotion with the new state inspection of stallions. Mis. Byron N. Hawks went down to Pilot i Book Wednesday morning, where she will be a guest at tbe home of Dr. and Mrs. Fred Lieuallen for a few days. , Louis Bingle offers alfalfa hay in tbe shook at 6.00 per ton. This hay is first olass in every respeot, and will be ready to haul next week, weather permitting. Mr. Farmer, do you know that un der the: new Oregon law, you are held responsible for accidents to your em ployes?, See B. B. Richards for in formation and protection. Furnished Houbo for Bent. Mrs. T. J. Kirk offers her residenoe on Fifth , street for rent, furnished. Horse, bow and alfafa pasture will go with tbe place if desired. Call on her at onoe. The new school board met Wednes day eveciug and went over tbe pros pects of the sohool for tbe coming year. Tbe full corps of teachers will be announoed io a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown of Dayton, Wash., returned home the first of the week, after visiting at tbe home of Mrs. Brown's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jaokson Nelson. Unarles Grant has purchased a res taurant equipment at Pendleton and moved it to this oity. He will operate a restaurant in the building where at present he oonduots a on op house. New Shoe ShOD. Wnrri Sr. flnnnh new arrivals iu Athena. . havn nnnnpri a shoe soon on .Main street himi m nr. pared to do all kinds of fine repairing on snore oraer at teasonaDie prices. Mrs. Ernest Bostwick is in the oity from Spokane on a visit to relatives and friends. Ernest is now engaged in keeping books for a Spokane firm, but contemplates gomg baok to the farm this fall. When the Pendleton Buokarooes meet tbe Champs at Weston Sunday, tbey will have to gu some to win. Tbe Weston team will be strengthened by Athena's oraok battery, Brown and Frink. will uothon and V. u. Henry are delegates from tbe looal E. of P. lodge to the grand lodge session at Astoria this week. Mrs. Dobson, who has been in Portland several weeks, will return home with her husband. The Atheua band will play at Walla Walla July 5tn. The Garden City will celebrate July 4th and 5th and the band will pass through Athena on the morning of tbe 6th from Pen dleton, where it is engaged to play on the 4th. Will Duffy was iu tbe oity Tuesday for the first time sinoe he was injured in the disastrous runaway on tbe road between this oity and Weston, in whioh Charles Wilson lost bis life. Duffy is able to move about with the aid of orutohes. Mrs. James Nelson oame down from Blainey, Alberta, and is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pinkerton, near town. Mrs. Nelson's mother has been in ill health for some time, and her visit is prin cipally on this account. James H. Gwinn of Pendleton, has been honored by eleotion to tbe offioe of Grand Vioe Chancellor of the Knights of Pythias, and J. W. Malon ey has teen re-elected grand master of the exobequer, a position whioh he bas held with credit for two terms. Ralph B. MoEwen of this oity and Miss Adele Goft were united in mar riage at Portland last evening. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Goff, formerly of Hood River and Albany. A detailed aooount of the wedding will appear in next week's Press. Bert Cartano oarries the best family liquors in town, and he is making a specialty of fine table , wines. For $1.60 per gallon, yon can get oboioe Tokay, Mueoat, Angelioa, Sweet Ca tawba or Port, These are California's best produot and give satisfaction wherever used. . Call at tbe Red Front for the best and purest liquors. Wm. Irle was iu tbe city this week in tbe interest of the Meneley Lyoeum Bureau for ' Chicago. It is probable that tbe Lyoeum's course of five leo tores and entertainments will be giv en in Athena during the coming fall and winter months. If the course is given it will be under the auspioes of the Athena Commercial Associa tion. Little Bill Parker bas his faoe and hands swathed in bandages as tbe re sult of an experience he enoountered when ne threw gun powder into tbe kitchen range at bis home Tuesday. . i jjon t J? orget waiia waiia s mg 4th of July Celebration July 4 and 5. 1911 Under Auspices . Merchant's Ass n I TWO DAYS -Baud Tournament. Biff. Bang. : Free Fun and Amusements, Street Spectacles, I Leaaue Base Ball, Sports and Athletics, Something Doing Every Minute. See Large Bills. ?':''v ! j IJpiliiml Riitesnn Railroads. Come all One hand was burned quite severely and several blisters are on his faoe. Fortunately, there was but a small quantity of powder, otherwise tbe in juries would have been worse. Frederick Proebstel, an Oregon pioneer of 1853, died at Portland this week after a long illness. For many years he resided iu Union county, and was a factor in tbe upbuilding of bat seotion. He was an unole of G. W. Proebstel of Weston, who with his wife was in Portland at the time of his uncle's death, and attended the funeral. Mrs. J. P. Bnsbee, a well known Pendleton woman, died at tbe home of her daughter in Portland, Tuesday night, following a long illness. Mrs. Bushee was a pioneer of this oounty, having . settled at Umatilla Landing in an early day, when that place was a busy shipping point for tbe Inland Empire. Tbe members of the Christian Sun day School enjoyed a most pleasant all day pionio Tuesday in tbe Krebs grove near Adams. Games were played dur ing the day, and at noon a most sump tuous lunoh was spread on tbe green, to whioh all did ample justice. Tbe day was an ideal one, and the occasion will long be remembered by the par ticipants. W. W. Jacobs returned Sunday af ternoon from a winter's sojourn at his old borne in Virginia. Mr. Jaoobs is aooompauied by his niece, Mrs.'1 Walter G. Monroe of Washington, D. C, who will spend a few days with him at his home here before proceed ing on her way to Los Angeles. Cal., where she will make an extended visit to her mother, Mrs. Frank W. Searle. Robert Coppook has returnd from the Blue Bucket gold diggings where he went several weeks ago in company with T. J. Watts. In some portions of the oonntry through whioh he pass ed, crop prospeots were very poor and in several localities indications were that orops would not be harvested on aooount of lack of moisture. Daniel Cartano, of tbe Queen City Printing Co., Seattle, spent a couple of days with bis brother, Bert, in this oity this week. Mr. Cartano was re turning from a visit to tbe old home in Iowa, where he spent a couple of weeks with relatives. He left Wed nesday morning for Spokane, where be joined his wife and will return to Seattle next week. Tbe following is the program at the Dreamland for Friday and Saturday evenings: 1. "Forgiven," Selig. 2. "Jim, tbe Ranohman," Selig. 8. "Gigantio Waves," "Call of the For est," Gaumont. For Sunday: 1. Capturing Cub Bears," "Max Leads Novel Chase." , Pathe. 2. "Mid the Cannon's Roar." 8. "Stuff Amerioaus Are Made of," "History Repeats Itself," Edison. There will be a hot game on tbe looal grounds tomorrow afternoon at 8 o'olook, when the business men of Weston will play the business men of Atbena. Isb Watts is tbe promoter behind the Athena team and he is leaving nothing undone to have a win ning team in tbe field. It is rumored that Col. Wood will play in center field for the Weston aggregation. Be there, for the game promises to be a warm one. Alex MoRae is in the oity repre senting the manufacturers of the Idaho combined (harvester. Two of these little machines have been un loaded at the O. R. & N. depot in this oity this week.. One is for Rugg Bros, and tbe other is for James King of Weston. Tbe Idaho is a queer looking triok in the harvester line, requiring but six horses and two men to operate it. It isjcapable of cutting and thresh ing from 13 to 1.5 acres per day. Weston's Strawberry day and horse show, whioh takes place Saturday, July 1, is being boomed all over tbe oonnty. Weather permitting, Weston expeots to entertain one of the, largest crowds in recent years. . Strawberries from the famous Blue Mountain ranobes, with rich oream aad sugar, will be served free. Tbe horse show promises to be oonduoted on a large and successful soale. An exhibit of the products of the Mountain ranches will be a feature of the occasion. New School Director. M. L. Watts was elected sohool di rector without opposition at tbe meet ing held Monday afternoon. Charles Betts was re-elected clerk, bis election also ooming without opposition. C. A. Barrett waa tbe retiring member of tbe board. Tbe Board now consists of S. F. Wilson. B B. Richards and M. L. Watts, directors, and Charles Betts, olerk. Another Carabana. Tbe editor of tbe Press bas smoked another two-bit cigar at tbe expense of tbe editor of tbe Leader. If the season should last long enough, and tbe colonel could be prevailed upon to baok his judgment on ball games, be would of necessity be compelled to es tablish himself at Key West or quit betting. He plays tbe ball game just like be farmed up in Franklin county hindermost-end-to. Sand Hollow Won. So close was the rivalry between tbe Helix ' and Sand Hollow baseball teams, that tbe deciding game of tbe series was pulled off on neutral ground in Athena Sunday forenoon. Sand Hollow oame out of tbe scrimmage victorious, with a score of 8 to 6. Wilson and Sanders were the battery for tbe Hollow. Town rooters were present in goodly numters and cheered impartially for tbe contesting teams. Some Special Bargains Good Values To Pi ess Subscribers: Please note tbe date of your subscription-on tbe margin or wrapper of your paper. Are yon in arrears? If so, come for ward aod remit, and greatly oblige. We offer the following extra ordinary bargains, which are winners so long as they last About 150 pairs of Ladies' Shoes at half price. A special lot of Taffata Silk Ribbon, that is worth from 20c to 30c per yard, special price, 12 l-2c per yard. One lot of Boys Khaki long Pants, worth $1.25, sizes 26 to 32 waist, special while they last, 95c. Just the Pants your boy should have for the hot weather. Fill & !i A OTOE , Wiain St. JMISgrU V t) JiLtSlUMlllti . Company Ladies' Neckwear in Great Profusion Ladies' and Children's , Hose; All sizes, all colors Owing to the backward season, we are now overstock ed with new, uptodate Ladies' Shirt Waists and Dress Skirts. All this season's goods, new and stylish, and we shall place them on sale Saturday morning, June 3rd. First come, first served. We price will be so ri diculously low that thejr won't last long. Lot 1 Lot 5 All our $1 and $1.25 fine Lawn Waists, An immense assortment of Novelty Silk open back or front, and Pongee Waists, no two alike, - NOW 83c AT COST Lot 2 Lot 6 All our $1.50 and $1.75 fine Lawn Waist Our 5, 5.50, 6 and $6.50 Ladies' Dress trimmed in lace or embroidery, Skirs, all colors and Black, NOW $1.35 K0WJ3'35 Lot 3 Lot 7 All our $2 and $2.25 Waists, very fine Our $7.50 and $8.50 Ladies' Fine Dress material and elegantly trimmed, Skirts, great variety of materials, NOW 81.69 NOW $75 Lot 4 Lot 8 All our $2.75 and $3 Waists, extra fine All our fine Voiles and sample Skirts, in and dainty effects, great variety. Will be sold MS 51.15 . IT CIST 6. 8 H. GREEN TRADING SUPS 1ERI CASK PURCHASE