The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 16, 1911, Image 1

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This Edition con
tains Six Pages
Athena Merchants
Carry Big Stocks
Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer
t : m
S. F. WILSON, President,
H. KOEPKE Vice-President.
F. S. Le GROW, Cashier,
E. A. ZERBA. Ass't. Cashier.
We extend to our Depositors every cAccommdation
consistent with sound Banking.
Millers Lambast Milton for Sousing
Homers and Two-Base Smash
es, Winning Handily 9 to 5.
Standing of Teams.
Teams Wod Lost P. C.
Athena 10 2 .833
Walla Walla 8 3 .727
Weston 5 5 .500
Pendleton 6 6 .600
Milton 4 8 .333
Eoho 1 10 .92
Hew Paint Store
Bundy & Christian, Proprietors
We have put in a full stock of Wallpaper, which iu
eludes the latest styles and paterns. Let us figure on
your painting, paper hanging and decorating.
Saving at the Spigot
Wasting at the Bung"
That's what buying poor paint
means. Paint may be low
priced by the gallon and be
extravagant to use owing to
to it's poor covering power
and wearing quality. After
the paint is applied it's too late
to save. Start right and use
The Sherwin-Williams Paint
It covers more surface, spreads easier, and lasts
longer than any other prepared paint, or hand-mixed
lead and oil. . "
Lumber, Mill Work and all Kinds of
Posts and Blacksmith coal
A. M. Johnson, Manager
Athenu, Oregon
The last of the series ot games be
tween Athena and Milton was played
Sunday in the Milton-Freewater cob
blestone park, the Millers making a
olean sooop of all games of the season.
The game resolved itself into a fes
tival of bingles, with the Millers get
ting the bingles. Doodles of bits were
Sonsing homers and clusters of two
ply smashes enlivened the session and
broke the monotony of the sun's rays
glisteniag on tbe" surface of the rook
strewn diamond and Geld.
"Swede" Hansen of Walla Walla
essayed tbe pitching stout for tbe Bull
dogs and lasted but two innings. Be
fell by the wayside and was replaced
by "Whltie" MoBride, and the pro
cess of fattening batting averages
proceeded without interrnption.
In tbe absenoe of the soorekeeper's
report, a teohnioal diagnosis of the
tragedy is impossible, but from mem
ory a close observer who witnessed tbe
game gifes us a few pointers.
Inolnded in bis oral statements, we
find that every man on tbe team gar
nered a tingle, except Winn, who is a
oold weather man and didn't need a
biogle anyway. Brown soused ont a
homer, walked twice and singled;
Frink freshed np and collected two,
one of whioh was good for two bases;
Pelland was in his element and "ping
bodied" for two corking two-base
drives; Lieuallen cleared tbe center
field fenoe and tbe ball hadn't been
returned to the grounds when the
team left for borne. Gilbert oolleoted
three safe smashes; Smith a oonple,
one of whioh was a two 'bagger and
Owens, the newly married man, swat
ted one. '. -
A Weston man was hired to keep
soore, and be is doubtless keeping tbe
hook also. Anyway, the sporting ed
itor bas not been , able to find it,
benoe tbe absenoe of a box score.
One of tbe boys remembers that the
score stood 9 to 5 in favor of Athena
Diamond Dost.
The last game of tbe season at borne
will be played Sunday, when Jaok
Keefe brings bis Weston bunob tc
J town. The Millers nave won two
games from tbe ex-champions and it s
dollars to wienerwurtz that we make
it three straight However, Eliza
beth, there' no telling what tronble
tbe horosoope has oast for ns in the
taking of it, so be there' and watoh
tbe fellow iu oharge of the score
board the same as Harry Bundy
Weston is struggling tnis afternoon
with tbe Bears over at Walla Walla in
that postponed afiair that started sev
eral weeks ago and ended in the
eighth with a mixup between the Nor-
deans and Mr. "Hunkv" Sbaw. Wes
ton winning, tbe pennant belongs to
na without any ifs. The ex-champs
have our hopes, and a conple of
our best players in tbe fray.
A corking good exhibition was pulled
off in Pendletou Sunday. No hit
until the eighth, when "Mysterious"
went up the path all good pitohers
go. and Pondleton annexed four taps
on tbe gong and tbe game. Berger
allowed but one bit. Clark was tbe
candy kid at Drst for Peudletou, and'
Jimmy Sturgis, tbe U. W. southpaw,
did the rigbt field stunt. Jack Keefe
oaogbt, and "Give-it-to-me" Shatter
took off tbe batting honors with a
three bagger that cleaned tbe bases.
W -.X -s.V -s."V
The Freshest! and most Choice the Market affords in
Mrs Fred Kyle, Formerly of Weston,
Is Principal in Milton Tragedy,
n n
Mrs. Fred Kyle formerly a resident
of Weston where for a time her bu
band was a carpenter and later en
gaged iu business, was tbe principal
figure in a tragedy at Milton . Wednes
day morning, whioh ended her life
and that of Joseph Harper, a conduct
or on the Walla Walla interurbau
Harper had arrived in Milton on his
first trip of tbe morning, and wbile in
tbe aot of reversing tbe seats for the
return trip, was shot iu the back three 1
times by Mrs. Kyle, who boarded the
oar npparently unobserved by tbe
oonduotor. '
Tin woman then turned trie weapon
on herself and inflicted a wound from
whioh she died a few moments after
ward. Harper was plaoed in tbe
Walla Walla hospital, but died lief or a
an operation could te performed.
Tbe oauseof tbe tragedy is shrouded
in mystery. Mrs Kyle had been iu
Wa!lu Walla the night previous to
tbe shooting and returned home on the
10 o'olook oar in en excited frame of
mind, saying that tbe oondnotor bad
found fault with bet gloves.
Mrs Kyle was divorced from her
husband only about three weeks ago.
Sfi'e leaves a son 12 year of ag6. She
was tbe daughter of a Mrs Burns, who
resided on tbe tnountaiu, and who
later married a man named Jcbn Sie
bert. Tbe mother died in tbe insane
For several years Harper was with
tbe Oregon Railway and Navigation
company in a olerioal position. He
married a daughter of Henry Crite,
a well to-dn resident of Walla Walla,
about six years ago. When tbe in
terurban electrio line was bnilt to
Milton be was employed as oonduotor
and bas been constantly on tbe run
for several years. Harper's father and
mother reside at Freewater and a sis
ter, Mrs. B. P. Bregan, resides iu
Spokane. A brother is employed as
oonduotor on the interurbau line to
Informed he had one chance in a
hundred to live, Harper exolaimed:
"Isn't it awful? What will my wife
aud mother think?" On bis way to
Walla Walla be begged for oblorn
form to end bis life and bis aRony
seemed terrible. Harper, it is said,
bad been intimate with Mis. Kyle,
but be did not divoroe his wife when
Mrs. Kyle secured her divoroe. He
leaves a wife and 5-year-old son.
County Educational Board Names
Albert E. White and Geo.
Tonkin Supervisors,
Henry Ticard, While Sleeping in a Tent
Is Killed, and Son Escapes.
Borah Resolution Amending Constitu
tion Passed by Vote of 64 to 24.
The senate, by 64 to 24, passed tbe
resolution amending the constitution
to provide election of senators by di
reot vote of tbe people. 'I he Bristow
amendment giving to tbe federal gov
nrnment supervision of such eleotiuns
was adopted 45 to 44, tbe vioe presi
dent casting the deoiding vote. The
honse already bas passed the resolu
Senator Reed of Missouri protested
agaiust the vice president casting his
deoiding vote. An amendment by
Senator Bacon in qualifying tho
Bristow amendment to prohibit fed
eral supervision of eleotiou unless
tbe state legislature refused to or
failed to aot was defeated 46 to 48.
Tbe resolution, as amended, was then
finally adopted, 64 to 24.
That a sharp skirmish, when the
resolution goes to conference, will 00
our, is tbe general predictiou. Party
politics are expected to take a prom
inent part in tbe proceedings, tut
most of the politicians believe that
tbe result of tbe conference will be
that the senate amendment will te
tacked ou to tbe resolution aud finally
sent to the state legislatures for rati
fication. Tbe final attempt to ejeit
the party politios will come, it is be
lieved when tbe southern legislatures
will verify tbe democrats' objuutiou
on tbe grounds of federal dictation of
state rights.
5 735? Best that Money can Buy Always Found Here a
m i&
1 DELL BROTHERS, catooodsxth0JobsexpobSOI!! Athena, Oregon B
Eighth Graders Pass.
The examiuing board has completed
tbe tank of grading tbe papers ot the
eighth grade students taking the Juno
examinations. Forty five out of fifty
five who took tbe examinations were
fortnuate in passing. Those from th"e
Athena school who passed are . Merua
DePeatt, Leslie MoCubbios. Samuel
Starr aud Wesley Tompkins. Her
miston carried off the high honors.
Besides graduating all tbe class en
tered from that school, one ot their
number, Matilda Callbeck, had tbe
highest aver-age, 95 2-9.
A ietzt:r way.
"I never throw :iwhv old JiiiiU. fur
that would mn!:e me feel wasteful."
"What do you do with It?"
"I give It nw:iy and feel charitable."
Washington Herald.
Iu accordance with the requirements
of tbe new school law, the County
Educational Board met at the court
bouse ou Monday of this week and
proceeded to organize. Connty Sup
erintendent Welles is ex-officio chair
man, and J. B. Saylor was eleoted
sinretary of the board. The entire
board was present, tbe other mem
bers beiug Manuel Friedly, Thomas
Jacqnes aud Col. H. ti. Newport.
Iu speaking of tbe new law, a
member of tbe board said :
"It was tbe unanimous opinion of
t be board that tbe maximum nura
bor of supervisors should not be em
ployed at first. By beginning with a
email number of supervisors, tbe ex
pense wonld be less and at .the same
time tbe plan of rural supervision
could be given a fair test The board
diivided tbe county into three super
visory districts. While tbe county su
perintendent will still have geueral
supervision over all of tbe sotnols in
the county,- bis supervisory distriot
will include all of tbe towns and most
of the larger country distriots of the
county. There will he about eighty
teachers employed in bis district, and
it will require about 561 miles of
traveling for bim to visit all of tbe
schools in his district onoe.
"Tbe northern supervisory district
extends from about eight miles south
east of Walla Walla to five miles west
of Holdman, and from tbe state line
almost to Peudletou. This district
contains about forty schools, only
one of whiob employs more than one
teaoher; this district beiug situated
iu the mountains east of Westou. It
will lequire approximately 877 miles
of traveling to visit each of the schools
in this district onoe.
"Tbe southern supervisory district
extends from a few miles north of
Pendleton to Ukiah ou tbe south, and
from Cabbage Hill on the east to
Lower Butter Creek 00 the west. This
district contaius about tbirty-five
schools, and the supervisor must trav
el approximately 370 miles to visit
eaob of tbe schools onoe. By visiting
a halt day at eaob sobool, the rural
supervisors can visit all of then
sobools in about twenty days. How
ever, after becoming acquainted with
all of tbe eohools, it is not likely that
they will be visited in regular rota
tion, as some of tbe schools will be
presided over by strong teaohers who
w ill need very little resistance, wbile
others will need more help and must
be visited more frequently.
"From among the applicants for
tbe office of supervisor, tbe board se
lected Mr. Albert E. White of Miltou,
and Mr. George Tonkin of Pilot Bock.
Mr. White will probably be given tbe
northern aud Mr. Tonkin tbe southern
supervisory district. These are both
young men of much experience aud
ability. They are very energetic aud
oousoieutions about their work, and
have oonvinoed the Eduoational board
that they will do their utmost to fill
the difficult positions to whioh they
have been eleoted.
"It will of course take time for
them to become acquainted with tbe
teachers and district officers among
whom they will work, und this should
he takou into consideration iu judging
the results. It should be remembered,
too, that the system of rural supervis
ion is something of au experiment,
aud tho law may not be perfect. It
ia believed, however, hy tboso best
ucquaiuted with our educational sys
tem, aud who are thus in the best po
sition to judge of these matters, that
there is room for much improvement,
aud that the plan of supervision which
is now provided for will he of grout
benefit. At any rate, whatever may
hi our views regarding the new sys
tem, we shall have it tor two years,
or until tho state legislature meets
ag'iiu. und every friend of tbe publio
school sbould assist in giving tbe
law a fair trial, aud if at tbe eud of
two years its has not proven to bo a
success, we should then all (jive our
support in having tho law a mended or
repealed. "
One of the worst eleotrioal storms
ot reoent years struck this county
Monday night, after a day of excessive
beat. The storm was anoompanied
with a beavy wind which did consid
erable damage to grain in some parts
of the county, bnt very little rain fell.
The force of the storm seems to
have spent itself on tbe Umatilla
river east of Pendleton. At times
tbe lightning was terrific, aud Henry
Pioard, who resided near tbe agenoy,
on the reservation, was killed. With
his son be was sleeping in a tent near
tbe house. A bolt of lightning struck
an iron rod in a wagon tongue whiob
bad been placed in tbe gronnd to be
nsed as a tent polo. The pole 'was
shattered to fragments and Picard was
iustantly killed by tbe shook, tbe body
being frightfully burned.
Tbe baok end of the tent was torn
out, but tbe younger Pioard mirac
ulously escaped with little injury,
being stunned for a short time. Be
sides the son, Mr. Pioard leaves a wife
and daughter, both of whom were
asleep in tbe house near by when
the bnsband and father was killed.
Tbe storm at Walla Walla was
severe, blowing down trees and wires.
Tbe morning following tbe storm,
William Warren, aged 13, while
gathering grass for a cow, grasped a
live wire that had blown down, anil
was instantly killed.
In the Myriok wheat seotion, grain
was badly beaten down by the heavy
rain and wind. A number of cloud
bursts are reported from tho foot hill
country, but no material damage re
sulted from tbem.
'Twas a Good Game. .
The Athena second team defeated
the Freewater team iu a well played
game on the looal grounds Sunday.
Tbe soore was 7 to 5. Glen Dudley
pitobed a fine game, allowing tbe ber
ry pickers but five bits and these he
kept well scattered. Athena scored
in the seoond, when Leonard, Smith
and . Booher singled. Tbiee more
rnns came in third on errors and two
singles netted two more in the sev
enth. Everett soored for Freewater
in tbe seoond. The boys from gravel
town annexed three more iu the sev
enth aud one in"The' eighth. The
Freewater 0 I 0 ' 0 0 0 8 1 05
Athena 0 1 4 0 0 0 2 0 x 7
Paying His Lawyer.
I,(twrT inniioyedi-r'.efter fake your
ennv snW'V.'hTe pisv Von are foe
thin K'.;itH'"'l for m? Client-Ha r.ll.v
rvir ,'!o s!;l:i nl.. eh'f --Hoston TiMii
Horse Show and Festival.
Weston will have a iiorcu show
and strawberry festival ou July 1.
Real mountain strawberries, tbe best
on eartb. will be served to the multi
tude, with sugar and cream. A booth
will Le constructed iu whioh will
be exhibited the products of tbe Wes
tou country. Tho horse show feature
promises to to up to the standard of
Umatilla county shows iu geueral.
W. R. Taylor of this city is a mem
ber of the committee iu tho borso
show department.
,' At the Dreamland
The program at the Dreamland for
Friday and Saturday is as follows:
''Tommy Gets His Sister Married,"
Pathe; "The Road to Happiness,"
"Poetical Lane," Lubin: "Tho Fire
Chief's Oaugbter," Selig. Sunday:
'A Victim of Jealousy, " Biograpb;
"Emigrant Progress in Cauadu.''
"Called to Sea." Urban; "Twenty
Four Hour Auto Race," Pathe.
, Bank Statement,
On another page of today's paper
will be found a statement of tbe con
dition of the First National Bank of
Athena at olose of business on June
7th. Tho statement is made on call of
tbe comptroller of tbe currency, and
shows tbe looal banking institution
to be in splendid condition. With
lonus and discounts at $1111,902.05,
cash and exobauge on hand amounted
to $66, 4110.00, and tbore was deposited
in tbe bank, $2!)5,7G6.(I4. This is a
remarkable showing for this season of
tbe year, and speaks well for the
thriving business conditions of the
Uoad Completed.
Athena's half of tho maoadernized
road leadiug to Westou was completed
yesterday and the couuty crusher is
now at work ou rook for tho road lead
iug fouth from Dudley's oorner to tbe
new steel bridge whiob is. being put in
on Wild Horse near the George Lieu
allen place. It is understood that tho
work will commence at Taylors and
come this way, thus impioving tbe
worst part of tho road first. It is re
ported that Weston will take np ber
portion ot tbe road woik at ouoe, tbo
machinery going from here to the
quarry ou tbe Hamp Booher plaue
houMi of that town.
School Meeting Mondav.
The annual school meeting, at
which one director aud a olerk will
be elected, takes place at tbe sobool
bouse Monday, June 19. M. L. Watts
is being urged by bis friends to aooept
tho office of director. Clias. Butts, the
present iuoumbent in tbe clerk's cilice
will be re-eleoted if be desiies the pos
ition for another year. C. A. Barrett
is the member of tbe board whose
term expires.
Principal Signs.
Professor W. W. Wiley will bo
principal of tbe Atboua sobools next
year, his contract for the position
having beeo sigued with tho board.
Mr. Wiley has disposad of his resi
dence at Newterg, and comes to Athe
na with tbe iutnntiou of making this
town bis permanent home. He will
leave shortly for Miuueaepolio where
he will take a summer course.
Colts Paint Themselves.
W. C. Russell has a bunoh of colts
that have gaily decorated themselves
with yellow paint. At first Mr. Rus
sell believed that some one bad paint
ed tbe animals ns a practical joke; but
it turued out otherwise. Sanford
Stone bad painted his wagon rack,
and shortly after the colts came
along and proceeded to rub against
tbe rack, witfc tbe result that they
carried away more paint with them
than they left on the rack.
1. J . .
tin Hiiftrf ,