The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 28, 1911, Image 5

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    Rear This Stylisfuit!
III mil
i ir r
iv v
The man who la admired la the awell
dretMed man whnwi plntho bm funk'
innuble. and are 1 9 1 1 styles. Vou will
be that Dinn In your nelKhbm liotxll
inn Rtyieearojiui in. uct this suit
ineeweiif-ec, oiitesieat, ensppieat
,sty lo we ever created and better
your appearance! THIS IS OUR
iDEAt He want one own an our
representative In your neigh
borhood. Yoo'vo got a lot of
frl.lllltt. TllV Wmr plnlhna
7is la tne euBiest thing in the
world to net them to nrilir thai
clothne from you. Pricee. S7 6C and
ni. Thoee orders monn a big: husi
ueaa that more than doubles
your aulary, and the work la the
easioat, cieanpat, ntcext occaiMition
inthownrlri. New rpur'iMMntMtiv,..
make Sfi to ill) a lirtv. Vnn aimnlv
take the order and tneuHurementa
and mail theiu to ue. Wa make the cluthce,
lllDthuin Oil .nnmw.t in trmnA
hand yon the profit money. A Regular
Olnchl That', tlto beauty of lteinjt iu btm.
nan wr yonreeii. Kit riuht t..wn now:
write ui a pintnliir a letter for tbolree out
fit to reproioiiUtlvefl. And vou get the
Wolie.t EUltof f&Mhlonnhlfi tAini--ni.HH
all-vronl. I9ii cluthei 3ver worn in your
neighborhood. If vmir peraonal appear
anc? and a big tuelaesa ir -irlh a piutol
or a2-cont euuip to vim. then act now
write ui todav Addreu '
THO IS Women M we" 88 men are
, made miserable by kidney and
TO bladder trouble. Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root the great kidney
BLAME rcmed-' promptly relieves. At
drugrifists in fifty-cent and
dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by
mail free. Also pamphlet tellinu all about it.
. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y.
tasicit lo u,e Up.
Friend (sarcastically) "Which one
of your many bad habits do you think
you could manage to give up?" Easy
One (nettled) "That of lending my
friends mf" " " " '"'-"American.
for the signature of E. W. GKOVE. Used the
World over to Lure a Cold in One Day. 25c.
i Thoughtfulnetss.
Thoughtfulness is always doing lit
tle kindnesses; thoughtfulness has an
.instinct for seeing the little things
!that need to be done, and then for
doing them. Rn4:ir..
L. A. KLF.IN CO., Inc., PUtribut-r,
28 Front Street Portland
Skylights Tanks Gutters
Down Spouts Steel Ceiling
204 Market Portland, Oregon
Homesteads and Timber Lands Located
li your Farm or Property is for Sale
I Can Sell it QUICK for CASH
Send Description and Price. Address
vm Henrv Bid PORTLAND. ORE.
C Gee Wo
The Chinese Doctor
This wondeful man baa
made a life study of the
properties of Roots,
Herbs and Barks, and
is (rivintr the world the
benefit of his services.
No Mercury. Poisons
for uruga used, no
Operations or Cutting
Guarantees to cure Catarrh, Asthma. Lunsr,
Stomach and Kidney troubles, and ail Private
Diseases of Id n and Women.
Just received from Pekin, China safe, sore
and reliable. U..failing in its works.
If you cannot cat!, write for symptom blank
and circular. Inclose 4 cents in stamp.
The C. Gee Vo Medicine Co.
162 Mi first St., cor. Morrison, Portland, Or.
Studying the Huge, Ungainly Birds at
Close Range and Observing Th sir
Method of Feeding Their Young.
The first time I ever saw a motley
:rowd of half-grown pelicans I thought
nature had surely done her best to
make something ugly and ridiculous.
It was a warm day, and the birds stood
around with their mouths open, pant
ing like a lot of dogs after a chase,
their pouches shaking at every breath.
When I went near the youngsters went
tottering off on their big webbed feet
with wings dragging on this side and
that ,as if they were poorly handled
crutches. The youngsters huddled to
gether by hundreds in a small place.
Those on the outbide pushed and
climbed to get near the center, till it
looked worse than any football scrim
mage I ever saw.
In this wide area of low islands
and water it was necessary, since we
wanted to study the pelicans at close
range, to adopt some method of hid
ing. We took a large wagon umbrella
covered with a piece of green can
vas, that hung down around the .sides.
This we planted among the tuies at
the edge of a largD colony, and cover
ed the top well with reeds. The whole
thing soon passed as part of the en
vironment, while from the inside the
camera man could point his camera
out through a narrow slit in the can
vas, take pictures and make observa
tions at will.
One might wonder how such a huge
billed bird as a pelican could feed a
helpless chick Just out of the egg. It
was done with apparent ease. The
old bird regurgitated a fishy soup Into
the front end of the pouch, and the
baby pelican pitched right in and help
ed himself out of this family dish. As
the young bird grew older, and larger,
at each meal he kept reaching farther
into the big pouch of his parent until
Qnally, when he was half grown, it
was a most remarkable sight The
mother opened her mouth, and the
whole head and neck of her nestling
disappeared down her capacious maw
while he hunted for his dinner in the
Internal regions. Collier's Monthly.
for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes
and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't
Smart Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists
Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c,
50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in
Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books
and Eye Advice Free by Mail.
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
Yield of One Henntylvania Oak.
The largest oak tree in Huntington
township, Adams county, was cut last
week on the farm of John R. Sadler.
The tree was five feet across the
stump and took the men several hours
to place it prostrate. Eleven hundred
and three large wagon spokes were
taken from the trunk and twelve
cords of wood were cut from the top
and branches. Phil? dfi-nhla Record.
Sore throat is no trifling ailment. It
will sometimes carry infection to the en
tire system through the led you eat.
liamlins Wizard Oil . ure.s Sore Throat.
Maintnness unpopular.
That state of mind, which let us call
the ignominy of the virtuous, is not
entirely confined to boys of nine
years. I have seen grown men and
women, being accused of salntliness,
over whose faces passed an expres
sion of mortification. They would ac
cept with more complacency the trib
ute that they were getting to be devils
in their old age. Max Eastman, in the
EXPERIMENT STATION N0TESave tkeib own systems
State Agricultural College and Ex
periment Station of Wash
ington, Pullman.
(By J. L. Ashlock, Pullman, Wash.
If there is danger of winter injury
or even fall injury, the cover crop
is very useful in the young orchard.
Since the dates of sowing the cover
crops and the best season for prun
ing are so near together, we do not
think it makes much difference which
precedes. Usually we commence to
prune for summer work about the
first of August and sow our cover
crops about the middle. One could
afford to cultivate at least once after
the last irrigation and then sow the
cover crop, providing there is suffic
ient moisture. The best way to de
termine when to prune is to examine
the buds in the "axils" of the leaves.
If they are pretty well developed,
r"l MX "' - v
MRS. W C. PRICE, Aged 70.
Widow of a veteran of the Civil War. who will
graduate with a class of young men and women
from a Spokane business college this spring, her
diploma showing her to be a competent steno
grapher and typist. She expects to take up a
homestead in Oregon and open an office in Borne
near-by town.
summer pruning, especially on apples
and pears, may commence at once;
that is, after the first of August. In
the case of peaches, it is sometimes
advisable to wait a little longer. It
is not advisable to permit two ap
ples to touch one another when first-
class apples are desired. Ordinarily
a young orchard does not need cover
crops as badly as an old or bearing
Business Secrets That Seem Unim
portant, but Are Guarded With
Much Jealousy.
"Since I began to meet people who
won't let anybody see how they do a
thing because they have a secret
method which they are not ready to
divulge Just yet I have been like a
crary woman," said the housekeeper.
"There are plenty of those budding
geniuses doing odd jobs about town.
One of them came to our house the
other day to mend a suitcase. It was
an easy job. Ho could have taken the
thing into the storeroom and mended
it in half an hour, but Instead of that
he insisted upon taking it home. He
had a secret process for doing things
like that, ho said, and preferred not to
work where anybody else could find
out how he did it.
"While my curiosity over the suit
case was still seething a woman who
is quite handy at draughting patterns
stirred it still more by refusing to cut
out a waist pattern at my house be
cause she has her own method of cut
ting that she isn't ready to advertise
Just yet.
"Right on the heels of that a car
pet renovator was proof against all
blandishments to come to the house to
take Ej-ots out of a rug. He has a
cleansing formula which he will not
take chances on giving away by doing
work outside of his own shop, so the
rug went to him.
"The other day a man came around
to fight water bugs. In a sense I had
him at my mercy because he couldn't
take the bugs home, but he did the
next best thing and ordered me to
stay out of the kitchen while the
process of extermination was going
on. Was the process dangerous? I
asked. No, it wasn't dangerous, but
It was a secret which he didn't wish
to reveal, not even to an innocent
housekeeper like rce.
"And so they coma and go through
all the trades, every man studying out
a system better than anybody else's.
When ill those geniuses let their
ideas loose upon the world something
like a revolution ought to take place."
Be One of the First
Our two complete 1911 Catalogs will illus
trate and explain the many suDerior nnint
j of excellence of the complete high-grade .hM
nnes ui uairy ana ureamery Machinery
if and Supplies and Gasoline Engines' which ?VVl
we carry. These valuable books are com. w Y
Dlete euides and are sent- nnctnoi v '
w ..v vu.puiu Ji.
charge upon receipt of name and address
Send in your request now. State whether
you wish Dairy or Creamery Catalog.
Monroe & Criscll
Dictionary's Defect.
The occupant of the fourth-floor
flat was looking through the pages of
the dictionary the agent was trying to
sell him. "No," he said, closing the
book and handing it back, "I don't
want it. It's 20 years behind the
times. It defines 'Janitor' as the 'care
taker' of a building. He's the care-
maker I"
To Mend Tablecloth.
To repair a tablecloth" lay it quite)
flat with the hole uppermost and cover
it with a piece of plain brussels net,
tack it on and darn with fine flax.
When ironed it will scarcely be no
ticeable. It the tablecloth is beyond
repair cut squares from the best part
of it and hem round. These will ao
swer as serviettes for everyday use.
Mothers wPl find Mrs. WlnsloWs Soothing
Byrup the boat remedv to use fox their cliUdieu
aiuiug me leetmng period.
A much mooted question now Is
whether or not there is any danger
of over-production of first-class apples
in the West during the next twenty
five years. So many apples are be
ing planted which are not adapted to
the section and soil, or the orchards
are in the hands of inexperienced
growers, or other conditions are un
favorable, ' all of which are reasons
for believing that there will not be
over-production. Less than one-third
of the trees planted each year In
Washington, or the entire Pacific
Northwest, will ever get into full
bearing. Furthermore, the increasing
population and the opening up of
new markets will have an influence.
A first-class apple orchard on good
land will be a good thing always here
in the West.
Takes, tne niufit View.
Don't go through life looking for
trouble, for faults, for failures, for the
crooked, the ugly and the deformed;
don t see the distorted man see the
man that God made. Just make up
your mind firmly at the very outset in
life that you will not criticise or con
demn others or find fault with their
mistakes and shortcomings. Orison
Swett Morris
Painless Dentistry
is our pride our hobby our study for yeara and
now onr auccess, and ours ia the bmt painkwa work
to be found anywhere, no natter how much yon
pay. Compare our Privet.
We flnleh plato and
bridge work for out-
of .town tifttrone In
one day If dueired.
Pulnlxaa eitractioa
free when nlatt-e or
iyjf -.", .iDrioge wort ia order-
J. ''f,mtC 4 J 4 CofttulUtios free.
Gold rilling. 1.00
fcV Iti'ArA. t.'J
. Enamel Fillingt 1.C0
jtt.'f Silver Filling, .50
Plate 5.03
Bait Red Busbar
Plata. 7.53
OR. W. . WUC, uttn ua Muiua Painlaia ExtrMien . 5 0
a tun BTUtoau rumta BKST methods
All work fully ruaranteed for fifteen years.
Wise Dental Co., Inc.
Painless Dentists
fimnz BufldlPi, Third rd Washington PORTLAND, 0U
OfUoaHoure: A. It. to I . U. Suaaya, (tat
The Right Way W
In All cases of fft
Of All Horses, Brood Mares, Colts,
Stallions, is to
On their tongues or In the feed put Spohn's Liquid
r r: .i j... nj. i v
ujwiwuiiu. uiveujerenwy uiauuiineui. ivikl.
On the blood and glands. It routa the disease by
expelling thediseadegernuu lt wardsoff the trou
ble, no matter how they are "exposed." Absolute
ly free from envthinginjurious. A child can safe
ly take it. 60 cents and $1.00; $3.00 and $10.00 the
sozen. Sold by drugsrista.hamessdealen, orsent
aupresspaki by the manufacturers.
Special Agents Wanted
Chemists and Bacteriologists
The plan of going into pedigreed
nursery work is an excellent one.
There is a splendid opportunity for
selecting and securing such wide
variations in this country, and we
know of nothing that offers the op
portunity that the business men
tioned does.
The percentage of grafts that will
grow will vary from 10 per cent to
15 per cent to 95 per cent to 100 per
cent, depending entirely upon the
scions and roots. Good, plump scions
with strong buds usually mean good
If there is any weakness
try the Bitters at once.
Its results are certain.
Remedies are Needed
Were we perfect, which we are not, medicines would
not often be needed. But since our systems huve be
come weakened, impaired and broken down through
indiscretions which have gone 0a from the early afles,
tarough countless generations, remedies are needed to
md Nature in correcting our inherited and otherwiso
acquired weaknesses. To reach the seat of stomach
1 ana consequent digestive troubles, there is
nothing so good as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery a glyeeno compound, extracted from native medio
JTkJ taction to all
ll,.;i: n.J . V f ver complaint, rain in the Stomach after catinC
., i iuuu, nronio ijiorrnca and other Intestin
iscovery is a time-proven and most efficient rmriv
tns Qenuine has oa its
outside wrapper tho
V,. rj
hnV.rZZv,- BCOepl 0 8ecret nostr" o substitute for this non-alco-
rs.r : UTAirP7orioN' uot eveu tUoufih tho w deuior may
boweisl and 5W . liver and
""-"i '"r ginuuies, easy lo take
Heirthurn TtaH R-1 .1 n 7 , . VV"1!""'"1' ra,n 10 n,e atomach after cat m,
DeraSement tfe " r' "'""J? -o! fo?d' Chronio Dinrrhc ! Istina1
derangements, the Discovery" is a Hme-provcn and miur eiT,n;nr m.rfw
as candy.
The Stamen Wlnesap, Delicious,
and King David apples are splendid
pollenizers for one another. They
are all good bearers and make good
commercial apples, but are not very
well known In the commercial trade.
The Delicious is rapidly becoming
popular among those who know It. It
is a good bearer, and ships well. The
King David promises very well, but
has the bad habit of water-coring
seriously in sections where there is a
tendency to over-ripen. The Spitzen
berg, Winesap (common) and Yellow
Newtown are all very high class
apples at the present time.
Time to Think.
A man who Is really thoughtful of
the Family Name should begin to
think about it quite a while before It
occurs to him to enter the name of
John Doe on the police blotter. Atch
ison Globe.
The "green web" or "fruit worm"
of the coast districts can be com
batted very effectively by spraying
with arsenate of lead in the spring
soon after blooming time. Use arse
nate of lead, or Paris green for cur
rant worms. That Is much more ef
fective than hellebore.
To combat red spiders, use "black
leaf" which is a strong preparation of
tobacco. This will kill the insects.
If this is not satisfactory, try kero
sene emulsion. The tobacco spray
is made by using one pound of to
bacco leaves to four gallons of water
and simmering this for an hour, then
straining. Two pounds of tobacco
dust or ground tobacco may be sub
stituted for the leaves. Black leaf
extract may be used, one part to 65
of water. A little lysol added to to
bacco sprays greatly increases their
value, and permits further dilution.
Best Ever 8alacL
Take slices of pineapple (the can
ned preferred, as being more tender)
lay each on a lettuce leaf, and in the
hole in the center of each slice put
ball of Neutchatel cheese, and over
this Bonn mtvontiio
Paint on Wash Goods.
Bosk the parts in kerosene and rnb
generously with a wool soap. Let
stand for a few hours and paint will
easily rub off when the garment is
I & VM
is not a "food" it Is a medicine, and the
only medicine in the world for cows only.
Made for the cow and, as Itsname indicates,
a cow curt. Barrenness, retained afterbirth,
abo rt Ion, scours, cak;d udder, and all similar
affections positively and quickly cured. No
one who keeps cows, whether many or few,
can afford to be without "Koiv-Kurt."
It It made especially to keep cows healthy
Our book "What to Do When Your Cows
Are Sick". sent free Ask your local dealer for
'KouKure, ' 'or send to the tn anu factu rors.
Dairy Association Co., Lyndonv'lle, Vt
Take the Came Seriously.
Girls play a strenuous game of
hockey in Australia. In a recent game
between the Waratah and Thistle
clubs the casualties were one finger
broken and another severely crushed,
an eye blackened and a face Irre
trievably damaged, a knee bruised
and shin cut so badly that the blood
saturated a boot, several mouths cut
and a number of shins sliced through
shin pads.
Prize Horbeshoe Collection.
On the walls of the old castle at
Oakham, England, Is a great array of
horseshoes. Every peer of the realm
visiting the town of Rutland gives a
horseshoe, and many of these shoes
have histories.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets, small.
coated, easy to take as candy, regulate
ana invigorate stomach, liver and bow-
eis. jjo not gripe.
To Sotien blue.
When one Is In a great hurry to use
the glue, invariably it Is found to be
hard and impossible to use. It may
be softened by heat or by adding a
teaspoonful or more of vinegar to the
bottle, and allowing it to stand for a
few minutes. If the bottle can be kept
in a warm place all the time it will
stay 60ft BS lnr-r -n H..o 3 any loft,
wniy neai need tor competence.
The pursuit of wealth is not the aim
and end of existence. For whether it
be laborer at his bench or the man
aging director at his desk, the accu
mulation of a competence Is only de
sirable in that it allows each to en
joy his life in his own way.
Only a Temporary Advantage.
The gift of good looks is of such
primary advantage to every man, that
it seems a wonder how ugly people
manage so .frequently to excel thost
who have it in the battle of lifo.
wjtof . rrY-
Thorough, prtrtical and unlimit
ed course. We assist students to
secure positions as chauffeurs,
repairmen, eic. Write
Automobile School of Oregon
2l vdoau Trut Baiisaf
'.Hi J. '.I!:
tiood Utmcna tor Onyx,
Nesr Santa Catarina an American
company Las extensive onyx quarries.
The onyx is hauled 60 miles by mule
teams to the coast and shipped to
San Diego, Cal., where it is polished
and prepared for market. Notwith
standing the exponsive method of
transportation, the company is in a
thriving condition and proposes to In
crease the output of the n"irr1es.
Your druKiflst will refund money If PAZO OINT
MKNT fails tocure any cane of Itchinir. Wind.
Illeodinir or Protruding- Piles In to 14 days. 60c.
It's Coming to This.
With apartmt'nt houtes along River
side drive, New York, advertising "ten
foonis and three baths" und "11 rooms
and four baths," before long one may
expect to be orTcred five buths and a
rotm, or, in the Rooms for Rent col
umn, "Nice suite of three soapy baths
in cleanly neighborhood, with privi
lege of using fire escape for sleeping
purposes," Judge.'
Munyon's Klioumatlsm Remedy relieves
piilns iu tho lugs, uriim, hack, stiff or
swollen Joints. Contains no morphine,
opium, rociilnu or drills to duaden tlis
juiln. It neiitrnllzes the aciil mid drives
out ull rlimiitmtlo poisons from the sys
tem. Write I'rof. Miinyoii, B.1d and Jeff,
emui SIm., 11 1 tin .. ru., for uiedlcu) ad
Vice, ulmolutuly free.
Chance for Compromise.
Cobble I should like to lend yoo
that ten dollars, old man, but I knoir
how it would be if I did it would
end our friendship. Stone Well, old
chap, there has been a great deal of
friendnhlp between us. I think if you
could make It five, we might worrf
alonn on hnlf ns much. Life.
"I have used vour valuable Cnsrarrfa
and I find them perfect. Couldn't do
without them. I have used them for
some time for indigestion and biliousness
ana am now completely cured. Recom
mend them to everyone. Once tried, yoa
will never be without them in tho
family." Edward A. Marx, Albany.N.Y.
Pbwiant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good.
Oo Ooorl. Never Sicken. Weaken or Grip
10c. ZBc. tOc. Never sold In bulk. Te alm
oin, tablet atHmpd CUC. Guaranteed to
cure or your money back.
Habits Positively Oared.
OnlyanthorjMd Keoli'J In.
tltute la Oregon. Write
UJuetrated olrmlar.
p w U No. 10 'H
WHKW wrltlno- to advertisers pleas I
mention this paper. I
mi 2-33i??&4 Shoes K.K!
XT T t e
rJLeTi!i,7f K aS . , Cfr "loro toniike than ordinary shoes,
i'. &i tu wear logger
"'''it j vu uujr
The genuine have W. L. Douglas name and the retail
price stamped on the bottom, which guarantees full value
protects the wearer affainatliiirknrio.. mA :f...k. g :
tot Mill or7i7f.'l0, 'iV,lT wJlh nn W.r,.l)omrlaa aboea, write -
irenlid; Vi1?- from fa-tory to wearer, all eUrKes BOY- SH(
andw SufanrSi tb5,f isiwliff ifr 0,orf an anV othcr dV- n 1 00 Pcke colors slllc, wool and cotton equally wen
W -Mavjl II VaU