The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 28, 1911, Image 1

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    This Edition con
tains Six Pages
in hi jJafcj
Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer
Athena Merchants
Carry Big Stocks
S. F. WILSON, President,
H. KOEPKB Vice-President.
F. S. Le GROW, Cashier,
E. A. ZERBA. Ass't Cashier.
Ten years from now will you be slavishly working at a low salary for
somebody else or will you be your own master? You can be either if you
wish. Start that bank account today with only a small deposit if necessary,
and in ten years it will make you independent.
James J, Hill, the Railroad Magnate,
Believes in Publicity of Affairs of
Public Service Corporations,
Bundy & Christian, Proprietors
We have put in a full stock of Wallpaper, which hi
eludes the latest styles and paterns. Let us figure on
your painting, paper hanging and decorating.
"Saving at the Spigot
Wasting at the Bung"
That's what buying poor paint
means. Paint may be low-
priced by the gallon and be
extravagant to use owing to
to it's poor covering power
and wearing quality. After
the paint is applied it's too late
to save. Start right and use
The Sherwin-Williams Paint
It covers more surface, snreads easier, anrl lucre
longer than any other prepared paint, or hand-mixed
lead and oil.
Lumber, Mill Work and all Kinds of
Posts and Blacksmith coal
A. M. Johnson, Manager
Athenu, Oregon
James J. Bill the Great Northern
Northern Pacific railroad magnate,
sees in pntlioity of corporation mat-
tres and intelligent pnblio control of
the corporations themselves, a long
step towards tbe solution of tbe pres
ent era of business stagnation.
"And the United States needs a
saviour," says Mr. Hill. "The peo
ple have demanded not only the best
bnt an improvement on the best, nnd
they will now have to pay according
ly. If tbey don't pay in money, they
must pay in prosperity. Tbe bus
iness of the country increases 1ft per
cent every year: tbe facilities tor
handling this new business iuoreuses
only 1-0 of that. Tbe difference iu
the ratio is too great and a balance
' ust be struck, sometime, else there
will be a complete breakdown of ser
vice or prosperity.
"Why don't the facilities for band
ing business increase more rapidlv?
Beoause the men behind those facili
ties ate afraid to spend their money
for extensions and improvements "
Mr. Hill has long been an expon
ent of publicity of corporations affairs
and looks upon that as one of the
means of bringing corporation and
puhlio together.
"Tbe people are entitled to know
what toe pnblio servioe corporations
are doing and the conditions under
which tbey transaot business," he
says. "I have believed in and have
advocated publioity of corporation re
ports for many years. When the pnb
lio becomes conversant with corpora
tion affairs and is oouvinoed that it is
seeing from tbe inside, much of the
feeling against tbe great business con
cerns will pass away.- That will be
one of tbe etfeots of pntlioity."
In the matter of pnblio control of
quasi-publio concerns, Mr. Hill is a
firm advocate, but he wants that con
trol to be intelligent; he wants only
trained men in tbe plaoes of control.
"A corporation is a pieoe of paper
bearing the stamp and seal of the
state," he says. "Its life is created
by the people and naturally tbe people
should have some word in making tbe
rules under wbiob it transacts busi
ness. That proposition is one I have
preaobed for years and now I am glad
to see it making headway among com
mon oarrier corporations. Last week
President Mudge of Book Island rul
load, declared for publio control of
railroads; George M. Reynolds, pres-
i ident Continental and Commercial
National Bank of Chicago, did tbe
J same thing the week before; T. N.
I Vail, president Amerioan Telephone
and Telegraph, reoently made an offio
ial report to his board of directors in
wbiob he took a firm stand for both
publicity and publio control.
"Bat that oontrol must be
gently administered. Public
simply beoause it is a control
public is not all. It must be
gent, as I have always contended. In
telligent people will ask and expect
nothing more. Vail, Reynolds and
tbe others are right in adveoating
publioity and publio oontrol. Both
are things which eventually will go
far towards making a good feeling be
tween the coiporations and tbe people,
and will assist in settling much of tbe
antagonism wbiob now seems to pre
vail." v
oontrol by the
Farmers' Picaic.
Umatilla county tbe strawberries,
Union oounty the sugar, Wallowa
county tbe cream and Baker oounty
the cake. This is tbe way tbe menu
will be provided at a big farmers'
union meeting that will be held at
Wallowa lake on June 7, 8 and 9,
says tbe East Oregonian. It will be
a joint meeting of tbe unions of tbe
four prinoipal oounties of eastern Ore
gun and arrangement for the affair
The Freshest and most Choice the Market affords in
V$e Best that Money can Buy Always Found Here
1 DELL BROTHERS, "TSS0" Athena, Oregon
are now being made. The suggestion
tbat Umatilla ooanty famish tbe
strawberries and eaob of tbe other
counties an appropriate part of tbe
"feed." originated with W. W. flar
rah. Other members of the union
quickly took up with tbe idea and it
was adopted.
Farm Electricity Made.
EJeotrioitv is to play a great part in
tbe farm life of the Walla Walla val
ley, according to ra no hers of tbat seo
tion and engineers who are engaged in
tbe work of constructing the plants.
More than a dozen farmers of the
country are installing snob plants and
will develop the eleotrioity fcr their
own use. It is cheaper, farmers as
sert, who bave tried it, to own a small
eleotrio plant and to operate it by a
gasoline engine than to buy the po wet.
nnd it costs no more than bait what
tbe looal publio oompanies are ashing
to generate the power at borne.
Petition Relating to Crooked Practice
Forwarded to Washington,
Says Live Wire.
The Pendleton Live Wire says: In
direct violation of all federal statutes
for dealings with Indians, leases have
been made and are being made on tbe
reservation in wbiob bribes are em
ployed. Those pursuing these dealings
are in general new renters who desire
to take the place of old renters.
Valuable presents, suob as Baddies,
and large sums of money are known to
bave been paid over during tbe last
few days to Indiana to bind leasiug
agreements. The white man who takes
any such action with au Indian lays
himself open to a long term iu a fed
eral jail.
Leases are now being renewed on tbe
Umatilla reservation. It is impossible
for any would-be renter to bid a high
er rental for the rent is fixed by tbe
government on tbe basis ct land val
ues. ,
Being unable to bid a higher figure,
tbe practice bas obtained sometimes
of making offers of side considerations.
So rank has this beoome in tbe past
two weeks tbat a committee of old
ranchers bave drawn up a petitiou
and forwarded it to Washington. This
petition contains names, dates and the
amount of bribes paid to Indians not
to renew present leases and to turn
out present renters in f avi r of new
The traffic does not seem wrong to
tbe Indian. He is essentially a bar
gainer and piesents of all kiuds appeal
to him. Whether it be a quart of
wbiskey or a $200 saddle with wbiob
tbe agreement is bound, tbere is uow
uo doubt but that a great number of
trades bave been made through trickery.
Unless Sentence Is Commuted He Must
Suffer Extreme Penalty of Law.
Tbe case of the State of Oregon vs.
Joseph H. Caseday bas been affirmed.
On Christmas night, 1009, be arrested
Ollie Snyder Dear Monument, Grant
county. While be had him in custody
and was on bis way to Canyon City
with bis prisoner, be conspired with
Ben Bin ton, Albert Green, Emmett
Shields and Earl Shields to lynoh Sny
der. Snyder was killed Dear Hamil
ton. Hiuton was tried and convicted
of murder in the soooud degree. Tbe
other defendan's entered a pba of
murder in tbe same degree. Caseday
stood trial and was found guilty of
murder in the first degroe. He was
sentenced to be banged on tbe eooud
day of last September. 'Ibeoase was
appealed and the lower court over
wbiob Judge Geo. E. Davis presided,
affirmed. Caseday will now have to
suffer the extreme penalty of the law
unless executive olemenoy is exteuded
to bim. It is thought that friends of
tbe oondemned man and a number
of citizens of tbe northern part of
Grant county will intercede with Gov
ernor West and attempt to bave the
sentence commuted to tbe same degree
of murder tbat tbe co-oonspiratois
were convicted of.
Mav Feature "Rex."
"Rex," the diving dog, will prob
ably be signed as one of tbe features
of amusement in tbe newly arranged
Tumalum park, says tbe Walla Walla
Union. As a tryout, Rex was put
through some of bis stunts yesterday
afternoon. He dived off tbe Mill oreek
bridge on North Seoond street into
the deepest part of the stream, which
probably bas a deptb of four feet.
This feat was accomplished half a
dozen times, and be would stay under
water ten seconds.
Forty Acres for $16,000.
Four hundred dollars an acre was
tbe price paid by Sieuwgn Oldenburg
of Portland to Charles Marcbacd et
dx, for forty acres of land on the Fur
Dish ditch ia Umatilla county, accord
ing to a deed which bas been filed
with County Recorder Bui roughs.
Athena Will Entertain the Schools of
Umatilla County Tomorrow Ath
letics and Oratoricals.
Oratorical Contest, Saturday Evening.
Including tbe 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
aud Gth Grades.
Piano Solo - - - Zola Keen
1. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address -
Myrton Moore
2. Baby at Church - Evangeline Fix
3. Our Hired Girl - Irene Rhea
Vocal Duet ....
Mrs. Smith aud Miss Norma Smith
Including ?tb aud 8tb Grades.
The Ride of Jennie MoNeal -
- Hope MoPherrin
Piauo Solo - Marguerite Forrest
DIVISION A. High Schools.
1. Toussaut L'Ouveriure
Marjorie Bulfluoh
2 Regains Before tbe Roman Sen
ate - - - Clayton Strain
Vocal Solo - Mrs. J. D. Plaraoudon
3. Tbe Death of Garfield
Clareuoe Brotberton
4. Tbe National Flag -
Bloudell Riobey
Piano Duet
- - Mrs lined oi and Miss Gholson
Decision of Judges.
Awarding of Medals.
New Land Attorney.
Attorney Charles H. Carter of Pen
dleton has been named by Governor
Osweld West as the Umatilla oounty
attorney for tbe state laud board. It
is a position that was held by Mr.
Carter some years ago, but during re
cent years tbe post bas been held by
Judge James A. Fee, says the East
OregoDian. The work of the attorney
for the land board has to do principal
ly with tbe loans made from tbe state
laud funds.
Celebrate Golden Wedding.
Ben. F. Ogle, one of the oldest pio-
noers and one of tbe wealthiest luud
owners ia Umatilla comity, aud bis
wife Tuesday celebrated their Hftietb
weddiDg anniversary and all of their
binfolk gathered at tbe family borne
in Pendleton to celebrate tbe oooasion,
says the East Oregonian. Mr. aud
Mrs. Ogle, theu Miss Sarah Groom,
wero married iu Anderson county,
Missouri, in 1861.
Oregon Land Case.
Following a meeting of tho execu
tive committee of tbe Ilurriman lines
it ia announced that uu appeal will
be taken from United Stutes Judge
Wolvertou's decision in Portland in
tbe case wbiob he decided iu favor of
tbe government aud ordered the res
toration of $75,000,000 worth of laud
to the government which previously
had been grauted by congress to the
railroad company.
Fruit Not Badly Damaged.
County Fruit Inspector Campbell
states that while the receut cold
weather did some damage to cherries
aud peaches near tbe stato line, tbe
apples are nubort. Notwithstanding
the fact that strawberries were hurt to
some extent, tbe Milton-Freewater dis
trict will furoisb as large a crop as
last year.
Married at Helix.
At the parsonage of R. G. Callisou,
pastor of the Christian oburoh at He
lix, Mr. Albert E. Ecklund of Port'
land and Miss Elizabeth Webber, a
sobool teacher, were married, on April
23. Tbe newly wedded couple left
immediately for Portland, where tbey
will reside.
Anglers Claim Injustice.
Walla Walla anglers olaim an in
justice is t fling done tbem when tbey
are required to pay $5 lioense fee to
flab in this state. They claim tbey get
no returns for the fish tbey plant in
Mill oreek and tbe Walla Walla river;
tbat the Oregon fishermen get the full
benefit of their labors and expense in
planting the Bsh. Tbey olaim the
license fees to be exoessive under the
The Pen for Him.
Tbe pen yearns for Claude Franklin,
tbe young man from Adams who was
reoently paroled after pleading guilty
to assault with a dangerous weapon.
For a minor offense be reoently re
ceived a jail setitenoe at Walla Walla,
and now Judge Phelps will probably
send bim to the penitentiary.
Early Fishing,
Several parties have tried early
fishing in the river and Meaobam
oreek, and have returned with few
flab, on aooount of high water. It is
reported that salmon have made a fair
run this year.
Money Raised By Commercial Associa
tion for Athena's Part of Ex
pense in Building Road.
Twelve teams are now at work
bnuling crushed rook for the Athena
Weston maoademized road. Addi
tional wagons aud boxes were received
this week and the teams furnished by
farmers are transporting the rook from
crusher to roadway iu large quanti
ties. At a special meeting Monday night,
the Commercial Association took np
Atheua's end of tbe road matter. An
estimate calling for $600 to defray
Athena's part of the expense of build
ing tbe road, was made and President
Betts appointed S. F. Wilson. B, B.
Richards, M. L. Watts, H. A. Barrett
a-id N. A. Miller to serve the Associa
tion iu tho capacity of financial com
mittee. The committee was author
ized to eolioit tbe funds and turn tbem
over to James Henderson, treasurer of
the Association, who will employ men
and bave obargo of the timekeeping,
For this road improvement tbe ooun
ty is crushing tbe rock and spreading
it on tho road after proper surfaoiug
bas been done, which is also at tbe
county's exneuse. Tbe city ol Athena
has given free access to hr rook quar
ry for material for one half of tbe
road's oonstructlou, wbiob will take
tbe maoademized road to a point this
side ot tbe bridge at tbe Giun plaoe,
where the Weston part of the work
will meet it. Tbe farmers of tbe com
munity are furnishing tenuis to do tbe
hauling, but tbesn team? require feed
aud drivors, and incidental expense is
to be met. Aud it is for this tbat the
Association committee bas teen solic
iting funds.
Gasoline Power.
Many farmers who own combine
threshing maohines, have called at
tho Tbarp Bros.' shop this week to in
spect tbe gasoline engine equipment
that is being attHO bed to Claude
Steen's maobine. Tho engine in ques
tion is tnanufantured by the Atlas
company of San Franalsoo. It devel
ops 85-borse power, has four oylioders
and is water cooled. It will drive
tbe separator and header, aud bas giv
en general satisfaction wherever used
for threshing purposes.
School Report.
Tbe following is tbe report of Union
Dittriot No. 52, for tbe mouth begin
ning March 27, aud ending April 2:
Number of days taught, 20; Dumber
of pupils enrolled, 11. Roll of honor:
Clay Jackson, Roy Riobmond, Ralph
Riobmoud, Louie Berlin, Lowell Riob
mond, Elsie Walker, Carolyn Koepke
aud Oneita Janksou. Visitors for
the month: E. H. Richmond, F. J.
Jackson, Mary Riobmond, Ruth Jack
son and Mrs. E. H. Richmond.
Lilliau Downs-DoUou, Teaoher.
Red Bug Pest.
A big box elder shade tree was out
dowu by Haytou Luna this weok at
his home on Jefferson stroet, for tbe
reasou thut it had become tbe perma
nent home of millions of red bugs.
Tbey infested tbe house and walks un
til they beoame a nuisance. Th same
conditions prevuil iu other parts of
tho city wbeie tbe box elder trees
grow, and to obtain relief the only
method availatle to destroy tbe pest is
to make away with the trees.
M. A. Ferguson Is Back.
M. A. Ferguson, who formerly pub
lished the Adams Advance and later
tbe Helix Herald, in tbis county, bus
severed bis connections witb tbe paper
at Conuell, Wash., where he bas been
for several years past. Aooompaniod
by his family. Mr. Ferguson is now
at Pendleton, SBys tbe East Oregonian.
He is thinking of locating at Pendle
ton. Depot Brightened Up.
Painter have given tbe O. -W. R.
fc N. depot in tbii city a fresh coat of
paiut whiob has brightened op tbe
premises greatly. Crossing signs and
culvert approaches have also teen giv
eu generous toucbes fiom tbe brush
with good effect