The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 21, 1911, Image 3

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    I Press Paragraphs
The "Big One."
Walla Walla vs. the Millers.
Sunday afternoon. Game called at
2:30, sharp.
Smoke a good cigar at the 'Tan
nery." -.",'
Mrs. Barry MoBride was on the
eiok list this week.
Al Nordean, the Weston base ball
booster, was in the oity yesterday.
Mrs. Meldrnm and the tabies vis
ited relatives in Pendleton, this week.
Dr. Fred Liepallen was operated on
for appendioitis at Portland this week.
Boone Watson, county fish and
game warden, was in the city Monday.
Mr. Hall of Pilot Kook is in the city
visiting at the home of bis son, Char
. les Hall. "
Mr. and Mrs. Otha Boeder have
moved into the Stone residenoe on
Third street.
Under the anspioes of the Redmen
Lodge, Umatilla is planning to bold a
May Day festival.
Born, in, this city, to Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Darrin, April 19, 1911, a son.
Weight 12 pounds.
W. S. Ferguson and A. B. McEwen
attended the Knights Templar Easter
services at La Grande.
A marriage license has been issued
to Walter Q. Riohards and Elinor I.
Warner, both of this county.
Attorney Watts was a Pendleton
visitor Wednesday, going to the coun
ty seat on professional business.
No Portland mail Tuesday evening,
for the teason that sand storms on
the Columbia delaved the trains.
. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bradley came
np from Pendleton Sunday and at
tended the funeral of V. M. Shiok. j
.Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Koontz spent1
yesteiday and today on the Umatilla.
They took Jimmy Howe along for an
Boys are still breaking windows at
the Oatbolio churoh, and tronble is
brewing for them, when their identity
becomes known.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor McDonald
were over from Walla Walla this
wees, guests at the home of Mr. and
Mis E. A. Dndley.
Preparations are being made for a
danoe, to be given at the opera house
Saturday evening by the High School
Athletic association.
County Jndge Maloney and Com
missioner Walker oame np from Pen
dleton Saturday and viewed the new
road work, east of town.
John Durham baa received word
from bis son Boy, who resides at Port
land, that a son was born on the 3d
inst. and died on tne 17th. '
East Oregonian : Ernest Wells, of
Athena, oame in last evening to at
tend the danoe given by the Sigma
Epsilon Omiordn sorority.
A force of men are pushing im
provement work on the oounty road
between Gibbon and Wenaba Springs.
Considerable rook is being encounter
ed. Mr. L. 'M. Nelson, a registered
pharmacist, has accepted a position in
Byron Hawks' drug store. Mr. Nel
son comes highly recommended. He
entered npon his duties Tuesday morn
ing. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Mansfield re
turned to their borne at Caldwell,' Id
aho, Monday. They expect to retnrn
to this section of country to reside,
soon, and will perhaps live at Walla
Attorney J. W. Whisnant 'left
Wednesday for bis home in Lenoir,
N. C. He roay.deoide to return to
Athena and engage in the praotioe of
Mrs. V. M. Shiok and family left
yesterday for their borne in Addy,
Stevens oonnty, Wash. The well
wishes of Athena friends go with
Bill Dobson has developed . into a
first olass painter, as recent work on
a baok, attests.- The color scheme is
perfect, and the design is said to be
nnique and original.
Byron Hawks, lnoky angler that be
is, displayed the first trout of the sea
son at bis store Wednesday. He lured
a ooople of beauties from the waters
of the olassio Wild Horse.
Edmund Walker has pnrohased the
delivery wagon - and business from
Burke & Son. He is prepared to do all
Kind of light Hauling in addition to
bis regular delivery eervioe.
Mrs. John P. Miller, who resides in
Mrs. Jones' cottage on Jefferson
street, annonnoes to the ladies of
Athena that she is prepared to do
washing at reasonable prices.
Robert Coppock and Wm. Tompkins
returned from a visit of several days
at Hot Lake, Wednesday. Both gen
tlemen were benefitted by the curative
properties of the Hot Lake baths.
The large hats, so popular at pres
ent, are making a great bit with tbe
ladies of this vicinity. A new line
( has been reoived at Mrs. Lillie Mill
er's this week, also children's hats.
Dr. Sharp is suffering from a trou
blesome oarbunole, whiob has made
its appearance on the cords of the
neck. The doctor will not wear
etarobed collars for some time to come.
Those who attended the Blakeslee
Braden oonoert at tbe M. E. chnrob,
Tuesday evening, were well entertain
ed. It is nnderstood that another
oonoert will be given here in tbe near
Commencing May 1 and ending May
I, Milton will bold a musioal festival.
The festival will be given under tbe
anspioes of Columbia College, and
four notable musicians are to appear
on the program. 1
A. Maokenzie Meldrnm delivered an
interesting lecture befoie the Athena
High school body yesterday, taking
for bis snbjeot, pearl fisheries. His
address to tbe pupils was instructive
and interesting.
Mr. Helmiok, who was seriously ill
at the home of bis daughter, Mrs.
Sard Boober, west of town, with pneu
monia, is now on the fair road to re
covery, and his friends hope soon to
see him in town again. -
J. M. Spenoe, tbe irrepressible news
paper subscription solioitor, was in tbe
oity yesterday. He has again at
tached his services to th welfare of
G. S. Jaokson, and U now taking subs
for tbe Portland Journal.
The Press received a marked oopy of
the Salt Lake Herald this week, con
taining an advertisement announcing'
the installation of a branoh house of
the Diamond Bnbber company, with
E. L. Hiteman sales manager.
Dayton High sobool will play tbe
Athena High school team on tbe local
grounds tomorrow afternoun, at 2:30.
Athena defeated Dayton last Saturday
and the Washington lads are down
with a determination to win.
A son was born reoently to Mr., and
Mrs. D. D. Bevlin, at their home in
Durham, N. 0. The bappy mother
was formerly Miss Nettie Beverly, a
teaober in the primary department of
the Athena schools, a vear ago.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Eoontz who
delight in ontdoor life, left yesterday
morning for the Umatilla river. They
have been , enjoying the glow of a
camp fire for some time, bnilt in front
of a tent at their home in this oity.
Walla Walla April 27th to
29 th, inclusive
World's greatest Aviators in thrilling
flights ' under auspicies of the Walla
Walla Fair Association. Excursion
rates on all railroads.
Attorneys Horman Beverly, S. F.
Wilson and J. W. Whisnant visited
at tbe home of Mr. Wilson's parents
ia La Grande, Snnday. Mr. Wilsou
and Mr. Whisnant returned Mop clay,
and Herman went baok to Portland.
Mrs. M. L. Akers oame up from
Pendleton Friday evening, and was a
guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' A.
L. Swaggart over Sunday. Mr. Akers
has pnrohased residenoe property in
Pendleton and this week ta kes ' posses
sion. At the tea and pastry sale given by
Mrs. Wm.' Tompkins and Mis. A. B.
MoEwen at tbe home of the former,
last Saturday, the neat sum of 22
was realized. Tbe money will go
toward painting and renovating the
M. E. oburob.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Pinkerton have
returned to the' ranch from Milton,
where they resided during tbe winter.
The son and daughter, ;Lawrenoe and
Miss Pearl, will finish the sobool term
in Milton by driving over oaob morn
ing in tbe ant.
The Athena Truok Co. has led out
the big street sprinkler for t be sea
son's work on tbe streets. Hereafter
scurrying grains of sand and dust
will be rednoed in quantity on Main
street at least, muob to the gratifica
tion of tbe merchants.
Walla Walla people have chartered
a special train to transport tbe garden
oity fans to tbe ball game in this city
Sunday. Tbe train will leave Walla
Walla at 11 a. m. and returning will
leave Athena at 6 p. m. Tbe train
will arrive in this oity at 12 o'clock.
Under tbe effioieut oare of Dr. Sharp
and Misa Flora- Booth, Miss Edna Tay
lor is progressing most encouragingly
toward recovery from an attack of
typhoid, whiob threatened to prostrate
her for many days. Tbe fever is con
sidered broken, and every indication
is for tbe better.
Program at tbe Dreamland for Fri
day and Saturday as follows: 1.
"Bull Fight in Mexioo," Pathe.
2. "The Cowboy and tbe Squaw,"
Essanay. 3. "Making of a Cham
pion Pugilist," Ealem. For Sunday:
1. "Davy Crockett." Selig. 2.
"Miniature," Pathe. 8. "A Daugh
ter's Choice," Lnbin.
Notioe is officially given by Deputy
Game Warden D. B. Watson that all
irrigation ditohes leading from the
Umatilla river and creeks tributary
thereof, must be soreened at oboe at
the intake with fine fisb soreen, under
penalty of the laws of tbe state of
Oregon. Failure to omply means
liability of fine and imprisonment.
On Tbnrsday, Friday and Saturday
of next week there will be an aviation
meet in Walla Walla under tbe aus
pices of the Walla Walla Fair Associ
ation. This ia tbe first real aviation
meet to be held in tbe Northwest and
tbe world's greatest bird men will be
seen in thrilling flights. Exoursion
rates are to be given on all railroads.
After running the Athena lotel for
nearly 20 years, Harden & Mulen
have leased tbe hostelry to John Dur
ham, who took possession yesterday
morning. Mr. Durham is an exper
ienced hotel man, and before coming
to this city, oondnoted tne hotel at
Eobo. Mr. and Mrs. Harden will
move to tbe residenoe at tbe corner
of Second and Jefferson streets.
Claude Steen is having a 85 horse
power gasoline engine attaobed to his
combined harvester. Tbe engine is
manufactured by the Atlas company
of San Francisoo, end bas given sat-
isfaotion wherever used on combines.
It will fnrnisb power for tbe separat
or and Header attaonments or tne
oombine, leaving tbe teams only to
poll the weight of the maohine. Al
Booher is assisting the expert in
Pendleton dogs are a son roe of con
siderable contention at tbe present
time. Recently the city authorities
e ployed a professional dog catcher
to take np all dogs on whiob tax had
not been paid. A large number of the
owners oame forward and paid tbe
tax, while others ref used to pay. Now
the oity proposes to bring snit to ool
lect dog tax from several dog owners
who have bidden their pets away and
refuse to liquidate.
Father Neate, of tbe local Catholic
oburob, announces that a obapel oar
will arrive in this oity Snnday and
remain all of next week. Tbe oar is
in charge of Father Fleming, an elo
quent preacher, who will conduct ser
vices every morning and evening for
all tbe p aople of Athena, and every
one, irrespective of oreed, is invited
to attend these services. Father1 Neate
oame over from Miseion yesterday to
make preparation for tbe obapel ser
vices. V
Frederick Jahna, alias James Logan
was hung at the Walla Walla peni
tentiary, this morning, the first at the
prison siuoe last J one. Jahns bad
shown no signs of weakening, and
stoutly maintained biu innocence, de
daring tbe woman be killed, Mrs.
Jensen, to be alive, and that a fatal
mistake b:d been made. ' Cironmstan
tial evidance oonvioted tbe
being allf iged that be lured the woman
to a lonely spot in Stevens oounty,
Wash., murdered ber and cremated
her body In a brush fire.
Card of Thanks.
Tbe family and relatives of tbe late
V. SI. S hick desire to express their
thanks to tbe Masons and friends for
their kindness and. assistance in his
late illn ess and death.
Mrs. V. M. Sbick,
children and relatives.
Stock Notice.
Notion is ber jby given that tbe City
Marshal will i mpound all stock found
at large in tb corporate limits cf
Athena. aa proved by ordinance.
Gcso. W. Gross, Mayor.
Give your Boy the Alphabet-Ambition and
a "Best-Ever" Suit, and you can place no
limits to his career.
dm :.
They embrace:
All Wool
Coat Faced
Around Bottom
Indestructibte Lining
Knickers Linen Lined
Wire-sewed Buttons
Double Warp Pockets
Silk-sewn Seams
Canvass Interlining
Guarantee Label
"Best-Ever clothes serve in every, way to dress your
boy properly. They have exclusive features of cut, of
style, of endurance. Besides every "Best Ever" suit is
all wool. Every "Best-Ever" suit is rain-proof.
Surprising to say-they actually cost no mote than
other clothes. Better come and see these great suits
-you'll thank us sooner or later.
losgroye I
Ladies' Home Journal
Patterns for April
a ahverrived.
A Special Shipment sf
Ladies' Neckwear
for Easter,
ur darea
In attempting to go into details regarding the intensi-
fied beauty ol our new bpnng snowing t auks ana
Summer Dress Fabrics, no -word could be too mucn or
no adjective too strong could be applied. With our
usual forethought, we have gathered a more than or-
dinarily large assortment ol Patterns ana Lolorings.
New Novelty Silks Fine Dress Ginghams
In all colors. Taffetas, Messalines Lou- in stripts, plaid or plain colors, in endless
isine and Pongee. variety, at 12 l-2c per yard.
French Foulards Silk Waists
New patterns and all the different colors in Messaline, Taffeta, Pongee and wash
60c per yard. Silks. All latest novelties of the season.
Crepe de Chines White Waists
In evening shades and also in Black. in endless variety; short or long sleeves,
50c per yard. and tailor-made. $1 to $3.50 each.
, Poplins New Gloves
' Mercerized. We have them in all colors Laces, Ribbons and Ladies' Hosiery in
I 35c per yard. , great profusion.
Flaxon New Back Combs
Plain, in bars or in fancy siripes. new Bolero Pins, new Barretts and beau
j 25c per yard. tiful Shirt Waist Sets.