The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 21, 1911, Image 1

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    This Edition con
tains Six Pages
Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer
Athena Merchants
Carry Big Stocks
S. F. WILSON, President,
H. KOEPKE Vice-President.
F. S. Le GROW, Cashier,
E. A. ZERBA. Ass't. Cashier.
Ten years from now will you be slavishly working at a low salary for
somebody else or will you be your own master? You can be either if you
wish. Start that bank account today with only a small deposit if necessary,
and in ten years it will make you independent.
Annual Gathering of the Clans Will
Take Place in Athena Thfs Year
on May 19th and 20th,
K fin ggg gsas jwiu.'. -. j. " fw.L'j'ji1 mff rfTfrwi
uinniiiiiiiiiinnMi mBnniiii iiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiimi
Bundy & Christian, Proprietors
We have put in a full stock of Wallpaper, which iu
eludes ths latest styles and paterns. ' Let us figure on
your painting, paper hanging and decorating.
'Saving at the Spigot
Wasting at the Bung"
That's what buying poor paint
means. Paint may be low
priced by the gallon and be
extravagant to use owing to
to it's' poor covering power
and wearing quality. After
the paint is applied it's too late
to save. Start right and use
The SHERwiN-WiLUAm Paint
surface, spreads easier, and lasts
prepared paint, or hand-mixed
I It covers more
I longer than any other
I lead and oil.
At a meeting of the Umatilla Cal
edonian Society in this city last Satur
day, the dates for holding the big an
nual pionio in this city this year were
seleoted and the committees were ap
Friday and Saturday, May 19 and
20, were the dates seleoted, and the
following oommittes were named. :
Finanoe. A. B. MoEweD.
Concessions, W. E. Potts.
Gronnds, John Bell.
Program, Dr. J. D. Plamondon.
Entertainment, J. E. Froome.
Sports, W. B. Taylor and F. S. Le
Sam Haworth was appointed Mar
shal of the Day; Jesse Smith night
watob and D. C. Molntyre will come
down from Alberta to aot in the ca
pacity of official dispensor of radges.
James Henderson, secretary of the
Caledonian Society, has already been
in correspondence with Portland Cal
edonians, relative to their participat
ing in the program, whiob will be
made if possible, more elaborate than
those given in former years.
Walla Walla Caledonians are to be
interested in the Atnena pionio, and
the attendance from the garden city
will no donbt be large. The pionio
will be held at the park gronnds this
year, and every convenience possible
will be offered visitors. Prominent
speakers, will be obtained. Scottish'
danoes will be given and the usual
sports will prevail. Col. Wood's fav
orite pastime and amusement, the
merry-go-round, will be provided with
its usual concession, and will be looat
ed in a convenient spot to afford en
joyment for the Weston editor and all
others who may wish to join him in
the sport.
Mr MoEwen is meeting with the
customary snooess in soliciting funds
with whiob to finance the pionio, and
the committeemen will co-operate in
their efforts to make the occasion a
success in every partionlar.
r our Husbands, at 30.
Mis. Carrie B. Coates, formerly
Mrs. G. W. Hansell of Sunnyside and
before that widow of J. W. Dixon,
killed by Mike Byan, now in the state
penitentiary serving a life term for the
) deed committed in the bills west of
Vinoent two vears ago this spring, al
though less than SO yeais of age, has
been married fonr times, says a county
exobange. She has two husbands
i dead, one divorced and has just recent
ly taken the fourth, for whom she
bears the name of Coates.
them, than io the past. An item in
the Press last week relative to a youag
lady fanoier being so luoky as to se
onre 13 chioks from 0 eggs is eolipsed
by an original method of incubation
snooussfnlly introdnoed by an Athena
woman. A motherly old hen had
hatched all but one egg in a setting of
15, and the lady in question, hearing
the ohiok "peep" in the shell, became
fearfnl lest it should not faatob under
the hen, as nature provided. She, hit
npon the idea of taking the egg to ted
with her, which she did and next
morning was delighted to find that
the ohiok had batched all right and
was as strong and pert as the others nasaed to the ston nf nnmnlptinn
l I. J- , r
Preparations Completed for Holding
2nd Annual Meet of Athletic
and Oratorical Association,
All preparations for the second an
nual track- meet and oratorical con
test ot the Umatilla County Atbletio
and Oratorical Association, whiob
takes plaoe in this oity one week from
tomorrow, Saturday, April 29, have
Lumber, Mill Work and all Kinds of
Posts and Blacksmith coal
A. M. Johnson, Manager
Athena, Oregon
Mr, Lucas Is Importer.
F. G. Lnoas, of Weston, has order
ed a "Scottish Chief" potato digger
from faraway Scotland whiob will
arrive in time to harvest his 40-acre
crop next fall. This machine is in
universal use in Scotland and has been
introduced in New York and Minne
sota. It will be shipped aoross the
ocean and the oontinent and landed in
Weston at a pnoe $10 cheaper than
the standard digger of American man
nfaoture, says the Leader.
Fruit Is Safe.
With the thermometer registering
81 to 33 degrees in the Walla Walla
valley last week much anxiety was
felt by the fruit raisers as to the
amount of damage sustained. Al
though the temperature was two to
tour degrees below freezing says the
Eagle a heavy wind whiob blew all
night was responsible for the failure
of Jack Frost to get in his damaging
Unique Incubation.
More interest is being- manifested
in poultry raising in this section tban
ever before. Better breeds of chick
ens are being imported and more of
TSS 1 3 Hf PJ ii s
The Freshest and most Choice the Market affords in
5e Best that Money can Buy Always Found Here
Athena, Oregon
Death Claims an Old Time Resident
the Prime of Life Leaves Wife
and Six Children,
Viotor M. Stuck, an old time resi
dent of Atbeca, died in this city Fri
day night, at 10 o'clook, after several
days' intense suffering from diabetes.
Mr. Shiok and family left their
nome in Stevens county, wash., a
couple or mote weeks prior to his
death, coming to Athena in the hope
that the change wonld benefit his de
clining health. For several days he
seemed to improve but the disease had
gained a stronger hold on him tban
any one snspeoted, and be steadily de
clined nntil the tad came.
The funeral was held at the Chris
tian church Sunday afternoon ut 1:80,
the Masonio Lodge, of which be was
member, attending in a body. A.
Mackenzie Meldrura delivered the ser
mon. Mr. Sobiok bas been a member
of the Christian ohnrob sinoe 18 years
of age.
He was born in Arlington, Wash
ington county, Nebraska. At the
time of his death he was aged 42
years. He spent his boyhood in Ath
ena, being a graduate of the Athena
sobools. Ho married Miss Mary Kirk,
daughter , of Lee Kirk, who witb
four sons aud two daughters eurvives
him. He also leaves a father and mo
ther, Mr. and Mrs. A. Shiok, a broth
er, Arthur, and a sister, Mrs. Zeph
Lookwood, all residents of this bitv.
For several years be was engaged in
the grooery business here, being the
junior member of the firm of Rosen
zweig & Sbiok. After disposing of
bis interests here, Mr. Sbick farmed
iu Idaho for a short time, and later
purobased a hardware store in Addy,
Wash., where the home of the fam
ily is at present.
He was known as an npright man,
aud had a wide cirole of friends in this
pait of the county, all of whom sym
pathize witb toy relatives in tbeii
Benson's Funeral.
Frank Benson's funeral was held
Tuesday forenoon under the auspices
of the Elks at Elks Temple, in Hone
on rg. Several thousand people fol
lowed the body to the grave in Odd
Fellows cemetery, where the last rites
of Odd Fellowship were administered.
Among the mourners were Governor
West and Secretary of State Olcott.
Buys Land,
D. II. Mansfield sold 80 aores of the
Mansfield farm west of town, last
week, to W. R. Taylor. The land is
a choice piece, aud as a portion of
the F. M. Mansfield estate. The price
paid by Mr. Taylor was $85 per acre.
Easter Services.
The Easter services ut the Method
ist Episoopal cburob were well at
tended. The service by the children
was entertaining, aud Rev. Lawson
preaobed an interesting sermon.
Her Stipulation.
The pale young man with sheepish
eyes glanced timorously at his fair
companion. They had sat together In
the conservatory for fully five minutes
and had hardly exchanged a word.
At last, In desperation, he dived his
hand into bis breast pocket and
brought, out his cigarette ease.
"Do you mind, Miss Smllax, if I
smoke?" he asked.
"Not in the least," replied the young
lady sweetly, "if you don't think it will
make you sick!"
Close Relations.
"You advise that man's constituents
to stand by him?"
"Yep," replied Farmer CorntosseL
"I advise 'em to stand by close enough
to watch everything he does." Wash
ington Star.
His Inheritance.
"Does he inherit his father's genius?"
"No; only his father's eccentricities
of genius. That is why wc are giving
a benefit for him,"-Chlcago Record-Ilerald.
What a happy world this wonld be
if every man spoke as well of hla live
neighbors as he does of his dead ones!
A Well Done Job.
"Is she we married V
"I should say so. She's been trying
for years to get a divorce and can't"
Pendleton High school nau u g,u
fiotory atbletio meet tbis week, and
the work of the entries was considered
Milton will send a delegation this
year and Weston will have a couple of
speedy men wbo will bear watohing.
Atbena's traok men are working out
well and looal conditions are propi
tious for a suooessfnl meet and enter
tainment for all visitors.
The executive committee willmeotin
Athena tomorrow, when the eutiies
will be compiled aud the progiam
LafTertv Will Introduce Bill in Con-Kress.
If a bill introduced reoently in the
house of representatives by Congress
man A. W. La deity has a successful
progress through congress thousands
of acres nf land will be added to the
taxable property of Umatilla oonuty
and hundreds of people who have paid
for tracts of land will receive patents
tberefor without spending a yeat of
their lives in remote foothills where
none of tbe advantages of oivUization
are enjoyed, says tbe East Oregonian
Tbe bill would do away witb the res
idence requirement in the issuance of
patents upon lands in the Umatilla
reservation providing tbe secretary of
interior,' bs given satisfactory proof
that tbe untimbered lands in question
are not susceptible ot cultivation or
residence and aro exclusively grazing
lauds, inonpable of any profitable ubs
other than for grazing purposos.
Tbe lands which wonld be affected
by this bill lie in the foothills and are
absolutely barren of timber. At the
time allotments were made to tbe In
dians, there was an immense amount
of land not taken and this was ap
praised and placed on sale by the gov
ernment. Ibe soabby land in tbe
foothills was almost wholly ignored,
tbe price of one dollar aud a quarter
an acre fixed by tbe appraisers being
oonsideied too higb. However, as its
grazing utility teoame apparent, mnoh
of tbe land was bought and paid for
but patent was withheld beoanse the
purchasers refused to fulfill tbe resi
denoe requirement. Two previous
bills have been passed by congress pro
viding for tbe issuaune to purchasers
without living for a year on the lands
and Mr. Laderty's bill would extend
the same privilege to those wbo have
bought these lands siuoe tbe passage
of the last of these two bills.
Four to the Pen,
Matt Hart, who pleaded guilty to
stealing a cow and calf belonging to
P. J. Kelly of Freewater, was given
an indeterminate sentence of from one
to ten years wbile Robert "MoUumber,
bis partner in crime, who stood trial,
was given four years, Ivan Rainrabl.
who pleaded guilty to robbing a jewel
ry store got off witb a two year pen
teuoo and Ralph Rose, who entered a
like plea to trio ohaige of robbing tbe
bouse of tbe government trapper uear
Meaabani, drew an indeterminate sen
tence of from one to seven years.
Squaw Badly Hurt.
Wbila purchasing goods at tbe Fix
& Radtke store Saturday old Charley
Sbaplish's wife fell down the base
ment stairway and sustained a broken
hip. Sbe was loaded into a hack and
driven to her home across tbe river at
Thorn Hollow. Dr. Plamondon went
out Sunday and reduced tbe fraoture.
On account of ber advanoed age, it is
doubtful if tbe aged Indian woman
Got the Measles?
There are numerous oases of measles
in Atbena and vicinity at tbe present
time. In some instances several mem
bers of tbe family are afflicted, bnt as
yet no serious results have' beeo re
New Aviation Feat.
Wbat will be a feat unequalled in
j tbe bistorjyof aviation, may be pulled
off in Walal Walla, says the Union,
if the plans of tbe advance manager
of . the International Aviators, who
are to be there next week, do not go
aBtray. He is planning a stnnt that
he says has never been accomplished
and if it is dooe, should be a thriller.
Tbe sobeme is to fly a monoplane from
the fair grounds to the Baker build
ing, a seven story strnoture, and make
a landing and ceremonies of some sort
ou tbe top cf tbe strnoture, tbe aviat
or is to start from the top of the
strnoture and fly back to the grounds.
Ths bas never been done, it is stated
by K. L. Bernard, advance manager
of 'the International aviators, and he
is anxious'to try it out.
Additional Teams Will Be Put on
County Road Work Force- at
Quarry Supply Plenty Rock.
Tbe big rook orusber has been ham
mering away this week at tbe quarry
bslow town. The maobinery is work
ing well, three grades of rook going
into the fains from which tbe wagons
are loaded. Tbis week five teams have
been hauling the rook to tbe roadway
whiob bas been surfaced east of town.
Tbe steam roller passes over tbe
crushed rook as it is spread, leaving
the surfaoe smooth and even. Tbe
work was reviewed Saturday by Coun
ty Judge Maloney and Commissioner
.The present force at tbe quarry oan '
supply rook to several more teams
tbau are on the work at presont, and
tbe county will send more ' wagons to
Athena at onoe. At least ten teams
will be at work next week, and may
be twelve, if the wagons oan be se
cured. The county has wagons at
Hermiston and tboBe will be shipped
Tbe big crusher is oapable of furn
ishing rook euougb to keep the add
tional teams going, and when tbey
are put ou, tbe work will progress
muou faster tban at present.
Higb grade work is to be dtfue on
tbe 'new road. Farmers wbo will do
tbe bauliug will be in a position to
furuisb all tbe teams neoessary in a
few days, when plowing in tbis vioin
ity will be about completed.
Richardson Booms Baltimore.
Tcm Richardson, erstwhile Poitland
booster, is holding what be calls "com
mercial evangelistio meetings" in Bal
timore. He started two weeks ago to
raise $500,000 for tbe Greater Balti
more committee. His methods are
new to Baltimore people. Never have
tbey bad snob a revival. For a oen
tury Baltimore has been regarded as
tbe rook of conservatism. Business
was conducted along old and staid
lines, 'Ibe first thing Riobardson did
when be landed was to refer to the
town as having "cobblestones." He
suggested that tbe way to get rid of
"cobblestones" was to "toot yonrown
born." He urged the staid bankeis
wbo had never attended a "livewire"
mooting to "make a noise." It was
something decidedly new, and so fun
ny to them that it felt good. Then
when Richardson added: "Blow your
whistles aud let tbe woild know you
are living" it was such an eye-opener
that tbe bankers begau to Bit up and
take notioe.
Gold at Milton.
Mrs. T. L. Beardsley of Milton, is
tbe second person to discover gold in
nugget form iu the crop of a obioken
sbe was dressing this week aud it is
tbe belief of many that there is a de
posit of gold in tbe bed of. the Walla
Walla river and adjacent gravel pits.
Reoently these pits have been uncov
ered for buildiug purposes and near
there these otuoketis have been feed
ing. Mrs. Henry Frazier, wife of tbe
mayor of Milton, lately discovered five
nuggets of gold in tbe crop of a fowl.
Her ohiokeus also feed on tbe river
Repairing Water System. (
Water Superintendent Uholsou bas
beau instructed by tbe city council to
employ men to repair the pipe line of
tbe munioipal water rysteui between
towu aud tbe reservoir. New bands
will be put ou the pipe connections,
wbere many leuks are now occurring,
causing much water to go to waste.
Tbe motor has reoently been repaired
and is now in good working order.
Columbia Receives Gift.
Columbia Collego, Milton, will have
a faonlty of not less tban six members
at minimum iialaries each of $100 a
montb, a new and oomplete chemical
laboratory and a conservatory of iu ag
io as a result of a trip east of tbe fin
ancial secretury in whiob he received
a donation of $3,000. The money will
te used mainly to strengthen the pres
ent faculty.
Walden No Better.
John Walden, wbo bas been suffer
laug from tuborcular trouble for sev
eral months, is at tbe nome of bis
mother, Mrs. Sarah Walden, three
miles south of Milton. His ooodltion
is reported to be no better than on bis
return from Arizona several weeks
: i: