The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 14, 1911, Image 1

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    This Edition con
tains Six Pages
Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer
Athena Merchants
Carry Big Stocks
S. F. WILSON, President,
H. KOEPKE Vice-President.
F. S. Le GROW, Cashier,
E. A. ZERBA. Ass't. Cashier.
..V l
Ten years from now will you be slavishly working at a low salary for
somebody else or will you be your own master? You can be either if you
wish. Start that bank account today with only a small deposit if necessary,
and in ten years it will make you independent.
ww Paints
Bundy & Christian; Proprietors
We have put in a full stock of Wallpaper, which in
cludes the latest styles and paterns. Let us figure on
your painting, paper hanging and decorating.
Saving at the Spigot
Wasting at the Bung"
That's what buying poor paint
means. Paint may be low
priced by the gallon and be
extravagant to use owing to
to it's poor covering power
and wearing quality. After
the paint is applied it's too late
to save. Start right and use
The Sherwin-Williams Paint
It covers more surface, spreads easier, and lasts
longer than any other prepared, paint, or hand-mixed
lead and oil.
Named By Judges to Compete April 29.
Large Audience Hears Pro
gram Tuesday Evening.
A large audience was present to bear
the program and declamatory contest
at the Christian ohurob Tuesday even
ing, when tbe contestants were select
ed to compete in tbe County Oratorical
Contest in this oity Saturday evening,
April 29.
M. L. Watts, A. Maobenzie Mel
drum and Mrs. O. H. Boeder were
appointed as judges to decide wbo
should represent tbe Atbena sobools,
and tbe following were deoided upnu :
Representing tbe grades from flrft
to sixth, Miss Evangeline Fix. Rep
resenting tbe seventh and eighth
grades. Miss Bone MoPbeiren, and
for tbe High school, Mr.
A most interesting program was
given by tbe sobool in oonneotion with
the deolamatioDs, several numherB be
ing contributed by local talent. Prom
inent among these was an instrument
al duet by Mrs. O. H. Boeder and Misa
Kittie Gholson, and a deolamation
desoriptive of Pompeii, given by Mr.
Maurice B. Hill, instructor in tbe
Business course of tbe sobool.
Tbe solos, both vocal and instru
mental, and tbe choruses were well
rendered, and tbe little, folks and
young ladies competing eaoh showed
careful preparation. Prinoipal Pate
and bis corps of assistants deserve
great credit for tbe suooess of tbe pro
gram, which was carried out as fol
Bee. Dolly's Lesson, Jeannette Miller
" The Wind and theMoon, Tbeo Kiik
Bee. Song of tbe Wind, Clara Heodley
" Tbe Dolls Funeral, Belle Pambrun
" Baby at Chnroh, Evangeline Fix
Song, Springtime, 3rd and 4th grades
Beo. Guilty or Not Guilty, - Alioe
Vocal solo, - - Liuoille Taylor
Beo. Lasoa. - Edna MoAlexander
" She Sang to Him of Jesus, Hope
Violin solo, - Lawrenoe Tbarp
Oration. The Death of Garfield.
Clarence Brotherton.
Vocal solo, - - Merna DePeBtt
Oration, Pompeii, Maurice B. Hill
Duet, Mrs. Beeder and Miss Gholson
1, for the season and propose to handle
their crop from tbe field to tbe sbips
taking it to foreign markets. Tbe
purpose of tbe move is not solely to
handle the grain of the membere but
to make a profit out of tbe traffic.
Purchases of grain will be made in
the wheat belt just as individual firms
bny it and plans are being made for
tbe incorporation of a transportation
company. Sales of wheat will be
mad? on tbe dock, terms being f. o. b.
Many Gather at Church to Do Honor
to Elder L. J. Foss, for 25
Years Resident of Athena.
Pioneers to Gather.
Oregon Pioneers will meet in Port
land, Wednesday, Jnne 21. Tbe pub
lic exeroises will take place in tbe
Masonio Temple and Honorable M. A.
Miller of Lebanon will deliver tbe an
annual address at 2 :30 p. m. At i :30
p. m., tbe annual bauqnet will Le
served ty tbe Associated Pioneer Wo
man's auxiliary. Both of these fea
tures are .for tbe exclusive benefit of;'
pioneers. In tbe evening a oamp fire
Clarenoe r-or "Kloshe Wa Wa" meeting will be i
held in tbe Masonio temple to which
pioneers, sons and daughters of pio
neers will be admitted. ;
Walks Out
When $100,000
Bond Is
Henry, the Jail-Breaker, Swjpes Mr.
Rivers' Clothes.
Lumber, Mill Work and all Kinds of
Posts and Blacksmith coal
A. M. Johnson, Manager
Athena, Oregon
Harrv Rivers, tbe manager of the
! "Henry tbe Jail-Breaker" show,
1 whiob went on tbe rooks in Atbena
some weeks ago, is still having bis
troubles as a result of being connected
with the outfit. Bivers is working
in Pendleton und tbe Live Wire says
concerning him :
Trouble in great, big gots has pur
sued Harry Rivers, erstwhile theatric
al manager and company advance
It will be remembered that Mr. Riv
ers was arrested and stayed here when
released to face tbe music, that he
then ottained work and since that
time having paid all his debts, has
brought Mrs. Bivers and tbe little
Blrers here from Seattle.
Having gotten on tbe straight side
of things, it struok bim be would en
deavor to get some of bis clothes,
wbioh were presumably in store.
But wo I and alas I
Then was tbe dreadful awakening.
He found that "Henry, the Jailbreak
er," bad removed tbe olotbes and
probably sold them. In addition,
Rivers staked Henry out cf town and
has not beard from bim since.
Because Governor West insisted
upon J. E. Morrison putting up a
$100,000 surety bond to insure tbe
faithful carrying out of his Carey act
oontract, made with the desert land
board to reclaim about 30,000 acres
of arid lands in tbe Deschutes valley,
Morrison arose suddenly and departed
from the executive offices in bigb dudgeon.
Morrison intimated tbat tbe gcver ,
nor's attitude was a reflection upon
bis personal and financial integrity,
while the governor declared tbat bis
demand was based merely on business
principles, and was only a business
proposition. -F. E. Morrison is tbe
promoter of the Desobutes Valley Land
oomnanv'a nroieot. An 80 foot dam
bas been bnilt and water for tbe re
clamation of the segregation is to be
stored in reservoirs created from Cres
oent lake. It is one of tbe most im
portant projects of this nature inaugu
rated in oentral Oregon. It is one of
tbe projeots that will be visited bv
the state laud boards on tbe inspection
trip to be made in May.
Tbe Carey aot ooutraot epeoiGea tbat
water must be on tbe land before it
oan be sold to settlers. Morrison's
oompany is esoapiog- this provision by
selling options. Tbe governor says be
is only desirous of guaranteeing that
water will be delivered before the set
tiers pay tbe Deosbutes Land oompany
for tbe lands.
Last Friday evening tbe Christian
obnrob building was tbe scene of a
large gathering, the oooasiou being a
farewell reception to Mr.' L. J. Foss,
for twenty five jeers a resident of this
Tbe parlors of tbe cburob and the
dr ing room were beautifully decorat
ed for tbe occasion, and all presented
tbe apparanop of a palatial home.
Tbe auditoriam whs open for the
reception of the guests, wbo were
seated her0 for tbe purpose of bearing
a short urogram of eneeobes and mus
A, Mackenzie MeMrum, pastor of
tbe cburob, aotiug as chairman, intro
duced Senator C. A. Barrett, who in
glowing terms spoke of bis twentv years
business relations with Mr. Foss. Sen
ator Barrett'B remarks were brief, bnt
fnll of feeling and commendation for
tbe man with whom be has benn as
sociated for a soote of years.'
He was followed by James Potts,
who spoke in reminisoeut mood of bis
associations witb Mr. Foss in the work
of tbe ohurob; of bis faithfulness as
leader and elder in the ohurob, and of
the good influenoe upon bis own per
sonal life, as teaoher and friend.
David Taylor spoke briefly, and Jos
eph N. Scott, after referring to Mr.
Foss as "greatest among you, being
servant of all," made a presentation
speech, in whiob be tendered him a
magnificent fur overooat, with mem
bers of tbe congregation as donors.
Mr. Fcsj responded feelingly, then
overo miug bis emution, gave a part
ing talk of several minutes duration,
wbioh was greatly appreciated. A
touch of sadness was given tbe occa
sion by tbe recent loss of bis wife by
tbe venerable elder.
Musical numbers were interspersed
witb the speeobes, vooal solos by
Miss Merna DePentt, and Mrs. Reeder,
quartets, and instrumental musio by
Misses Gholson and Tbarp, being fea
tures. Refreshments were served iu
tbe dining room, where sandwiobes
cake, coffee and punob were enjoyed.
Mr. Foss will leave soon for his
farm in Central Oregon, where his
James preceded him some weeks ago.
Billiards and Pool, Tobaccos, Cigars,
Candies, Nuts, and Fruit.
Statesman. Tbe Great Northern rail- .
road is so impressed witb the. desira
bility of these booklets that it has de
oided to get out an edition of fifty
thousands of them and will distribute
them all over tbe country through its
publicity bureau at St. Paul, Minn.
Hurt in Runaway.
A lively runaway occurred at Helix
Sunday. Ernest Knight's team of
young horses beoame frightened at
the train passing ty and ran away.
Mr. Knight and bis brother, Ralph,
were thrown out and both considera
bly bruised up. Luckily no bones
were broken and both will soon be all
right again. One of tbe horses wan
also hurt, and is laid up for repairs,.
Farmers Lease Portland Dock.
Wheat growers of 28 counties of
the Paciflo Northwest, 13 in Oregon,
6 in Idaho and 9 in Washington, mem
bers of tbe Farmers' Union, have se
cured a lease on Columbia Dock No.
The Freshest, and most Choice the Market affords in
Best that Money can Buy Always Found Here
Athena, Oregon
In Auto Accident.
Johu Webb, a prominent wboat
laiseroftbe valley, says the Walla
Walla Union, reoeived three broken
ribs; Ava Sobell, 19-year-old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Sobell, a
dislocated spine witb injuries nbont
tbe neck and arms; Anita Pioard, a
step daughter of Mr. Webb a broken
leg; Mis. John Webb severe outs about
tbe legs and ankles, and Beatrice.
Olive and Russell Pioard, young step
children, were badly Injured when
tbe auto in wbiob tbey were riding
left tbe road at the top of tbe bill
above tbe poor farm throe miles west
of the oity Sunday, afternoon, turned
three somersaults in tbe air, plnnged
down a 50 foot embaukmeut and then
hurtled through a barb wire fence at
the bottom of tbe gulob. Mr. Webb
is a cousin of Mrs. A. J. Parker, of
this oity.
And Ha Had a Sign Out to Let the
Neighbors Know.
In n little settlement on the outskirts
of Chicago two houses stand out more
boldly than tbe rest. These two are
the domiciles of two Italians of means,
who, although being very ignorant
men, viea witn eacn otner ior ine
social leadership of the locality.
One day a newcomer, in search of
temporary lodgings, attracted by a
conspicuous sign in the window of the
first of theso two houses, stepped to
the door to make Inquiry.
'I see you have furnished rooms
here," he said to the swarthy man who
answered his knock.
"Ya," rejoined the foreigner, point
ing to tbe furnished room sign, "dere's
da sign."
"Well, if you have one that's suitable
I'd like to rent it for awhile."
"We no rent da rooms," was tbe be
wildering declaration. "I got my fam
ily in here, and dey take up, all da
"Don't rent any rooms? 'Why, then,
have you that sign stuck in tbe window?"
"I'll tell you. Las' week dtit fellow
next door bang such a sign in his front
window, nn' we'n I seo dat I put one
of da same kind in my front window,
just to show da people dat he ain't
only man in dis place dat have his
rooms furnished!" Judge's Library.
V. M. Shick Critically III.
V. M. Shick who came from Stevens
county, Wash., where be baH been
very siok, is again in a critical con
dition, due to diabetes. After bis ar
rival here be grew better, and was
thought to be recovering, bnt be suff
ered a relapse and attending physi
cians give little bopi of bis recovery.
He has beeu at tbe home of his brotb-er-in-law,
Joseph Hodgson, but was
brought to town yesterday. His fam
ily is with bim and tbey are ooonpying
Mrs. Jones' cottage temporarily.
Catholic Services,
Father Neate, of tbe Umatilla Mis
sion, held servioes at tbe Catholic
church in this citv Sunday mornins
and evening, and on Monday and Toes
day evenings. His next services here
will bo Sunday April :J, when he
will bold service at tbe following
bonrs: 7:30, a. m. ; 10:30, a.m.,
and 7:30 p. w.
How's Fruit?
Witb several nipping freezes this
week.' cornea the leading question,
"How's fruit?" Peaob and aprioot
trees were in fell bloom and in prime
condition to oatob tbe withering blast
of frost, and bow these two varieties
of fruit weathered tbe cold will soon
be known.
Tom Johnson Dead.
After an illoes extending over
year. Tom L. Johnson, eleotel foor
times reform mayor of Cleveland,
died at 8:45 o'clock Tuesday night
His family was at bis bedside.
B. T. Brown, oaptain of tbe Athena
base ball team, bas opened tbe "Fan
uery," headquarters for base ball
bogs and others who enjoy playing
billiards and pool.
He has opened up in tbe brick
building, first door east of tbe Atbena
hotel. He will oarry a stock of cigars
and tobacobs, oaudies, nuts, and fruits
in season.
It is Mr. Brown's intention to con
duct bis place of business on a basis
that will commend it to bis patrons.
It bas been many years since Atbena
had a billiard ball, and in view of tbo
fat tbat many enjoy the amusement
afforded by this popular game, there
is no doubt that tbo business, proper
ly ooudnoted, will pay.
The "Fuuuery" will bo rqmppod
witb an up-to-date bulletin board, on
which will be fonnd tbe standings of
tbe teams in tbe Blue Mountain und
other leagues of the Coast states, and
every item uf base bull gossip will be
on tap.
Crack Dog Catcher.
Pendleton streets will scon be dog-
less , if tbe work of oatohiug canines
which roam about without license
tags continues at its present rate for
a few days, Hays a despatch from tbat
town. Harry Hart of Spokane,
known over the northwest for bis
ability as a dog catcher, arrived Mon
day and by noon tbe next day had
placed 33 of tbe four legged vagabonds
in the fair pavilion, wbioh is serving
iu the capacity of a poond. He was
sent for ty the city authorities several
weeks ago. bnt big services are so con
stantly iu demand tbat it was witb
difficulty tbat be oonld reach Pendle
ton. Progress on Hermiston Project.
Tbe feed canal of the government
project at Herraiston, daring tbe
month of March, diverted 10, 000 acre
feet of water from tbo river, and
delivered 9100 acre feet of water to tbe
reservoir at tbe end of March was
39,000 acre feet. Watertight appli
cations have been reoeived for a total
of 11,650 acres ot land. Topographic
surveys are now being carried on for
tbe reservoir site and tbe irrigable
lands for tbe west extension of tbe
project, and test pits dug at tbe pro
posed dam site.
Boosting Salem.
Tbe Salem board of trade scored a
tenstrike lu publicity when it entered
into a co-operative arrangement witb
twelve of tbe looal real estate firms a
1 short time ago and published a book
let called "Oregon Lands," says tbe
It Should Be Viewed Through tho Bi
ble and "Arabian Nights."
Tbe best books on the east, as every
one knows, are the Bible and the "Ara
bian Nights," and yet I found most
travelers were saturating themselves
with suipplty descriptions of monu
ments and places, witb tabloids of his
tory, with technical paragraphs on ar
chitecture and the ethnic religions,
with figures nbout tho height of this
and tho length of that or condensed'
statistics of exports und imports and
tho tonnage through tho Suez canal
and dates about the Pharaohs and the
Mughals. No wonder thoy seo nothing,
know nothing, enjoy nothing and como
homo bringing a few expletives, adjec
tives and photographs which can bo
had for a small price in either New
York or London.
Tho first thing to do in going to tho
east is to turn your education out on
your desk so that you can get at tho
bottom of it, and there you will find
tho Bible and tho "Arabian Nights"
nud the "Odyssey" and "Iliad" and
"Virgil" and "Herodotus" and "Xeno
phou," nud you will realize what a
fool you were not to have devoted
more time to them when you were
asked to do so. Guide books can get
you to the east, but they do not get
you inside. It Is temperament, not
trains, that counts. rrlco Collier In
Scrlbncr's Magazine.
Civet Is nn aromatic substance of
thof consistence of honey and la ob-tu-lned
from a pouch on tho civet cat,
an animal from two to three feet long
and ubout ten or twelve inches high.
Tho best known of animal odors Is
rnuHk, which is obtained from tho
musk deer. China furnishes tho best
quality. Twenty-flvo pods or sacks
are packed in oblong boxes composed
of plates of lend Inclosed in a caddy
mado of pasteboard. Musk Is obtain
ed from Assam, Siberia, tho Altui
mountains and other parts of northern
Asia. Ambergris is another animal
odor. It is secreted in tho Intestines
of the spermaceti whale. A very curi
ous fact is that ambergris is only ac
cumulated by dlseuse that Is, it is
only secreted in a sick whale. It Is
very hard, of a light gray color and Is
found in quantities varying from twen
ty to fifty pounds. It Is worth about
0 an ounce. London Standard.
When Frederick 'Robertson' of Brigh
ton, tho great preacher who had writ
ten much about Tennyson's poems and
for whom tho poet had a high regard,
first called upon him, "I felt," said
Tennyson, "as if he had come to pluck
out the heart of my mystery, so I talk
ed to him about nothing but beer."
For the Firit Comr.
Young Man-So Mlsa Ethel Is your
oldest sister. Who comes after her?
Small Brotbcr-Nobody ain't come yet,
but pa says the first fellow that comes
can have her. Boston Transcript
Cow for Sale,
D. A. Piukerton bas a good,
milk cow for sale. Cow is five
old and is a prolifio milker.