The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 07, 1911, Image 2

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    I 1
Dairy Expert Iowa State Dairy Association
What State Dairymen's Associations Can Do
Knowing the possibilities In storo
for dairy farming and realizing the
possibility of doubling the Income
from the dairy products and In this
manner adding to the wealth of the
Iowa farmer nearly half as many dol
lars as a bumper crop of corn in a
year of high prices, nil forces are at
work to accomplish the result The
last general nsKemhly appropriated
$10,000 to the Iowa State Dairymen's
association to enable them to do more
effective work along educational lines
in dairying. With this money they
have hired dairy experts to conduct a
campaign with the one end in view
Increasing the butter products of the
Iowa cow. To accomplish this result
no stones are being left unturned.
Special dairy trains have been run
and more will be run over the state,
carrying to the farmer's door the
facts relative to the care and educ
tion of his herd that will mean to him
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"Glencoe Bopeep," Guernsey Cow
That Will Make Over 600 Pounds
of Butter This Year In Iowa Cow
more profitable products and an In
terest In the work that will cause
him, too, to realize that there Is a
bright future for the dairy business
on his farm if conducted along proper
Short Courses In Dairying.
' Short courso schools are probably
one of the very best means of educa
ting the farmer dairyman, although it
Is Impossible to reach so many during
a short period of time. Rut those to
whom education Is carried through
this channel have an opportunity to
learn a great deal more that will be a
benefit to them because the corps of
Instructors remains with the one class
for a week at a time and during this
course dairy animals of proper form,
conformation and working ability are
brought before them and the essential
points to bo observed in selecting
dairy animals nro pointed out and
practically demonstrated with the live
animal. Methods of securing the very
best animals for tho product .on of
milk and butter fat are discussed, and
of course this brings up tho study
of breeding, raising and developing
dairy cattle. Feeding tho dairy cow
Is an all-Important point, and this
matter Is discussed every day during
the week with the students. Caring
for milk and cream on the farm Is a
real live question tit the present time.
Thero is auother possibility here in
that, by tho proper care of the milk
and cream from the time It Is milked
until It reaches the creamery, It will
not be dlflli'iilt to Increase the price
per pound of butter shipped out of
Iowa by one cent and this means an
Income In Itself of over $10,000 per
year. Practical demonstration of the
proper methods of milking tho cow
are given, and It will probably bo a
keep the good cows and by the use
of good sires produce daughters that
are still better, save (hem, rear them
under the best conditions for growth
and development arid each generation
make better the herd from the stand
point of nJJk and butter production,
never failing to sort out by the use
of the scales and the Babeock test
those Individuals which do not pay
for their care and feed and yield a
reasonable profit besides.
Farmers Are Interested.
It is surprising the Interest that
these short-course students take in
their work, for, as a matter of fact,
they do better work during the five
or t:lx days while the opportunity Is
presented than do the real college stu
dents, who feel that their opportuni
ties for education are to last for a
period of four years instead of for one
short week
The Iowa State Dairy association
also furnishes lecturers for, farmers'
institutes, one of which Is held in
every county in Iowa, supported to an
extent bv the appropriation from the
stato. In the past there has been
very IM tic encouragement to the far
mer, who attended the institutes,
along lines of dairying because the
available lecturers were few, but now
that the state ha3 come to the assist
ance of the State Dairymen's associa
tion it is possible for the latter insti
tution to supply speakers free of cost
except for their traveling expenses to
every farmers' institute in tho state
that signifies its interest in the real
business of dairying.
Probably one of the best opportuni
ties to do good is found at the an
nual meetings of the patrons of the
M)0 creameries located In Iowa At
tills time the treasurer reports to the
patrons numbering from iiO to 500
what the financial condition of their
creamery is and what the profits have
been during tho past year. On such
an occasion more Interest Is displayed
than at any other time, because the
patron feels that the business is large
ly his--which is a fact. If It is pos
sible, and usually it Is, to show him
where his organization can be more
successful anil pay larger prices to
tho patrons for their butter fat during
the coming year, he feels that it is
to his advantage to grasp the opportu
nity and in this way much good re
sults to tho patrons in the community.
Probably the best manner of assisting
tiieso creamerymen Is to form associ
ations and already in Worth county
the North Iowa Dairy Improvement
association has been organized with
ten creameries co-operating. The but
ter made by ten creameries is
taxed by the organization one-tenth
produces in her creameries over 1,000,
000 pounds of butter, and in this re
spect leads, as a rule, all other states
in the Union. Judging from this but
ter income, together with the Income
from the city milk supplies and troni
other by-products of the dairy cow. It
has been carefully estimated that the
dairy business of Iowa means an an
nual Income of $00,000,000, and it is
a fact that the chief factory to bo
found In nearly !00 towns in the state
is the factory where the cream pro
duced on the farm Is manufactured in
butter and shipped to market.
Possibilities of the Iowa Cow.
Owirg to the fact that a great por
tion of tho butter produced in Iowa
found In many states. Many are the
herds that produce an average of over
400 pounds of butter a year, and this
means that each cow on the average
is returning to her owner an Income
of over $100 annually for the butter she
nroduces. There is a nossibility that
the production of even these better
herds can be gradually Increased, and
thi3 is best proven by the fact that
in these herds are to be found many
cows that are producing much mora
than 400 pounds of butter, while oth
ers are producing a lesser amount.
One is not surprised nowadays to
find cows that have produced from 700
pounds to 1,000 pounds of butter a
year, and a few cows already have
produced over 1,100 pounds of butter
in 3f!5 days. There is a possibility of
doubling the average production of
the cows with very little expense. In
fact, only three things are needed to
accomplish this, namely: Better
dairymen, better cows and better
methods of caring for and feeding
them To double the average produc
tion of the cow would mean that she
must produce an average of 2S0 pounds
of butter annually, and no doubt the
time will come when she will be doing
thi3, for as a matter of fact her pres
ent production is not making for her
owner any great amount of net prottt
even at the high price of butter fat
In older countries we find the cow3'
avdrage in production even more than
2K0 pounds of butter per year. Among
tJhe countries are Denmark, Holland,
Ilw Zealand, the Jersey and Guern
set islands and other countries.
Little Improvement In the Average
Dairy Cow.
In most lines of agriculture the
American farmer is most progressive
and leads the world. During the past
number of years he has been busy im
proving his herds of horses, hogs and
beef cattle as well as his farm equip
ment, and has overlooked the im
portance of the dairy cow. Likely
this is the reason that we find him to
day milking cows that are no better
than the covv3 he was milking 25 years
ago, and in many cases of a quality
even poorer. He has considered the
daily cow as more or less a side is
sue and as sort of a troublesome ne
cessity. At this time, however, with
the great advancement in the price ol
land and the problem of making his
farm better Instead of farming it to
death, he has looked around him and
found that of all farm animals the
good dairy cow is at the present time
returning to her owner more net
profit from her dally product, helping
In making the farm better, and that
her calves are selling for a higher
price than ever before, and at a great
er profit than any other animal on the
farm. He has found that there is a
vast difference between the cows that
he is keeping, and in many instances
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(Uopyrijfht, VUX, bj Associated literary ire"-)
Having delivered her opinion of
the first act, Miss Winley 'aned
back in her seat and yielded to the
temptation of removing and read
justing her slipper, with her foot as
a lever. It proved a fascinating
progress, and engrossed her atten
tion. The lights, going out, recalled
her with a start. The start disturbed
the position of the "lever." She
groped madly, till she touched the
teel of the truant slipper; then
?urled her toe over its edge. It rose
on end, her foot slipped, the slipper
shot forward and she tracked only
the bare floor.
"Fred," she whispered, tapping
her companion's arm, "I've lost a
The curtain had risen on a chorus
of beauties. Fred, being only her
brother, replied: "Oh, never mind,
we'll get it afterward," and be
stowed all his attention on the
But Miss Winlcy's foot was cold,
and poutingly she curled it up un
derneath her. Row spaces are not
built to meet such emergencies, and
in settling herself Miss Winley
knocked her knee against the chair
ahead and to the left of her. Its
occupant turned around, then with
drew his gaze reluctantly.
Fenshaw was not interested in the
act. He began to weigh the assets
of the chorus against the unusual
tint of Miss Winley's hair. He
slouched back in his seat to catch
another glimpse of her. He did not
turn again deliberately.
Something impeded the stretch of
his legs. He stooped, stared, and
picked up a golden slipper. Grace
ful, not much too big for his hand's
holding, still warm to the touch, it
rested on his flattened palm. Fas
cinated he looked down at it; and
then, without knowing why, thrust it
stealthily into the pocket of his over-
"Aggie Clothilda Bawn 4th," Holstein Cow.
nurprtse to tho dairyman to realize
that there Is ns much to be learned
regarding tho proper way to milk the
dairy cow as there was to be learned
rcRarding the growing of corn the or
six years ago. After the cow has been
lullkod at theno short course tho
milk Is weighed, then a sample taken
and tested with tho Uubeock tester to
determine the percentage of butter
fat found in the milk; and after all
this is probably the very most Impor
tant thlug to be learned by the dairy
farmer at the present time, because It
euablea him to find out which of his
cowa are good ones and which of
them are the unprofitable kind, and
this certainly must bo the first con
sideration in building oip the herd.
II must iyt ntMt co and
is shipped out of the state, the butter
industry represents one of the chief
sources of income and wealth to the
stato of Iowa. The production of but
ter and the wealth therefrom, how
over, is not a thing that the Iowa
farmer la often found boasting about,
because he realizes that large as the
production of butter Is and largo as
is the Income at present, it is only a
small indication of tho real possibili
ties of the Iowa cow. To produce this
amount of butter nearly a million and
a halt cows are being milked and their
average production is in the neighbor
hood of only 140 pounds of butter per
year. One can only realize the stnall
ness of this production by comparing
It with the large yield of the better
herds of dairy cows that are to b
Good Type of Jersey Cow.
he finds standing side by side under
exactly the same conditions and re
ceiving the same feed both in quantity
and quality, two cows, one of which
is producing 100 pounds of butter a
year while the other is producing 500
pounds of butter in a year. U takea
only a moment's consideration to dis
cover, when his attention i- drawn to
this fact, that one of these cows even
though ehe consumes five times aa
much feed requires five times as
much labor to care for her and milk
her; even though she might occupy
five times as much space iu the barn
or pasture, is five times the mora
prolitablo cow of the two.
Doubling the Production of Butter.
This is a fact that is found oc nea
ly every farm at the present time, and
rieht now the dairyman is struggling
to get rid of the poor cows and keep
a larger number ol cows, but it is dif
llcult for him to find them because
during these same years his neighbors
have paid very little attentiun to the
building up ol their own dairy herds
and the same conditions are found
upon their farms u few real good
cows and a number of real poor cows.
He, too. has discovered the difference
between good cows and poor cows,
and the result is that to build up at
once good herds of dairy cows is prac
tically au Impossibility, and it will
take a considerable length of time to
make the great necessary Improve
ment in our herds. Nevertheless, the
necessity of bettering our dairy condi.
tlons is apparent, it is a possibility
to double the production of dairy
products with the same number of
cows in milk, which means that thera
is a possibility of producing annually
in Iowa Instead $00,000,000 worth of
dairy products, $120,000,000 worth,
which lack a very little of amounting
to as much as does the annual corn
crop of the state.
This, no doubt, will be a surprise to
the reader, as it is a matter of Iowa
history that the corn crop is by far
the most important of all Iowa in
dustries. There is, however, no area
the size of Iowa in the world that Is
better fitted for a large, economical
and rrfltaDle production of dairy
products. Everything except the good
cow is present There is no better
feed than corn when fed in proper
amounts and proportions, and there
Is an abundance of pasture grasses,
clovers, good climatic conditions, fresh
water, intelligent farmers and good
Mr xavp pmmt
coat. A Blight movement from be
hind distracted him, and gave excuse
to turn and gaze again upon Miss
Winley. Intuitively he placed the
6lipper's ownership, and quickly
Bought confirmation in her expres
sion. But Miss Winley, adapted to
the uncertain gallantry of a brother,
had dismissed the matter from her
mind until after the play. The
cramp from her position was alone
responsible for her restlessness.
When the curtain dropped bo did
Fred, dutifully, on hands and knees.
Vainly he searched. The people
slowly filed out, and as the front
rows cleared he walked through
them, called the usher, explained
how, being a slipper, it was impos
sible for it to be somewhere around.
Meanwhile, Miss Winley stood on
one foot, regarding his efforts with
mingled disdain and despair.
Fenshaw, drifting over toward
the side exit, had not gone out. The
solitary figure attracted her. Their
eyes met. In a flash she under
stood. Here was where he ehould
have come forwnrd and ended the
quest. But he didn't. Ho closed his
hand over the tell-tale bulge of his
pocket and waited.
"You might ask," Bhe began to
Fred. "Er ah don't bother," as
ho looked up inquiringly. "Only
well have to go home before joining
the crowd. You run ahead and find
our car."
She took off her other slipper and
tucked it under her coat.
"Why?" asked Freddy.
"Easier walking; I refuse to limp.
"You'll catch your death of cold."
Miss Winley shrugged her shoul
ders. "More evenly distributed, at
any rate." she philosophized. Then,
pathetically, "You don't think any
one can notice, do you, if I let my
gown flop?" . She trailed majestical
ly, if cautiously, up the aisle behind
him, her beautiful robe gathering
up an undue share of dust.
She was very angry. To be sure,
the man had fine eyes, but he also
had her slipper. She felt sure of It;
yet she couldn't tell Fred. It wa9
bo absurd. How could she?
Only a few persons remained in
the entrance as she stepped into the
motor. One of these was Fenshaw.
She saw him clearly. He had edged
close as Fred approached the chauf
feur in an endeavor to near. nss
Winley became enraged. Then sud
denly the ure of the game ros in
her veins. In a spirit of challenge,
she leaned out and called audibly to
her brother:
"Tell him home!" and, as the
door closed on them, Fenshaw
caught a glimpse of hair as golden
as the slipper that was ruining the
shape of his pocket and of eyes with
a matching gleam of mockery.
Fenshaw was at the bachelor
stage, which is beyond that of the
merely single young man. This does
not mean, however, that he was
without his moments of impulse. A
vacant taxi stood encouragingly at
hand. He sprang In.
"Worth your while to follow and
keep track of that car!" he directed.
Dizzily they spun along to dis
count the start of the other motor.
Finally it stopped. So did Fenshaw,
slightly in the rear. He paid ex
travagantly for his success, dis
missed the taxi, took accurate note
of the house the Wlnleys entered,
verified the number as they passed
inside, ascertained the street and
then turned homeward with a tune
upon hi3 lips. For was it not Mrs.
Hartfield'B street? sympathetic, en
ergetic, match-making Mrs. Hart
field! And just three doors below,
too! Surely she knew the glorious
lady of the slipper! If that were so.
He laughed aloud at the roslness
of his outlook.
In the morning he called up Mrs.
Hartfield. No hour was ever too
early for her. She agreed with
eagerness to his suggestion. She
considered Fenshaw her most ob
stinate and at the same, time her
most "worth while" case. He had
never confessed to need of her be
fore, and his hint of distress was a
heartening sign. So she broke an
engagement for bridge, and with the
tea table laid and some of her hus
band's best cigars at hand an hour
too soon, she sat looking out of her
window, impatiently tapping her foot
In rhythm to the clock's ticking.
Fenshaw was almost prompt. He
arrived exactly on time, and, with a
bare greeting, dropped the slipper in
to the lap of his hostess.
"There!" he exclaimed sheepishly,
"I hope you're satisfied!"
Mrs. Hartfield examined it excited-
"Whose is it?" she demanded.
"I don't know," mumbled Fen
shaw. She beamed upon him. It was bet
ter than she had expected.
"Tell me all!" she commanded.
He told her. "I've been wondering
ever since just why I did it," he end
ed, "except, perhaps it is a handsome
MrB. Hartfield did not contradict
him. "The number is 37, you say?
That is the Winley's house. Hair
matches the slipper?" Bhe broke off
Fenshaw nodded. "You know her?"
he cried.
"Of, course," lied Mrs. Hartfield,
with the mental reservation, "by
sight," to ease her conscience. "And
you merely wish to return this?"
Fenshaw looked up sharply. "Of
course! You see, it was really an
unpardonable thing to do. I felt
that she knew I had it, and I should
have given It back then and there,
but but I didn't."
"Hm!" said Mrs. Hartfield. She was
thinking very hard. "Suppose you
drop-in to dinner Tuesday next?"
There was a veiled promise in her
"Angel!" murmured Fenshaw as
he left the house.
At the same moment "the angel"
was in frantic communication over
the telephone.
Tuesday came at last. Fenshaw
arrived most Improperly early. It
was a good symptom, and Mrs. Hart
field's greeting was none the less
cordial. She met his expectant gaze
with a glib explanation.
"You see, Ethel Mrs. Trowden
rang me up just after you left.
She'd quite set her heart on a din
ner and a little bridge after; so when
I told her I couldn't come she in-,
sisted on my bringing you along.
It's all right." She laughed as his
expression fell. "She has asked Miss
They left the house. Fenshaw'e
eyes were strangely alight and his
jaw squarely set as they drove away.
He was going to defeat or conquest
at least to battle. For sentiment's
sake, the slipper rested in his
pocket, but his heart was already
leaping far beyond.
As for Mrs. Hartfield, she kept her
face burled in the cool fragrance of
her violets Fenshaw's tacit confes
sion of dependence fervently pray
ing all the way over he might not
find out too soon that if it had not
been for Mrs. Trowden she never
could have introduced him to his
"lady of the slipper."
The Bad Boy and the Quakers.
Of Diggle? Mr. Barham used to tell
many absurd stories. The most amus
ing, however much to be condemned,
of his practical jokes was one in
which his friend Barham also had a
share. The two boys, in course of
one of their walks, procured a penny
tart of a neighboring pastry cook;
furnished with this, Diggle marched
boldly into the building, and holding
up the delicacy in the midst of the
grave assembly, said with perfect so
lemnity: "Whoever speaks first shall
have this pie."
"Friend, go thy way," commanded
a drab-colored gentleman, rising; "go
thy way."
"The pie is yours, air!" exclaimed
Master Diggle, politely, and placing it
before the astonished speaker, hastily
effected his escape. College life.
Ambitious Young Man Is Told
First Lesson In Politics Is to Know
"Star-Spangled Banner."
Having decided to go into politic. .
i young man applied to a district lead- .
jr for some points in the game. The
joss handed him "The Star-Spangled
3anner," words and music.
"Know that?" he asked. . v
The young man confessed that he
3id not, except the first few lines.
"Then," said the district leader,
'the first thing you've got to do is j
:o learn n oy neurt, every uiu uiu
3very note. Go home and practice till
cou can sing it with as much voice and
musical feeling as you have. It will
carry you over many a strip of thin
ice. Every successful politician in the
land has been saved from defeat at
some critical moment by his ability to
3ing 'The Star-Spangled Banner.' If
the fellows who have failed had known
how to sing it, maybe they wouldn't
have fallen with such a thud.
"Later I may have a few more use
ful hints to impart, but make no mis
take, the A B C of the political game
is a working knowledge of 'The Star
Spangled Banner.' " New York Sun.
Getting His Money's Worth.
"Yeas," drawled the veneral post
master of Bacon Ridge, "when Silas
Shanks was up in Chicago he rode
about in a taxicab an' they charged
him $4 an hour. It almost broke his
"That so!" commented the molasses
"Yeas, but Sile got even. He bought
a second-handed taxicab at an auction
sale an' now he rides around all day
an' every hour he calculates that he's
saved $.4."
Flossie Would you rather be a
marchioness or a countess?
Bessie I think I'd rather be a
Flossie A marchioness Is higher
than a countess.
Bessie Yes, but a countess Is easier
to spell.
Demise Uncertain.
Thefe was a new play to be given
by the stock company and the heavy
villain was starting off for rehearsal.
"And, by the way, Julius," asked,
his wife, "what time will you be home
for supper 8, 9 or 10 o'clock?"
"I can't tell you now, Bedelia," re
sponded the Thespian, as he slipped
on his $1,000 overcoat. "I have forgot
ten which act I die In."
Too Close Now.
Subbubs I don't know anybody
that my wife hates more than the
Citiman Why, she used to think
pretty well of them.
Subbubs Yes, but that wa3 befone
they moved in next door to us. Cath
olic Standard and Times.
Might Get the Hook.
"Why don't you write a rhyme abou.
bank embezzlers?" some one asked a
busy bard.
"I would do so," he answered, "If I
thought it were safe to rhyme law
ver with 'paranoia.' "
Belated Popularity.
Askltt Was Skinner what you
would call a popular man?
Knoltt Well, he never had much
of a following while alive, but he had
a big funeral.
A Stock Phrase.
"I fear he isnt a finished political
-Why not?"
"Because he never refers to th
voter's 'Inalienable right