The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 31, 1911, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
Matt Mosgrove was in the oity from
Miltoo yesterday.
Ernest Wells spent Sunday with
friends in Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Rogers were in
the oity from Adams, Tuesday.
' W. S. Fergnson went to Pendleton
yesterday on the morning train.
Master Ccmad Miller has been siok
this week, with a bilious attaok.
Attorneys Wilson and Watts and
E. A. Dudley were in Pendleton yes
erday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carden are pre
paring to move back to the ranoh for
the summer.
E. L. Smitb and James Sturgis,
Pendleton implement dealers, were in
the city Tuesday.
Hairy Bundy, of the firm of Chris
tian & Bundy, has been painting in
Adams this week.
M. L Watts. Will Littlejohn, Bert
Cartano and Ed. Kooutz were at Pen
dleton, Wednesday afternoon.
A half prioe shoe sale is ou at Fix
& Eadtke's Department store. Call
early and get the best bargains.
Tobunie Bideuour left yesterday for
Pendleton, where he will join bisorew
for the annual sbeepsbeariog tour.
Miss Alcv Fcsff left Sunday for
Spokane, where she will resume her
blodies iu the Blair Business College.
Mrs. Martba Mays arrived last week
from Elgin, Wallowa county, and is a
guest of her daughter, Mrs. C. A. Bar
rett. Mildred aud Audrey, the little
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Wiusbip,
have been ill the past week with mea
sles. Marion Han sell is "making good"
as road supervisor and it is hoped the
good work, will continue in his terri
tory. Dr. J. R. Sponagle has returned
from Seattle and announoes that he
is again prepared to do all kinds of
dental work.
Ira MoDonald left for Alberta Wed
nesday evening. He will remain north
only a few weeks, looking after bus
iness interests.
Grandma Molntyre and Mrs. Peter
Molntyre left Monday for their homes
near Nanton, Alberta, after spending
several weeks visiting friends in this
A. Mackenzie Meldrum, pastor of
the Christian church, is at lone this
week, where he will submit plans for
a new oburch building to be ereoted in
that town.
Lee Hiteman has been transferred to
Salt Lake, by the Diamond Rubber
company iu the employ of which Mr.
Hiteman has been for several years at
San Frahoisoo.
Copyriiht Hart Schaffncr 4 Mara
You see how very
stylish the regu
lar sack suit can
look , when it is
made by such style
creators' as Hart
Schaffner & Marx
You may prefer it to some
of the so-called livelier styles
Notice the smart lapel, and
the drape of the coat. We
will fit you like that.
Suits, $15 to $30
Save the Coupons Where It Pays
to Trade
Mrs. F. S. LeGrow is in Walla
Walla, where she will visit her mo
ther during the absence of Mr. Le
Grow in Montana.
The Athena ball team plays at Wes
ton, Sunday. Weather permitting,
a large number of Athena people will
witness the game.
Charles Ncrris left for Portland
on last evening's train. He will re
turn tomorrow night, after looking
after business matters.
Mrs. George S. Martin, of Mabton,
Wash, and little son, George Jr., were
visiting at tho home of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Sobmitt the past week. '
Mrs. John Walter is impioving iu
health at Walla Walla, where sue is
taking medical treatment, and will
soon be able to be home again.
The new tin roof is being put on the
Cook bnilding this week, and with the
completion of the carpenter work, the
building will be fully repaired and
ready for oocupanoy.
.Another large consignment of hats
from the east arrived at Mrs. Lillie
Miller's store yesterday. Turbans
and large hats are the predominating
features of this shipment.
T. C. Taylor,' C. E. Roosevelt, Lot
Livermore and Jack Robiason, were
among the Pendleton Masons, who
were present Friday evening at the in
stitution ot Eirk Chapter.
Johnson's orobestra furnished musio
for the Dreamland theater Sunday
evening. Good piotures were on the
program and the house was crowded
beyond its seating capacity.
Miss Maty LaBraobe is taking a
course in Frenob, English, eloontiou
aud musio at St. Paul's sobool in
Walla Walla, and is making rapid
progress in her chosen course. .
J. W. Wiiooxson, whose wife killed
herself and son at Walla Walla, last
week, was in the city Monday. Mr.
Wiiooxson is a traveling salesman for
the Best Manufacturing oompany.
Patrons of the Dreamland Theatre
were given an opportunity of hearing
several splendid duete Wednesday eve
ning, with Mrs. Otba Reeder and
Miss Eittie Gbolson at the piano.
F. S. LeGrow left Tuesday for Mon
tana, where be will look after his
stook ranch near Ekalaka. His stock
wintered well, there being range feed
enongh to carry tbem through in good
Casper Woodward loaded his big
Caterpillar engine on the N. P. for
shipment to Frankliu county, yester
day. The big machine will be used
to pull a string of plows in summer
Mrs. Lizzie Jones is in Eoho this
week, where she is attending to her
millinery business. Her store here is
under the charge of Misses Ethel
Chapman and Norma Smith during
her absence.
Chas. Hen:& is making some im
provements at his home on the Wist
side. C. O. is some carpenter, and
with saw and hammer, is making a
phange in the appearance of the Hen
ry homestead.
Silks and Pongees are entering more
into ladies' wearing apparel this sea
son than ever. Down at Mosgrove's
Charlie Barrow has some exception
ally tine patterns which be will be
pleased to show you.
Mrs. Byron Hawks will leave Moo
day for a months' visit with ber pa
rente in Spokane. Mr. and Mrs.
Hawks have this week gotten com
fortably settled in the Colbern resi
dence on Fifth street.
T. P. Moeloy and family were in the
oity this week, enroute to Alberta.
Mr. Moshy spent a part of the winter
in California with Mr. and Mrs. P.
E. Colbern, and sinoe has been with
his family in Portland. j
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kissler enter
tained at dinner March 25, in honor
of the birthday anniversaries of Mrs.
Henry Sobmitt and Miss Georgia Han-
t sell, which ooour a few days apart.
Covers were laid for 16.
Mrs. Hill has received news that her
little grandson. Dale Wbiteman, is
afflicted with measles at his home
near LaCross, Wash. At first it was
reported that be bad scarlet fever, bnt
later reports denied this.
Mr. L. J. Foss expects to leave soon
for Crook county, where he will speud
a vacation of several weeks. Mr.
Foss owns land in Crook county,
which, since the advent of the rail
road, promises to become valuable.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Forrest arrived
in the oity Wednesday from Alberta,
where they have beeo residing for sev
eral months. Mr. Forrest is on a deal
to dispose of his Alberta property,
and be may again become a resident
oi umatiiia county.
John Mclntyre ppent Monday eve
ning and Tnesdav in the city, meeting
many of his old friends. He is engaged
in the real estate business at Calgaiy,
Alberta. He reports Umatilla countv
people up there to have fine crop
prospeots this year.
Next Wednesday is the regular
monthly meeting day of the C. W. B
M., and the meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. Fred Kershaw, in
Weston, Ibe members are" expected
to turn out en mrsse. aud make a good
showing in our sister city.
V. M. Sbiok and family are here
from Stevens county, Wash. Mr
Sbiok is recovering from a serious ill
ness, caused from an attack of the
gripp. Abscesses formed in his bead
and for a time be waa blind and de
lirious. He is improving rapidly now
and only feels the fleets of bis illness
through being weak. Hiij two oldest
sons are conducting hie hardware Cos
iness during bis visit here.'
Standard of the World
Requires no Mixing or Preparation
Always Ready for Use
Always Reliable
Successfully used by 50,000 grain
growers in 1910. When you buy, de
mand the best. Get the "Woodlark
Brand." Money back if not as claimed.
Hoy Chemicai, Co.. Portland, Oregon
Dave Lavender has a force of men
at work drilling rook in the quarry be
low town. It has taken considerable
labor to remove the earth from the
surface of the quarry, but the faoe has
been peeled off and from now on the
work will progress rapidly.
The Snnshinets met with Mrs. Wm.
Pipr, Maroh 23, and spent a very
pleasant afternoon from 2 till 4. Airs.
OBoar Piper was received ns a member
at this meeting. Lunch was served
by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. George
Piper and Mrs. Oscar Piper.
Ira Kemp and Dr. Newsom autoed
over from Westcu Tuesday eveniug.
Kemp promises to get on top of the
Normal sobool building and remain
there during the ball game Snnday.
He didn't promise that he wouldn't
take a lot of rooks up with him,
Th oitv council met Monday even
ing and granted a license to John Dur
ham, who will conduct a saloon in
the "Corner" building. Harden &
Huggins have opened their place of
business, and with the "Corner" opH
ened, Athena will again have three
thirst emporiums.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Haworth returned
last evening from Hot Lake Sanitar
ians, where they Have been tor the
past three weeks. Mrs. Haworth suc
cessfully when through a very com
plicated operation at the bands of Dr.
Phy, and is in a fair way to perma
nent recovery.
James Foss left Monday for his
ranoh in Crook county. He took with
him "Fido." Austin Fobs' old dog.
Fido was quite a household pet, and
on one oooasion when looked out of the
house, he endeavored to effeot en
trance by gnawing his way through
the door, and he came very near doing
it, too.
A large attendance is promised at the
benefit tall tonight for the Athena
Base Ball Club, at the K. cf P. -I. O.
0. F. hall. Tiokets are selling at $1
eaoh. A committee consisting of W.
P. Littlejohn, York Dell and Homer.
1. Watts will look after the suooess of
the dance and a good time is assured
all who attend.
Friday and Saturday's program at
the Dreamland as follows: 1. com
mon Enemy," Selig. 2. "Miohael
Steoghoff," Edison. 3. "Out of
Sight. Out of Mind," Pathe. Sunday,
"Sfivan Davs." "Mulligans Hire Uut,
Selig. "Taming a Husband," Bio-
graph. "The Miner's Sweetheart,"
Lubin. A 5-piece orchestra will he
Oneo season on trout comes in Sat-
day, tomorrow, and anglers are over-
hanline their fishing tackle and plan
ning trips to tbe nearby streams.
When they find their outfit incomplete
thnv hike over to Hawks' wheie they
find anything they want and stook up.
One cf the finest hues of nsbiug taoK
Je ever displayed in Athena, is to be
seen in Hawk's show window. He
has the real thins in split bamboo
rods, and anything .you desire in fly
Sam Pambrun is an iron worker nf
no mean ability. Out of an old .saw
he forced a snlendid knife blade, and
sheathed iu a leather scabbard, he
presented it to Byron Hawks, toe
noted bis eaine hunter. Ibe femre is
a fine specimen of workmanship. Mr.
Hawks will use it to skin bears, moun
tain lions, wild cats, elk, deer and
wild game speoie winch falls before
his unerring aim in tbe hunting sea
son. The eightieth birthday of Mrs Eliz
abeth Keller was pleasantly remem
bered March 22, at the home of her
son John Keller west of town, when
a few of her friends met and passed
the day with her A bounteous diuner
was served by Mrs. John Keller at 4
o'clock. Those presait were: Mrs.
Wallen, of near Adams; Mis. Heury
Sohmit, Mrs. Casper Woodward, Mrs.
Geoige Gerking, Mrs. Chas. Gerking,
Mrs. Arthur Douglas, Mrs. Lnko Road
and Mrs. Geo. Thompson. Grandma
Keller was the recipiejt of several
pretty and useful presents.
Public Reception.
There will be a publio reception
held in the Christian cburob on Fri
day evening April Ttb, liom 7 SO to
10:30 o'cluck, in honor of L. J. Foss,
who will leave shortly to take up bis
residence in Crook county, Oregon.
There will be a program of addresses
and musio and refreshments will Le
served. The publio is cordially invit
ed to come and pay respects to a man
wbo for more than twenty five years
has been an important factor in the
Cburob and civic affairs of this com
munity. Pastor,
Jos. N. Scott, Chairman Com.
Hi El 11
Of M
en's and Ladies' Shoes and Oxfords
S Than Manufacturers Cost
at LES
We have about 200 pairs of Shoes and Oxfords in broken
sizes and in order to move them quickly we have
This means that you will be able to buy any of them at
half their original price, which is much less than these
Shoes cost to manufacture.
CUT the
All $2.50 Shoes and Oxfords at
AIL $3.00 Shoes and Oxfords at
All $3.50 Shoes and Oxfords at
All $4.00 Shoes and Oxfords at
All $5.00 Shoes and Oxfords at
rtiriGnt Stor
JiLUSgi u v c irirji uciu uiic
I n -
- . . - V
uompany A's,
South Side
Main Street
Latest Bulletin of lew Arrivals
New Wool Dress Goods Stupendous Percale Line
In all the latest colorings. In Serges, in all the new patterns and colorings.
Chiffon, Panamas, fancy" Checks and Indian Head for Spring Suits in white or
Plaids. colors.
Splendid New Silks gig Line of New Ribbons
in endless variety. Wide Taffetas, all HP1 checks. st"Ps and clors- New
shades; wide cTHessalines in latest colors Gloves in all the latest shades in the eel-
: . 77. ebrated oTWascot Kid.
Pongees, plain and fancy; Marquisettes, ,
all prices. "Sf&a""
Exerything New, Hoseiry
New Novelty" WaistingS at prices to suit all. ' New Lisle trhead
Hose in tan, purple, lavendep, rose, red,
in all the new weaves; in Silk, Wool or f 7 7
green, blue, leather, white and pink.
Cotton, from 25c to $1.25 per yard. - - r ;
new line of children s Hose, all qualities.
' Latest in New Ginghams New pArrivals in Corsets
1 An endless variety of French Ginghams The celebrated Royal Worcester, Bon-
' in plaid , stripes or plain, in all colors and ton and cAdjusto Corsets, in all the latest
shades. forms and qualities.