The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 24, 1911, Image 4

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r Sis and Eight Pages Every Friday.
Application for entrance an 2nd class matter
made on juiy;o,
1007 al the postoffloe at Athena. Oreeon
Under an Actot (ftngreis of March 8. 187
cATHENA. ORE.. FEB. 24.., ..... 1911
The legialatnre forces the people to
make use of the initiative and refer
endum, Is the opinion of the East
Oregobian. Through petty politioal
bio'keringa the members waste valua
ble time and then fail to accomplish
work that should be done. The refus
al of the senate to make a change in
the office of food and dairy commis
sioner is an instance. Bailey was
. twioe subjeoted to investigation by
- the legialatnre. Eaoh time, be was
fonnd guilty and tbe verdiot was that
if be would not resign, be should be1
removed. Tbe house voted to onst
him bnt in tbe senate there was a con
tingent that stood fast against reform.
Because Governor West bad urged the
removal of Bailey, tbe Bowerman
forces took up bis defense. It was
"peanut politios" pure snd simple.
Yet a sufficient number of senators
lined up to block the move. Inciden
tally it is tbe shame of Umatilla
oounty that Senators Barrett and Bur
gees were in the group. In acting as
they did in this oase tbe senators did
not represent their constituents. Tbe
people of tbis county do not favor
keeping in office a man who has never
been anyhing bnt a political barnaole
and who has allowed his offloe to be
usod to dofeat the very pnrpose lor
t which it was established, as Bailey
bas done. Every time the legislature
aots as did the senate in this partic
ular an argument is made for use of
the initiative.
' The reciprocity treaty with Canada
bas produced a complicated . scrap
among all interests that would be
affected in event it goes into effeot.
And it does not stop at tbat. The
Weat is now ready to aconse Tsf t with
playing a politioal band in tbe Japan
ese coolie em broglio witb tbe recip
rocity bill as bis trump card. Tbe
senate bas not passed tbe tbe recipro
city measure. Japan is placed on ber
honor in a new treaty to keep ber un
desirable coolies at home, and tbe
storm of disapproval continues to
brew and gather around the Taf t i
Tbis year oolonist travel from tbe
East promises to be heavier than ever
before, and all transcontinental lines
are making extensive preparation! to
aooommodate it. The Harriman sys
tern bas appropriated $1,250,000 for
advertising purposes, tbe greater
amount of wbiob sum will be devoted
to exploitation of the varied resources
of tbe Northwest country! More con
cessions in the wsy of rednoed rates
have been granted than ever before,
Tbis fact oounled with tbe exhibit
oars wbiob all transcontinental rail
roads have been sending through tbe
east, all tends to stimulate interest in
the Northwest.
3i ni. .. ... m t , t
i xuB state or wasoiugton sun owns
immense area of public land and
timber and tbe Spokesman Be view ue
liives tbat by efficient and honest
couVe'i vatism of these resources for an
other generation will result in giving
Washington a f nnd 80 years from now
tbat will support tbe publio schools
and relieve tbe taxpayers from tbis
expense. Snob a goal certainly de
serves the utmost effort to attain it.
Consequently no stone ought to be
left unturned to prevent any more
waste and spoliation as , has been
shown to have been perpetrated before
1007. There still remains much to
, be desired. Astounding charges have
been published in the form of sworn
affidavits. If the affiants have not
forsworn themselves, corruption and
conspiracy have robbed tbe people? of
property and profits that belonged to
them alcne. What tbe legislative
investigation during'1009 and 1010
disolosed in regard to tbe land depart
ment made it clear that it was bigb
time to. substitute a commission for
the oommiHsiutinr and to see whether
the new body would not safeguard tbe
taxpayers' interests in publio property
more erfeotually than one man oau do.
Whatever the motives and credibility
of the affiants, tbe plain duty of tbe
legislature is to proteot the publio in
terest beyond the reach of private
gteod and predatory wealth. M
Twenty-two towns will be placed on
tbe railroad map of Oregon by tbe op
eration of tbe Oregon Trunk op tbe
Deschutes Canyon and on to Madras,
wbiob will be started Maroh 1. These
centers have never before bad railroad
transportation and the surrounding
country will inorease in productivity
and wealth to a remarkable extent be
cause of the markets plaoed within
reaoh of the farmer by the coming of
tbe railroad. Pioneer conditions will
obtain no longer in Central Oregon,
There is now no obstaole to its agri
cultural development.
An inorease of 60 per cent in appro
priations by tbe legislature over that
appropriated by tbe 25th asse bly
will surely have no tendency toward
lessening taxes. The present legisla
ture has appropriated 11,892,460.43 of
the people's money for one source rand
another, as against a total appropria
tion of $3,087,487.51 by tbe previous
legislature. To offset tbis enormous
sum, no revenue of consequence has
been provided. It is a matter of dig
up and pay it through taxes.
There is in its raw state a yellow
metallic substance that looks very like
gold, but is no more gold than chalk
is oheese. It is called "fool's gold''
in some plaoes beoause of the ease with
which it takes in people. Of mnob
tbe same character is a lot of tbe mail
order bouse goods ertfered to tbe pub
lio in alluring ways. Almost invar
iably they are far below the weight,
size or quality represented.
Here is a measure that makes it a
orime to issue oheoks without, funds
to meet them that has been passed by
both branches of the legislature. Tbe
Oregon law in this respeot bas been
notoriously weak. Often it bas hap
pened tbat the bogus obeok man dupes
bis victim and esoapes from the defeat
of the law. The final passage of this
bill will no doubt have a salutary
The Eskimo Takes Advantage pf th
Animal's Curiosity,
In Jiis frail sklnhnnt It In a dUHnilt
and dangerous task for the' Eskimo to
go out to sea forty , to sixty miles and
intercept the. walrus as he passes on
his n lgratlon Into the Arctic.'
One enrcass will fill his boat, for It
welg!sH from 1.000 to 3.000 pounds.
He bunts the. wnira when they are
lying asleep on the Ice floes In herds
from ten to several hundred. Death
must be Instantaneous, else with a few
rolls or the peculiar lumbering, hump
ing movement (seen of the seal when
ashore), he makes tbe few feet to tbe
water and then Is lost as be bas not
sufficient blubber and air to float. He
has much natural curiosity, and If not
scared by shots will come up close to
your boat or the Ice floe on which you
are sitting, spurting, snorting and roll
ing his eyes; with bis gleaming tusks
and bristled snout be has an uncanny,
goblin, monster-like appearance, a
herd of fifty or sixty of them will come
up en masse, raise high out of the
water to stare at you, then snort,
spurt and disappear again, only to
come up on the same spot and repeat
the ' maneuver Indefinitely. Taking"
advantage of this the Eskimos hide be
hind Ice bum mocks and throw a har
poon .into one. then snub the tough
rawhide line around an ice cake. He
must perforce come up to blow, and he
is then killed with the rifle. The thick
skin and the mass of blubber and meat
beneath render him almost Invulner
able. Pacific Monthly.
An ounce of Pre
vention is worth a
pound of Cure.
Is worth more to ones health than any other medicine known.
j T ? not your Btoumch with arsenic, calomel, quinine and
debilitate the s.vntom, leaving symptoms that it takes years to
obliterate. He rbine is purely vegetable containing nothing
injurious, and ii a gontle harmless purgative.
Does More Than We Claim.
Don C. Morrison, Kissimmeo, Fla. writes t "I have
used pove ral botties of llerbine myself and have advised
several o f my friends to use same. I have found it to bo
the best medicine for the liver 1 ever used. It acts gent
ly at th e same time thoroughly."
Ballard Snow Liniment Co.
5Uf 502 North Second Street. ST. LOUIS, MO.
n r iLill"lllii::::::::i:;;:.ln::,-::,rr; 1 rz
A Bachelor's Idea of the Way Children
Should Be Trained.
"Tbe people who don't have to do
things can always do them better than
the people who are obliged to do
them," said the cynical bachelor. "If
you want to know how to invest
money, ask a fellow, who has never
had any to Invest I suppose it's the
same with raising children. Neverthe
less, I am fond of children, and never
having had an opportunity of raising
any of my own, I nm critical about the
way other people, more fortunate than
I, raise theirs.
"My brother bas a youngster, a boy
about six years old. and everything
that kid. wants he cries for. The min
ute he begins to cry he gets it, which,
according to my reasoning, is all
wrong. , .)
"Why not make him laugh for it?
It's just as easy for a child to laugh as
to cry. nnd It s rar more neaitniui, rje
sides being much more cheerful- for
the surrounding populace. -
"I've tried the experiment with him,
und if works like a charm. If I bap-
pen to have anything he wants, and he
vrlos for It. I make fun of him. "inat
Isn't the way to get It. I say. 'Don't
cry for it. Laugh for It.'
"It todk only about two lessons for
hlra to understand this, and you have
no Idea what a wonderful difference it
has made in the disposition of that kid.
Still, I'm only a.n old bachelor, ana I'm
not supposed to know anything about
such things. "-Philadelphia Ledger.
ScJd and Recommended by ,fp jl flKSS!!?
BYRON N- HAWKS. .iifUO blilUlilH fljJilli
Took an Unfair Advantage.
Mrs. Dorkins - Yesterday I called
Mrs. tiruudage's attention to the fact
that she had left the gate between our
back yards open and that her chickens
had romp through und scratched up
our flower beds, and she looked as if
she would have liked to bite my head
off. How foolish It is for people to
get nugry when you remind tnem tnat
they have beenr careless about some
thing they had no business to overlook":
Mr. Dorklns I am glad to hear you
say that. Marin. ou won t mind If I
mention th;'.t when I came home last
"nlj;ht 1 found that you'd left-both the
back doors unlocked.
Mrs. Perkins Yes; you're always
watching to see if you can't catch me
In some little fault, and it makes you
perfectly happy when you do! New
York Tribune.
Something to Live For.
Three little girls were playing. The
mother of oiie came Into the room and
engaged the children in conversation.
"Marian, what are you going to be
when yen grow up?" she asked.
"1 am oing to be a famous singer,"
she replied.
"And youl Susie, what are you to
"Oh. am going to write stories
when I grow up," she answered.
"And what is Marjorle to be?" con
tinued the mother.
Marjorle. aged five, thought seriously
a moment, and then said, "Well, I am
not sure, but I think I'll be a widow."
She Wa Different.
"John," asked his wife, who was
writing to oue of her former school
mates, "which Is proper to say, 'I dif
fer from you' or '1 differ with you?
"Tell her you differ from her. I un
derstand that she lets her husband
keep part of his salary to have fun
with himself." Chicago Record-Herald.
A Failure.
Ma.nma - What In the world is mak
ing the on by cry so, I wonder?" Little
Eva 1 guess he's mad 'cause I tried
to make biin smile with your glove
stretcher. Chicago News.
Domestic Difficulty.
Old Ladr (turniug to neighbor dur
taSeiistJaut M. trogedy)-Eh, mister,
but them "Atulets 'ad a deal o trouble
In thtir--fitHtilyJ !Mttton Punch.
ys proves Kt-
Big Furniture
i Y
! i
I i
L . '
Side Main St.
v ', '
I have 200 fire Pictures, framed and -worth $2.00
each. I am going to give one free with every $25.00
cash purchase made at my store. I have the largest
stock of goods I have ever carried Come in and see
what I have. We picture offer is good for 30 days, only.
l l I ! 1 1
I mw rw m - croup, mm
IB ;:h Cliamlsrlaiii WctoCo. vJil I
4 ASA 01110 1 1 rXJoprriM(JbciitoberittiaCA,i882.i WsAS A PLEASANT-' I
8r. King's
Nov; Discovery
F0HC8i!SsHS JEfc.
tria most healina salva in the world.
The Sherwin-Williams Bath EnameC
is just right for the purpose. Withstands the effects of
hot and cold water. Makes old bath tubs look like new
S'W. Bath Enamel ' wears well and is most economical.
Put up in large or imall cans. Colors mott iultabl for the purpose.
"S3 rjs F1
uS3 mmmr M
My son Rex was taken down a year ago with lung trouble. We
doctored some months without improvement. Then I began giving
Dr. King's New Discovery, and I soon noticed a change for the better.
I kept this treatment up for a few weeks and now my son is perfectly
well and works every day MRS. SAMP. RIPPEE, Ava, Mo.