The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 24, 1911, Image 3

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Press Paragraphs
qm"i Va wan m tun
oity Tuesday.
A. L. Swaggart was a county- Beat
visitor Monday,
Marion Jack was in town yesterday
from Pendleton.
A. .T. Pnrlr
Hrtr Warlniiflilflv
y Col. F. a. Lnoas was In' the oity
from Weston Monday.
Mrs. Wm. Tompkins was a Pendle
ton visitor yesterday.
I. M. Kemp was in town from Wes
ton Wednesday evening,
Dr. Sharp was in Weeton Monday,
la answer to a professional oalL
Another tonoh of February weather;
Innn. Ihrnn innhns aim d HffTn fsn
. , -
Hazel, the little dangther of Mr. and
Mrs. MoFarland, is ill with measles. '
Ooonty Road Superintendent David
Lavender was in the city Wedneday
' Mr. and Mrs. Will Vollmer are
visiting relatives at Waitsburg this
vv . x. ajhhiiii whh in r.nR nirv i n.
day. from , Walla Walla, transacting
bn sin ess.
Mrs. Ohas.', Betta. acoompanied by
her son, Reeve, visited in Pendleton
Attorney Wilson and Will Jamiesou
returned from a business trip;to Port-
. land Mnnrlno 1
Mrs.; A. J., Wagner and her son Ase,
have both been seriously ill this weok
with the grip.
Byrpn, Hawks, , proprietor of ' the
Pioneer drugstore, was a business vis
itor to Helix, Monday.
. S. B. Calderhead, traveling passen-
- now - nnntit tnr f H Mnr.ha... UnniHn
I.. LL ' 1. JS
wan iu iuo uiuy muuuuy.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kershaw were in
the oity Saturday evening from. Weston
on a shopping expedition.
Helen Ehrbart, the little grand
daughter, of, Mrs. T. J. Kirk, has been
ill this week with measles.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Perham, former
residents ol this oity, have reoeutly
gone from Pendleton to Kennewiok to
Robert Diok, a pioneer of Pilot
Rook, ' died at Pendleton Saturday.
The funeral was held at Pilot Rook
, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Pinkerton are
at their Weston home after spending a
portion of the winter in Willamette
valley towns.
Miss Josie Owen, who is visiting her
sister. Mrs, ylyde Willacy, is recov
ering from a . spell' of siokness. Miss
Owen's parents dow reside at Toppen
ish, Wash.
Mr, and MrB. Foster,1 of Prineville,
were guests last week at the home of
Mr, and Mrs.' Jackson' Nolscn ; west of
town. Mrs. Fpster is a daughter of
Mrs. Nelson. -' r .
All Kinds All Qualities ,
AH Prices
and each Watch the best
at its price, whatever the .
Every Watch guaranteed
according to its worth, in
knowledge of that worth 1
$1 to $100
H. H. HILL, Athena
I OilS
Hot Water Heated
at your station SAME as
For Sale by
Furniture Repairing, Cabinet
Work, etc. Prices right.
DESPER & SON, Athena.
Miss Velma Wilkinson will go to
Walla Walla this evening, where she
will be a week-end' guest of Mies
Laura Bowles.
Albert Green,' a redent arrival from
Oklahoma, is in the city. He is a
brother of Miss Oreen," the teacher in
the publio school" 1
Charles Batro'and Matt Mosgrdve,
of the Mosgrove Mercantile ' company,
were in Portland this' 'week ' selecting
goods for the spring and summer trade.
George Brutoherjls 1, D8
bome'in Weston on account of an at
oess in his Bide. Dr. Sharp, the at
tending physioian, reports that Mr.
Brutoher is improving. , .,
E. H. Wells, assistant principal of
the Athena schools,' went 'to Seattle
Tuesday, expecting to return Sunday.
He was accompanied on his way ty a
party of friends from Pendleton.
There will be a meeting of tho base
ball enthusiasts tonight in the offloe of
B.B. Rio hards. Important matters
will be up for consideration and all
who are interested are expected to be
out. . " . .
The grand jury has been in session
this week, considering criminal oases
whidh will come before the adjourned
session of the January term of oomt,
which is to be convened next Mon-'
day.- ,"
The protraoted meetings oonduoted
at the Baptist cburob, oame to a olose
Sunday night, Rev. Black going from
here to Portland. The attendance for
the two weeks of the meeting was very
good. V
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. B. Gerking
went over to Milton, Saturday evening,
near where they will visit with their
son, Dean, and family, and at the
home of their daughter, Mrs. J. B.
Grover Gerking and his sister, Miss
Fay, returned last week to their home
near Laidlaw, Groos: county, after
spending the winter here. They bad
two days' travel by stage, after leav
ing the railroad at Shaniko.
The girlB basket bell teams of Mil
ton and Walla Walla high sohools
played a tie game at Milton last week,
the score standing at 7 to 7. The
tame was the fastest of any girls'
game ever played in Milton. '-
It is reported that Mrs. 'King, mo
ther of Mr 8. Ad Pinkerton, - is very
ill at the home"bf Mrs. Pinkerton, in
Milton, and not expeoted to live. ' Mrs.
King has many friends In this vicinity
where she bus lived for a number of
Bern Bannister has leased a ranoh
in the Holdman distriot' He will not
move there, however, but his family
will remain on the place west of
town. The Holdman land has for
some time been farmed by ' Keller &
Thompson. .
Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Brotherton and
son, Olarence,' left Saturday evening
for Spokane and vicinity, where they
went for the purpose of investigating
some land proposition. Olarenoe re
turned Wednesday and his parents
this morning.
Bnndy & Christian went to Walla
Walla yesterday to select their new
stock of paints and oils. They will
opon their store next week with a full
stook of paints and wall paper, and
will be prepared to do all classes of
work in their line.
Rev. Thomas Lawson will ' preaoh
Sunday morning on the following top
ic: "Christ's One Great Infallible
Proof of His Followeis Love and
Affection." In the evening, a Revival
Servioe. 4Tbe pnblio is kindly invit'
ed to attend these services.
. The "get-together" convention held
at Pendleton Wednesday afternoon
was fairly well attended by farmers,
business men and ' connty fair and
round-up officials. Ihe farmers' un
ion men and the good roads contingent
had important places on the progiam.
. Weston Leaderi ;W."-H. Booher,
Clem Duncan, W. S. Price, " Orval
I Dunoan, Al. NorDeao, J. V. Bell and
Clark ' Wood drove to Athena last
Thursday evening 'to meet with Pyth
ian Lodge Ho. 29. They assisted in
third rank work and had an enjoyable
Mr. and Mrs. Otha Reeder are ex
peoted to arrive soon from Taooma,
and will remain here permanently.
It is reported that Claude Reeder and
family will return here to reside also.
They will stop on the way at Toppen-
isb.Wasb. where they will visit with
Mrs. Reeder 'a family.
The Adams danoe on Friday night
was quite a success. ' It was well at
tended and a good supper was served
at the Adams hotel at 12 o'clock. The
danoe lasted till I 'o'clock in the
morning and all had a good time.
Quite a number of people from Athe
na and Pendleton were present
F. A. Clise, the Pendleton eye
specialist, will te at the St. Nichols
Hotel Thursday and Friday, March
2nd and 3rd. Call and have yenr
eyes carefully examined ty a man
who has had over 30 years praotioe in
fitting glasses. Remember, I am per
manently located in Pendletoo, where
we grind our own lenses. Clise Op
tical Co.
Clark Nelson has been selected to
manage the Pendleton base ball team
in the Blue Mountain league and will
father a night school, for the per
pose of instilling into "bonebeads" the
fine points of the game. Mr. Nelson
gives his word to Pendleton fans that
the team will know something besides
trie "hit and run" stunt G-o-o-di
The Knights of Pythias ball, given
at the lodge hall last eveninc was a
success in every particular, me at
tendanoB was all that could be expect
ed and all present enjoyed a splendid
' ' BY
Standard of the World .
, Requires no Mixing or Preparation
Always Ready for Use
(, Always Reliable
Successfully used by 50,000 grain
growers in 191a. When you buy, de
mand the best. Get the "Woodlark
Brand." Money back if not as claimed.
HoyT Chemicai, Co., Portland, Oregon
time. Johnson's orohestra rendered
good music, and supper was served in
the hall dining room. The hall was
decorated in the colors of the order,
and the floor was in good condition
for danoing. Young people from
Helix, Adams, Weston and Milton
wcr8 present
' An acetylene gas plant has been in
stalled at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
H. O. Wortbington on High street
this week. The lights are giving en
tire satisfaction and every part of the
house can be beautifully illuminated
at t reasonable cost. The plant is
similar to those put in some time ago
for different farmers in this vicinity.
At the Dreamland the program for
tonight and tomoirow night, Friday
and Saturday, is announced as fol
lows: "Aoross the Plains," Seiligf
''The Suitcase Mystery," Edison;
"Cousin Lou for Mine,"; Pathe. Sun
day,1 "His Vacation;" "New Dvoroe
Cure," Seilig; "Bachelor Love Af
fair," Blograph; "More Precious
Than Gold," Lubin.
Mrs. Lillie Miller is in Portland
this week, where she will study the
late styles and select a large stock of
millinery for her spring and summer
trade in this oity and at Weston. Mrs.
Miller has recently had her store re
modeled and will add new lines to
her stook this season among which
will e a oomplete line of hair goods,
eto. Her rest room is an acquisition,
and will be greatly appreciated by out
of town customers and visitors.
' With an nnoonsoious engineer at
the throttle, a freigbt train ran down
the mountain grade above Gibbon on
the night of February 8, is the story
just come to light. The fireman ' ob
served that something- was1 wrong
when the train took the curves Bt ter
iBo speed, and on investigation found
the engineer crumpled upon the seat
with his powerless band still grasping
the throttle. It is supposed that a
rock tumbled into the cab from the
mountain side, striking the engineer on
the bead.' A rook was fonnd in the
cab of the engine.
School Has Program.
A program and approrjriate exercis
es took place at the Athena publio
school Tuesday afternoon in commem
oration of ' Wasbinston's birthday
anniversary. A number of visitors
were prosent and the exeroises were
enjoyed by all. Wednesday teachers
and pupils enjoyed a holiday.
Three New Bridges.
Tfc is understood that the county
commissioners favor three new steel
bridges, which are to span wild
Horse creek in this violnity. One of
the bridges will be on Third street at
tho flit.v Pnrt nnrt thn nthnr two will
cross Wild Horse southeast of town
near the George Liecalien place.
The tribunes in ancient Rome repre
sented the DeoDle in much the same
way that the house of commons does
In England and the house or repre
sentatives in this country. For a long
time the patricians or aristocrats of
Rome had everything tneir own way.
But when, the plebeians (or, as we
would say, the "plain people") got their
tribune the reckless tyranny of the
patricians ceased. Tbe tribune naa
creat Dower. He could veto almost
any act and nullify almost any law
passed by the Romans. Liberty among
the Romans dates from the time they
first secured their tribunes. New York
Friendship's Tribute.
Gladys Did you see what the so
ciety column of the Daily Bread said
about Nin Gillard the other morn
ing? "She moves with ease and grace
in our most exclusive circles." May
belle Yes, I read tr. It's dead cer
tain that the editor who wrote that
had uever wen hor on roller Bkates.
Ladies0 Tailored Suits and Dresses
Our first shipment of Ladies' and Misses Tailor-made
Dresses is how on display. We have a splendid line
ranging in price from
$12.50 to $22.00
for Tailored Suits in Ladies and Misses sizes. Our Silk
Dresses range in price from
! t
' 5
SiD.uO to ).uu
.' t
". i
We also have a nice assortment in Misses and Child
rens Spring Jackets, from $1.50 up, and a new stock of
Infant's Long Capes, Muslin Dresses, Petticoats, etc.
' Notice.
" Notioe is hereby given to all whom
it mav concern, that on Saturday,
Febuarv 25. 1911. at 2:30 p. m. at
mv liverv stable. I will sell to the
highest bidder for nash in band, one
man hnroo Waiffht ftbont 900' DOUOds.
1 voara nA tnofithfl with two saddles
and one bridle, proo eeds to be applied
on a feed bill owing me by one Dr.
J. R. Sponogle, the above named per
sonal property being in my possession,
and ownership of sa me being claimed
by Said Dr. J. K. Sjwnogle.
Harry Mo Bride.
Dated, Athena, Ore ton Feb. 2, 1911.
ForS ale. "
Good bound wheat bay. stored in
barn. Enquire of Go. K. Dissmore,
one mile south of W etton.
KeiqgmDer -
that we are still giving big discounts on Winter, Goods
therta Department Store
South Side
Main Street
Mercantile J
.V.' " . -
Vrf 1 c
A Sale of Ladies' Muslin Underwear.
One man's loss is another man's gain. Owing' to the
failure of an Eastern oManufacturer of Ladies' Skirts (
. ...... .
and Gowns, we were enabled to buy a large smpmentc
i at a big discount from regular wholesale prices, thus
enabling us to sell them for less than others pay" lor
them. Following are a few sample prices.- bpace lorbids
ius to enumerate the entire lot. & &
Ladies' Muslin Gowns
Ladies' Muslin Gowns, 75c each
Cluster tucks and Lace trimmed; good Muslin, and
well made. Regular price, $1.25.
Ladies Muslin Gowns, $1-00
Either tucked, embroidered, or laoe trimmed; several
styles to choose from. Made of the best Mason
ville soft finish muslin. Regular piioe, $1.50.
Ladies' Muslin Gowns, $1,25
Made of fine Long cloth, trimmed in real linen Tor
chon laoe. Regular price, $1.75.
Ladies' Muslin Gowns, $1.75
Laoe and embroidery trimmed, low V or high neck,
elbow or long sleeves. Elegantly trimmed in
lace or embroidery. Regular price, $2.75.
Ladies' White Skirts
Ladies' White Skirts, U.ZO
Trimmed in embroidery and cluster tacks Regular,
price, $1.60.
Ladies' White Skirts, $1-25
Handsome embroidered flounce, 16-iuou deep, with
cluster tucks. Regular prioe, $-1.75.
Ladies' White Skirts; $1 AO
Trimmed in laoe and emtroidery, wlti cluster tucks,
flounce 16-inon deep. Regular price, $2,25.
Ladies' White Skirts, $1.75
Elegantly mede, 17-inch embroidery ilouDoe. Regu
lar prioe, 2,50.
Ladies' White Skirts. $2,25
Trimmed with laoe and insertion, very elaborate.
Regular price, $3.50.
The above are all new fresh goods, on which we will give our customers the? advan- ).
tage ot ail tne discount, we receiveu on a very large casn purcnasc. . ' y