The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 20, 1911, Image 5

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    DO IT NOW!
Solve the Gift Problem
ror une and All.
An appropriate Christmas Poet Card car.
T? 5 cheary message to all your friends
will bring more happmesa than squander
ing aum on few presents.
50 Beautiful Christmas Post Cards $1.00
Just enctou a dollar bill with a let
ter to tha ; , ..
Laura! tnd TyntHei Stt , Ptrtlud, Ore. ,
Cards will come by return map.
Old-Time Espousal Ring.
A particularly beautiful form of es
pousal ring was known as tie "gim
mel" or linked ring, which was made
in parts, which, when, brought to
gether, assumed the appearance of
the ring shown with clasped hands.
'-'.- ,
Courtesy Shown Women Prisoner,
In many English prisons the women
are addressed by their first names, in
stead of ,by numbers, as the men
are. V:;:;
HOWARD E. BTJRTOSi - Assayer and Chemist,
Leadville, CoJoriulc. Specimen prices; Gold,
Silver. Lead, tl. Gold, Silver, 75o; Gold. 60c; Zino
or Copper, M. Hulling envelopes and full price list
sent on application. Control and Umpire work so
Lotted. Ettierunoe: Carbonate National Bank.
W F W Fill '3r0'ten machinery and castings
s II klaU of all kinds by a new process,
making them as good as new. Maohine work of
all kinds. We fix any old thing. Portland Oif-Actrlent
Weliiag Conpaii, 305 Qua St Pkooa Haia 67ti9. Peruana, Or.
Manufacturers of Furs. '.' Raw Furs bought and
old. Furs remodeled a specialty. 209 Madison
St., bet. First and Front Sts , Portland, Oregon
r 14 I E Vi I O secured. Book of accurate
i information free on request.
J. t. MOCK, 719 Boars ( Trade Bids., Portland. Or.
(Late of U. 8. Patent Office, Washington. 1). O.) .,
Write for catalogues and literature. : Developing
and printing. Mail orders given prompt attention
Portland Photo Supply Co.
149 Third Street PORTLAND. ORE.
,,C0FFEEC ;1
dentistry on the Pacific Coast Is executed here.
We have built up our reputation on it. You can
depend on quality and cannot get better painless
ork anywhere, no matter how muoh you pay.
we nnisn plate and
nriaKe wors lor out.
of -town patrons in
one day If desired.
Painless oxtraotioa
free when plates or
bridge work is order
ed. Consultation (res.
Molar Crowns $5.00
Gold Filling! ,1.09
Enamel Fillings 1.00
Si'vsr Fillings .50
t j Rubber
Plates 5. CO
Best Red Rubber
Plates 7.50
Painless Extr'tlon .53
Ail work fully guaranteed for fifteen years.
Wise Dental Co.,inc
Volnlnca Thaaasticict
FlHIne Building, Tftlrd and Washington. PORTLAND, ORE
Ctrioa Bouri: A. at. to t. at. iundsus. to l
; v., i -
ER.W.A. Will, PuinuTiasMisuiS'
is ma) tmuitHis si remuss
s ( tilt
b I !!! i I'Tk. IfS
Woman Greatly Wrought by Glowing
Accounts Given by Different .
; Persistent Agents,
"Look here, sir," she said, as she
entered a sewing-machine office the
other day, "your agent has imposed
upon me."
"Is it possible; ma'am? In what re
spect r
"Yes, sir, he has; and I don't want
your machine!"
"How has he deceived you 7"
"Why, he came into my house and
told me that your machine was the
best in the world. I have witnesses,
and can prove every word of it."
"But that was not deceiving you,
"Yes, it was! I hadn't the machine
two days before another agent called
and said his was the best; and he had
a circular to back It up. He had
hardly got out of doors when another
called and said his machine had taken
ten medals."
"But we have taken fifteen, ma'am."
"Oh, have you?"
"And we have Issued a challenge for
a public trial, which no other machine
dare accept."
"Is that so? Then your machine li
the best, after all?"
"Then you will please excuse me. 1
thought I had been imposed upon, and
I'm afraid I was a little , hasty. The
other agents must have been the de
ceivers." ,
Roumanian Funeral Custom,
In Roumania a curious old funeral
custom showed an amusing thought
fulness for the very natural human
vanity of the dead, two openings cor
responding to ears being cut in the
casket bo that the corpse might have
the pleasure of hearing the songs of
mourning sung on either side of him
as the coffin was borne to the grave.
Who Knows?
A boy In a Chicago school refused to
sew, evidently considering It beneath
the dignity of a ten-year-old man.
Qeorge Washington sewed," said the
principal, taking it for granted that a
soldier must; "and do you consider
yourself better than Oeorge Wash
ington ?' "I don't know, time will tell,"
said he, serenely. Popular Education.
Cork Known In Ancient Times.
Cork was known to the Greeks and
Romans, and was put to almost as
many uses as at present, although
there is no mention In Roman annals
of linoleum, notwithstanding Its Ro
man sound. Glass bottles with cork
stoppers did not come into use until
the middle of the fourteenth century.
3,$3-5o&4 Shoes r
W.L.Oouglam $3.00, $3.50 and S4.G0
mhom ars posH!ve!y tho best mmdm
and moat popufar shoes for tha price
In America, and arm tho moat econom
f :al sho for you to buy.
Do von realize that my shoes have been the stan
. trd for over 30 vears, that I make and sell more
3.00, 3.50 anl 81.00 shoes than any other manu
facturer in the United States, and that Dollar for
Dollar, I Guarantee my Shoes tq hold their
shape, look ami fit better, anil wear longer than
any other S3.00, 83.50 or f 4.00 shoes you can buy ?
Quality counts, and quality has made my shoes
what they are The Leaders of the World.
You will be pleased when you buy my shoes,
because of the fit and appearance, and when It
comes time for you to purchase another pair, you
will be more than pleased because the last ones
wore so well, and gave you so much comfort.
CAUTION! Son. gennlne wlthont W. Dons-Us nsjns
and price stamped on bottom. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE.
If yoor dealer cannot anpptv you with W. L. Douglas
Shoes, write for Mail Order Catalog.
W. L. DOUGLAS, US Spark Street, Brockloa,
The Viava Remedies cure backache, nervous
ness, female troubles and rectal diseases. Send
for our book free. We want good women agents
everywhere. Make money at home. Write, for
particulars. The Viavl Co., 609 Rothchild Build,
ing, Portland, Oregon.
If you have aching teeth or cavities and you ars
too nervous for the dental ordeal, try Fill-O. the
home dentist. At druggists or by mall 60c
FIU-0 MFC CO., 351 Empire Bids.. Seattle, Wise.
Blumaer-Frank Drug Co.. distributors for Oregon
is not a "food" it is a medicine, and.the
only medicine in the world for cows only.
Made for the cow and, as its name indicates,
a cow core. Barrennepa, retained afterbirth,
abortion, scours,cakedudder,and all similar
affections positively and quickly cured. No
one who keeps cows, whether many or few,
can afford without Kow-Kure.
It Is made especially to keep cows healthy
Our book What to Do When Your Cows
Are Sick" .sent free Ask your local dealer for
'Coti-Xur, ''or send to the manufacturers.
Dairy Association Co.. Lyndonvllla), Vt.
-ijll et st Itetfc en.7....$5.00
fr'dra-worker Tt wits
cat Fialei. . .$3.50 Is $5.00
r.tti KstUr Flales salr . .$7 JO
(sod Robber Plata esly..$5.00
(.old si Fsrcelais Crows
.50ts $5.00
i old er Foraiaia Flings. $1 s
'JrerFdtnjssslj... 50c Is $1
raiaJtst Enractios self .... 50c
FKEE wtea fiatea are erderei
Our Work Guarantees Perfect .
Special a"enlon o out-of-town patroa.
lrop ns a postRl ior npnoinr-nent. Out-of-town
wors eompWed tn day. No lietter work hujt
whore Modern equipment. Every operator a
specialist. Lady attendant.
UK. ii. A. STUXUE . ANT, Mgr.
Heart: 8 a at st I s. SS4 Imc.ii. 9 a as. Is 1 a. n '
N. E, Cat. Foot sad Mermea. Perilled, Oreras
A Thanksgiving Tea.
A reception or tea on this festival
lay is distinguished chiefly by appro
bate decorations, costumes and re-
reshments. The rooms may be com-
)letely transformed by taking down
ill the portieres and other draperies
ind replacing them with others made
f cranberries strung on a stout, red
hread. Popcorn Btrung and alternat-
ng with the berries makes a pleasing
affect. Strings of cranberries are
rery pretty festooned over white win
low curtains.
Cover lamps and all gas and elec-
.rlo lights with shades made from red,
white and blue crepe tissue paper and
lor .stools and divans have large
pumpkins; they are very comfortable
ind are admirably adapted for the
purpose. The usual refreshments are
served with the addition of pumpkin
'chips" and the bonbons In the na-
iional colors. To make pumpkin chips,
which are quite a novelty, select a
leep colored pumpkin, peel and slice
rery thin; to each pound of chips add
pound of sugar And a gill of lemon
lulce, with the grated lemon rind;
Btir well and let them' stand over
oight; cook very slowly until tender;
then skim the chips out, let them
stand two days to get firm, then put
;hem In a Jar with just enough sirup
to keep them moist These are often
taken for an expensive imported pre
serve. NO one recognizes the plebeian
pumpkin. Spices may be added if
Hot spiced cider or a cider frappe
may be served and cranberry ice
sream is delicious in flavor and looks.
The sandwiches should be of minced
turkey and the flowers red and white
carnations with cornflowers or bach
elors' buttons, as they are blue.
It individual molds are desired for
the ice cream, they are cunning little
turkeys, and all sorts of vegetables.
Sheafs of wheat tied with the national
colors are very decorative over arch
and doorways.
A program of music consisting of
patriotic airs would be a diversion
suitable for the occasion.
It would be attractive to have bIx
girls dressed in colonial costumes to
assist in receiving and to "pour" In
the dining room, also to preside at;
the frappe bowl.
few candles in brass sticks some hav
ing the tall glass shades one finds in
New Orleans. After this a huge lov
ing cup is passed, and all join hands
standing up saying with bowed heads:
' God bless you and God bless me,
God bless us every one. , i:
A simple repast is served, 'with no
servants in evidence, as this is a time
when the children are permitted to
dress In costumes representing the
"Pilgrim fathers and mothers," and
they serve the feast. They first all
stand around the candle-lit table and
eat their five kernels of parched corn
in memory of the time when all our
forefathers had for which to be
thankful was the few grains of seed
corn, enough to allot only five grains
to each person. At the close of this
supper a child is chosen to repeat El
der Brewster's glorious admonition to
the Pilgrims when he bade them be
true to their promise. I quote it
here, for ft is worthy of being read
by every one on the coming festival
"Blessed will it be for 03, blessed
for this land, for this vast continent
Nay, from generation to generation
will the blessings descend. Genera
tions to come will look back to this
hour and these scenes of agonizing
trial, to this day of small things, and
say: 'Here was our beginning as a
people. These were our forefathers.
Through their trials we inherit our
blessings. Their faith is our faith,
their hope our hope, their God our
Seems to me this is ? splendid way
of impressing historical facts upon
the minds of our young people, and it
does us older ones lots of good to
turn our minds and hearts backwards,
remembering the times when this fair
land was not what it is today and to
say a prayer of thankfulness for those
who laid the foundation on such a
sound basis that we may with grate
ful hearts celebrate our Thanksgiving
. For Thanksgiving Day.
A yearly custom observed in the
evening of each Thanksgiving day is
so interesting I want to tell the de
partment readers about it. There are
six families with their cosi.ectIons,
all relatives, either distant or close.
who meet at the, old-fashioned home
of one they call "great aunt." On
these occasions all the old heirlooms
are brought forth, the fireplace in the
dining room is festooned with dried,
apple strings and red peppers. Ap
ples, nuts, cider and popcorn are
served Informally, and the first cere-t
mony is counting up the "mercies" of
the year. Every one is obliged to take'i
A Genuine
Cost to You
on lO Days'
... Why Not C onoider
This is an invitation to every reader of this paper to-write us, at once,
for our free trial offer no money down 9 montns to pay no inter
est charged we pay the freight and give 10 days to try an Ldison
Phonograph in your own home. Our Outrit Mo. li costs
and includes SSOW .caisun xiresiuo x uuuuj;iapu wins uumuiuay
tioh reproducer to play 2 and 4-minute records; new ygneta
norn, aiso Bpeuuu riuti-uuiui uan As
berol (4-minute) Records and half dozen Uold Moulded
Standard Records; nickel-plated Crane, bottle Phono-? eilers
u rvi n . Antnmnfin Rrncli ntrnnri- jf MUSIC
giujju vu, uu vjo.ii uirvA an auiviuu "vv-"" jj HOUSE
ment. inis oner is iair to you "u w u, uotow xdy
we want you a sausneu cuumoi """lciX.353 Washington St.
for Eilers our best advertisement. beiid port,andi 0r- .
us the coupon catalogue and full, par-ANGe n 1 1 men: fiease
ticulars will come to you by return mail Xir t idc S"u r 8gUoV you,
t Jy Kdlsoa Froo Trial Ofte
Eilers music House Ay
Largest Western Dealers in All J; ' : :
Records, Pianos, Organs, etc. aares.
O XT AMP s not recommended for every
J V V f m I - thin(f. but lf you have kidney,
DrT1 liver or bladder trouble It will
' 1 be found just the remedy you
need. At druggists in fifty cent and dollar, siies.
You may have a sample bottle of this wonderfu
new discovery by mail free, also pamphlet telling
all about it. ,
Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y.
All coat and dress sleeves continue
to be small.
; Much gold and silver lace appears
on stockings.
Shopping bags are a bit smaller
than last season. ' .' - ,
Suit coats are generally short; sep
arate coats are long, -
Shaggy goods are the order of the
day for outdoor wraps. :
Chamois is seen as the facing to the
brim of some large hats.
Wool embroidery is the latest trim
ming for afternoon gowns.
A touch of purple , In nearly any
toilet is a fad of tha season.
All street skirts are short about
four inches from the ground.
Artificial flowers will be worn much
The Right to Die.
The man who has killed himself on
Monday would on Saturday have
wanted to live; but one only Mils
one's self once. , Man's life is made
np of past, present and future; so life
must be a burden to him, if not for
the past, the present and the futurq
at least for the present and the fu
ture If it Is only n burden ior tne
present be Is sacrificing the future.,
The evllB of one day do not authorize
him to sacrifice the life that Is ahead
of Mm. Only the man whose life Is
unhappy and who could have the cer
taintywhich Is Impossible that It
will always be so, and that condi
tions and desires will never change,
either through modification of circum
stances and situations or through
habit and the lapse of time which
tieain Is lmDOSslble only this man
would have the right to kill himself
U)Qleon Bonaparte. .-
The Philosopher of Folly.
"Women are sure their husbands
are smart," says the Philosopher of
Folly, "because they think maybe
they can make some other women
think it's true.'; ;
part in this. There is no light save
from the logs. In the fireplace and an with evening gowns this winter,
Parisian Ideas
Tighfmg the Dental Trust
First By locating on the EAST SIDE, where our expenses are very low, act
ually doing the highest class of dental work, for much less than the big West Bide
"Parlors." We aru as Pat nle-s as Is possible.
Second Ren ember, we have no hired dentists, rrt so-called "specialists" nor
students, we do our own work and guarantee it 15 years.
Third We do not charge YOU $20 and then sell the sn me thing to someone
el.e for $5. That is what we mean when we say ONE U)W pa CE.'THE SAME
We Cheerfully Examine and Zatimate Tour Worlc Free.
Corner Union Ave. and East Morrison
Office Hours- a. m. to 8 p.m. Snnd ys 9 to 1. DRS. KELSEY & PITTEXGEE
We have lived in Oregon and Portland more than 25 years.
w Til f; i .
On the Left, White Chiffon with Pearl Drops; on the Right, Oatlnrand Em
. broidery.
Dr. B. E. Wright
Have your teeth out ard plate and bridge work
done. For out-of-town patrons wa finish plats
and bridge work in one day u necessary.
Molar Crewes ...5.00
22k Bridge Teslk $3.50
Coid Fiiags $1 at
FnamelFi'ilma... $1.04
Silver FuTiftje.,., 50ees
Coed Robber Ftalea $5.00
Plalee .. $7-50
ramleis EitrarAoa. . 50c
Painless Extraction Free when plates or biidsrs
work is ordered. Consultation Free. You cannot
et better painless work anywhere, no mattes"
ow much you pay. - ' i
All Work fully Guaranteed lor fifteen Years
Dr. B. E. Wright Co.
342g Washington St,
Portland, Oregon
Take ear at depot snd transfer to Washington St
Alwayt Some Ideal.
God finds some ideal in every hr
nan soul At some time In our life
ire feel a trembling,, fearful longing
o do some good thing. Life finds IU
loblest spring of existence in this hld
len impulse to do our best Robert
3ollyer. . "
To Test Tinned Foods.
An Infallible test for tinned fruit or
Vegetables of any kind is to open atld
plunge into the contents a very bright
steel knife. Keep it there a few min
utes, and if copper is present, even in
the minutest proportion's, it will be
visibly deposited on the blade.
No sense In running from one
doctor to another. Select the
best one, then stand by him.
Do not delay, but consult him
in time when you are sick.
Ask his opinion of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral for coughs
and colds. Then use it or
not, just as he says.
W pubiliti cur formulas
7 from ur madioinvt
We urs-e y'j to
oonauit jroar
Try fiiiiE eye mmy
ForRed,Weak,Weary,WateryEyMaDd H
Murine Doesn't Smart-Soothes Eye Paih
Droiilata Sell Morlns If Ramsay, Liqsld, 2St, 10ft, ll.M
Murine Eye Salve, in Aseptio Tubes, 28c, $1.00
Murine Eye Remedy Co.,Chlcaga
Khbits Posltlvol pared.
OnlraatiiorUedKeeJor In
stitute In Oresoa.. Wrlt
for DJoatratea clrcnlar.
REEirT KHIITII71, 71 1.1 1 TH H.
nitvirct nirwTKTPl
i.i r ... .1 V-..
Silver r minus .,......u
sssmsv IM uoio r iinriKS ....,
WMi WJ 22 K, Gold Crown II
i' .fif Porocloln Crowns 14
1"FW . ' ' Molr Gold Crowns f
Bridge Work, 12 K. Gold.,,. I
Jniuy I ins, rurevjoiu mt
Very Nice Rubber Plats.
Best Rubber Plate on Earth , . ... .... ..... .11
Don't throw your money away. A dollar saveel
Is twodollors earned. Ourorlglnalrellable Modem
Painless Methods and our perfected ofllos quip,
ment saves us tlmennd your money.
BOSTON DENTISTS, 5th H Morris an, Fettlaa
Entrance 291 'A Morriaon. oppoaite Poetorhce sjU Maler 4
Frank. Eatabllibed In Portland 10 years. Opes avenlafi
onill ( and Sundays until 12s 90. lor people who work.
Alwayi keep i box of Ayer's Pills Iff the
house. Just one pill at bedtime, now and
then, will ward off many n attack of
biliousness, indigestion, sick headache.
How many years ha your doctor known
these pills? Ask him all about ihem.
Had Lbs i. O. aysr Co., IorL, aUaea -
C. Gee Wo
The Chinese Doctor
This wondeful man has
made a life study of tha
iiropertieai of Roots,
iurbe and illarks, and
Is giving the world tha
beneflt of bis searvioea.
Guarantees to cure) Catarrh, Asthma, Lung,
Htomach and Kidney troubles, and all Privates
lAseases of M n and Women.
Just receired from Pekln, China safe, sura
and reliable. Unfailing In Its works.
If you cannot call, wrlta for symptom blank,
said circular. Inclose 4 cent In stamp.
consultation me
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
12Vi first St., cor. Morrison, Portland, Or.
NO, 4-10
IIKK wrltlnar to advertisers pleaal
luonilsiu triis puper.