The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 20, 1911, Image 3

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    1 Press Paragraphs
- M. L. Witts was in Pendleon
Wednesday. ..) .
B. B. Biobards was in Pendleton
Wednesday.' ,k ,
Lonis LaBraobe was over Monday
Iroin Walla Walla.
J. P. Zerba transacted basiueos at
Pendleton Monday.
i Lanranoe iieaallen was i&own yea
terday from Adams.
Joe Lewis is in the city today from
bis ranob bear Helix.
Miss Roddy, a milliner of Portland,
is a gnest of Mrs lizzie Jones.
... Carpenters are engaged this week in
building an addition to Dr. Sharp's
. W V; . . . X- - . -
All,kis of moods in the weather
this weel, "from grave to gay; from
lively to severe." .
"lb ladies of the W. C. T. U. held
their meeting 'his afternoon at the
home of Mrs. H. H. Hill. ,
Charts Grant will open a restaurant
"next wee): in the building first door
east of Athena hotel. , , f , 1
- Freewater is to have a water system.
A deal was reoently closed with John
Vert Df Pendleton for a reservoir site.
A valuable oow belonging to Mr.
Harden of the. Athena Hotel, died this
week. Mr.' Harden plaoes his loss at
$75..;, . r;v "v.-
Mra. Alma Wilkinson visited in
Walla Walla (Saturday and Sunday,
the gnest of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wal
ter. ' :
. 0. V. Steen, well known in this
city, has sold his residence property in
Milton to R. Q. Still, the Dry oreek
farmer for $4,000.
1 Q. W. : Bradley, oonnty treasurer,
was in the oity last evening from Pen
dleton, and attended the Knights of
Pythias sooial gathering.
Ernest Cannon, a rough rider who
won the sooond prize at the" Pendleton
roundup, was jailed in that oity this
week on a obarge of vagrancy.
; Dan P. Smythe, "the": well known
Pendleton attorney and sheepman, lias
been oritioaiiy ill the past week. He t
Buffered several hemorrhages of the
stomach. , ,
. Parties who borrowed a sorew jaok,
a pipe wrench, five Stiltaon wrenobes,
and two stretchers of.MoEwen &
Sons, ; are respeotf nlly requested to
return them ' at once.
Athena sportsmen take exoeptions
to the proposed change of the open
season on deer in Eastern Oregon and
have petitioned Umatilla connty leg
islators regarding the matter.
T. M. ; Taggart returned Monday
from Ontario, where be spent several
days visiting relatives. Mrs. Taggart
and the boy ate at 'Vale, visiting at
the borne of Mr. Taggatt's parents.
Walla Walla is having its annual
poultry' show this week, and an ex
ceptionally large assort men t of high
grade fowls is on exhibition.- Many
people from Umatilla oouuty have
been in attendance.
, .. -T -' . ' r ' '
Dr. W. U. Cole has severed busi
ness and social connections with Pen
dleton and left thai oity this, "week
for Portland, where his family resides.
.Dr. Cole will leave shortly for an ex
tended trip through Europe.
' -,
George S. Martin, who was at one
time a part owner of the Press, is now
publisher of the Chronicle, at Mab
ton. Wash. Mr. Martin is giving the
people of Mabton a good paper and
from appearanoea, it is liberally pa
tronized. .The home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Johnson was tbe scene of a, pleasant
social gathering of young people
Wednesday evening. Johnson's or
ohestra furnished . music for danoing
and a splendid sapper was served.
About thirty jpoung people were enter
tained. . vV'
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to MoEwen & Sdns, are re
quested to call and settle at once,
either by cash or note. : This is im
perative, as the firm baa discontinued
business and desires to close up affairs
In his first oase as prosecuting
attorney, S, E. Van Vaotor oonvinoed
the jury that Mike O'Neal was guilty
of obtaining money under false pre
tenses. Tbe jury.,,.; deliberated 45
minutes and recommended with tbe
verdict, meroy for the prisoner.
The Athena High school basket ball
team meets the La Salle team of
Walla Walla tonight on the home
floor. The looal boys are in fine
shape and -will do their best to win
the game from the Walla Walla team.
Buy a ticket and boost for tbe game. ,
Continuous heavy rainfall in tbe
Willamette valley has caused streams
to inn at flood stage, with tbe result
that trains from tbe west have been
delayed by washouts. No mail from
tbe coast arrived yesterday and land
slides are giving the railroads mnoh
Walter Baker Moore, son of ex-
Governor Miles 0. Moore, of Wash
ington, and a resident of Walla Walla
is being sued in oirooit oourt in Port
land for $100,000 by Mary E. Cronan,
who aUnges .that Moore broke bis
promise to marry her, according to tbe
Portland papers.
George Pambrun is here from Al
berta, visiting at the home of his
brother, Samuel Pambrun, south of
town. Thirty-two y6ars ago Mr.
Pambrun left Umatilla oonnty and
this is his first visit since that time.
He may conclude to make his home
here indefinitely.
Abie Jones is at the home of bis
parents in this oity, having come up
from Portland Tuesday. Abe is badly
afflioted with kidney trouble ,and
rheumatism and before (coming borne
had been in a hospital a Portland.
Bo has been employed in a barbershop
In tbe metropolis. . ; '
Mrs. C L. Crockett, who has been
with her daughter, Mrs. A. Macken
zie Meldrnm in this oity for tbe past
.wo months, has gone to Eugene where
she will reside. Her son and daughter
are attending tbe university there, and
the young lady Is reported to be con
valescing from an attaok of typhoid
Mrs. J. G. Dixon of Hermiston met
death in a horrible manner yesterday
morning. Mrs. Dixon was thrown
under the wheels of a wagon and her
life was instantly orushed out by the
heavily loaded vehiole passing over
her body. Mrs. Dixon was 50 years
old. Sbe bas resided at StanQeld for
two years apd was born at Walla
Walla. '
A marriage lioense was issued Wed
nesday to George B. Woodward and
Miss Lucy Lieuallen. Both are well
known here, the yonng man having
been reared near this oity, and later
going to Walla Walla, where he grad
ue ted from Whitman : college." The
bride is tbe daughter, of J. T. Lieu
allen, of Adams, and bas , a host of
friends in Athena. ,
A. J. Wagner tbe well known farm
er residing north of Athena,, was
thrown from a horse yesterday after
noon with the result that bis right
hip was badly fractured. Drs. Sharp
and PJamondon were called to attend
the injured man. Mr. Wagner was
engaged in rounding up some stock
when tbe horse he was riding threw
him violently to tbe ground.
1 Mr. Wilbnr L. Kidder and Miss
Eva R. demons were united m mar
riage at i Pendleton, Saturday. The
bride is tbe youngest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. B. 1). demons of this oity
and tbe groom is a son of the late B.
C Kidder, and is a resident 1 of Spok
ane. Tbe newly married pair left
tbe first of tbe week for that oity,
where they will make their home.
Suit to force jjaymeot from George
McClnre on a $50 oheok, was entered
by Attorney Watts in JubWos Rich
ards' oourt, Saturday. Tbe oheok in
question oame into possession of Mr.
Watts through a business transaction,
' ft bas been our pleasure to serve yon during tbe year just ended, and
we earnestly. purpose to serve yon during the coming year. , We want you
to aooept our hearty thanks and appreciation for yonr patronege and hope
for your oontinued good wilL
The new'year follows closely upon the beels of 1910, with every in
dication pointing to an unusually prosperous period. May tbe sun of
prosperity shine'npon you and yours and may you reap the harvest you
are striving for. - f
The Davis-Kaser Company
Walla, Walla Wash (The home of Greater Whitman)
Branch Store at Pasco. Wash-
and suit, was brought for collection
by Mr. Watts on tbe grounds of being
an innocent purchaser, after MoClure
had stopped payment on it bv alleging
that be had lost it in a gambling
game. Through his attorney, S. F.
Wilson, MoClnre has demurred to the
complaint. . v
Wbile in Milton the other day, the
Press man dropped in at Bailey's
paint store. Mr. Bailey carries an
exoellent stook and is making a spec
ialty of fine wall paper, of which be
bas a large assortment. His prices
are lower than oan be obtained of
Walla W alia dealers. : Mr. Bailey is
well known in this vioinity as an ex
pert painter, deoorator and paper
The farm home of Saylor Parris
turned Monday night and a great
portion of tbe contents were consumed
in the flames. The fire ooourred be
tween 9 and 10 o'clock at nigbt, and
praotioally nothing was saved from
tbe upstairs rooms and some of tbe
furniture removed from below caught
fire and was destroyed. The lore is
partially covered by insuranoe carried
in the MoMinnville company.
The Athena Athletic - association,
whioh was organized in this oity last
week have leased the Mosgrove imple
ment building and will proceed to fit
it up at onoe. Tbe association will
give a danoe in this bnlldmg on tbe
evening of January 26 Guiott'a or
chestra of Pendleton having been en
gaged for tbe oooasion. Thi prooeeds
from this danoe will be used toward
purchasing neoessary equipment. ;
Bawl Miller will open a moving
picture show in this oity next . week.
Mr. Miller has had some consider
able experience in this line of work
and will be prepared to give Athena
people tbe worth of their money. He
has placed an order for an Edison ma
chine of tbe latest pattern and will use
the perfected non-inflammable films
whioh are absolutely safe as far as
fire is concerned. The machine has
been purohased by Mr. Miller at a
cost of $155. He will ooonpy the Mo
Arthur building on Main street and
will have a complete change of pro
gram on Sunday, Wednesday and Fri
day evenings of eaoh week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Walter enter
tained on Thursday. January 13, tbe
oooasion being their seoond wedding
anniversary. A delightful dinner
was served about four o'olook, covers
being piaoed for eight, after whioh
an enjoyable game of bridge was play
ed. Honors were'reoeived by W. S.
Sterling, of Walla Walla. An evening
party followed, about twenty young
people of the neighborhood were in
attendance. Many games were played
and a delioious lunoheon served by the
hostess, assisted (bv Miss Clark and
Miss MoCool, of Walla Walla. Hon
ors of tbe evening were reoeived by
Miss Georgie Hansell, Blaine Hansell
and Ray Gerking.
Arthur L. Fletoher and wife will
arrive in Athena next month from
Lexington, North Carolina, to make
this oity their home. Mr. Fletoher
will be associated with 'Peterson &
Wilsou in the practice of ' law. He is
said to be one of the brightest soholars
overturned out of tbe law sobnQl of
Wake Forest college and for tw6 years
has been editor of the Raleigh , Even
ing Times. He praotioed law two
years in bis native Btate and bas been
eminently successful both as lawyer
and editor. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcbor
will reside in the Colbern residence cn
Fifth street. Mr. Fletoher is a ool
legemate of Fred Wilson and Herman
A Japanese Peculiarity.
"When a Japanese servant is rebuk
ed or scolded." says a traveler, "he
must smile like a Cheshire cat. Tbe
etiquette in smiles is very misleading
at first I often used to think that
Taki, my riksha 'boy, meant to be im
pertinent when be insisted on smiling
when I was angry at him. But when
he told me of tbe death of his little
child with a burst of laughter I knew
that this was only one of the curious
details of etiquette in this topsy turvy
Sorrow ia an evil with many feet
Good-bye, Profits!
" Next Christmas is a long way off,
and we don't want to carry our
left-over Novelties until then; so
we'll give tbem to yon for one
third off, in exobapge, for cash to
pnt in our Spring stock. They'll
come handy when you. want to give
a birthday gift, and no one will be
the wiser that yon have saved tbe
jeweler's profit on them. And
some of those things are so cute
that you will want to make a gift
to yourself.,
H. E Hill, Jeweler
! Athena
Furniture Repairing, Cabinet
Work, e tc. Prices right.
DESPER & SON, '.- Athena,
Foley 's Kidney Cure
makes kh'me 'S and bladder rizht
Dependable Tea, Coffc, Spices
and Extracts
, :;vr-- '.".y' y;: -7:'. v-?:'; 7-7:'V::y7 'yy:--y: :r-.
We have received 'a full line of Dependable tea, coffee,
extracts and spices, and we invite you to come to our
Store and give this line a trial. By the end' of the
we will have v & . -
fi ri fi rjn f
fleiloi lie if
mm m
j L
which we intend to sell at the lowest prices We've
bought one of the best lines of grocries and intend to
carry a large stock. Remember, our goods are sold
with guarantee to give Satisfaction or money refunded,
" ' 1 '. ' i ' ' :,- - ' ' , : v ,v ' -" -'':,'::'.'' :. I; .'
We have some more Mens and Womens Shoes on the way from the factory, which
we expect to arrive any time, now. , . ' , ; ,
South Side
Main Street
Great Slaughter Sale of Ladies' Suits,
Dress Skirts, Ladies' & Children Cloaks I
Now is the time to prepare for cold weather. Every )
garment marked down. They must be sold regardless y
of cost or value, lhe kniie has cut deep. The prices
will astonish you. Nothing held back. All the latest
uptodate garments included in this Great Slaughter Sale
Ladies Suits Ladies' Cloaks
$30.oo Suits are now reduced to $21.50 $20.oo Cloaks are now reduced to $13.75
27.5o 4 V. 19.75 18.5o ' 4 12.5O
25.oo ' 4 4 ' 17.50 I5.00 4 4 9.75
19.00 4 ' ' 12.75 13.5o 4 ' ' 8.75
$3.50 Capef , Spleudid.Values, now $2.75 $3.25 Bearskin and Fancy Plush, ' $2-25
6 M) 4 4 4 4 3.75 5.00 Fancy Possum & other styles 3.50
About 50 Garments carried over from last season ,goods
that cost from $6.50 to $10.50, your choice of nr
each dunng this' great slaughter Sale at . . . . $ UmJ J