- CYCLONE FORMATION. ' Th Mechanical Laws Are the Same - ,f . . -'.a In a Whirlpool. ."Any. one cnu nin'k tin exuH counter- . part of rt ejeitme if In- no desires. Of coiirstf ii cyclone Is cniiHud by f he iitr over n big urea gnttlnj? wtinn unci . flfr'il with sntafl pressure. Thin air' ' consequently tries to rise nlinost lu a body nnd lenvcn a partial vncuum be hind, but thp outside cold nlr rushes In from nil sides. Now. It Is a scien ter nnd iiipchnnlral truth that when a fl't!d runs In from nil sides toward a central .point It causes a whirlpool or rotation of the fluid. The exact anal oy of a cyrlonet then, although" with the fluid water Inst.tid of nir. Is seen when Ihc stopper Is pulled out of the bottom of a Imsln full of wafer.- An almost perfect vacuum, as far as the water Is concerned. Is caused -by the wafer Immediately over the stopper running out The rest of the water rushes Id from all directions, and a whirlpool Is the result There Is one difference here from the air cyclone. In the. air the force with which It rushes toward the center greatly com presses the air whirling at that point nnd makes It very dense so dense, In fact, that a straw carried In the ccn trnl whirl can be driven Into a big block of wood without bending. Of course In a whirlpool the water Is not compressed, remaining practically the same-in density all the time. That la one highly Important property of water: It Is practically Incompressible. -Nevertheless It Is very Interesting to see the whirl form in a basin and &uuw mat me mecnnnicai laws are the same as In the formation of a cy clone many miles wide. Harper's Weekly. Way to Treat Venison. The sportsman was explaining to a 'few f his uninitiated friends. "If you don't like venison," be said, "It Is because It has not been prepared properly. I think I know the kind you hare tried to eat, end I agree with TREASURY DEPAKTMENI' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Washington, December 12, 1910. WHEREAS, by satisfactory evl denoe presented to tbe undersigned, it Professional ;ou ,t is n0r r&r& t to tba.fc tb; F In NEW JERSEY TEA. Red Root, That Did Good Service Revolutionary Days. ' You housekeepers of today whose fa vorite brands of Orange Pekoe, Eng- mn ureaurast, India nnd Ceylon, etc., diffuse their fragrance over your tea table would hardly suppose that tea. or, rather, a fairly good substitute for it, was oni made from the leaves of one of our prettiest Xew Jersey wild Dowers. n-t so it was lu the old tur bulenl days of the American Revolu tion, when they had so much trouble over the Imported article and used various beverages as substitutes for tbut to which they had become accus tomed. New Jersey tea, or red root, as it is also called. Is a low growing shrub with ninny branches, seldom over three feet high, nnd is found from . Canada to V lorlda, growing usually In dry wooded sections. It Is very nbun daut in New Jersey, for which it is named. It blooms profusely In July and Is so showy, with Its many pan icled white blossoms, as to be quite worth a place In the gardens as an ornamental shrub, it has a dark red root, with leaves downy beneath nnd very much veined, by which it is easily distinguished from the mire ton. An Infusion of the leaves prepared hi the same manner as the genuine article has somewhat the taste of ordinary grades of the ten of the orient, but la noi supposed to possess any of its stimulating propertiesExchange. Bulwer Lytton and Hie Chorus. - i Miiri von ltncowltsa met nuiwcr i,yitnn m the Riviera toward 7 fnu or hftles. He was then, n . mi in ner autobiography, "past mm yuum: ms mine wns at Its , renlth. He seemed to me antcdllu- "u. witu ins long dyed curls niid his old fashioned dress. Uo dressed exact ly In the fashion, of the twenties, with ong coats reaching to the ankles, knee breeches nnd hmg colored waistcoats. Also be appeared always with a young lady who adored Mm nnd who was followed by a manservant carrying h harp. She sat at his feet b.a od- rST with i,p iM; '", ,h f iNii), with oug flu win n Anglalses. n t -? c"r ca"e own works, 'oxid from h s passages "d ,n wlM,,n,,y Poctic with 'All(-'e' accompanied him ..pegglos on the harp." been shot tbe carcass probably has been allowed to Ho around until tbe blood has discolored the meat and really has almost tainted It. Few hunters dress their game carefully enough. As soon as a deer Is killed tbe carcass should be thoroughly bled, skinned, the entrails removed and tbe meat bung up In the dry air for some hours. Thorough and prompt bleeding Is of tbe utmost importance. Venison prepared in this way is comparatively light In color--! bat Is, it is a clear. bright red. and tbe fat Is white and clean. There Is uo strong, rank taste." New York Press. Revenge. "Stop!" Tbe brakes of tbe motor were suddenly applied, a pandemonium of whirling wheels ensued, and the mo torist came face to face with Consta ble Coppem, who had been biding in tbe hedge. "Excuse me, sir," said tbe portly po liceman, taking out bis notebook and pencil, "but you exceeded tbe speed limit by two miles over a measured piece of road." "I have done nothing of the kind," retorted the motorist, "and, besides" "Well, If you don't believe me Pll call tbe sergeant, 'bein' as it was Mm as took the time. He's In tbe pigsty yonder." "Don't trouble, Robert," the other hastened to reply. "I would sooner pay fifty fines tban disturb tbe ser geant at his meals!" London Answers. A Tree Climbing Dog. ' A government otllclnl In Bavaria con nected with the forestry department has a wonderful dog, which Is asclev or at climbing trees as n cat. If his master fastens n handkerchief up In the treetops the animal will clamber up after It In the ulinblest way nnd never falls to bitug It down. He was taught by his mother, who was famous as n tree climber. The clever animal has wou several medals by his ex traordinary talent nnd takes particular delight In cllmblug silver birches, not the easiest tree In the world to scale, for I he trunk Is particularly smooth nnd sllppery.-Wlde World Magnxlno. Kindness to Animal. "What I believe lu," said Mr. Ems tus Plnkly, "is kindness to dumb ani mals." " "Yes." replied ' Miss Miami Brown, "I has hyuhed dat some folks kin Hf a chicken oft? do roos' so gentle an' teuder dat he won't have bis sleep Clsturbed ska'sely none."-Washington Star. Faithful Woman, I tell you that women, as a rule, are more faithful tban men ten times more faithful. I never saw a man pursue his wife into tbe very ditch and dust of degradation and take her in bis arms. I never saw a man stand at tbe shore where she was wrecked, waiting for tbe waves to bring back her corpse to bis arms, but I have seen woman with her white anna lift a man from the mire of degradation and hold him to her bosom as If be were an angeL IngersolL His Way of Doing. "Conld the cashier of that company explain the muddle In the books?" "He eald he would clear it all op." "Did he?" "No, he didn't clear it up. He cleared out'-Baltlmore American. Ungaliant. Henderson Ever met with any seri ous accident while traveling? Hen-peck-Did I? I met my wife while travelingabroad. National Bank of Athena in tbe city of Athena la the county of Umatilla and state of Oregon, has complied with all tbe provisions of tbe Aot of Congress "to enable National Banking Associations to extend their corporate existenoe, and for other purposes," ap proved July 12. 1882; Now, therefore, I, Lawrence O. Murray, Comptroller of the Currency do hereby oertify that tbe First Na tional, Bank of Athena in the oitv of Athena in tbe county of Umatilla and state of Oregon is authorized lo have suooession for tbe period specified in its amended articles of association namely, until olose of business on De cember 12, 1930. in testimony wnereor witness my band and Seal of office this Twelfth day of December, 1910. (SEAL) Lawrence O. Murray, Comptroller of tbe Currency, Charter No. 1616. Extension No. 2992. S. K. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all . calib, both night and day. Calls promptly answered. Office ou Third Street, Athena Oregor G. S. NEWSOM. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Weston, Oregon. Calls answered promptly night or day. REPORT OP THE CONDITION OF THE- FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA No. 4516. . - AT ' Athena, m the State of Oregon, - AT THE Close of Business Jan. 7th, '11 RESOURCES. r '- Lonng and discounts tan 273 7H Overdrafts secured and unsecured 7 (HO 18 U o bonds to secure circulation 12 500 00 Bonds, securities, etc. smm Banking-house furniture fixtures 1000000 Due from apr'v'd reserve agents, . 38 574 65 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents, 88 39 Specie ' 9 61)155 ued'm'n nwd with U 8 Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) 625 00 Total 9807 97849 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in isurpius iuna $5000000 irnlusrund 40 000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 7 148 fit National bank notes outstanding 12 600 00 Due to other National Banks 931256 Due to State aud Private Banks and Bank era ' 64B 03 Dividends unpaid 1360 00 Individual deposits subject to check 102 812 14 uemana certincates or deposit 81 165 28 48 00 Cashier's checks outstanding . Total 807 978 40 State of Oregon, l. County of Umatilla 88 l. . L.B row. cashier oi the aoove-namea bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and Dener. f . b. Lie urow, casnier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of Jan. 1011, Homer I. Watts. ' JNotary ruuiic. Correct Attest : S. F. Wilson, A. B.McEwen, . M, L. Watts. Directors PETERSON & WILSON Attorneys-at-Law Athena, Oregon. - Pendleton, Oregon Homer I. Watts Attorney-at-Law Athena, Oregon. . JOS. C. BAD DELE Y, D. V. S. Proprietor of City Veterinary Hospital 703 Chase Ave. :: Phone, Main 34 Walla Walla, Wash. Will make calls to cAthena and Vicinity" m i THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FROOME, prop. Iff Only First-class Hotel in the City. !?? . THE ST. NICHOLS la the only one that can accommodate commercial travelers. Can beteoomended for (le clean and ell ventilated rooms. LOR. MAIM AND THIRD, ATHEHA.Or. ' n.i ;mi "' - Mresi Faals & Co.'s PRIZE WALU PAPERS These famous cat terns ana Dener maae than thosa of any other manufacturer. They consist of all grades from the most inexpensive Kitchen an 1 Bed Room papers to the choicest Halls, Daing Rooms and Parlors, representing a st of over 3,000,000 rolls. - oaou"U8 Iton't buy old shop worn goods when 9 WB CAN SAVB YOU 50 PER CENT. on any one of our 000 patterns manufactur ed expressly f of t spring 1 ORDERS TAKES FOR ONS ROOM OR A WBOL1 BOOBS, DESIQNS AND COLORINGS EXCLUSIVE. "4i MARION JACK, Pres. M. L. AKERS, Sec-Trcas. Pendleton Iron Works We Make all Kinds of Farm Machinery to Order and We Guarantee the Goods Repair Work on all Ksnds of cTWachinery a Specialty Structural Iron Casting and Foundry Work TROY LAUNDRY For GOOD WORK HENRY KEENE, Agent, The best training possible can be had at ye Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping and all Commercial subjects, i.iii n ruyfi I " 1 f i I M Graduate in from five to nine months time. Positions given all graduates. Write for full particulars. follows a cold, but never follows the use of La pipe5 JJ LZ3 IAum The Alternetive. Flgg My wife wants a new silk dress. FoKR-Are you going to let hrr have UT FlgEYes. It's n ense of silks or sulks Dosion Trnnscrlpr. Unreasonable. : Mrs. SUnrpe (seTerelyi-Norah. I can ttuH only seven of those plates. Where ore tbe orhor live? Cook (in surprise) Suf, nmm, don't ye make no allow ance for oroinnry wear an tear? It stops the cough and heals the lungs and prevents a cold from settling on your lungs and resulting in Pneumonia, Pleurisy, or Consumption. You are in no danger of serious results if FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR is taken, as it soothes and heals the inflamed air pas sages and the cough disappears; Be sure and get FOLEY'S HONEY A ND TAR, as preparations containing opiates stop the cough temporarily by( paralyzing the nerves in the throat and leave the germs of serious lung trouble and you get one cold on another because the first one was not cured perfectly. Saved Her Ufa From Pneumonia. "My wife had a severe attack of Pneumonia which followed a severe attack of La Grippe and I believe that FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR saved her life," writes James Coffee, of Raymond, Missouri. Dr. C. J. Bishop, Acnew, Mich., writes: "I have used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR in three very severe cases of Pneumonia with good results in every case." Cured When Vary Low With Pneumonia. J. MT. Bryan, of Lowder, II!,, writes: "My little boy was very low with Pneumonia. Unknown to the doctor we gsva him FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR, The result was magical and puzzled the doctor, as it immediately stopped the racking cough and he quickly recovered." Throo Sizes, 25c, 50o end $ t.GO IThc 50-cent size contains 2 1-2 times as much as the small size, and the $i.co size almost 6 times as much. E. O. Draper, Presidents Pendleton, Ore.' 0 , ' ;-y m I fill iPigpr t4. J. Parker SHIP Everything: First Claim - Mo d em and TJp-to- date SOUTH STREET SIDE MAIN ATHENA JOB PRINTINGS Neat Workmen , Faat, Modern Presses HJjjh Grade Stock Asore throat Ls a dangeroas malady birtyou dorft needto tie a j?ock around your neck to cure it, BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT wii1..oui;? at throat ln Bhort order. "3? tr,?v!!rd Sa?Z Unll?e.nt Penetrates the pores, promot Ing free circulation, giving the muscles moSsdasSSiry. I.I TDRC RHEUMATISM, CUTS, SPRAINS, BRUISE?, VUKJbb WOUNDS, OLD SORES, STIFF JOLS, BURNS AND ALL PAINS. GAVE INSTANT RELIEF. which upon aDDlication mv rn r,.T ' ,. - oro iLrout, PRICB 25c, 50c AND $1.00 me pain Ballard Snow Liniment Co, 500-502 North Second Street, ST. LOUIS, - - MIS&lfTPr BYRON N HAWKS.