The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 13, 1911, Image 5

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(FJUflSf . - . -1.-. ""'t
Solve the Gift Problem
iot um ana mi.
Ab appropriate Christmas Post Card car
rying a cheery message to all your friend
will bring more happiness than squander
ing a sum on a few presents.
SO Beautiful Christmas Post Cards $1.00
Just enclose a dollar hill with a let
ter N the
lavs! ass Tinata Sb . Perthat On.
Cards will com by return mail.
. Tho Question.
, "That cheerful statesman has de
clared to his constituent that he is
not a Jeremiah." "That's not the ques
tion," replied the campaign manager,
"What we want to know Is whether he
Is a Jonah." '
Write for catalogues and literature. Developing
and printing. Hail orders given prompt attention
Portland Photo Supply Co.
li Third Street PORTLAND. ORE.
WF WFI fl "ken machinery and casting
II 1 II a. l U of all kinds by a new process,
making them as good as new. Machine work of
all kinds. We fix any old thing. Portlasd Oir-Autylm
f alax Umpuj, 305 Gliiu St flast Hui 6769. ParthalOr.
Jf Too have aching teeth or cavities and yon are
too nervous for the dontal ordeal, try Fill-O. the
home dentist. At druggists or by mail, 50c.
FI114 WK CO, 351 Emwn Ha, Status, Wuk. r
Blumaor-Frank Drug Co, distributors for Oregon
All Sheet Music 15c Mail orders carefully at
tended to.
. J27 Fifth St., Portland, Or.
" Remedies tor Beaslotcnasa
Among curious remedies for
sickness is that which Is popular
among the mariners in the Levant
the dally swallowing of iron rust,
which is obtained by scraping it oft
the anchor or anchor chain. But this
is only part of the necessary treat
ment, for a small pouch containing
roasted salt and flowers of thyme must
be tied upon the abdomen as firmly as
can be borne this being considered
to counteract the effects of the inter
nal disturbance caused by the rolling
of the resseL '
Loss of Appetite
Is loss of vitality, vigor or tone, and id
often a forerunner of prostrating dis
ease. It Is serious and especially so to
people that must keep up and doing or
get behindhand.
The best medicine to take for it is
the' great constitutional remedy
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Which purifies and enriches the blood
and builds up the whole system.
Get It today in usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs.
t a s n iw Villi nwsssnsaWsasawsassssassw
Between Neighbors.
That thermometer I bought Is a
fraud. It hain't brought on no ' ex
traordinary weather." "You've got tha
wrong idea, Peleg. A thermometer
won't act like a '.lightning rod."
Betty and the Kitten. '
Betty is only four, and often in her
excitement she makes very odd re
marks. - The other day she cried out:
"Oh, , mother, there's -a dear maltlne
kitten air cur lied up in the -corner I "
Touch of Sarcasm.
La Sage: I wish you all sorts f
prosperity with a little more taste.
rVS . . . . . .
Etan; rainless extraction ree
h K v., K nn Ml
Gold Fillines.,!!... !75c
22 K. Gold Crowns S3
V .. Porcelain Crowns S3
?SS 10 Bridge Work, 22 K. Gold... !$3
V. ' V fl T7111- O. rtA On
t -m fc i 1 auatiy jt ilia, r uic sTum e e v
' 'S Very NlceRubber Plate.. ,M
Best Rubber Plate on Earth $7
Don't throw your money away. A dollar saved
Is two dollars earned. Our original reliable Modern
Painless Methods and our perfected office equip.
Sent saves os time and your money.
OSTON DENTISTS, 5th Morrison, Portland
Cntnnce 291 V Morrison, opnoiite PoatorBce and Meier A
Frank. Eitabllshcd in Portland 10 yean. Open eveninfi
satil 8 and Sundava until 12i)0. tor people who work.
1 ."tWaw t
Noted Horse Trader Would Not Lit
About Horse's Good Traits Mere
ly Suppressed Truth.
Hank Dobbs was noted as an "hon
est" horse trader. Ho would not U
about a horse. He would merely sup
press the truth. Incidentally, he al
ways beat the .customer who deall
with him. The way he could slur ovei
the defects and buzs about: the" vlr
tues of an animal amounted to genius
Dnce Hank was , trying to sell I
neighbor a horse that ' had an ey
which was nearly sightless. The neigh
bor knew Hank would not He outright
to him. so he Questioned the horsa
trader as to the various points' of the
How about his eyesight? ' Can h
see out of both eyes?" -.
Sure," said Hank, "he's got good
eyes." Here he leaned forward, nil
eyes fairly scintillating with sup
pressed honesty. "One eye is particu
larly good."
Hank's enthusiasm for the truth had
carried him too far. The deal was oft
r A I Ell I U secured. Book of accurate
: information free on reouest.
J. a. MOCK, 719 Board sf Trnk Bids., FortUnd, Or.
(Late ot V. H. Patent Offlue. Waaliiutitoa. D. O.)
. Happy Thought.
"Your story is good," said the pub
lisher to the author who had called
learn his fate, "but there la one
thing about it that I can't under
stand." ,. '
"What's that?" queried the author.
"You have the climax in the mid
dle chapter instead of the last.'' said
the publisher. "Why is that?"
"Oh," answered the author, "that la
little scheme of mine to keep wom
en from knowing how the story is go
ing to turn out by reading the last!
hapter first."
ITablts Positively Cured.
Only authorised Koeley
atitute In Oregon.. Wr
tnr UlnfltrAted oircolal.
una INSTITUTE, 71 LI vm K,
ihg tht3 Deital Tnisf '
First By locating on the EAST SIDE, where our expenses are very low, actually doing
Second Remember, we have no hired dentists, no so-called
we do our own woric
"specialists" nor students.
Third We do not charge YOU $20 and then sell the name th(ng to some one else for $5,
That is what we mean when we say ONE LOW PICE,
We caieerfully Examine and Estimate Tour Work Free. v
The Big East Side One-Price Dentists
Corner Union Ave. and East Morrison
Office Hours-8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 9 to 1. DRS. KELSEY & PITTENGER
We have lived in Oregon and Portland more than 25 years.
a i-' e
;s"r," V , ,
There are a great many places and
occasions when the possibility of get
ting extra heat immediately effects an
economy by decreasing the discomfort
of the worker. In the office, in the early
morning or late at night, before or after
the steamheat is on, it is of importance
to have extra heat. - In the builder's
outside office, in the shipping room, in
the checker's shack, on exposed lofts,
in railroad stations, In studios, the
Absolutely smokeless and odorless
a aLx J L
Is often necessity. It is safe, smokeless and odorless. Appiy a matcn, ins
Lives Sea "SSiShT With four quarts o! oil it burns nine tours. Has anto.
Kol K which prevents the wick from beins
SSSmS to remove ,nd drop back 80 tb'
wick can be cleaned In an instant, v . u ...
It has a cool handle and a damper too. An lfJk9,V0
mount of oil in the font. The filler-cap It to put in like a cork in a bottla,
and is attached to the font by a chain.
The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, because of a new do
vlce in con"ucnon.nd Mmtl7, It en always be easily unscrewed in an
Instant for rewicking. - ... .
The Perfection Oil Heater is finished In Japan or nickel. It la strong,
durable, wemade, built for service, yet light and wnamental.
StandardjO 1
Note Your Exceptions.
One of the philosophers says that
everything is sweetened by risk, but
we must except ban deposits. Louis
rille Courier-Journal. ;
And how abaut matrimony?
r """"re m k m b c r
the keystone
Vto health
If you want a medicine
that will give you :. the
greatest satisfaction in
cases of "indigestion, Con
stipation, Bilitusness, Colds,
Grippe and' Malaria take
none but 'the Bitters. Its
reputation is established.
Real CourtesyT 5:f '.
"Say said our Country Cousin,
"you was wrong when you said that
Mr. B Jones wouldn't hare time to
talk to me. Why, he hadn't read that
letter of interduotion you gave me
half through before he told me to call
a gain. Yes, sir, ho seemed to want
me to oome and see him real often.
While I was explalnln' who I was, he
Invited me to call again at least six
times. And I'll bet I wasn't there
more'n an beir!" '
Mothers will And Mrs. Wlntlorw's (toothing
Syrup tue best remedr to use fox their ohildiwa
luriag the teething period.
Fag Set si TeHh eelr.. . .S5.00
Brid-wart er Ttttk wfti-
a Plata.. .$3.50 Is $5.00
Red Rubber rialesenlr ..$730
(sad Rnbba- flato ealr..$5.00
CM PtraUii Crowni
is $3.50 Is $5.00
CaU Ptrceliii FUilcga. $1 a
SUrer FUBn(S eaiy . . .50c h St
Pamleu Eitridioa o'j ... ,50c
fm waaa PlalM art erdacd
Cur Work guaranteed perfect
finMlal atleniion o out-of-town pajroiis.
ltop us a postij lor appointmeni, Oni-of-town
vrora cooipietea in a aay. no nyuer .w
where Modern equipment. Every operator a
speouit lt. Lady attendant.
, bK. K. A. BTUfiDIVAKT. tlgT.
fW 8 a at. Is 8 s. .: Stmliri. 9 a . H 1 .
N. E- C. Fourth aad MarriMS. Partland, Oreioa
Not Accord! nj to Webster. .
A Bad CoDDer A policeman who
takes a bribe. .
A Mad Bull A broker who sees the
market decline when he wants it to
advance. : ", '.. ." :
A Polar Star The leading, lady ol
an Eskimo operatic company. f
A Lyric Note A singer's; "I. O. TJ.
A Work of Love Kissing one's sis-
tor. ' .' .
Stays of Execution-A corset toe
tightly laced Judge's Library.
Costly Articles.
The most costly book in the world
is aHabrew Bible, owned by the Ger
man' government, which a few years
ago refused the Pope's offer of $125,
000 for ft. The mobt costly medicine
a few years ago was metalllo gallium,
which sold for' $150,000 : pound; but
radium is now the priceless gem oU
the mineral world, selling for more
than that price an ounce.
Human Life as National Resource.
The gradual lowering of the death
rate is one of the great achievements
of science and civilization. Conserva
tion of life is the most important of
the many current projects for conserv
ing national resources. But human
life is still held far too cheap and
methods of checking waste are still
mora or less rrxVTnantarv. ,
Anxious Father's Advertisement.
A,,Trenchman's advertisement, in a
Boston paper, ran in the toilowing
singular strain: "Lost, last evening;
a child about five years old; whoever
will return him to his home, in Fore
street, shall be handsomely .rewarded
by his afflicted father, Jean Baptlste,
who likewise deals in French bran
dy." From a London Newspaper,
180?. ' - ' - ' ' ' ' ' '
II Bulls Haul Street Cars. J
Four miles of street railway and
some bulls are making a ncn man
out of a resident of Daet, in the Phil
ippines. The little railroad runs from
Daet to the port, and has no lacK or
passengers or of flight traffic. The
cars are of the small street railway
i type, and they make tne rour muos
uphill from the port to Daet in twen
ty-eight minutes, aUbeugh tne duhs
who draw the cars do not exert thorn-
selves unduly.
Strange Hobby.
William James, probate court dep.
uty, tells of a pest extraordinary that
comes about that office. She la a
woman, -a middle-aged, heavy Jowled
person, who comes around shortly
after she has read in the paper of the
death of a prominent mam And she
comes because she wants to read the
dead man's will as soon as it is pro
bated. She has no hopes of receiving
a bequest in any of the wills. She
Just likes to look them over. Read
ing, Villa is her hobby. Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Hard to Do.
Three things are difficult to keep
a secret, to bear injuries, and to make
good use of time.
Pettit's Eye Salve 100 Years Old.
relieves tired eyes, quickly cures eye
aches, inflamed, sore, watery or ulcer
ated eyes. All druggists or Howard
Bros., Buffalo, N. Y.
If It Really Concerned Him.
"You told me Mr. Hyjams was
busy, but would be at liberty in a few
moments," said the caller. "I've
waited nearly a Quarter of an hour.
Will you kindly! tell me what is de
taining him?" "He's 'buttonin' of
Mrs. Hyjam's new gown up the "back,
if you must know!" snapped the do
mestic. .':
You Can Get Allen's foot-Ease FREE.
Write Allen 8. Obnstod' Le F.oy, N. Y., for a
iree sample of Allen's Foot-Kase. It cures
sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes
new or tight shoes easv. A certain on re for
corns. Inccrowlne nails and bunions. All druir
gUtaselllt. 25c. Don't aeoept any substitute.
-: Liberia. ...
Liberia, the West African negro re
public, was founded mainly through
the efforts of American qunkers, or
ganized undr the title of the Penn
sylvania Coktnlst society. The chief
bar to the development of Liberia is
a law by which white men are not
allowed to hold property in the coun
try. Capital has, therefore, gone else
where and Liberia possesses none of
the resources of modern civilization.
Destroys :
Hair Germs
Reccntdiscoverles have shown
that falling hair is caused by
germs at the roots of the hair.
Therefore, to stop falling hair,
you must first completely de
stroy these germs. Ayer'sHair
Vigor, new improved formula,
will certainly, Mb this. Then
leave the rest to nature.
Does not chang iht color of the hair.
Formula with each bottle
f Show It to year
Ask him about It,
tbea do as he says
Recent discoveries have also proved that
dandruff is caused by germs on the scalp.
1 neretore, to cure dandruff, tne first tning
to do is to completely destroy these dan
druff germs. Here, th; same Ayer's Htir
Vigor will give the same splendid results.
Made by the J. er f. T rr? -on.
Dr. B. E. Wright
Have your teeth out ard plate and brtdira work
done. For out-of-town patrons we finish plate
and bridge work in one day if necessary.
Ko'ir Crwai....$5.00
22k Brian tat $3.50
Cold Fiffisn $1 m
fuwIFiilins.... $1.00
SfarFiKnn...; SOtss
M RoMr Ptttn $5.00
Pitta $7.50
f listen E'lrdie. . S0c
Painless Extraction Free when plates or bridge
work Is ordered. Consultation Free. You cannot
set better painless work anywhere, no matter
tow much you pay. -All
Work Tully Guaranteed for rifteen Year
Dr. B. E. Wright Co.
342J Washington St.,
Portland, Oregon
Take ear at depot and transfer to Waahina-ton St
"I used Cascarets and fetl like a new
man. I have been a sufferer from dys
pepsia and sour stomach for the last two
years. I Have been taking medicine and
other drues. but could find no relief only
for a short time. I will ' recommend
Cascarets to mv friends as the only thing
for indigestion and sour stomach and to
keep the bowels in good condition.
They are very nice to eat,"
Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. Taste Oood,
Do Oood. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe.
10c, 26c 60c Never sold in bulk. The Ren
ame tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to
cure or your money back, .
Preserve Last Summer's Eggs?
Our plan will keep them fresh for months.
Sell just one dozen eggs, send us the amount
in money order and we will nutil you free our
formula for preserving eggs. Simple cheap
SOpND FORMULA Co., Seattle, Wash.
Difference In Prayer.
The Lord hears the prayer of tha
hustler , who prays for work, but tha
man who prays for a job to bo sent
to him get no results.
h Mm
1 Q
No. 48-'W
HEN writing to advertisers please
mention this paper. ....... .
33.50 & '4 SHOES
RnvB- Suors. 2.00. S2.BO A S3.00. BEST IN thc WORLD.
to leather ueed Inihm I JJ
lze that
....umi safue fen Msmenny.tsftoPSntf I e"ou'
I on per wearing $'J, 93.BO end $4 mhaem than I
cnuM nl h'fi &rrtvlumtothe tariff revision
mole leather, now enablom me to
been the
for over 30 years, Unit I make ami sell more 3.J0, 3.5Uand $4.00 shoes
than any other mamirneturor in the u.B.,ana inai uonar ror iiouar,
I ;nnrnnten My Hlioca to hold their shape, look ami fit better, anil
wear longer than any other $:).0U, $3.00 or S4.MI shoos you can buy ?
Quality Iris niailo my shoes Tim Leaders of the World.
You will be pleased when you buy my shoes becaune or the n . -
fit and appearance, and when it comes time for you to piircliano IP JL. jQta
inotlter pair, you will be more than pleased be ause the last f P rwwt
... .-1 1 ...... mn tn, n.m . i r,
CAUTIOF! nNa;reaKnsfc
If vonr dealer cannot auuulv you wlin w , I.. imiri nnurs. wnis mrmm
Slwt Co.
W. I- JUUUCIL.AM, 14 MiMU'k St., Jlrocktou, Mavae.
for sale by owner; choice ' ten acres 9J
miles from city, elevation about 1,600
feet, almost level, red shot sou, two
acres six-year-old trees; balance raw
state. Price $1,700, easy terms. To
Alink.A novrir will trva urnrlf rournCT
Already Trained. ; Lnd carinir for adioinine ten acres,
"Yes, you see my son served a term amount to apply on purchase price. Ad
dress r. O. Box 131, Portland, or pnone
A 5374. -
Wicks What do you consider the
most remarkable feature, of the pres
ent hot wave? .
Hicks That there have been 22
Sundav school denies, with no rain
to break them up.
In the army and he nas gotten so in
the habit of obeying orders unques-
tloninsly that it has ruined him; he
will take orders from anyone."
"What a lovely husband he will
nake for some girt."
With theae have been In the bablt of carina,
and roe will see that we offer oo a substantial av.
First Political Grafter Did you ever
see Roosevelt?
Kwnnd Political Grafter Many a
time. ,
First Political Grafter Where?
Second Political1 Grafter In my
S?? '"iT,.j;.,,Bot eet better vainleM
Work auwhara, bo aietter how much jroa pa.
TTfe nnlth slate ana
' In the Cannibal Islands.
"What did you do with the fat mis
sionary that used to be here?"
"Oh, we canned him.
"Let him go, eh?"
"Quite the opposite. Slave, open
can of missionary at once."
t ! fa
A Mean Suggestion.
He As I spoka to her a rich, warm
color flooded her face.
Rh What eraser rouge! It must
have melted.
Eaamsl Fillinri I.C9
Silver Fllllnfs .50
Qol Rubber - AA
Plates 5.C0
Bait R! Rubber- . .
Plates 7.59
. . . . rA
SCI.. Wtll, fmmmm Hmum PalnleH btf ties .911
a mat aiuii wruaa lUf mctmom
AH work fully gaaraateed for fifteen yean.
Wise Dent al Co.,m.
Painless Dentists
FaDrxc Svlltflnf, TMrs tne Wsthlsftwi. PORTLAMO, ORE,
itfaeSean: SA.M.taf.M. iaaaajf a, I ta t,
k.-... i
brldue work for out.
of-towa patrona la
one day u Ad.
ainlbae oztraMioa
free when platos of
bridge work la order
ed. CoewlUtias im.
ottrCrMHit $5.00
... :... .. -rr.ur1 rJ K RFMINHTON .22 "S
Reneaters as we are of the Remington Bit? Game
high power rifles for just as good reason. No other
make of the .22 class is built to as high a standard. (
Hie features thai place the REMINGTON .22 ia a class by itself are the Mai Lag
REMINGTON features Hammerleat and Solid Breech. Yon clean the barrel from
the breech not forcing the dirt back into the workutgarU at ia other 22, insuring
life-time uaefulneai aodnaiQUinittg constant thocting coaditioa.
There is perhaps greatet difference between the REMINGTON sad other 22 Ra-
peateri than is to be found betwees liflet of any ether clue.
A REAL RIFLE the REMINGTON .22 Repeater. Shoots without adjust-
meal 21 ihort, 22 loag of 22 bog rifle cartridges.
I , Stt TartttM Ma'dtl Free.
THE REMINGTON ARMS COMPANY, Aaeaeri 2B BresJwajr, New Ye Crty.
Color mora foods britfhtar and faster colors than any other dye. On lOe packaca colors atlk, wool and cotton equaDy wea
iad la guaxaxiteed to tws perlect retuil AH daaiar, or we will send poPd at 10c a Pjckage. Write lor txebookl
aowMdytblAacaaluixuzcotoia. MOMROS PUO COtigAWY, QvOncy, Iillnota.
t? :
4 I
i. f