FESSKKSSSLl EECEIVED, THIS WEEK : . Some Uore " L Ml : y vi Consisting' of Dressed Dolls, Rocking Ilorses, Doll Beds, Doll Go-carts, Books, etc. A large line of Shos for men and boys, women and Misses and children. r , A bis assortment of mens and boys Hats and Caps in all the latest styles. . ' . Dishes of all kinds. , - ' We wish to call your attention to our Miller-made Clothing. A shipment of this well known brand has ar rived this week. .'',.' .Wishing you p,a Merry .Christmas, we are Respectfully, 1 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER ' .... i i.i' i . . .1 ' i i . i I S - i.i Sit and Eight Pages Every Friday. 1 F.B. BOYD, PCBUHHEB. Application for entrance as 2nd class matter made on July;5, 1007 at the poetofflee at Athena, Oregon Under an Aotot Congress of March 8. 1878 Subscription ftatat I pir vear. In advanc 12.00 , Single oopies in wrappers, 6o, " " : cATHEN A. ORE.. DEC. 23 1910 Praotioally every part of tbe itate Of Oregon Will be benefitted by the plan for tbe extension of experiment work in all phases of horticulture and agrioulture wblon is now under con sideration by President W. J. Kerr of tbe OregOD Agricultural College and tbe authorities of Washington. Ihe plan will be submitted to the regents of the college at a meeting wbioh will be held within tb ; next two weeks. In all probability the regents will ap prove tbe plan and it will then be ready for presentation to tbe legisla ture at its next meeting. The plan in cludes extensive experiments in irri gation in tbe Willamette valley. Tbe experiments will be carried on in co operation witb farmers and frnlt growers at snob points in the valley as , will beet suit tbe Varying con ditions. This may) necessitate work in as many as fifteen different oom Vrouulties in , the .valley. It will in clude iavestisaticas of methods of irrl gatiusn and testing of soils, drainage, tbe adaptability . of various kinds of farmlugt aud the time and methods of tillage. . Wallowa has a startling potato story. One vine that grew on new ground, is said to have attained tbe height of I 6 feet, 1 inob, and produoed 40 tubers. tbe total weight of tbe potatoes being 10 pounds. Edgar Allep Poe got into a niche in the hall of f atfce just in the niok of time. Ha had 06 votes. "Only this and nothing mWe," His spirit baa beenVtspping, grently tapping" at the v. v. u .-.y, .v. -v. time. Poe was a kenius sure, for did he not write rauchUbat nobody knew what be really moaW? State bankn bovej'beeq prosperous tbe past year, us sho;wu by tbe annual report of State Buukf Examiner Wright who found individual deposits iu Ore gon banks on Nojvember 10 totaled 104,370,3OO, a Del gain sinoe Novem ber 1(U 1000, of 14,321,650. Total reaoutoes of Oregon bauka increased during tbe year almost 130,000,000. ., i- ' The biggest vybaat cargo ever sent away from tbe Columbia river was that taken theast week by the Nor wegian tramp ateamship, the Djorns- 1-triT.nA Pnrifduit whinh anitad with 805,86(1 bushels for .Europe. This is tha secoudi' la roe-it oarso of wbeut over loadodjon the PaoiQo ooast. . t !1 'Ml. J The actoual report of tbe Portland Union Stockyards company shows PtirUftn,4 fa becoming great paoking ooutev. The value of livestock shipped l&t- flmt year the ooboern was in oper ation amounted to $3,336,000. . Orogoa has a population of 673,765, tttmth census, aa increase of 63.? per cent over tea years ago, whou the state bad 413,530. - The iuoiease of 20 years has been 114 per oeut. Four hundred boxes of Comioe pears, grown ccar Medford, sold in tbe London market this season, for fioa boi..-.? 55 ' A large aoreage around Hermiaton is being seeded to alfalfa. This is not only a profitable orop for hay, but there is money in raising seed which brings 23 oents per pound. -as Oregon's financial condition, as shown by tbe state treasurer's report, is in excellent shape. There is f 424, 013 on band, with no debts, bonded or otherwise. The writer who said that an optim ist believes in a mascot and a pessim ist takes stook in a hoodoo, bad a fair view of human weakness. Somebody said that there are no flies in tbe Philippines for au ant de vours them. This is an anti-fly cru sade of the right kind. Oregon City has a paper mill that is tbe third largest in the world. AMBASSADORS. They Enjoy Some Curious Privileges at European Courts. In the popular inind the American mind at least there is very little dlf fereHqe between tin ambassador and a minister, but the former is entitled to very many privileges abroad that are denied to a mere envoy. For Instance, one curious privilege of an ambassador Is that he, and he alono, when dismissed, may turn bis back to the sovereign to whose court be is accredited. The mode of pro cedure, generally speaking, is as fol lows: When the audience is at an end the ambassador waits to be dismissed by the sovereign. When dismissed tho ambassador bows, retires three paces, bows again, retires three puces, bows a third time, turns on his heels and walks to tho folding doors. But when the reigning sovereign Is u woman, still politer methods obtain. To turu his back would be discourteous: to walk backward would be to resign a privilege; therefore the ambassador re tires sideways like a crab. He keeps one eye on the sovereign aud with the other ho endeavors to find the door. By this unique niennS he contrives to evince all politeness to the sovereign and at the same time retain one of his privileges. Another privilege of ambassadors Is tho right of being ushered into the royal presence through folding doors, both of which must be flung wide for him. No one save on ambassador can claim this privilege, the most any non ambassadorial individual can expect Is that one of the doors shall bo opened to him. One privilege appertaining to tho ambassador, one capable of causing gTeat inconvenience to tho ruler, is the right of demanding admission to tho sovereign at any hour of day or night This was one of the reasons why Abdul Ilamld, when sultan of Turkey, opposed the raising of our mission at Constantinople to an embassy. It was decidedly inconvenient at times to sco the American representative at all. To the European the most important feature of the ambassador's makeup la his sword. There the blade of the word Is a rapier blade with the point blunted. It has been facetiously ob served abroad that the use the sword la put to In addition to its trick of tripping up its wearer is usually the harmless one of poking fires. One di plomatist was said to file bis bills on his sword when it was not otherwise engaged, and for a long while it waa standing witticism of the corps dip lomatique in Europe that the Russian ambassadors used their swords to file broken treaties, a circumstance that was held to account for tho lnonllnatA length of thelf weapons. Harpers Weekly. Emmet's Presence af Mind. A story is told of Robert Emmet which proves his secretive power and resolution. He was fond of studying chemistry, and one night late, after the family had gone to bed, he swal lowed a large quantity of corrosive sublimate in mistake for noma Hf41 cooling powder. He immediately dis) covered his "mistake and knew that! death must shortly ensue unless he in- stantly swallowed tbe only antidote., chalk. Timid men would have torn at tho bell, roused all the family and sen for a stomach pump. Emmet called no one, made no noise, but, stealing down stairs and unlocking the front door, went into the stable, scraped some chalk which he knew to be there and took sufficient doses of it to neutralise the poison. list Ewvyi tl n Queen Elizabeth's Amulet. Queen Elizabeth during her last ill ness wore around her neck a charm made of gold which had been be queathed to her by an old woman In Wales, who declared that so long as the queen wore it she would never be ill The amulet, as was generaly tho case, proved of no avail, and Eliza beth, notwithstanding her faith in the charm, not only sickened, but died. During the plague in London people wore amulets to keep off the dread de stroyer. Amulets of arsenic were worn near the heart. Quills of quicksilver were hung around tbe neck and also the powder of toads. No Swelling at All. . "I see not one ripple on the water. All is calmness," said the little Ger man lady, looking out dreamily over tho quiet sea. "I haf crossed the ocean when it was calm like this all the way over." "Do you mean that there was no swell even in mldocean?" asked her companion, who had never crossed at all. "No,, no swelling at all," was the re ply. New York Press. Wherein They Differ. Jack Widows are wiser than maids in one respect at least Tom What'r tho answer 7 Jack They never let a good chance go by, thinking that a better one will com their way. Chi cago News. Bad men excuse their faults; good men will leave them. Johnson. olthena Bakery Confectionery and Lunch Kjoom Fresh Daily: Bread, Pies, Cakes, Buns. Roll. Fancy Wedding and Birthday Cakes made to order. Nice Line of Xmas Candies of All Kinds. C a spebul mm WU1 WALLA To: LOS ANGELES mo nn Via in y. S94 MID IV , SH Including Pullman Berth, Meals and All Expenses on Going Trip, IV Leave Walla Walla by Special Train FRIDAY, JANUARY S, .1911 at 9:30 P. M, For detailed information) call on or address . 31. Smith, Agent, Athena, Ore- R. Burns, District Freight and Passenger Agent, Waila Walla, Wash. At D 'eat Store Weston, Oregon The store from where disappointment never comes. 3 Miller's , Big Furniture Store V V. r Ni " ft i, . ' j .4 A South Side Main St. Athena Given Away Free I have 200 fine Pictures, framed and worth $2,00 each. I am going to give one free with every $25.00 cash purchase made at my store. I have the largest stock of goods I have ever carried Come in and see what I have. picture offer is good for 30 days, only. ;! BJPIBi.illWftyUII Si OF E1B0AT AND for COUGHS AND GOLDS CUBES TllflOAT LUN DISEASES SAVED HER SON'S UFE My son Sex was taken down year ago with long trouble.. We doctored some months without Improvement. Then I began giving Dr. King's New Discovery, and I soon noticed a change for the better. I kept this treatment up for a few weeks and now my son is perfectly well and works every day. msS samp. mppe At1 Mo. 50c AND SI.00