. J. ! Your Priends Prefer Jewelry to any Other Gift in the World For thousands of years as far back as historioal reoords go the traversal token of love and friendship has been preoions atones and jewels. To every race in every age and generation, gems and jewels have held a oharm more alluring than , money, land, mer ohandise or any other form of wealth. And with eaob generation, sentiment attached to tbe'giving and owning of jewels grows. Every aohievemennt life is assooiated with gifts of beautiful jewels a diminutive ting for the baby; braoelets and neok obains for birthday remembrances; at gradnation, perhaps a fine waton; a diamond ring announoes the marriage engagement; and at the wedding, the crowning event of all, a multitude of preoious gems, stones and jewels. Searob the gamut of human wants and yon will find no gift so aooeptable as jewel ry. Good jewelty is a heritage that is handed down from generation to generation and an enduring remembrance of the giver. When yoa wish to select jewelry for your friends or relatives, oome to this store. Yon oannot find more dependable jewelrv any place; Yon oannot find so large a line or so many novelties elsewhere in this city. Nor are the prioes we ask in any oase nnrea son able. In many instanoes a comparison will demonstrate that to trade here means a oonsiderabe cash saving. If yon are unfamiliar with jewelry, we will be glad to help you to make tasteful selections. On the other hand, if you are accustomed to buying rings, lookets, bracelets, watobes, etc, so muoh the tetter. You will appreciate the morekeenly the high quality of our goods and our up-to-date selections. Needless to say, every artiole of merchandise we sell is warranted to be exactly as represented. There is no obanoe for deoeption at his store. Our line is particularly interesting in rings, brooches, bracelets, necklaces, lockets, pins, watobes, late novelties, and out glass Fitkins & Brooks, diamond cut; exclusive patterns. Come and visit our store, whether or not yoa are ready to purohase jewelry. Bring your fi lends along. We take pleasure in showing the many beautiful gems and jewels. Professional S. F. Sharp . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all callb. both nieht and day. Calls promptly answered. Offloe on Third G.S.NEWSOM.M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Weston, Oregon. Calls answered promptly night or day. PETERSON & WILSON Attorneys-at-Law Athena, Oregon. - Pendleton, Oregon WATTS & NEAL Attorneys-at-Law . Athena, Oregon. - Freewater, Oregon JOS. C. BADDELEY, D. V. S. , Proprietor of . City Veterinary Hospital 703 Chase Ave. :: Phone, Main 34 Walla Walla, Wash. Will make calls to cAthena and Vicinity THE H. H. Hill Athena 1 ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FROOME, prop. I Only First-class Hotel in FLED FROM BOREDOM. The Tale of a Purposely Interrupted Yachting Cruise. A few seasons back a well known hostess chartered a splendid yacht for August and invited a large number of her friends for a three weeks' cruise. At first nil went well, though the party was not specially well assorted, but after a few days they began to evince signs of being somewhat bored with each other's company. The hostess marked these signs of incipient boredom, which became more plainly evident each day, and at last in despair she took counsel with one of her guests, an old and experienced yachtsman. "What on enrth shall I do to amuse these people?" she naked. The yachtsman looked ,nt the serene sky and calm, blue water and shook bis head doubtfully. 1 "A storm would enliven them up a' bit," ho said, "but the weather looks quite settled. There is only one thing to bo done. You must arrange a break down; too engineer will manage that all right for you. lie has probably often done so before. Then you must make for the nearest port for repairs and let your guests have a run ashore. Some of them, I expect, will find an excuse, for bidding you goodby and those who remain with you will get along all right together." Tho hostess took her guest's advice and arrived at Toulon a day later, (where nigh twenty of her guests bid her goodby. London M. A. P. CROCODILE TEARS. Old Legends That the Brutes Shed Them Over Their Prey. ' There was an old story, to which we find constant reference in Elizabethan writers, that crocodiles wept over their prey. No doubt the lojrend arose because the crocodile possesses large ly dcvclopc:! I.K-hrymnl glands, but if. appears lu various amusing forms. As early nn the fourteenth century. 1n 'Mandevllle'a Travels," we find: "In that contro ben great plentee of Coka Grilles. Ttielse serpentes sleu men, and thci eten hem wepynge." An odd turu is given to the tale by the nnrrntor of one of Sir John Haw kins' voynjres. Whether he was a mar ried man or pot tve do not know, but he write: "His nature Is over, when he would have his prey, to cry and sob like a Christian body, to provoke them to come to hi in. and then he snatched nt them! And thereupon nmp this proverb, that Is npplied unto women when they weep. Lnchrymae crowd ill. the meaning whereof is that ih the crocodile when he crieth goeth them about most to deceive, so doth a woman most commonly when she weepeth." . In Fuller's "Worthies" there is the added information that "the crocodile's tears nre never true save when he is forced where saffron groweth." Shake speare, Spenser and Dryden allude to this old world fancy. ! A Pearl 8trlngera Keen Eye. ! The , pearl stringer's eye become! practiced in the detection of real and Imitation pearls. One glance Is usually sufficient. A genuine pearl has a hard look. It presents a sort of shell-like surface with an indescribable blush. This blush is so cleverly counterfeited In wax imitations that even those who are accustomed to handling pearls day after day are likely to be deceived. In one of the large New York jew elry houses last winter a customer purchased a hand painted miniature set in a frame of imitation pearls. On examination it was found that sev eral of the pearls had been slightly defaced, and the whole thing was sent to the manufacturing" rooms for re pairs. By chance it came under the eye of one of the pearl stringers, who instantly detected four genuine pearls In the circle of Imitation ones about tho picture. The frame had passed through a dozen expert hands with out any one's noticing tho presence of real pearls. No one could account for their being there. If they had not been detected tho purchaser of the framo would have had a bargain, for the four genuine pearls "were worth many times more than th picture ami the rest its setting.'- " Luoky One Way. Jackson Your daughter plays on seven Instruments? Man, you're lucky. Grouche I often think so when I consider the number of instru ments there are. Chicago News. The Right Solution. The reason why newly wedded men are called "Benedicts" is because they are supposed on marriage to give up all tho bad habits to which they have "benedlcted." Llpplncott's, NOTICE TO CREDITORS, lu the county ooort of the state of Oregou for Umatilla county. In the matter of the estate of Louis A. Glthens, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern: That J. D. Plamon don has been appointed administrator of the estate of Louis A. Uithens, de ceased. All persons having claims against the estate are required to pre sent them, with proper rouohers as required by law. to me at my offloe in Athena, Oregon, within six months from date hereof. Dated this, the 3rd day of Novem ber, 1910, , ' J. D. Plamondon, . Homer I. Watts, Administrator. ' Attorney. TROY LAUNDRY For GOOD WORK HENRY KEEN E. Agent. BANNER S A LVE the mo6t hoallna salve in tho world. the City. THE ST. NICHOLS t In ibeouly one that can accommodate : commercial traveler. Iff' Can bdieoomeoded for 1U clean and well ventilated rooms. Cob. maim and third, atheka.it. j KILLthc cough and CURE the LUNGS w,th Dr. King' Hew Discovery FflR OyCHS JSFSml 1 w". WOLDS TfW Bottle Fret AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY! OR MONEY REFUNDED. Where are you going IPo x mypretty maid? jjjg) 11 wtifimptf Jm :MmmmJm i. liter'.' -.'. ttLt- T.jr rr-'"-: icu- .w- "Bvoir tv-rtsn. (.v-js1. i MARION JACK, Pres. M. L. AKERS, Sec-Treas. A. F. MAY, Manager. Pendleton Iron Works We Make all Kinds of Farm Machinery to Order and We Guarantee the Goods Repair Work on all Ksnds of cTWachinery a Specialty Structural Iron Casting and Foundry Work The Sherwin-Williams Bath Enamel Is just right for the purpose. Withstands the effects of . hot and cold water. Makes old bath tubs look like new S-lV.Bath Enamel wears well and is most economical, j Put up in large or small cans. Colon mott suitable for the purpose. j OFFICERS F. S. Le GROW, President, ' H. KOEPKE Vice-President. ED. E. KOONTZ, Cashier, E. A. ZERBA, Ass't Cashier. DIRECTORS H. KOEPKE, F. S. Le GROW S. F. WILSON, E. E. KOOSTZJ M. L. WAITS. 4 MAT IST i imlM -' rt 3 CAPITAL STOCK. $50.000. . . . . .SURPLUS. $35,000 The wolf never dares to oome np to the door that has a bank book . v behind'it. It is the only way the average man oan be sure of keeping him oft. Every man owes it to his family to provide snob proteotion and keep it as strong as he possibly oan. , , it BTWi. tA. J. Parker ft Everything Firot ClasH - Mo A em and Up-to-date SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET ATHENA m fliiiBSPeats&eo.'s prize wall; papers These famous patterns are handsomer I fewr ml and better made than those of anv Iht$L3'. . - M. ...... m K. 'iti Wj Winer manutacturer. iney consist 01 au Itf&fWlmiF i graaes trom tne most inexpensive Kitcnen gti iM Daing Rooms and Parlors, representinga iV&'jS Wll strpek of over 3,000,000 rolls. . fjj$" Won't buy old shop worn goods when WB CAN SAVB YOU 0 PERCENT.' on any one of our f 00 patterns manufactur ed expressly for ,k spring J,m ORDERS TAKEN FOR ONB SOOU OR A WBOLI BOOIS, DESIGNS AND COLORINOS EXCLUSIVE. WM. JAMIESON, Prop. NORTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET The Best Meat to be found-ieT Town. Come and see me. I vjill treat you right. WM. ' MVIIESON, ATUENA, OREGON 1 1