12Jo for Dreesed Veal up to ISO lbs. -e for Droned Block Eon. 1 60 for Live Chickens. . 35c for Fresh Eg-ga. Smith pays the above prices. He does not charge commission nor drayage. Ad drew all shipments FRANK U SMITH MEAT CO. "Fighting the Beef Trust" PORTLAND, OREGON Peculiar Rose In Enallah Oarrf.n Mr. William Tweddle of Stanhope, ftnarlnnd haa ffmwfnit I n tit. Ji u HH c " ut uid gai uon a - ura ouayo ui a neuirope moss rose. Gardeners declare that they have never before seen or heard of a moss rose of that color. The bush, which stands four feet high, contains about a dozen buds, besides two or three roses in full bloom.- Sarsaparilla Cures all humors, catarrh and rheumatism, relieves that tired feeling, restores the appetite, cures paleness, nervousness, 'builds tip 'the whole system. uei it louay in usual iiquiq form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. The Placable 8on of Nun. . Jeohua chuckled. ., ' "I never let the sun go down on my anger," he cried.' Herewith he held It up till he fin ished the walloping. . . HOWARD E. M7RTOH Ajmjrer sn Chemlrt, ' Lendrille, Colorado. Specimen price.! Gold, Stlrer, Lead, H. Gold. Silver, 16m Gold. Wo; Zino or Copper, tl. Mailing enrelopes and full price Hit sent on application. Control and Umpire work so licited. Reference) Carbonate National Bank. Tents, Awnings, Sails Goto, Hammocks, Curat anil Covers 1 or 1,000 at factory prices. PACIFIC TENT AND AWNING CO. 27 N. First St.. Portland, Or. IT rt A TT Q A110 KODAK n. J U -M JA. O supplies Write for catalojrues and literature. Developing and printing-. Mail orders liven prompt attention Portland Photo Supply Co. 149 Third Street PORTLAND. ORB. Tlwy wh Ike grunj prixc for Rojei it Dn Suttlc Exposihni Iill nr. Her ire pluted m Portland'i nit beaulifal prileni. Law (eUplutsWcrareu. Sens' postal foe aldogw lodiy. THE SIBSON ROSE NURSERIES, 1180 C Milwulde Atesn, PorUasi, Orejoa. " FILL YOUR OWN TEETH " FILL-0 If you have aching1 teeth or cavities and yon are too nervous for the dental ordeal, try Fill-O, the home dentist. At druggists or by mail, 25c F1U.-0 MFC CO, 351 Eapin Bldg.. Stiiik W.i Blumaer-Frank Drug Co., distributors for Oregon TRY tiURINE Eye reked i For Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eye and GRANULATED EYELIDS I Murine Doesn't Smart-Soothes Eye Pain Draw Ws Sell Marine Ere Rtawdr, Liquid, 25c, 50c, $1.N Murine Eye Salve, in Aieptie Tubes, 25c, $1.00 eye Books and advice free by mail Murine Eye Remedy Co.,Chlcago ASK YOUR GROCER FOR L S. BRAND OF Disinfectant Spray Ammonia Cold Water Liquid Starch "Clean, 0" Non-Bnilinj Washing Fluid IAND S-CHEMIcaj.. WHOtESALffACTURttli Wt MANUFACTURE ALl MUO WCIALTIgS j Phone) Main 113 401 Main St. Vancouver, Washington A A t rfi t (Drink Cured in Three Days "The Neal LTUU Cured Me" II UU 1 1 No Hypodermic Injections. Ton can take this treatment at the Institute or your home, and your money will be returned If a perfect cure is not affected. Investigate this, it will only take a few moments to phone os for information. Personal and financial reference on application. For full informa tion, phone, write or call at the NEAL INSTITUTE Pnonc Marshall 2400 354 Haa Si PORTLAND. OREJ ATRIP TO PORTLAND FREE CUT KATES IX PAINLESS DENTISTRY Painless Extraction Free Silver Fillings Me Gold Fillings 75c ' 22 K. Gold Crowns S! Porcelain Crowns .3 Molar Gold Crowns Bridge Work, 21 K. GoU....I3 Inlay Fills. Pare Gold (2 Very Nice Rubber Plata.. ..H Boat Rubber Plate on Earth W ALL THIS WORK IS GUARANTEED. Don't throw your money away. A dollar saved Is twodoliars earned. Our original reliable Mod.ro Paialeas Methods and our perfected offiea equip snent saves us time and your money. IOSTON DEHIlSTJ.ithtMerTiMB.PertUna Barnes t9m Morrfeoa. eppfte PomAcc a4 Meter a tank. Eeabiuhea1 ia FonJaad IS year. Opea ereafagr aU I sad taaears aaci UtJ& lot atcois was mil BATTLE WITH LION FIGHT8 VICIOUSLY WHEN KEEP ERS TRIED TO MOVE HIM. Secretary Objected to Being SoW, But Finally Succumbed and Waa Dragged Into a Trans--. ferrlng Cage. New ; Tort. The Hon Secretary, a Cape buffalo and two hlnnna nt the Central park menagerie were shipped wimam uartels or Newark recent . for a consideration, which InrliiflaA two eelanda, two tapirs and a pair oi ostriches. It Was one Of thn himlo affam AAna Headkeeper Snyder and his assistants vw put in, but anally all the animals, In their respective shipping cages, were loaded on wagons and carted away. ' Everything went smoothlv until the attempt was made to inveigle Secre tary, who waa born in thn linn hnn.a about seven years ago, into his ship ping cage, secretary did hot want to go, and it took an hour of pushing, pulling and fighting to overcome the spirit of one of - the meanest Hons In the menagerie. With all the doors and wlnrlnwa barred, and hundreds of persons sur rounding the Hon house: getting Secretary from his cage was begun. Rose and Bismarck, the mother ana ratner or Secretary, in adjoining eagea, lashed themselves into a fun while their big offspring was hurling himself against the bars of his cage in an endeavor to eat ai tha kMnun The lion did not care to march into the trap. He would put his head in the ope-- door of the shlftinar ease. snuff once or twice, and with otoaI roar would lurch against the bars and rusn to the rear of his cage. After .half an hour of Droddfra- fcwi shown that the animal could not b transferred that way Into the cage, "Bill" Snyder decided to trv n nnr.no By this time the Hon had worn ItseU out, and was lying in a corner as do cile as a cat The noose was slimed over Rnr-rn. tary's head, and then, while thres men pulled and three men Dushed. and "Bill" did the bossing, in went the lion, like a lump of lead, to the fur thermost Dart of the transferrin The beast was so exhausted it could not move. This lion, named Secretarv henauRS ho seemed to have an interest In everything transpiring In every other cage in the lion house, has been the first always tc announce the dally: ra tions and the last to subside wb.ee anything unusual had happened tc mar tne serenity of his surroundings "Bill" said he was sorry to Dart with him, but there would soon have Jo bt some room made for the three cubs. He weighs in the neighborhood nf and pounds, and was considered one of the Dest specimens in the Central park col lection. His value is said to be about 11,700. The two eelands were received a.1 the zoo earlier in the afternoon. The are the only ones in the Central park collection. In the last ten days two oi these animals have been received hi the New York Zoological society, com ing from th d-vo n n-fnnghire. Pettit's tye Salve tor 25c. Relieves tired eves, ouicklv etonf eye aches, congested, inflamed and com mon sore eyes. ' AH druggists 01 Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. Helping Her Out "Have you a young chicken? I am rather green at cooking." "Such being the case, madam, don't you think you'd better have an old, experienced fowl?" Courier Journal. Labor, If It were not for labor men could neither eat so much nor relish so pleas antly nor sleep so soundly nor be so healthful nor so useful, so strong nor jo patient, so noble or io untempered. Jeremy Tny'or. , -v - - ... .. . , J- IL - ' a ' ' fif KEGS -;is- BARRELS JIIJ HKSM FINKE BROS. 183 Madison St. Portland. Oregoi C0FFEEC TEA SPICES BArt!N9 POWDER EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT UCSSET&CEYEO PORTLAND. PRC jj W. L. DOUGLAS "Visaar" shoes HET8 $2.00, 12.50, $3.00, (3.50, t4.00, S3 .00 WOMXS'S $2.50, $3,3.50, SOTS' 2.00, 12.50 & C3.00 THE STANDARD FOR 30 YEARS Thevars absolutely the moat DODuluand bestsaoes for tbs price in America. X ney are tas leaders tvery whsira because they bold uetr snape, nt better, look better and wear lon- fer taam other makes, hey are Tyositirely the moat aconomical ahoei for you to boy. W. L, Dooglaa nam and the retail price are stamped en the bottom vala guaranteed. TAKK NO UBaVITUTCI If TOOT SaJa supply yoa write iot nau una catalog. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brwateav Mass, LTHE KEYSTONEi TO HEALTH IS HOSTETTER'S STOMACH " BITTERS A short course of the Bitters will quickly correct, tone and sweeten any case of "bad stomach." This is a proven fact. Try a bottle and see for yourself. It is for Indigestion, Dyspepsia- and Malaria. ' Valuable Assistance. Children always love ' to have a "finger in the pie" and to help with whatever is going on. When mother or nurse does everything for them they are deprived of a great deal of pleasure and will not be so well fitted to struggle for themselveSWhen the Mme comes as they would have been If they had been accustomed to do things for themselves.' They should be encouraged to be useful and to as sist with any preparations that may be going on. Marys Hevanga. Mary was a little girl who Old rxn like to wait, but one day her mother, having several guests, Mary waa made to wait anyway, so Juat about the time dinner waa under good head way, she poked her little curly head In at the dining-room door and said: "I don't care If I do have to wait; that waa an old sick turkey, anyhow.1 Norman E. Mack's National Month ly. . ' Complalnera. What Is odious but , noise, and peo ple who scream and bewail! People whose vane points always east, who live to dine, who send for the doctor, who coddle themselves, who toast their feet on the register, who Intrigue to secure a padded chair and a corner out of the draught Suffer them once to begin the enumeration of their in firmities, and the sun will go down on the unfln1pfrp( np ymerson. Humor In Signs. A New York shop exhibits a card warning everybody against unscrupu lous persons "who Infringe our title to deceive the public." The shopman does not quite say what he means, any more than the proprietor of an eating bouse, on the door of which may be read the following announce ment, conveying fearful Intelligence to the gallant tars who frequent port: "Sailors' vitals cooked here." Our War. The war we wage must be waged against misconduct, against wrong doing wherever it is found; and we must stand heartily for the rights of every decent man, whether he be a man of great wealth or a man who earns a livelihood as a wage worker or a tiller of the soli. Theodore Roose velt j i Mothers will find Mrs. WInsloWs Soothing Syrup tue best remedy to use lot their ohUdraa Auring the teething period. . The Great American Pie. J Steak, salad, fish, potatoes In ai! forms, may be thrown Into the furnace In a huddle, but when the close of hli repast approaches, when the pie hour Is about to strike, It Is the 'duty oi every true American to reflect Then he should attack the pie firmly but reverently, never in the spirit of on who runs a race. Yen Can Gel Allen's root-Ease TREr. Write Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y., for t free sample of Allen's Foot-Eaue. It curei sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It mskei new or tight shoes easy. A certain cure foi eorns, ingrowing nails and bunions. All drug Slats sell it. 26c. Don't accept any lubstltut Peculiar Exouae. A teacher in a girls' school recently had the following ezouse for abaertce handed her by one of her pupils: "It gives me much pleasure to write to you because I have a won; meet and you should please excuae my Annie, who does not come by you because she haa to go to the hospital with her sister's sore eyes." Not a drop of Alcohol Doctors prescribe very little, If any, alcohol these days. They prefer strong tonics and altera tives. This is all in keeping with modern medical science. It explains vky Ayer'g Sar saparllla Is now made entirely free from alcohoL Ask your doctor.' Poilov his advice. A yers We paMiafc war anaaalea yvTkaatak atoetjet sWsa an inlaw We rm to Unless there Is dally aalva si the bev els, peieeneiu prodacv are averted, causing headtoiie. Utas.gteir, aatsea, tfrspepsu. Ve vie ye rf It few dector akettf eerroftaj d ririen by taki raiadre eWei f Aref PlUa. ...I atai aar tea f. e. Ays tV. iewsgj STisa, n LITTLE THINGS WORTH KNOW . INQ. ... : The surface of the earth is said U be 196,971,984 square miles. In German cities food prices are now about as high as in the United States. Lavender and rose perfumes art credited with the virtue of being mi crobe killers. ' Traveling cranes are now equipped with scales, so that the load may ba weighed In transit Lucknow boasts of the largest room In the world without columns. It is built of a kind of concrete. In ,the forty years, 1868 to 1908, Jap an's yearly foreign trade Increased from $13,000,000 to $407,000,000. There are about 8,000 weddings every twenty-four hours, taking the en tire world into consideration. A metal seat, hinged and suspended by chains from a window casing, has been patented by an Ohio man for win dow cleaners as well as for use as a shelf on which food ma7 be placed to cool. FASHION HINTS f For the college girl a Norfolk suit is just the thing. Homespun seems to fit the style better than most materials, and this one of brown had a collar of lighter brown velvet. It was belted in a very businesslike way with brown leather. A PHASE Of SPBTJra. Tfce Wandering Orchestra Featnre Whtoh Pleausea Nearly Everyone. The season of the year has come when the wandering orchestra goes around, cornet, clarinet and barytone, and last but not least the big bass horn, says the New York Sun. Cornet may shriek and clarinet creak and then barytone soften things some, but for grand effects, vast thunder in tone, all depends on the big bass horn. Hear Its rumble and rebound. Its swelling surge of sound, its deep and mighty oomph ah! Let the cornet squeak and the clarinet bleat and the barytone mildly ponder lost, all lost, submerged and swallowed up In the bass horn's mighty thunder.' Spring is the season when the wan dering band comes, when the weather mellows and people open their win dows, and generally it seeks the In terior courts of flats and apartment houses, where its audience flatters It self with the fancy that this Is a pri vate concert given to it alone and la willing to pay accordingly. . ' But the band has Its vicissitudes. Sometimes it Is cut off abruptly in the middle of the first number by an ob durate janitor who ccmes In and says "Sklddoo!" Sometimes somebody looks out of a window and says softly, "Sh-hl You mustn't play here. Somebody sick." Then as the news works around to all the players the muslo peters out with a wall; but commonly the band is welcome, and cow the cornet screams, and now, now hear the big horn boom, with avalanche-like rever berations within those enclosing walls. Loud as it Is ever, yet for some rea son or other it always sounds loudest now In the spring. This may be be cause people have missed It through the winter, and now it comes as some thing new, but the more likely reason Is that the bass horn man stores np thunder in the winter, which he turns loose in greatest volume In the vernal season, when he first brings the horn into play. Be that as it may, there is no sound that so appeals to people as that of the big bass horn, in whose deep and bil lowing and all pervading roar Niagara and Vesuvius are combined. Java coffee growing is now being In troduced into Porto Rico to meet the American demand for a ''highly flav ored aromatic coffee." Pellagra and malaria, which are much alike, are being successfully combatted by the government in Italy. Siam buys more sewing machines frem America than from Great Brit ain, Germany, Belgium and France combined. Sherman jpay.fi; Co. ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS SIXTH, AT MORRISON ST., PORTLAND, OR. fa I hume WEE. we want you to try it at iN 1 1 t 1 ' I our exnense because jM w S At tha end nf thirtv rlnv thn Plan a ITSELF will convince you of the following facts: ' It's the best value on earth for the price ($275). It's MUSICALLY and MECHANICALLY right! - . . ,, We know there is so much real value in R"7 . r tv I v t M i f My it. Sar-' this Wellington Piano we're selling1 for $275 on easy payments that we're willing to let it be irs OWN SALESMAN. It will tell Its own story to you in your home if you'll send us the coupon. Please sena me lull particulars concerning this unusual Piano offer. Name... Address. Adjustment. Divorce is increasing; Insanity ts in creasing, parental authority la. de clared to be prostrate, the boy is not what he wast Surely we must be heading for the bow-wows, and pro gressing fast Not at all. We are merely getting adjusted to the great eat changes in. the conditions of hu man existence that any one genera tion of men has seen in centuries. And possibly it is true that high prices oi food are helping our adjustment by driving some city dwellers back into the country. Harper's Weekly. Lots of Fun. The sweet little sole sister of a Jarge family was asked If she didn't nave a lot of fun with the big brothers who were at onos her slaves and ty rants, her adoring and adored. "Yes'm," eame the surprising response, accom panied by a seraphlo smile, "we have lots of fun always. Sometimes," the wide eyes waxing fascinatingly remin iscent and dreamy, ."sometimes they tght me. an' sometimes I fight them " He Made a Hit. Blnkly "My gracious, old man, you are all banged up." Cranklelgh "You have hit it" Blnkly "What did you do dispute the right of way with an automobile T Cranklelgh "No. Took a drop too much," Binkley "Why, I dldnt know you drank." Cranklelgh "I dont The drop I took was from an aeroplane 20 feet from the ground. Dr. B. E. Wright Hare your teeth out and plate and bridn work done. For out-of-town patrons we Anion plata and brldg-e work In one day it necessary. PRICKS; WCrmi....$5.0a 22k Brie Task $3.50 CsUFiffiiip. $ls bass) FilBaB... $1.00 SilnrnHmti.... 50 as ci chK. tc no hakw EitradUe.. 50l . BEST METHODS Painless Extraction Free when plates or bridge work Is ordered. Consultation Pres. You Cannes Kt better painless work anywhere, no matte w much you pay. AM Work Tully Guaranteed for rifted! Years Dr. B. E. Wright Co. 342 Washlrtgton St, Portland, Oregon Take ear at depot and transfer to Washlnaton St. Roae Queee. Any one can play this simple game. Take a full-blown rose, hold It up where all can see, then let them write on slips of paper1 how many petals they think are in the rose. The petals are then counted and the nearest right receive a prize. Sonstipfion "For over nine years I suffered with chronle constipation and during this time I had to take an injection of warm water one evtrr 4 hours before I could have an action oa my bo we la. Happily I tried Cascarets, and today I am a well man. During the nine years before I used Cascarets I suffered untold misery with internal piles. Thanks to you, I am free from all thai this morning. You can use this In behalf el suffering humanity B. P. Fisher, Roanoke, IU, Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. ' Taste Ocnd. Do Good. Never Sieken, Weaken or Qrtpe 10c, 25c 60c Never sold In bulk. The aee nine tablet stamped C C O. Guaranteed ta ' sura or your money back. . Seasickness Nothing New. One of the most curious errors as to seasickness is that It Is a suffering which the sturdier ancients did not know. Really there is plenty of allu sion to the trouble in the , ancient classics. Above all there was that bout of seasickness which, according to Seneca, cost Cicero his life. It Was so bad that rather than endure It any longer he put back to land, risking certain death at the hands of Mark Antony's agents if they caugnt him, as they did. The word "nausea" is Greek, meaning literally "shlppl-nees." I R-a m.S irsiiiiiaiiiitu ALCOHOL OPIUM TOBACCO Hahlta Pntltlvalv CarwL Onlr authariued Kealav la. tltote in Omyon. Writ for lllnstratfta olrcules. KMir INiniUTI, 71 SMITHS. Union Painless Dentists Out-of-Town People e cun ao tlioir entire Drown, ttrlr in a ant u nnwwiwr;. FonltWelr palnlm vitraot. tug ma wnen piste, or brmum are oranrea. we Should rememlier that oar tor Is so oru.nl ted tliet Crown, tiring end fUte work move the ainxt snii.Hlve teth and roots without the lMt pain. Mo Mudonis, no unoerUlntr, but iimli( Int. who do the woM soWntltlo and oareiul work. Ladr attendants. rail Set of Teeth .SS.00 Bridire Work or Teeth without Plates $3.56 to Sf Gold Crowns 43.50 to SS.Os) PM.al.ln PwniM CI A C fl. Gold or Porcelain Filling $1.00 Urn Silver Kllllnsra 50c to SI .o5 Best Plate Made (y.S No charges for Painless Extracting- when othet work is done, 15 years' Guarantee with all work. Hours. S a. m. to 1 p. m. 22lVs Morrison Street. PN U No. eo-'M w HKN writing to ad vartlMFf pl4t in v u i inn inn ps.pra y Highest Quality AK. J) use 23 Ounces tor 23 Centa ( wm)p Made from pure, carefully tested J j f?Th$ materials.' Get a can on trial MsSJ You T)evcr saw such cakes f mffm1 Wscut Thejrll open Jj your eyes. . SZ . m iu assure - .i.w Jr Onaraeteeel aadar all Pare Fod Lawfl