The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 18, 1910, Image 3

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    Borers' Best Flour, at Worthington's
George Forrest
was in Pendleton
- Balpb MoEwen
ranoh Saturday.
was in from the
MisE Edna Taylor was a Pendleton
' visitor Wednesday.
S. F. Wilson transaoted bnBiaessin
Portland this week.
Bee Bnndy & Christian before buy
ing your wall paper.
X- Mrs. Byron N. Hawks is visitng
relatives in Spokane.
M.'L. Watts returned from Wallat
walla Tuesday evening.
D. B. Jarman, the Weston merobant
was in the oity Tuesday.
Mrs. Harry MoBride visited rela
tives in Adams Monday.
Get your X mas Doll at wholesale
here. Athena Department Store.
A. Missen, the Pendleton implement
dealer, was in the oity Wednesday.
Mrs. W. B. Taylor has been ill the
past vreek with a oase of the grip.
Bnbbers and overshoes at wholesale
prices at Athena Department Store.
Will Campbell was in the oity yes
terday, from, bis ranoh near Pendleton.
Harry Turner, the well Known Wes
ton farmer, was in the oity yesterday.
There will be a pastry sale at Wor
tbington's grocery store, Wednesday,
the 23.
. Frank Smith has
from sobool this week
a severe oold.
You will find a splendid assortment
of Pendleton blankets and Indian robes
at Taggart's.
Miss May Barnes of Weston and
Miss Garrett of Milton; spent Sunday
with friends in Athena.
Sherman Burden, of
Wash., is in the oity visiting his sis
ter, Mrs. James Huggens.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl French spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
B. 0. Kidder in this city. '
Mrs. Esther Brunell. a fashionable
dressmaker of Portland, is visiting her
nieoe, Mrs. Gus Cornoyer.
Andrew Douglas, a former resident
of this oity, bnt now farming near
Weston, was in Athena yesterday.
Barry Beathe, a well known young
man ot Weston, had the misfortune to
have his hip dislooated yesterday.
Mr., nnd Mrs. Hamn Booher. of
'Woatnn fiTiAnt. - VAaf.orHnv fkf. t.hft hnmfl
of Mr.and ;Mrs.v,William Booher.
Louia . Cargill,. the pbaimaoist, is
behind the prescription counter, tem
porarily, at the Pioneer drug store.
Mrs. Ed Simpson offers ber home
place, on Wild Horse oreek, above
town, for sale'. Address her at Wes
ton. .. .. ? ' r.
Mrs. Burden, mother of Mrs. Hug
gens, arrivod this week from River
side and will again make her home
See if we have it before you buy '
All Merchandise at wholesale until
December 1. Athena Department
Charles Ferguson was in town Wed
nesday on his regular 30 day call on
behalf of the Cresoent Baking Powder
H. A. Barrett and Mrs. J. D. Pla
mondon went over to Walla Walla
Monday to attend the funeral of Mrs.
Dale Preston.
Attention 1 We aie going out of
business and all aooounts due us posi
tively must bo paid by November 15.
A. B. MoEwen Sons.
' i . ii m
euiuenjjo oi suunut lover.
oases have been reported in the papers
of that town.
Mrs. Homer 1. Watts and Mr. and
Mrs. F. S. LeGrow attended the fan
eralof Mrs. Dale Preston at Walla
Walla Monday.
Mrs. Maloney offers her 8-room
house for rent. In good looatiou. near
school. Will sell cheap. Phone,
"Farmers, 24x."
Mrs. Minnie Andre and her mother
have moved in from the farm south of
town, and oooupy the Spencer oottage
on Adams street.
(J-Harry Adams, who is now a resi
dent of Alberta, has sold 80 sores of
reservation land to J. T. Lieuallen of
Adams, for $7,000.
The Sunshine club and numerous
rr-Dr. Newsom, of this oitv, has pur-
uuubbu lUB uusinesi ana piuutiou ui
Dr. Lazier, of Weston. The Weston
physician will remove to Aberdeen,
Wash. ; ' .
Mrs. Otis Wbiteman and two little
eons, of LaCross, Wash., are in the
oity visiting relatives. They will re
main in Athena until after Thanks
giving. George Gerking made a trip to Port
land last' week, in the interests of the
Walla Walla home for aged and or
phans, of whioh institution he is a
Will Pinkerton and wife and daugh
r have returned from Milton to the
home plaoe near town to reside.
Floyd will remain with his studies at
Columbia college.
I . ... . .
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. B. Gerking are
xa icuui tcu iu uniu i - i. . r .-ju
Several .:rr
auuit uuuuiy. J.UHJ win ieniuiu iu
Umatilla county for a couple of months
before returning borne.
been ' detained home west of town.
On aCOOUnt OI H'riow rWamhar 9 nhna. Rrnthnr.
ton will have a publio sale of stock
and farm implements. Further par
ticulars next week.
J. N. Burgess, senator-eleot for
Umatilla county, is confined at Hot
Lake with a serious attack of inflam
matory rheumatism.
Tenaskat, fH. O. Worthington, temporary post
master, is getting uu iu mu iuuuuo
business of the offloe and finds the
work easier than at first.
Jesse G. Campbell, the merobant,
lot. v iui oju&auo ; n duuwubj uguv.
Miss Lizzie Sbeard is in oharge of the
Athena Department Store.
A. Mackenzie Meldrum has been
traveling the past week through Un
ion oounty in the interests of the Pen
dleton Christian ohuroh fund.
the past week at the borne of ber
daughter. Mis. A, M. Meldrum. Mrs.
Crcokett is suffering from a severe
cold. , v. .
Mrs. Nelson A. Miller will leave
soon for a visit with her son, Bawl,
at Gorvallis, and may spend a few
days with friendB in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Jaok Wilbur of Un
ion, well known in tbis oity, have re
turned to their home from an extend
ed trip through the eastern states.
Mrs. A. M. Giliis is again reported
ill at ber home in fiitzville. Mrs. Gil
iis spent the summer at Hayden Lake,
where her health was much improved.
T"T" Wednesday while performing 6a
Mrs. Crockett has been extremely ill the rings at the sobool yard, Claude
The sons and daughters of the late
William Estes desire to express their
sincere thanks through the columns
of the Press to all who so kindly assist
ed them in thir bereavement.
Fred Kershaw and Paul BnlQnob
were in the oity yesterday from Wes
ton. Mr. BulQnuh is farming in
southern Idaho, and is visiting his
home at Weston for. a couple of
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Porter arrived
in tbe oity Wednesday from Centralia,
Wash., and will be guests at the W.
B. Taylor home until after Thanks
giving. Mrs. Porter is an aunt of
Mrs. Taylor. " 1
JLUO BUUDU1UD U1UU auu uuuuu.vua I ,
other invited guests were entertained t"jA tapeworm over thirty feet in
last evening at the Casper Woodward I length reposes in a bottle of alochol
Senders fell, dislooating bis wrist. At
first it was thought the bones were
broken, bat fortunately tbis was not
One Third Your Life is
' r") : '
Spent in Bed
Your health, your strength, your ability to accomplish things worth
while, all depend on proper rest. Why not sleep soundly and awake rest
ed and refreshed, .when it is so easily accomplished and costs so little?
Any Foster or Loggett Spring, or any Ostermoor, DeLuxe or Perfection
Felt Mattress If or $5.00 down and one , or two dollars monthly. Your
money back withont quibble or question if not satisfied after 60 days trial
- OSTERMOOR MATTRESSES Evervone knows what they are the
original advertised, money-baoked, felt Mattress. Same price everywhere:
$15.00, $16.50. $18.50 and $30.00.
? CARMAN'S DELUXE Made of highest grade selected cotton, prop
erly felted and put up in fancy ticks. As good as the best, but a trifle
lighter than the perfection felt, $15.00.
CARMAN'S PERFECTION Tbis Mattress is perfeotion as its name
implies. Best materials and construction throughout. Full 50 pounds
weight. Special ticks. Roll edges. None better. Price, $16.60.
: Freight allowed on all bills of $10.00 or over.
The Davis-Kaser Company
Walla, Walla Wash (The home of Greater Whitman)
Branch Store at Pasco. Wsb-
at Dr. Sharp's offioe. The worm for
a long time had been responsible for
the low vitality of a lady residing on
the reservation.
Fully 750 people crowded into a
Pendleton skating rink Monday (even
ing to witness or participate in a mas
querade skating contest. About 400
masked and many unusual obaraoters
were portrayed.
Mrs. Cushman died at Helix, Satur
day, November 5tb, at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bond. The
fnneral was held the following Mon
day, and was largely .attended by
friends of the deoeased. ( .
Pendleton has a oase of the muoh
dreadad infantile paralysis. The vic
tim is the 10 year old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. James Nelson of Butter
oreek. The obild is under the care of
Dr. Smith, who gives hopes for her
recovery. .
JlW. W. Jacobs leaves tomorrow for
Hiwiuter's visit to bis old borne in Vir
ginia. Some years ago Mr. Jacobs
spent a winter baok there and he as
sures the Press man that he will again
rnturn to Athena, "heart whole and
fanoy free." . .
East Oregonian: S. E. Darr, who
was injured at Meaoham a few weeks
ago by being crushed between the
side of a oar and some steel rails, was
temoved from St. Anthony's hospital
to bis home in Adams this week. He
is improving rapidly.
Word was received here yesterday
that Jobn Timmerman, a wealthy
wheat grower near Hslix, was found
dead in bis stable, behind the heels of
bis borses during the noon bonr. It
is supposed that he was kicked to
death by his horses.
B. B. Biohards was in Pendleton
Monday, where he transaoted business
in connection with.the St. Dennis es
tate. It is understood that the affairs
of the estate have been settled up and
Mr. Biohards has applied for his re
lease as administrator.
On next Wednesday evening the
CommerciarAssooiation will meet for
the purpose of eleoting officers for tbe
ensuing year. It is desired that all
members be present for there is impor
tant business to be transaoted in addi
tion to eleotion of officers.
The lady teaohers of tbe Athena
sohools were entertained at dinner in
tbe home of Bey. and Mrs. Thomas
Lawson Wednedsay evening. Those
reoeiving invitations were: Miss Lan
benbiem, Miss Stearns, Mrs. Watts,
Miss Barnes and Miss Fleenor.
Large portraits of Evangelist S. M.
Martin are displayed in the windows
of Main street bnsiness houses. Dr.
Martin, aooompanied by tbe great
singer, Professor Hohgatt, is expected
to open a series of revival meetings
at the Cbristiio oburoh in tbis city
November 26.
ftlpi cXnnouncement
We have sold the store fixtures and rented the room
to Mr. Albert Fix, of Uniontown, Wash., who is now in
the market buying a new stock for this store. lie ex
pects to move his family here a bout December 1. We are
very anxious to reduce this stock before Mr. Fix's stock
arrives, and you will find bargains at this store during
the next 15 days that will not be offered in Athena for
years. For Bargains, come to ATIIENA DEP'T STORE.
Mrs. Joseph N. Soott, who has been
ill for tbe past two or three montns,
is now . Id Walla
medioal attention,
that city Monday
funeral of tbe late
ton. Mrs. Soott
Walla, receiving
Mr. Soott was in
and attended tbe
Mrs. Stella Pies
is visiting at tbe
home of her unole, O. M. Richmond.
Snnday at tbe Christian ohuroh will
be O. W. B. M. Day, and all mem
bers and friends of tbe auxiliary are
especially urged to be present. Mrs.
Hunter, the- state organizer, will be
present. M rs. Hunter is an interesting
speaker, and many rememter witn
pleasure, hex visit made here last May.
AlhiKPt Fir. of Uniontown,
ash. has purchased the fixtures in
the Athena Department Store and
about December 1 will open tbe store
with a'comphte line of new goods.
Mr. Campbell will close out tbe re
mainder of his stock in Athena. Mr.
Fix was engaged in tbe mercantile
business in Uniontown for a number
of years and recently sold his store
there. He has a wife and two children.
Cures cry
lid CO
III Kidney a
Bladder Disease
Foley s Kidney Cure will positively cure any case of
Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the
reach of medicine. No medicine can do more.
If you notice any irregularities, commence taking
Folef s Kidney Cure at once and avoid a fatal malady.
A Merohant Cured After Having Given Up Hope.
Foley & Co., Chicago.
Gentlemen: I was afflicted with Kidney and
Bladder trouble for six years and had tried numerous
preparations without getting any relief and had given
up hope of ever being cured when FOLEY'S KIDNEY
CURE was recommended to me. After on
bottle I could feel the effect of it, and after taking
six fifty-cent bottles, I was cured of Kid-ey and
Bladder trouble and have not felt so well for the past
twenty years and I owe it to FOLEY'S KIDNEY
CURE. James Smith, Bentons Ferry, W. Va.
A Veteran of the Civil War Cured After Tan Years
of Suffering.
R. A. Cray, J.P., of Oakville, Ind., writes:
"Most of the time for ten years I was confined to my
bed with some disease of the kidneys. It was so
severe I could not move part of the time. I consulted
the best medical skill available, but got no relief until
FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE was recommended to me.
I am grateful to be able to say that it entirely cured me."
Refuse Substitutes
Two Size, 50 Gents and $1.00
czzirizzz ' :
iosgiwe Mercantile
South Side
Main Street
Athena ,
Latest novelties in
hairpins. Barretts and
hair ornaments.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder right
Ladies' and child
rens suits, coats and
We are now showing a full line
ot the celebrated Munsing Underwear
in all weights for fall and winter. You
will find it the most sensible, service
able, satisfactory and perfect fitting,
popular priced underwear for men wo
men and children.
Our trade on Munsing ; under
wear has grown each season, its the
most satisfactory undewear we ever
sold, It fits well, looks well and wears
well. Our customers who have worn
it will buy no other kind.
We recommend it to all our
trade as the best knit underwear on
the market. Try it once and you will
always want it in the future.
Fall shades in the
. r
newest , v Kid gloves
have just arrived.
Latest novelties in
Ladies Neck-wear just