AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Six and Eight Pages Every Friday. F.B.Boyd, Publishes. Application for entrance ax 2nd class matter made on Julyji, 1907 at the postofflce at Athena, Oregon Under an Actot ttonicress of March 3, 1879 Subscription ftatck : P't year. In advance M.00 Single copies In wrappers, 6c, will offer keen competition at Spokane aa well as at the Portland apple show. tlTHENA. ORE.. NOV. 11... .1910 The seizors by tbe state pore food antboritiea in Seattle of a shipment of several thousand tarkeya from Califor nia, whioh were infeoted with a great many more miorobes than tbe law al lows, baa served to oall the general attention to tbe faot that tbe Paoifio Northwest does not begin to supply Us own oitiea and towns and logging oampa with poultry, egga and dairy products. It seems strange indeed tba the great states of Washington, Ore gon and Idaho are unable to supply tbe people of Seattle and other oitiea, with their Thanksgiving turkeys. Yet the facts of tbe seizure of spoiled poultry in a cold storage warehouse in Seattle illustrates olearly tbe faot that the Northwest is not yet self-support ing in some lines. Oreson fir will be nsed for tbe deok of tbe world's largest steamship, tbe keel for wbioh bas been laid at Stet tin, Germany. The ship Omega has reaobed the harbor for the lomber re quired, wbioh is 2,000,000, feet. Tbe new liner will be operated between America and Europe by tbe Hamburg American line and will have a speed of 22 knots. She will be of 46,000 tons gross register, with a length of 880 feet, beam 96 feet and will have ac commodations for 6,000 passengers. When a shipment of $807,000 in gold came into tbe Seattle assay office in one day from tbe Iditarod region of Alaska, it was deoided that tbe great nortblanrl has a new camp whioh will prove as great as Fairbanks in tbe next few years. Tbe new Iditarod re gion is bung developed along perma uent and business like lines and with new discoveries being made monthly, the produotion of gold in the new camp will be at least Ave millions next year, aooording to conservative estimates by returning Alaskans. The Northwest may well rejoioe over tbe prosperity of Alaska, whioh is one of our best and riobest markets. The new department just opened In tbe Sobcol of Domestio Arta and Soieuoes in Chioago iu whioh pros pective and young wives are to he taught bow to make prospective and young husbands happy ought to be an attractive and useful ono. The most hopeful sign of its suooeaa ia the praotioability of the new eobeme. In stead of the various political, philo sopbioal, suSragetioal aud etbioal re- rorma wnion nave oeen agitated as antidotes for tbe divorce habit, tbe author of this bo heme geta far down to tbe roots of Benedictine happiness ty establishing a curriculum to , which tbe prominent items are making model bedrooms, disposing of socks, ties and vests, preserving trouser oreaaea, put ting away shirts, airing rooms, decor ating them, matobing furniture, eto. Medford eoorod during tbe last week when a oar of yellow Newtown apples, entered by that oity, oarried off first prize at tbe Canadian National apple show at Vauoouver, 13. C. The same exhibit won third prize in tbe sweep stakes ooutest, despite tbe many ex hibits entered by Canadian apple growers and those of northwest states. This showing is a splendid one and in dicates that Southern Oregon fruit All business moo want success but not every one seoures it. Tbe man who sits idly by bia shop door waiting for a chance customer will never know the joy of success, neither will he who deolioes to acquaint tbe publio with the character of the goods he keeps on his shelves. rn these days of fierce competition every business man must keep abreast of his rivals in advertis ing and other up to date methods if he would spell tbe magic word suooess. From tbe faot that this has been one of tbe dirtiest, mud-slinging cam paigns in tbe past twenty years, one ia inclined to doubt whether o not the direot primary law is a political oleanser. One more "Live Wire" campaign and the people will not oare whether they exeroise tbeir franchise at the polls or not. Here's to tbe "Dead Wire." School Report. Following ia tbe report for Union Distriot No. 62, for the month be ginning Ootober 11, and ending Nov ember 4: Number of days taught, 20; number of pupils enrolled, 10. Pupila especially noted for good schol arship and who are on the roll of hon or, are: Oneita Jaokson, Elsie Walk er, Margaret Walker, Carolyn Koepke, Clay Jaokson, Ralph Kiohmond and Roy Richmond. Visitors for tbe month are: Mrs. Geo. R. Clerking, Miss E. S. Dowden, Miss Kathleen Stevenson, Miss Blanohe Oerking, Snpt. Frank K. Welles and Wm. E. Dobscn. Lillian Downs-Dobson, Teaoher. Baddeley Not Improved. Walla Walla Union: J. A. Bad deley, the Weston stookman, who has been critically ill at tbe Cosmopolitan hotel, 16 West Poplar street, showed no signs of improvement yesterday. He is receiving exoellent care and Ijis friends hope for his recovery. Mr. Baddeley is a man of wide aoqc.ain tnoe and has many friends. lie is the father of Dr. Joseph Baddeley, proprietor of the voterinary bosnital of this oity. Costa Rican Volcanoes. Costa Rica has been subject to earth quakes for many years. Part of the republic is exceedingly mountainous. and in this part of tbe country there are more than a score of volcanoes,, some of them dead, but a few tha t break out periodically. There are three or four that have been act'.ve for more than a century. S'jme of these are near San Jose, th'j cardial. Costa Ricans have always believed that earthquakes, which the country has ex perienced ever since it Was first set tled by Spanish adventurers, were caused by the volcanoes. There is good ground for this belief, because it has been noticed that earthquakes of moro or less intensity followed the ac tivity of thesp. volcanoes. If the vol canic eruptions we re violent the earth quakes were correspondingly severe. wasmnjrton Tost. 1 f An ounce of Pre vention is worth a pound of Cure. T AADC MAM k& Do St flu ,?."f08 h'Uh than any other medicine known. debili ate tllT nT ChiW,th ftrsnl?' ca,omel- ulnlne aml oblit. ra H?rhZ Ioavln? symptom that it takes years to ffiuSSSrJf '1 pVre'y stable containing nothing injurious, and ia a gentle harmless purgative. CURES CONSTIPATION, CHILLS AND Dia TaF?V.ER' dyspepsia. MALA RIA AND ALL LIVER COMPLAINTS. Does More Than We Claim. U8?d0,LvVS'h.lmU' Km Fla. writes: "I have the to. , , I ,erds t? "f,6 8amo- 1 hftvo found to be WthVS Itactsgent. PLEASING - PRICE 5oc. - HARMLESS Ballard Snow Liniment Co. 5W-502 North Second Street. ST. LOUIS, MO. Sold an d Recommended by UYRON N. HAWKS. FOOLED HIM BADLY. Now H. Kicks on L.tter. Written In th. Third Person. In one of the Paris restaurants a party of literary men were discussing the merits of various epistolary styles. One of them, Monsieur A., made a fierce attack on letters written In the third person, such as "Monsieur X. has the honor to Inform" and so on. Another of the party defended them, maintaining that they were not only more ceremonious, but that they were more polite. "That's a good idea!" replied Mon sieur A. "The foundation of all po liteness in letter writing la to express clearly what you mean to say. Now, nothing can be more ambiguous than these confounded notes in the third person. I will just tell you what hap pened to myself. I received from my friend D., the chief of division, a billet doux, which I will show you." Taking the note from his pocket, Monsieur A. read as follows: "Monsieur D., chief of division at the war office, hastens to inform his friend, Monsieur A., that he has just been named chevalier of the Legion of Ilonor." "You can fancy my delight at read ing this note," continued Monsieur A. "I was the happiest man in the world. I ran to an engraver and ordered him to make the flattering addition to my cards, 'Monsieur A., Chevalier of the Legion of Honor.' I ran to a mercer's and bought a piece of the richest red ribbon for my buttonhole. I ran to the houses of my friends for the pleas ure of receiving their congratulations. At last I ran to my friend D.'s. As soon as I catfght sight of him I threw myself into his arms. Ah, my dear fellow,' I exclaimed, 'you have no Idea .what pleasure you have given. How shall I ever thank you sufficiently T "Tou are an excellent fellow, my worthy A., to sympathize thus ;with my happiness.' ' Thank you for that expression; the decoration is mine, and the happiness is yours.' "How Is -that? Have you received the order?' " 'Certainly; have I not?' " 'No, my good friend; 'tis I who am now made chevalier.' " 'You?' " 'Yes. You deserve the honor more than I do, but, nevertheless, it has been conferred on me.' " 'But you wrote me word that I had received the cross.' I took his letter out of my pocket and showed it him. Alas! I now understood clearly what meaning I ought to assign to the am biguous phrase. 'The deuce take you and your note,' I said to D. 'Instead of your affected and formal announce ment In the third person, why could you not -write to me simply and plain ly, "My dear friend, I have the pleas ure of informing you that I now am decore chevalier?" ' " Quakers Never "Nervous." It is not in mv memory that a pro fessing Quaker ever came into my hands to be treated for nervousness. If the opinion I have already stated so often is correct, namely, that want of control of the emotions and the over expression of the feelings are prime causes of nervousness, then the fact that discipline of the emotions is a les son early and constantly taught by Friends would help to account for the infrequency of this disorder among them and add emphasis to the belief in such causation. From "elf Help For Nervous Women," by Dr. Kearsley Mitchell. A Remarkable Man. John Zlska, the great Hussite leader of the fifteenth century, was one of the most reraarkable men that ever lived. Ills life story reads like a ro mance. Nothing in history is more In teresting, more thrilling, than the ac count of his heroic deeds. Though blind and always greatly outnumbered, Zlska Invariably beat his enemies and established for himself a fame that will last forever. He was never beaten in a battle. His very name was a ter ror to his enemies. He died In 1424, while besieging Trazablslaw, at tha age of sixty-four. New York Ameri can. Spoons. The -origin of the spoon is uncertain. It must have been invented at a very ancient date, for It is found among people that have never come Into con tact with civilization. The necessity of having some Implement for dipping water seems to have led first to tho Invention of the calabash or the use of tha cocoanut shell and later on to the spoon. Didn't Know "the Uncle." Aunt Jane I guess Mr. Spender must be a. very neat person. Edith And what 'leads 3tu to that opinion? Aunt Jane--He told your Uncle George all ills cfothes but those upon his bacK were hung up. Some men, you know, throw their things round anywhere Bostai a Transcript. indlgtt sir! J said y Young: as Zd tlOMpot Mietook the Punctuation. Young Waman (surprised and int) How dared you kiss me, enltent Youne Man-Why, you u'd like to see me do It. The Woman But you know as well that I .said it witb an exclama nt at the era! Chicago Trib- My word xvorA. I i life! Sht did!-Lon The Ataant Sarcastic. the end of a fishing story . it wa i a monster! Ton my lever s iw such nab. in my -I don't believe you ever Ion Ma U. Riches ; are able to solder up aa abundance of na rs. Ccwantes: 21 . ) .DO, q at jarmaiiis IT' . .y.i.-i;)-. and Marks the beginning of the most monumental' niia$-; isacre of merchandise and grand stock reduction ' boo which will JiW'l l'C .a. !JI)i Continue 15 Days s;...iiy!i(.i m ynur -Il H embodying the greatest price concessions meaning tlie greatest money saving event ever inaugurated in, .Wes ton, Oregon where every dollars worth of our entire tl (I $30,000.00 Stock 'it ! '!.' ..,('; 'ii ;;J '1 i:i.Vi ;.iJ ir.J it? "' rffitarUiV will be placed on sale at the most sacfificirig; ri6ef ever known in this entire country. f.J.'.'t Not An Item Will Be Spared Every Price 'v."u:v, fin- iff j H.-tj 11 :..... mm i- .-una; ,l ., MM A- i" -..jit ken; of i ,r. !1 i;ii.;nvf.!.:. .if,- i ,( UJIIl.l iMf.l fii !! ill0 .v Reduced Jarmar as Dent Stove The store from where disappointment never mes. : ; j fciMil-"'!!""1) m"'m ii ii"'1 lilt Hii"'hii 'im'"'iii i"'mr mfmJ . CM :'(.) I :fi t a Ah Miller's Big Furniture Store r . V: i l J .kh (i' z South Side Main St. Athena 1 -ill Given away : - '. 1 ! i '.Iti! 4t-;) it f ; i -All)! '! ii-t. i I have 200 fine Pictures, framed and worth;; 2.00 each. I am going to give one free with every; $25.00 cash purchase made at my store. I have th largest; stock of goods I have ever carried Come in ,and5 seert what I have. We picture offer is good for 30 .days, only. 'a Hit; ! ' n'lV, ,,) 2i f irrw nril-F-Ti - KM OF THROAT AND w i ) FOR COUGHS AND GOLDS CUBES tL THROAT hdLU DISEASES SAVED HER SON'S UFE :'. , i ll rii..?.! ' t '''J.I'.: -. My eoa Rex was taken down a year ago with long trouble. 1 We doctored tome months without improvement. Then I began giving Dr. King's New Discovery, and I soon noticed a change for the better;' I kept this treatment up for a few weeks and now my son is perfectly well and works every day. MRS SAMp mpp At4 Mo 50c AND St.OO must' rfvn rt. '.I I s i 1 1 2 i k