AN INDEPENDENT, NEWSPAPER Six and Eight Pages Every Friday. F.B.Boyd, Publisher. Application for entrance as 2nd class matter made on Julyjo, 1907 at the postoffioe at Atbena, Oregon Under an Actot Congress of March 8, 1879 Subscription tltk I p r year. In advance 2.00 Single copies In wrappers, 5c, cATHENA. ORE.. OCT. 28 1910 A chameleon is defined as a lizzard that has the power of changing its color. Years ago, when crafty poli ticians would "turn their coats," flop over, or be on both sides of every ques too in order to fool the people to get votes, honest men designated them as chameleons. Now, Mr. Burgees, can didate for senator against Dr. Smith, was a member of the Joe Simon-Jay Bowerman assembly, and while there advocated the nomination of J. T. Ma honey for joint representative. Ma- honey, when in the legislature of 1909, was so bitter against Statement No 1. that be voted for the infamous Bean Brooke bill making it a crime for any candidate to subsoribe to Statement No. I. . Henoe, Burgees, deep down in his heart hated State ment No. 1. In August when Bur gess filed bis declaration and petition with the clerk of the court, announc ing himself a' candidate for senator, be positively refused to subscribe to Statement No. 1 ; declared himself an assemblyite. But sinoe the primary eleotion be baa "flopped." In Pendle ton he is for "Home Rule;" in Milton be is for prohibition. Not so with Dr. Smith. For many years be has had a record of honest political con viction. The people know where to plane'bim.'! They know be will not change front; that he will not turn his coat to suit the whims of each or any locality, tut that ho can be relied up on; that he is now and has been for eight years a senator of deeds, of action, of conviction,' and Umatilla county is not afraid to trust him. The "me too" policy followed by some of the members of tbe Oregon legislative body in the past is to a great extent responsible for tbe minor position occupied by Easte rn Oregon with regard to shaping tbe policies of the State. Get men in the legislature who will get togother and 'make their strength felt. Get a Joint Senator for .the great district of Umatilla, Union and Morrow Counties who has " 1 M.J I 1 III! i given eviueuus ni (us auiuy to aooom pliaji things, who is givon the credit In bis owu town of having obtained a gravity water system after it had been mixed and played at for twenty years. A complete new sewer system coating approximately 1250,000 as well as hard surface pavement and miles of macadam are other things that tbe people of La Grande attribute to tbe "rustle" fnd"oome along with me" methods of M. K. Ball of that town, who is a oandidate for electiou as Joint Senator for Umatilla, Union and Morrow Counties. Give a fellow who wants to do things a obanoe. If he iiils, turn him dowu. Politioal enemies aud "soreheads" are spreading tbe false and malioious report that' if Till Taylor and Jim Maloney are elected, they will soon resign their respective offioes. Voters in Umatilla county who. have known these two men for years, know that when they deny such reports they aro telling the truth. These two men lived for many years in Athena, where they spent their boyhood and where they made reputations for truth and veracity absolutely above suspi cion. They are men of honor, of in tegrity, and eaob is particularly well qualified to serve tbe people in tbe office be seeks. Not Atbena alone, but tbe whole county knows this, and will refuse to harbor false reports about these two sons of hers, of whom she if justly proud. IF. (Rndyard Kipling in Amerioan.) If you can keep your bead when all about yon Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If yon can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowanoe of their doubt ing too; If you can wait and not be tired of waiting, Or being lied about, don't deal in lies, Or being hated don't give way to bating, , t And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise; If you can dream and not make dreams your mastei ; . If you can think andnot make thoughts your aim, If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two im posters just the same, If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, . Or watoh the things yon gave your life to, broken, And stoop and build 'em' np with worn-out tools; If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitoh andtoss,' And lose, and start again at your be ginnings And never breathe a word about your loss; If yon can foroe your nerve and heart and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will whioh says to them: "Hold on 1" If you can talk with orowda and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings nor lose the common touob, If neither foes nor loving friends oan hurt you, If all men oonot with yon, but none too much ; If you oan fill tbe unforgiving minute with sixty seconds' worth of dis tanoe run. Yours is 'the Earth and everything tnat s in it, And whioh is more you'll be a Man, my son! Tbe Forest service plans the seeding ol between 6000 and 6000 aores of turned over lands at a cost of approx imately $30,000. About 700 aores, sit nated at tbe Bull Run watershed, tha souroe of Portland's water supply, will oe reforested in this way. The largest amount or planting will be done in tbe Mt Hebo dlstriot, whioh was burned over in 181? and never refor ested. On most of this area Extern bard woods will be planted. I An ounce of Pre vention is worth a pound of Cure. . l Mimumimmm, Z'aism, - m&tmmm Jtf Is worth more to ones health than any other medicine known. niV; yo,,r toroach with arsenic, calomel, quinine and tiel iiitato the pj-Htein, leavlnar symptoms that it takes years to fni.Ut "?rbino .purely vegetable containing- nothing injurious, and i a gentle harmless purgative. - CIIRF CONSTIPATION, CHILLS AND V VTrT FEVER, DYSPEPSIA, MALA RIA AND ALL LIVER COMPLAINTS. Does More Than We Claim. DonC. Morrison, KiRRlmmeo, Fla. writes: "I have used several bottles of Herbine myself and have advised several of my friends to use same. I have found it to bo the best medicine for the liver I overused. It acta gent ly at the same time thoroughly." PLEASINQ - PRICE 5oc. HARMLESS Ballard Snmw I immnnf fVk wN " wiifc vwr 1 1 500-502 North Second Street. ST, '. LOUIS, MC. &J Sold and Recommended by BY HON N. HAWKS. ' ; (Albany Herald) There are no les than eight appli-. cations for the creation of new coun tiea to be voted upon by the people ot Oregon at this fall's election. Though there may be one or more of these new county schemes possessing some degree of merit and are prompted by good faith, it would appear that in the main tney are not entitled to the favorable consideration of the people at large, and as a matter of expedi tion and good public policy all of them should be defeated. "In the first place the Herald be lieves that the creation of a new county ia a matter devolving upon the legislature and should not be submit ted to a vote of the people at large, who cannot possibly have any intelli gent idea of the demand for such pro posed new counties and are, therefore, in no sense competent to vote upon the measures. What does the average voter of the northeastertt part of the state know about the practicability or wisdom of the clamor of the south western portion of the state for the creation of a new county? Certainly, in the majority of cases, he would not be able to cast an intelligent vote on the proposition. "The submission to a vote of the people of the whole state of these var ious county division schemes, there fore, would seem highly impracticable, if not unwise. Moreover, the success of these various division schemes would establish a bad precedent, which might tend to retard the healthy growth and reasonable prosperity of many counties of the state. "There are doubtless counties in Oregon which should be divided into two separate county divisions, but these, the Herald believes, should be taken care of by the legislature and not voted upon by the people of the state at large,. who cannot possibly judge of the merits or wisdom of the proposed division of a remote section of the state, and in which the voters at large can have no reasonable inter est. "Many of the county schemes up for consideration this fall are without Question ill-advised and prompted by impure motives, and the Herald sug gests a negative vote on all county measures as the most practical rem edy for tJhe present county division epidemic. COUNTY DIVISION. Under , the present laws in the opin ion of eminent lawyers, counties can only be divided or boundaries changed by the vte of the people. All laws should be obeyed. Some laws should be appealed or amended. The law creating new counties is un fair as voters are asked to create new counties where they cannot know the local conditions and might form a new county where four-fifths of the residents of the old county are op posed to It. What do the voters of Clasop know of the needs of Grant, Malheur, Crook, Umatilla, Douglas, Lane, Wash ington, Clackamas and Multnomah. They could vote Just as intelligently for the county officers in these coun ties as for their division or the chang ing of the boundaries. There is strong opposition to di vision in all the counties mentioned and it would seem to be but justice that these localities should settle their own local differences. You will have the privilege of vot ing for a Mil to leave the function of new counties and municipalities to the districts iuterestd.' As between man and man, -would not this plan be the more equitable? The average voter will certainly take this r lew of it. In all fairness now, will not your conscience and sense of rlitht tell you to vote against all division and vote "Yes X 352," which will relieve you of the task of voting for, measures .with which you can not be familiar. X , STATE PRESS AGAINST IT. . MTh.e Nesmith county boosters, traveling in an automcile, were here this morning. The atmosphere being exceedingly ' chilly itiey soon moved on. Our people don't b.slievo in county butchery to further tire per sonal nds of a few schemers." iRose burg Review. "If all the voters of Oregon who are opposed to the proposed wholesale formation of new counties vote "No" at the rfovvmber election, they will all he cy.featedw but if those opposed mer eiy pass the county propositions w without voting on them- at all, they 'will carry by the "Yes votes cast for them. Tills Is a fact that it would be well to .remember on election day." -Eugene Register. "There aw ,even new counties pro posed, and m be more for ua to vote on next November. Don't you, think our taxesheavy enough at pres ent without ta'.Wg on this unneces sary additional 'expense? Look into thla matter befoi voting time. Echo Echoes. ' Queer, but the ni tn who doesn't neea credit la the one 'ho can most easily get Itprortlani CEtepres. atmriias Oct Marks the beginning of the most monumental mas sacre of merchandise and grand stock reduction Doom which will Continue 15 Days embodvine: the greatest price concessions meaning the greatest money saving event ever inaugurated in Wes ton, Oregon where every dollars i worth of our entire $30,000.00 Stock will be placed on sale at the most sacrificing prices ever known in this entire country. "jfr ll)llMIll'ilTljlwlrMi'iin' Not An Item Will Be Spared ; Every Price Reduced! Free To the first 10 Ladies' who enter our store Saturday morning at 9 o'clock will each be'given 10 yd dress pattern ; - Free The store from where disappointment never comes. Miller's Big Furniture Store f 3 j South -y, Side Main St. Athena Glyeii'-way: ...... .. iM',1. h i ,4 ftm . - i I have 200 fine, Aamed and worth $2.00 each. I am going to give one, free with every $25.00 cash purchase made at my store! I have the largest stock of goods I have ever? carried Come iir and ' sfeer what I have. W picture offer is good for 30 days, only. I ...... ij ' Versus v" - - . Jl admission . - . r - - ; :. :Fe