11c for Dressed Veal Smith pays it, and he will pay 12c for D.-eesed Pork, f 16c for Lie Chickens. . 25c doi. tor Fresh Eggs. Smith does not charge commission. Too get ALL your money when you ship to Smith. Address , V FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. "Fiehting the Beef Trust" PORTLAND, OREGON - ;J Dr. B. E. Wright Have your teeth out and plate and bridge work done. ' For out-of-town patrons we finish, plate and bridge work in one day If necessary. -rfrSf PRICES; iT;c5y5 2? IMirCrw.... J5.00 ' SUTJj CtU Map...... $1 ip PSSStKSrf taaJFatsn... $1.00 SBnrFibn.... 50c m Coo RibWIW $5.00 Eni Red Rubber ,, tbm $7.50 Piinieu Ettnrfw., 50c BEST METHODS Painless Extraction Free when plates or bridge work is ordered. Constat on Free. You cannot pet better pa n'ess work anywhere, no matter how much you pay. . . All Work Fully Guaranteed for Fifteen Years Dr. B. L Wright Co. 342J, Washington St., Portland, Oregon fake car at depot and transfer to Washington St . t Locating the Villain. "And who will be the principal vil lain of your production?" asked the (riend. , .. , - "Oh, the first-night critic, I suppose," replied the manager, wearily. Wash ington Star. -Red, Weak, Weary, Water, Eyes. Believed By Murine Eye Remi Try Murine For Your Eye Troubles..- ' vWM Uke Murine. It Soothes. 60c ,v 'our Druggists. Write For Eye Books. tea. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Currant Borer. Look for the currant borer at this time. When the leaves start, affected canes commence to wither and die. Cut out the affected canes below the black center and burn at once. KODAKS AND KODAK SUPPLIES Write for catalogues and literature. Developing and printing. Mail orders given prompt attention Portland Photo SuddIv Co. 149 Third Street PORTLAND, ORE. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Trains for success in the Industries. Provides practical and liberal educa tion. Strong Faculty. Modern Equip ment. Offers courses in Agriculture, Forestry, Domestic Science and Art Engineering, Commerce and Pharmacy. Fall Term Opens SepL 23, 1910. Illustrated literature, giving full In formation, sent free on application. Address the Registrar, Corvallis, Ore. !EBlGALoF neniRTiiciiT w UCr All I lilt.ll I (UNIVERSITY OF OREGON) High Standard Thorough Courses For catalosrue ad' ilm. n.iT, nr. fi E. JoseDhL 610 Dekum Bide., Portiana, Oregon Session begins Sept 12, 1910. ur. ; DAISY FLY KILLER gSCffiS Mml clean. til. convenient, chop. Ltiti all letioa. Made of metal, cannot Spill or ftp over, will not .n Experienced Man. "How do you conquer your ele phant when he goes on a rampage? I asked the menagerie proprietor. "Weivail ourselves of an expo rlenced baggage man," he replied. '"An experienced baggage man?" I repeated with wonderment "Yes," he explained patiently, al though It was evident that he was nettled by my stupidity, "we get a man who knows how to smash trunks." . -' .THE KEYSTONE TO HEALTH IS HOSTETT STOMACH BITTERS ER'S Its great merit alone has enabled the Bitters to con tinue before the public for over 57 years. You really ought to try a bottle for Poor Appetite, Indigestion, Headache, Cramps, Diar rhoea and Malaria. SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS. MAN ALWAYS GIVING ADVICE Pennsylvania Educationalist Tkiaka la Effectually Squelched by Tattered They Should B Abolished. Hobo In Most Characteristic Public school students have a cham Manner. Dion In the person of Dr. Nathan C. Schaeffer, superintendent of public In The man who Is always giving ad- structlon In Pennsylvania, in their an nee sauntered up the street and found tlpathy to examinations. Dr. Schaeffer the tattered hobo sitting on the curb. "My good man," began the former, "why are you idling away your time like this? Don't you know the world owes you a living?" ; "That so?" responded the hobo, nonchalantly. "Well, 1 guess I better call up a collection agency and get dem to collect It for me." But this is serious, my man. You deserve something in this world." has gone so far as to say that he hoped he would see the day when examina tions would be abolished. "They are," he said, "like drugs, since they have a primary as well as secondary effect In that they cause depression If kept up." Dr. Schaeffer is himself a keen stu dent and -observer. : He has profited by his years of experience since his connection with the public schools of Sure, boss, the last Judge I ran up the Btate Rnd he kn0ws whereof he against said I deserved six months, "Tut! Tut! Don't he fecetlouB. Why, you could rise up In the world and wear broadcloth." ; . "Thanks, but I am wearing dat now, boss. Dls suit is so broad It Is three sizes too big for me.' "Well, what In the dickens are' you sitting on the curb for, anyway?" "To curb my temper, boss. To curb my temper when such smart alecks as "ou aak f"" -,.-,."- speaks, says the Philadelphia Inquirer. But his opinion in this respect is not the result of deductions on the part of one man alone. There are many others who think with him, some of whom have so expressed themselves and others who, while convinced themselves, are too timid to take a de cided stand in the matter, There is little doubt that the exam ination is in many respects a barbar ous institution. Education Is, In the Mothers win find Mrs. winsiows Boottiiof last analysis, only a means to an end, Syrup tue best remedy to use tot their chUdroa lunug tne teetniug period . Taking the Usual Course. . "I see your next door neighbor Is iprlnkling his lawn during forbidden hours. Are you going to do anything to stop him?" "Yes; I'm going to write an in- llgnant protest and have It printed In one of the papers. Tit srisveri The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, and lias been made under his personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-g-ood are but Experiments, and endanger tliO health of Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, it is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys AVorms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulencv. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacca-xn jnoincrs a rienu. The KM You Have Always Bougli t Bears the Signature of PRACTICE ILLEGALLY! Dis- REDUCE THE COST OF LIVING; useCRESCENT BAKING POWDER 25c FULL POUND " It's Size. . "The theme failed as a book and now It fails as a play. Yet the cen tral idea is good," - ' ' "Quite right I think you could boll it down into an anecdote and get ten dollars for it" When Your Eyes Need Care EYE REMEDY Yon wai uk. a Uauld Form, 25c, 60c. Salve Tube, 25c $1.00. (b'nerant Opticians Work Rural tricts Without State License. The Oregon State Board of Examin es in Optomery will pay a reward of JJ25to anyone causing the arrest ana onviction of any person or persons :esting eyes and selling glasses who do lot hold a certificate issued to them by the Board of Examiners. It is not alone necessary for them to possess cheis certificate, but it must be regis tered with and countersigned by the Glerk of the court, in each county where the holder practices. The public n general is hereby warned not to pat ronize anyone not holding such certifi :ate, as in the strict letter of the law thev are accessory to the illegal prac tice and will at least be called upon to go into court and testify as witnesses against me persons violating me row. For turther particulars aoaress n. W. Barnes, Sec, State Jtsoaro oi J&x uniners, Salem, Ore. a process or gradual menuu aeveiop- ment a Plan by which each day the mind is broadened. To expect a child to pass successfully on details which it has used only as mental food and for gotten for five, six, seven or nine months seems not only unjust, but ridiculous. The consequence Is that aa examination time approaches there is a cramming of matter into the mind, mental Indigestion ensues and, not In frequently, oven the brightest students are injured physically. In the big world where results count, a man is not examined at the end of each year as to his work during the past 12 months. The caliber of his work and endeavor at the end of each day is what counts, and so It should be in the prepration for this real work. FASHION HINTS Si In Use For Over 30 Years. THK CtNTAUR iJHMNV. TT muhhav itwit, niw yob city. 33 BUSINESS COLLEGE TENTH UNO MORRISON, PORTLAND, OREGON A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL. B., PRINCIPAL Oars is admittedly the high-standard commercial school of the Northwest. Teachers having both business and professional experience qualify stu dents for success, by individual Instruction if desired, la a short time and at small expense. Position for each as soon as competent. Open all the year. Catalogue, business forms and pen work free. Writ today there is money in It. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR t & S. BRAND OF Disinfectant Spray Ammonia . Cold Water liquid Starch ' "Clean, 0" Non-Boiling Washing Fluid K.AND SXHEMlCAi. 'Pharmacists WE MANUFACTURE M-lPauO SPCCIftLTIgS Phone iViam 113 401 Main SL Vancouver, Washington 4n Tents, Awnings, Sails Cats, Hammocks, Canvas and laws 1 or 1.000 at factory prices. PACIFIC TtNr AND AWNING CO. 27 N. First St, Portland, Or. USE DR. PLUMMERS COUGH STOP It is a sure stopper, promptly re lieves Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Cough Croup, and especially those harsh, hacking coughs, also most useful for lung-diseases. For sale by all dealers; 25c a bottle. HILL MILITARY ACADEMY PORTLAND. OREGON Send your boy where he win have good, strong training. Fall term opens September 14th 1910. Write for catalogue. Neth& Co. Established 1900 COLLECTORS Wa Buy and Collect Notes, Mortgages, and Real Estate Contracts. - No Collection No Charge. Worcester BWg Portland, Ore. The way the embroidered and plain linen is combined here is very good style. There is a certain dash to it that's due nart'v to the plain little banding of a contrasting shade. Does Not Follow, "Are those comforts on the counter there to be sold at much of a reduc tion f "They are not reduced at all, mad . . . 1 . ,UU1. ' . u n am. wnax maas yu uuu uw were?" Because I saw them marked dowa.'" j Gentle Protest. Barber (on train) Yes, this is a rreat road. sir. Let me describe It to you as I work. Man In Chair isr yes, dut, aon t 1 1 I1L nut tha curves in my cuee&s wuu that rasor. Drink "The Neal Cured Me" Cured in Three Days Habit No Hypodermic Injections. You can take this treatment at the Institute or your home, and your money wiU be returned if a perfect cure is not affected. Investigate this, it will only take a few moments to phone us for information. Personal and financial reference on application. For fuU informa tion, phone, write or call at the NEAL INSTITUTE rhnv,e Mnnhnll 2400 354 Hall St PORTLAND, ORE.j T!-5 Eef.sr Way. Maude Formerly when Miss Screecher was asked to sing she would say "Oh, I can't Clara But she doesn't do that now, Maude No; she lets the audience find It out for themselves. Where is YourHair? In your comb? Why so? Is not the head a much better place for it ? Better keep what is left where it belongs! Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula, auicklv stoDS fallins hair. There is not a particle of doubt about it. we speak very posi tively about this, for we know. Does nei chanft tht color of the hair, A Jml with owh kettl aaw mm roa 1&JQ Ask kiss akOTstN, theafasksssys BIBB CHAT. What species of bird lays the small est egg in proportion to its size; like wise the largest? It has been computed that 300,000 000 birds are annually slaughtered for plumes and other decorations. The Chinese eat "rotten" eggs that is, eggs preserved in lime until they get a consistency like that of hard but ter. A fosil rahphoryucus, a bird of 60,- 000,000 years old, sold tor $9,000 re cently, the highest price ever paid for a bird. Cranes are used as watchdogs in Venezuela by the natives, who call them "yakanuk," and are said to be ex cellent guards of poultry. Cardinals have been known to alight upon window sills of houses and peck tvi the panes, probably attracted by their reflection in the glass. Birds are not the only higher ani mals that lay eggs, two quadrupeds, the duck-billed platypus and the Aus tralian porcupine ant-eater, also lay them. The rplr n'dooh, or "bird of death,1 is the only venomous bird known to science, but there Is very little known regarding its habits, and especially its venomous qualities. The hyaclnthlne macaw is one the strongest as well as one of the rarest birds of its kind. There la one in the New York Zoo. There appears ta be absolutely nothing known re garding its habits. Indeed, the one great leading feature of our new Hair Vigor may well be said to fee this it stops falling hilr. Then it goes one step further it aids nature In .restoring the hlr and scalp to a healthy condition. Ask fer "the new kind." ky tko I. O. t., towott. Love's Market. She Harold, do you speculate? Harold Well, I'm engaged to you.- Life. -' Cold, Com fort. Wa shall be rescued. Don't lose you. bead." BtXSL the traveler lost on the arctic shore. "Oh, Tm keeping 0011" his companion ' said. Aa he shifted his seat oa the ice once more. -Puck. ": Some people cannot bear to be left alone: they cannot enjoy their own Mwpanj. How do yon feel about itf Sherman plax& Co. ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS .. SIXTH, AT MORRISON ST., PORTLAND, OR. - ' HOME FREE. We want you to try it at our expense because At the end of thirty days the Piano 7 SELF will convince you of the following facts: - ' It's the best value on earth for the price ($275). - It's MUSICALLY and MECHANICALLY right! We know there is so much real value in this Wellington Piano we're selling ror air-on tasy pajmcms-mai we're willing to let it be ITS OWN SALESMAN? It will tell it's own story to you in your homo if you'll send us the coupon. Please sena me lull particulars concerning this unusual Piano ofler. h l h I i p- """f ; Name. Address. Headaohe u f ot Vi hna been a sufferer from sick ttaWii tnr tiio last t wpntv-five vears and never found any relief until he Degan toVlner vmir Cascareta. Since he has tiAimn tnlrino- Cascarete he has never hnd the beaaacne. iney nave enurciy micu him. CascareU do what you recommend them to do. I will give you the privilege of using his name." E. M. Dickson, H30 Reslner St., w. inaianapons, mu. Pleasant Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Grip 10c 26c 60c Never twitd In bulk. The Ren Dins tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. Natural Affinity. Tom I understand Fred is engaged to Miss Gushlngton. I can't imagine what he can see in that girl to make him want to marry her. 'Jack Well, Fred has a mania tor yachting, you know, and she's such a breezy creature that he naturally took a fancy to her. " Unfair Competition, Esmerelda Did you have that kitchen implement showor for LU Qarlinghorn last night? Gwendolen Goodness, not It rained pitchforks! L!aIiuI inilOn-MOHPHINE-TOBACCO IYr? HABITS PERMANENTLY CURED! be a - - - TOR FULL PARTICULARS ASSSTSI tdf KtELtYINSTnUTE.- POttTLa.NP.Owe, Union Painless Dentists ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER are quickly relieved by Wyatt s . Asthma Remedy. Guaranteed or money refund ed. Ask your druggist or send six cents postage for Free bampie to J. C. WYATT, Druggist. VANCOUVER. WASttlNUiuni ($f TEETH iitfmm Real Charitable. Tattered Theodore 'Scuse me, mem, but I ain't got scarcely a rag t' me back. Kin yous help me out? Kind Lady Certainly. Youll find the rag bag behind the door in the woodhouse. Help yourself. Out-of-Town People Should rememlwr that our foroe 1 k orKBiilr.ed thM we can do their entire Ciown, Bridge and 1'luUi wors In H day if nsiry. l'onltively flaililBHS oitraut. -Inu ro when ilste or hriduiw are ordered, we re nmve the lliiwt MiMeltlve teeth and root without the leant iain. No etudums. no uncertlnty, litit suaolafc , tuts who do tlie most solcntliio snd oaretul work. Ladjr attoiidunti. full Set ot Teeth.... .... . . .. ... i592 Bridee Work or Teeth without Plates $3.50 to i Gold Crowns 3.J0 to M.00 porcelain Crowns $3.50 tp $5.00 Gold or Porcelain Fillings t H-J? JJjJ Silver Fillings .. 50c U) $1.00 bet Plate Made ....$7.50 No charKea Tor Palnleiw Kxiractins; wnen ouwt . work is done. 16 years' Guarantee with all work. Hours. 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. 'CllVt Morrison Street PNU NO. 3S-'10 11 KN writing to advertisers pleaua inentlon tins paper. .. mem DOLES I. i I iineappiejmce mm Drink it Pure The Drink Delightful ! AD the bouquet of the ripe pineapple 6eU, all the snappy acid tang, with none of the rude 44 bite" you are accustomed to in the unripe fruit store product you have known: aD lhat' good and nothing that nlhe -least unwholesome; all that's delicious; all that's satisfying all this it , yours in Dole's Pure Hawaiian Pineapple Juice. Non-alcoholic, of course. The Dole process of refining the juice of the Hawaiian Pineapple adds no water, no sugar, absolutely nothing to the pure juice. Serve it coldthe colder the better; cracked ice in the glass is a help. An olive, a salune, a cheese straw, a Welsh-rarebit emphasizes the flavor. It adds interest to any afternoon or evening entertainment, at home or at the ciup. Every bottle l Dole's Pure Hawaiian Pine apple Juica has tHa signature of 7 i it. . . a im va aad Grocers Hawaiian nKBirru PRODUCTS CO, LtL ' 111 HarLst Street laa f raadsea, CaL Oar booklet rf kars rW ttrvimf. Stnt lor tt.