AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Six and Eieht Pages Every Friday. F. B. Boyd, Publipheb. Application for entrance as 2nd class matter madeon July;5, l07at the postoffice at Atbena, Oregon Uuderaa Actol Congress of Marcb 8. 1879 Subor!ptlon ftatci : pir vear. In advance M-W Single copies In wrappers, Sc, cATHENA. ORE.. SEP. 30 1910 The entire Northwest will be inter ested in the outcome of the trial of 0. D. Hillman, notorious real estate dealer of Seattle, "1 whom the federal government is now proseouting tor illegal use of the mails. No one agenoy does more haim to a growing community than the land shark, who uses the efforts of a city to get new settlers in and near it, as a means of selling land at fictitious valuea and by questionable methods. Hillman is ac cused of using all the foxy and dis honest trioks of the land shark's trade and if he is oonvioted it will be a lea eon to leal estate men with shady methods Tho states of the Northwest will have more congressmen after the elec tions two years from now, if the cen sus proves as great as every one ex peots. Congress will redistribute the representation of eaoh state in the lower house as soon as the census re turns are known, and we will learn then whether those states get the ad ditional congressmen which they ex pect. Ten years ago the "distribution of congressmen was made on the basis of one to eaoh 190,000 population. With the eleotion of Judge Bean to the supreme beuoh praotioally assured, the question as to who will suoceed him to the circuit court bench nat urally arises. If Bowerman is elected governor, he will probably give the plaoe to District Attorney Phelps, and if West is made governor, the inantlo will probably fall upon Cbas. II. Carter, also a Pendleton man. "There will bo an eclipse of the mnnn in November." savs an ex change. Also, several bright and par ticular congressional stars may go in to eclipse about that time. The theory that people eat too much if tbey bad the chance, but a benign protective Lai iff safeguards them. Scientists have discovered a manu soript in an entirely now language. Maybe some dub tried to spriug Esper anto on the pnblio three or four thou sand years ago. The domoorats and insurgents have discovered tbnt the old saw, "politics In ilk on strange bedfellows," is a sur prisingly aoourate observation. About the only oouolusioa that can be drawn from Aldrioh's explanation is that the rubbeAnilir was iuoreased for a joko. Why women should write lettors to Di. Ciippuu is another ouo of those things that it is diflioult to understand. There is always the right kind of weather in some'parts of the United States, aooording to the weather map. Evidently it is as hard to get an "undesirable" out of the oabinet as it is to get one into the penitentiary. Mr. Champ Clark is no longer a raintow chaser. He sits down and waits for the rain bow to oome his way. An investigation frequently , devel ops a sufficient variety of reports, to meet all shades of popular, taste. It would be funny if, after, all, Speaker Cannon would have to join the insurgents to save himself. The "Joe Bailey" presidential boom does not appear to be spreading like wildfire, exactly. Business may not be as brisk as politics just now, but it is surer of it self. : The New York Republican motion is receiving a lot of democratic applause. Why not give the preoipitation of aviators in the daily weather report? Always Answered. Children often are highly logical, though not quite In the adult manner. Thoy nttnln conclusions by those proc esses of "pure reason" which, being unite unbiased by the oplnlous of others, sometimes result In startling truths. Almost everybody, for Instance, has heard of the little lad who. listening to the questions of an Irreligious friend of the family as to what would happen supposing that one good Christian should pray for tin east and another for a west wind nt sea, Innocently an swered that of course there'd be an awful tempest, but not every one has heard of the equally pertinent and naive solution recently offered by n thoughtful youngster for the ever per plexing problem of "Are prayers an swered?" The child was talking with another, who asked the vexed and puzzling question, explaining at the same time that he didn't believe that prayers were answered, because he never got anything be asked for. "You don't pray for the right things," answered little Mr. Wlsemon. "Of course all prayers are answered, but sometimes the answer is 'Yes' and sometimes It's 'No.' "Chicago Record. Herald. Leaving a Man Helpless. "Thot statement made me think." said a veteran newspaper man to the Cincinnati Times-Star, "of the cele brated row between President Cleve land's .eQlQred,jp.ajL Md. Sectetflry, were exercising their masters' horses out on a country road nnd got into n dispute ns to what is the best thing in the world. Finally they made a bet of a dollar on it 'Well, what is de bes' thing in the world?' naked Cleveland's man. '"Rons possum nnd sweet taters,' said Hoke Smith's moke. "'Whoa! says Cleveland's man, dragging at the bridle. He jumped to the ground, seized Hoke Smith's man by tho leg and dragged him to the dust "Take that,' says be, lamming him on ttio neck, 'you miserable black ras cal! You ain't leave me nuffln' to guess ntl' ' Tom-Hello. Bill: I hear you have a position with my friends Skinner & Co.? Bill Oh. yes; I have a position ns collector there. Tom-That's first rote. Who recommended you? Bill Oli. nobody. I told them that I once collected nu account from you, and they Instantly gave nie the place. EASTERN OREGON DISTRICT FI And lie up TIEST FI SEPTEUBEG 26 10 0C10EER 2 HELD II PE1LE10N, Kti OREGON RAILROAD & HAVICATION COMPANY will make round trip rate of one and one-third fare From The Dulles to Bukor City inclusive; and on the Washington Division from Walk Walla aud intermediate points. . TiokeU on sale September 20th to Outober 2nd and good for returu uutil Ootober 4tb. 7.5'JIJ -JN PURSES UNO PRIZES-S7.500 Horse Kuoiug, Bionoo Bustlug, Iudiuu War Dauoea. Military, Sooiety and Civio Parades, 33 pieoe Baud. 100 Wild Horses to be ridden. Uorsetack lug of War. Uorsobaok Pistol Shooting. For further particulars apply to Thos. Fitzgerald, Secy., Pendleton, Oregou, or to any O. R. &N. Agent For further particulars apply to any O, R. k N. Agent or WM. M'MURKAY, General. Passenger Agent, Portland. The Air Brake. To forget the inventions of the hour is an impossibility. Tbey nre before one at every turn, and many of them contain potentialities vast nnd much discussed. For' that very reason It is well occasionally to contemplate some Invention of the past which works un remittingly and inconspicuously for the welfare of mankind.,- Consider, tna air brake. How many when they take a Journey by rail ever take thought of tho device which stands ready to Itw sure safety from possible accidents? All nre so. used to slbljant poise below the cars thnt tbey never consider. Its portentousness. Yet by this iippll'-n tion of, the, .power .of compressed, air tens of thousands of lives have been preserved and railroad travel has been made more expeditious. All this Is arrant truism; not a word of It but what bns been said scores of tlnieo b fore; But we like to dwell upon the nir brake ns one of . those typical in ventions which, .are .doing . their work faithfully nnd humbly while recent creations get the glory and. applause. -Colller's. Hongkong .the Luxurious. Hongkong, with its luxurious hotels, Its princely clubs, its rich and influ ential banks, housed In splendidly con-, structed nnd benutlfully designed buildings; Its shipyards, apd. graving docks able to care for the largest ves sels; Its miles of wsrebouses bursting with wealth; Its yellow sailed . fleets laden with silks, tea, sugar nnd pre cious porcelains; its commerce almost as great ns that of New York; Its botanic gardens hung amid delightful villns overlooking n hnrbor thnt Is a city In Itself nnd that floats 10,000 sails; Hongkong, with its wonderful temples of ornate teak roofs, Its idols of a hundred sects, its French cathedral, its forts, garrison nnd navnl life, its Hap py Vnlley rnce course nil nt the end of white man's civilization. Supreme from the peak on which it rests, In well bred aloofness It looks askance nt sordid Asia, whence It sprung. W. J. Aylwnrd In Harper's Magazine. How "Thon" Would Work. "Tbon" is the word which has been suggested for use as an English pro noun of common gender, a luxury which the English language has thus far had the fortitude to forego. . It.was considered suitable for English be cause it came from the Greek. Its use may be Illustrated as follows: If,a parent desires to spank tbon's (his or her, as the case may be) child tbon (he or she! should take tbon (htm, her or it) across thon's knee. Then thon should remove thon's slipper, and after explaining to the child the repre henslbility of tbon's conduct tbon should apply the slipper to tbnt por tion of tbon's anatomy which from time immemorial has been dedicated to that purpose. It may easily be seen from the above how "thon" effects great clarification. T J nrv! rkAsx f ' In Praise of th Eskimo. Commander Peary In the narrative describing his discovery of the north pole devotes a very long chapter to the Eskimos, with whom he has bad Intimate deullngs for eighteen years. He tells us thnt though they are sav ages they are not savage; that though they are without government they nre not lawless; that though tbey are un educated they exhibit n remarkable degree of Intelligence. He assures us thnt they hnve no religion, yet he describes them ns destitute of vice and rendy to shsre their last meal with the hungry. lie thinks it would be Impos sible to Christianize them, but they al ready possess the cardinal graces of faith, hope nnd charity, for "without them tbey could never survive the six months' night and the other rigors of their borne." The Greatest Historian. By common consent the creatcst of all historians in Tbucydldes. the Greek contemporary of Pericles nnd author or tue history of the Peloponnesian war. One of the crreatest tributes that can be paid to him is that, according to the estimate of a very able critic. we have a more exact account of a long and eventful period, by Thucyd- laes than we have of any period In modern history, equally long and event ful, and yet all this Is compressed Into a single volume. For concise, vigor ous and yet Intense presentation Tbu cydldes has never been eaualed. He la easily the king of blstorian9.-New xork American. It Did. "Do you know anything, doctor." said Mrs. Flnnikln, "that will put a little color Into my cheeks? I am so dreadfully pale." "Well, madam," replied Dr. Blunt, "perhaps If I tell you that you bare a bole In your stocking nbout.the size of a quarter, it may have the desired ef feet" Just Talking. Stella-1 hear that Lizzio Is .talking of getting married again, Bella-I didn't know that she bad been married once yet Stella-She Isn't I said she was talking of It again. Wsrn.d. "She told me that I might hope." "Better look put! I've known girls to say that when they Intended to ac cept a chap." Puck. Th Cavity. Cliolly-The dentist told me I had a large cavity that needed filling. Ethel Did he recommend any special course of study IMvvrxity Lt "pinion proves that things Hro niil.v wtiai we think them.-Mautitiite .... mm mm mum aMnik.a fiHiiw"'",H."'., I -tr"1 I "Sin1 'Xi"""'1 lull 11.11. J TOM will be in this city next - Wednesday and Thurs day,. October 5th and 6th, with a complete line of high-class, stylishly made, uptodate Ladies' andrfine ready to -wear garments. This line, which I introduce in Athena for the first time, is strictly dependable with reasonable prices. cA dollar saved is a dollar made, and you are saving dollars when you trade at Jarman's Weston store. We are headquarters for groc- ... eries and can save you money on your fall purchases. Let us figure with you on your fall supplies. We .. can "show you!" mams De pt Store Main Street, Weston Miller's Big Furniture Store VV " " . i IT 1 ! : I L -...j South Side Main St. Athena Given Away ree I have 200 fine Pictures, framed and worth $2.00 each. I am going to give one free with every $25.00 cash purchase -made at my store." I; have the largest ;Stoqc .,of rgopA8:;I ;haye ever carried Come in and: see what I have. picture offer is good for 30 days, only. pt Ban lorgan Smith Former Assistant Corporation Counsel of Chicago, one of the most brilliant orators who has ever visited the Coast, will speak at Athena Opera House Tuesday Evening, October 11th, on "Prohibition A Captain Smith is a man of commanding personality, an eloquent speaker, and his treatment of his subjects has gained .him the plaudits of thousands of listeners. iarceM Don't Miss It. Admittance Eree.