SMSEOARNS, Signs and Omens to Which the : Sailor Grimly Clings.. A JOKE THAT PROVED FATAL 8uperstitton and a Guilty Conscience Proved Too Much For the Norte man A Bucket of Water That Stopped a Mysterious Wailing. It Is a well known fact that in the past the sailor was among the most superstitious of mortals, and even In these enlightened days there are a goodly number of old salts who cling tenaciously to their belief In certain signs and portents. Some, no doubt, of these superstitions bare vanished altogether Into the Umbo of forgot ten things, but there will always bo a credulous few who will shake their heads solemnly and prophesy dismally If a knife. is stuck in the mast or an albatross or a stormy petrel Is cap tured and brought on board. The origin of some of these superstitions cannot be traced. Many of them have been banded down from father to son for a great number of years,' with a touch probably added here and there, turning a comparatively ordinary sto ry into a weird, and mysterious legend. The Finn Is the most superstitious of all sailors. There are many of this race who still believe in the ominous portent of the phantom ship, the folly of starting a voyage on a Friday (a no tion by no means confined to seafaring men), the low burning blue lights which are ghost spirits hovering near to give warning of approaching disas ter and many other things, all of which Fill the sailor's mind with murmuring And speak to him of wrecks. A story Is told of a brlgantlne which numbered several extremely supersti tious men among her crew. One night when there was no moon and a slight ground swell was running the watch, who happened to be tuo most super stitious of them all, beard an unearth ly walling coming apparently from the very surface of the sea. The mate and the helmsman also heard it, but the former lacked imagination, and, al though he was certainly Interested, he nearly blew the watch's head off when he ventured to suggest mermaids. The helmsman did not feel quite buppy, but he had to stick to the wheel. The watch was pale with terror, but he kept silence owing to the mate's com plimentary references to his courage and abilities. Slowly the sound began to move along the ship's side, becom ing more and more agonized as it ap proached. This annoyed the mate, and, going to tho side of the vessel, he wait . ed until ho bad located the sound and ' then emptied a bucket of water over the rail. There was a gasp, then dead silence, and nothing more was heard that night When the watch went off duty ho of course gave a detailed and lurid ac count of the incident to his shipmates, who listened, as he thought, In awed silence and then called on one of the audience for his version of the matter. This man, a Tyno-slder, who dearly loved a joke and had no respect at all for hoary superstitions, had con spired with his fellows to play a trick on the watch. On the night in ques tion ho had crept over the bows with out a sound, carrying with blm the ship's cat secured la a bag. Crouch ing under the stays, tho joker let the cat's head out of tho bag, which he tied round tho animal's neck so that it could not escape. lie then opplled hla teeth to the unfortunate animal's tail. Everybody knows the fearsome sounds an angry cat Is capable of producing, and those to which a cat whoso tall is being bitten gives vent aro among tho most hair raising. Tho sound was more or less regulated by squeezing tho luckless beast's body. The mate's bucket of water was as unwelcome as unexpected and caused tho Tyne-slder to beat a hurried retreat. Not only Is the origin of many sea superstitions "wropt in mystery," but also any logical explanation of cause and effect. It would puzzle any one to say why it should be unlucky for. the ship's boy to whistle on the weather bow, except that it is generally un pleasant from a music lover's point of ,vlew for a boy to whistle on any bow at all. On one occasion superstition and a guilty conscience caused ft practical joke to havo fatal cousequeuccs. The incident arose through one of the Bail ors, ft Norwegian, boxing the ears of tho ship's boy for the aforementioned crime of whistling on tho weather bow. Not unnaturally tho boy was annoyed and determined to pay the Norwegian out. Aided by two other sailors, a whlto shirt and some string, a very presentable "ghost" wos arranged in the foc'slo on the night the Norseman .was on watch, lie was to be allowed only a glimpse of tho "spirit" on enter ing the foc'sle, and it was then to van ish from view, being jerked by means of a Btrlng underneath the bunk of one Df tho jokers. Everything was ready, and the three conspirators lay In their bunks awaiting their victim. , Unfor tunately they all fell asleep, to be sud denly awakened by a loud cry from tho" Norwegian, lie stood gazing at :tho "ghost," the dim light thed by th lamp falling on hts ghasUy face, Tho 'three were about to call out to him w hen bo spoke. "No, uo,w be cried, "I ltd not mean to kill you, Morgan! Oh, mercy, mercy 1" And ho rushed madly from tha foc'sle. Terrified, his ship mates followed him, but ns they reach ed the deck they saw tho Norwegian throw himself into tho sea.-Loudon "Globe. ." V "'vv . France Wants Wheat. A Portland dispatch says: "With orops mined Ly excessive rains, Franoe bas turned to America for wheat and local exporters have been ordered to bay tlaestem. Although the wheat market has advanced 2 1-2 cents, only small lots havo moved within the past 2i honrs from the in ferior on the basis of 08 1-2 traokage, Portland. Farmers , are holding throughout the northwest seemingly believing that higher prioes will pre vail. A prominent Frenoh grain man in Chicago said: "It will take Franoe several years to recover from her fail ure of crops. The terriflo rains rnin ed the farmers and the bankers' losses are tremendous. We usually look to Bulgaria, Russia and Argentina for wheat, but t bis year turn to Amerioa us a last lesort." Announcements. S. F. Wilson ; of the Law Firm of Peterson & Wilson, REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR JOINT SENATORj for Umatilla, Union and Morrow Counties I Firmly Believe in: Direct Primary Law. Economy in use of Public Funds Good Roads. Better Schools. Strict and Prompt Law Enforcen The "Square Deal." The Eternal Progress of Man his Institutions. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of the Stat Oregon for Umatilla County. In the matter of the Estate of Emery LaHue, deoeased. Notioe is hereby given to all whom the estate of Emery LaHue, deceased, All persons having claims against the estate are required to present tbem, with propor vouchers as required by law, to me at the law offices of Peter son & Wilson, at Athena, Oregon, dr at Pendleton, Oregon, within six mouths from date hereof. Dated this the 12th day of August A. D.1910. . Sarah La Hue, Administratrix, Peterson & Wilson, Attorneys. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. Flora Stover, Plaintiff ) rs. f Summons. Edward C. Stover Defen't ) To Edward 0. Stover, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, yon aro hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against yon in the above entitled suit within fnrfcv-two dava from the date of the tlrst publication of this summons upon you. Defendant will take nouoe that if von fail to anroear and answer or plead within said time, plaintiff, for want thereof win apply to ine nnnrt for a decree of divorce, a disso lution of the bonds of matrimony now Axintins between vou and the plain- HfP'nnd the nlaio'tiff will ask the court to award the plaintiff the care and custody of plaintiff's and defendant's minor child, and for $15.00 per month permanently, as alimony. This summons is Dublisnea pursuant to a certain order made and entered in' the above entitled Court at Pendle ton, Oregon, ou the 14th day of July, 1010. the flrst nublioatiou is to be on July 15, 1910, the Just on August 26, 1910. Homer I. Watts, Atty. for Plaintiff. Notice for Pnblicatlon Isolated Tract. (Publisher.) PIIRLIC LAND SALE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. U. S. Land Offloeat LaQrande, Oieg., July 7th, 1910. Notioe is hereby given that, as direoted by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provisions ot Act of Congress approved June 27, 1908 (34 Stats., 617.) we wm ouet at publio sale, to tho highest bidder, at 10 o'clock a. m.. on the 1st day. of September, 1910, at this offioo. the followina-desoribea land: Lots 8 and 4, Sec 6, X. a., i. oo E; W. M., Serial No. 07115. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to tile their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. F. C. Biamwell, Register, Colon R. Eberhard, ReoeiTer. Send the Press to a friend, Improved Wheat Lands ; We cau supply you with improved wheat laud, good soil, on easy terms, at 25 to $35 per aore. These lauds are improviug every yoar and are now ia good as your lands were a few years ago which are now selling at $60 to $100 pot acre. These lands will soon be Boiling at $50 to $00 per aore. Bay now and don't regret having waited. If you had bought land in your vioin lty several years ago, you would now be noli, f or iurtnor puruouiars, an drea Jay-Ilaydun Realty company, Liud, Waslu President Helps Orphans, Hundreds of orphans have beeu helped by the president ot the Indus trial and Orphan's Home at Macon, Oa., who writes: "We have used Electrio Bitters iu this institution for nine years. It bus proved a most ex cellent medioine for stomach, liver and kidney trouble. We regard it as oue ot the best family medioines on earth." It invigorates all vital organs, purities the blood, aids digestion cre ates i appetite. To strengthen and build np pale, thiu. weak children or rundown people it has no equal. Beat for female complaints. Only 50o. at all druggists. Columbia College : IWIIton, Oregon : r A saleot school for young men and young women, who seek for the high est ideals in manhood and womanhood. Grounds and buildings valued at $50,000. Certificates accepted by State Uni versity without examination. Christian, but not Sectarian. Tlorougb Courses Literary; Scien tific; Normal Department; Commer cial Department, including Shorthand and Typewriting; Conservatory of Music, inoluding Piano, Voice and Stringed Instruments; Elooution; Art. . .'; Dormitorv refitted, refurnished, steam heated, electiio lighted, com fortable and attractive. New Admin istration Building, steam heated and electrio lighted. Beantifnl for situa tion ; a land of fruit and flowers, mountain water, pure air, healthful conditions. Six passenger trains daily. Electiio street oars. " Not a saloon in 20 years; no gam bling dens. Moral atmosphere whole some. . Send for catalogne or other inform ation to President W. H. Martin, Ph.D., or H. S. Sbangle, Fin. Seo. ' "Wilton, Oregon. THE MOST SCIENTIFIC . WATCH -REPAIRING To be had in the II II Hill, Jeweler, Athena. Professional- - ! Sharp PHYSICIAN" AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls, both night and day. Call promptly answered, Office on Third Street, Athena Oregor G. S. NEWSOM, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Calls answered promptly night or day. Office in Post Building; Residence op posite M. E. Church. ' PETERSON & WILSON Attorneys-at-Law Athena, Oregon. - Pendleton, Oregon 3S C OFFICERS v -) F. S. Le GROW, President, H. KOEPKE Vice-President. ED. E. KOONTZ, Cashier, E. A. ZERBA, Ass't. Cashier. ; DIRECTORS H. KOEPKE, F. S. Le GROW, S. F. WILSON, E. E. KOONTZ, . M. L.. WAITS. Iff I (SI3 : - WAT WATTS & NEAL ' ' Attorneys-at-Law Athena, Oregon. - Freewater, Oregon KILLthe cough and CURE the LUNGS King'! iscovery . . . PRICE rl K ff boo $1.00. WITH gfB Noi7 0 PRICE OLDS Trial Bottle Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. I GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY i Can be Cured when TNADt MftRK, Is Used. I TRY IT TO-DAY! Yhy suffer with severe head-. aches, have fainting spells or be fretful? Your liver needs at- T tentlon. Try Herblne the groat Z liver regulator. CURES Biliousness, Constipation, X Dyspepsia, Chills and Fever and all t : rv . PRICE 50 CENTS. I BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO. ST. LOUIS, - MISSOURI. ! Sold end Rocomtnended by J THE j ST. NICHOLS HOTEL! t J. E. FROOME, prop. I J : ; !?? : Only First-class Hotel in the 'City. v;Jv IKE SI. WUHULo ! Is llie only one that can accommodate commercial travelers. Can beiecomended for Its clean and j well ventilated rooms. Cob. Main and Thied, Athena, Or. Eighth Annual ' Walla Walla Fair and Race Meet September. 19-241, Inclusive V SOUTHWESTERN WASHINGTON'S GREATEST FAIR $20,000 in Purses and Premiums FAST RACES FINE FRUIT EXHIBITS BIG STOCK SHOW SPECIAL AMUSEMENTS Send for Premium List , i - 1 1.. .... - ,t ', " "" "' R; H. Johnson, Sec. T. H. Brents. President, ; : Walla Walla. Wash. Athena AUTO Livery J. G. Bryan, Proprietor. Repairing a Specialty Reasonable Rates. Special Attention Given to Commercial Travelers. Night and Day Service. We sell Lubricating Oils and Gasoline. MARION JACK, Pres. M. L. AKERS, Sec-Treas. A. F. MAY, Manager. Pendleton Iron Works We Make all Kinds of Farm Machinery to Order and We Guarantee the Goods Repair Work on all Ksnda of cTWachinery a Specialty v Structural Iron Casting and Foundry Work The SHERWiN-WiLUAm Bath Enamel is just right for the purpose. Withstands the effects of hot and cold water. Makes old bath tubs look like new k S-lY.Bath Enaml wencs well and is most economical. Put un io large or .mall cans. Colors roost cuhible for the purpose. OF ATHENA . CAPITAL STOCK. $50,000 SURPLUS, $85,000 The wolf never dares to come up to the door tbat baa a bank bcoh bebind it. It ia tbe only way tbe average man oan be sure of keeping him oS. Every man owes it to bis family to provide such protection and keep it as strong as he possibly can. ' . -nfifg5S '-tBH. dBtdSl 0BSZ uu3 i rfTCai .f5S 4BZi? Carl Christian ' i I! skip Everything Flrol : Clu - Modern and TJp-t.i .date m.JT- OTDtlT SOUTH SIDE MAIN ATHENA Absolutely ukf Makes the food more delicious and wholesome MYAn i X If t 1 R I f A m w . ii ROVAt BAKINO POWDER CO., NEW YORK. wa 11 Paper Paints, Oils, Glass House Sign and Carriage Painting ; E. T. Kidder, McArthiir Building Citvi WM. JAMIESON, Prop. NORTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET et I The Best Meat to be found in Town. Come and see me. I will treat you right. WM. JAMIESON, ATHENA, OREGON JOB PRINTING- Neat Workmen . ' . Fast, Modern Presses High Grade Stock Are You Looking for BARGAINS In Choice Farm Lands If so I oan supply your wants, as I carry tbe largest list of choice tracts in western Whitman County. Bang ing from 80 to 1500 acres. Prices $25 to $40- per aore according to looation and im provements. Buy now and take ad vantage of a raise of from $10 to $20 per acre in tbe next two years. If in. terested write me. George W. Taylor, La Crosse, Wash. Buy The Best BALLARD'S s SNOW LINIMENT J Always makes a hit when used for RHEUMATISM, SPRAINS, & irirTQ wnnwns niiBMca 5Tlrr JOINiS, tOKNS, BUNIONS, ETC., Price, 2Sc, 50c 9vJ St.Oi BALLARD SNOW UNiMFWf CD. ST. LOUIS, - M1S5CUPJ. TROY LAUNDRY For GOOD WORK HENRY KEENE, Agent, KEENE'S .Barber Shop. iaiiiiitiiBii Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooing, Massage for Face and Scalp. .HOT BATHS. its Shop North Side Main Street, Athena. Ore.