Smith Wants Eggs We will pay as follows for first-class pro duce. Ship by expresa. Veal......... 10c Fork... 12c Live Hens.... 16c Live Spring Chickens, lb ..... . 20C Effgs : 24c ' i Address FRANK L. SMITH MEAT Ca "Fighting the Beef Trust" PORTLAND, OREGON Union Painless Dentists Full Set of Teeth $5.00 Bridge Work or Teeth without Plates S3. SO to $5 Gold Crowns...... $3.50 to $5.00 Porcelain Crowns $3.50 to $5.00 Gold or Porcelain Fillings $1.00 Up Silver Fillings.... , 50c to $1.00 Best Plate Made : $7.50 No charges for Painless Extracting when other work is done. IE years' Guarantee with all work. Hours. 8 a. au to 8 p. m. 221 Vi Morrison Street. ftalte the Proper Thlnar. Anxious Chaperon (In Washington) Are you sure, my dear, that It Is good form to go to the top of the Washing ton monument?, - Her Fair Charge O, yes, ma chere. That Is one -of the regular society col umns. ' - Blakea a Difference. "I heard your dad say 'like the devil' the other day." "My dad has a right to talk about the devil. " He's a preacher." Chicago Tribune. SWEDISH SANITARIUM A mw-MJis Our metho of treating diaeasea is not a new one bat sn old andd well tested one. worthy of a trial to any discouraged mid hopless milfcrer. Being graduates of Bwedun uud enuiioi ing all I he Kuroiienn methods the reuult iu ouriuu are ni.riu-ulouK to wliluh hundreds of iutlentn in nil atm imm of life will testify. Our methods nre not entirely druiilew but we adhere to the une of (jhyaii'iit me- hods us much as poroiole saoh as Electricity, (.'liiroprticric, Hinaen rays, lluke.oveii, Mnnipulationa. lUithM of nil kinds. Physical Culture, aim the famous Nunlielin treatment prescribed so tcuch in Kuro lor heart trouble and asthma. Our Sanitarium is especially equipped with a mod era surgery and a stall of Surgeon, and Physicians of wide exerienue and high repute. We cure Kheu matism, Wan-mew peculiar to Women. Chronic Con stipation, Kidney. 'bladder. Liver and 8tomach Trou ble. Blood mid tklii Diseases, Paralysis, Habits of mrious Rorts of both bid and young, and ell Nerv ous and Chronic Diseases. Testimonials on hie from patients cured whom ou can write to. Write or cull for particulars. Consultation free. All questions eonBdentiiil. Chnrtes moderate. Address firs Nis beth, Hwedinh Sanitarium. 433 Market St.. Cor. 12th, Portland. Ore. REDUCE THE COST OF LIVING; CRESCENT BAKING POWDER 25c FULL POUND iru Sarsaparilla Eradicates scrofula and all other humors, cures all their effects, makes the blood rich and abundant, strengthens all the vital organs. Take it. ' Get it today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. HOWARD E. BCBTON - Awajer a.,,1 Cuou.It, Xieadville. Colorado. Specimen prices: Gold, Silver, Lead, tl. Gold, Silver, 'iiu; Gold, Wo; Zino or Copper, tl. Mailing envelopes and full price list sent on application. Control and Umpire work so lloited. Beferenoe: Carbonate National Bonk. MODERN METHODS Semper Fidelia PARCRAWF SECRET SERVICE AGENCY We are prepared to undertake any legitimate detective work (both civil and criminal) in all parts of the United States. Open Day and Night. CF. PARKER, Sunt ht Office, Min3209; Res, H 4426 214-16 Hot Bailie PORTUM, OREGON. ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER are auicklv relieved bv Wvatt's Asthma Remedy. Ask your druggist or send six cents postage for Free Sample to J. C WYATT, Druggist, VANCOUVER, ' , WASHINGTON. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. of Portland, Oregon FURNISHES HELP FREE TO EMPLOYERS Main office, 12 North Second St Main 5170; A 16 Ladies Dept. 205W Morrison St. Main 106 A 2064 Phone or wire orders at our expense. . ITCH CAN BE CURED in a short time by using PLUMMER'S ITCH REMEDY In 60-cent cans only. Address PLUMMER DRUG COMPANY Third and Madison Portland, Or. BUNGALOW IN IRVINGTON FOR SALE BY OWNER Story and one-half, tii rooms and sleeping porch, just completed; modtra every respect. An eppor tunily for a party looking for a some in Portland or properly thai wOl rent readily. A well-built, at tractive house; asphalt streets and cement walks, lot 50x100. A $7,500 property for $6,500 and street improremenls. Terns if desired; will accept farm property to amount of one-half. Call and inspect; 580 East Eighth Street North, near Knott; take Union Avenue car. Or address O. R. B., Box 131, Portland, Oregon. "'SBifMfi'y- r"i"i Bf '' wwPvttMumiiyjqgfflfmM - 1 JIi jbiffSr l3 ft. M wv. -lu X W v.- , j yHjya&asaVaji renames ot a-rominence. Mrs. Upjohn It adds so much to one's cares and worries to be in so ciety. Mrs. Hlghmore Ah, yeat Our house has been entered by burglars half a dozen times since the papers began to record my goings and comings. Brass may be given a color resem bling pewter by boiling it in a cream ot tp.rtar solution containing a small amount of chloride of tin.. Only One More Resource Elderly Uncle Spent your entire patrimony, have you, Archibald? Gone through everything? Scapegrace Nephew Yes, uncle; ev erything but the bankruptcy court Pessimistic. Wareham Long You've heerd o the milk o' human kindness, hain't yuh? Goodman Gonrung Yes, but I hain't never seen any but wot's been skimmed. You Can Have a Model Kitchen as cool and white as a dairy. Ncusmell, no smoke, no heat, no dust. No old-fashioned contrivances. The Oil Cook-stove is the latest practical, scientific cook-stove. It will cook the most elaborate dinner without heating the kitchen. Boils, hakes, or roasts better than any range. Ready in a second. Extinguished in a second. Fitted with Cabinet Top, with collapsible rests, towel rack, and every up-to-date feature imaginable'. You want it, be cause it will cook any dinner and not beat the room. No heat, no smell, no smoke, no coal to bring In, no ashes to carry out. It does away with the drudgery of cooking, and makes it a pleasure. Women with the light touch for pastry especially appreciate it, be cause they can immediately have a quick fire, simply by turning a handle. No half-hour preparation. It not only is less trouble than coal, but it cost less. Absolutely no smell, no smoke; nd it doesn't heat the kitchen. I The nickel finish, with the turquoise bine of the enameled chimneys, makes the stove ornamental and attractive. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners ; the 1 and 3-burner stoves can be had with or without Cabinet. Every dealer everywhere; If not at yours, write for Descriptive Circular to thsneeuras - agency of the f CasfleaaryRote: Be sore II f yoa get this stove see li Casfisasr (Me: Be sore yoa get this stove see tbst tne oeme-plate res4i New Perfection." Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) S3 liliooinQBs "I have used your valuable Cascareta and I find them perfect. Couldn't do without hem. I have used them for some time for indigestion and biliousness and am now completely cured. Recom mend them to everyone. Once tried, you will never be without them in the family." Ed ward A. Mane, Albany, N.Y. Pleasant. Palatable, Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe. 10c 25c 60c Nsver sold In bulk. The gen. . olne tablet stamped C C C Guaranteed to " -eure or your money back. Meyerbeer and Thunder. Meyerbeer, like Handel, composed best in a thunderstorm. He had a room made at the top. of bis house with glass roof and sides, so that he might enjoy these conditions to the full ' whenever they . presented themselves.- It is said that no beast of the field, no raven or nightjar, could scent the approach of a storm more uner ringly than Meyerbeer, and nothing was allowed to Interfere with his soli tary enjoyment of it when It arrived. Wherever he was he would leave at the first premonitory rumble. Mothers wm find Mrs. WInsloWs BootWng Syrup the best remedy to use for their children auxins; the teething period. Fatal Defect. "I have a chance to marry an old man who has lots of money." . "Why don't you?" "He hasn't any bad habits and come, of a long-lived family." Chicago Record-Herald. , i Ited, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes. Relieved By Murine Eye Kernedy. Try Murine For Tour Eye Troubles. You Will Like Murine. It Soothes. 60c at Your Druggists. Write For Eye Books. Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Bees were unknown to thia Indians, but they were brought over from Eng land only a few years aftqr the land ing of the Pilgrim Fathers. PIPE REPAIRING 0fmrfacrMrBil4lHBEl,BRIEa uri MtlBSCtiAUIL Anuical bars SIO SICHEL A CO. KTluniSkMi rtkal $3.00 SAMPLE DERBY, FELT. STRAW S1.50 HatiUeUMd- Blocked nuc: ruiamat. $ 1 . Trimmiiiju 2 5c each. LacW Hsta Remodeled. Willow Plume rutied and Dyed. Complete Line of Millinery. 315 ALDER ST.. PORTLAND ILLINOIS BIED ma. klerchaat Who Is Frlead of featk red Tribes Owns Fine Collection. Illinois' . bird king is a dry gooda merchant, Isaac E. Hess ot Philo. He is one of the greatest authorities on ornithology and his collection of stuffed birds, their nests and eggs, is one of the finest, in existence. For thirty-years he has made a study ot the feathered songsters of the air and is their staunch defender. Mr. Hess has for years agitated a closed, season on quail shooting lasting for several years. He believes that these birds are the best friends of the fanners and that the "Bob Whites" should be protected from the annual slaughter. He has written a number of articles defending his position and has sought to arouse the Legislature to the importance of this protection. Two broods are raised annually by this species, and if undisturbed woll breed rapidly. A single pair, if not interfered with, will produce 600 young birds In three f ; i A -"h ' v 'i m J Isfauc-G IV, GALL CURE HORSE COLLARS Are made over Curled Hair Pads and will not gall the horse. Write us for free samnle nf th Pn1 flivt tha nama of your harness dealer. Sold by best dealers everywhere.- W.rMcMONIES&CO., PORTLAND, OREGON C0FFEE TEA SPICES Baking powder . -a. EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT' .UI1WHI.H CLpSSETflDEVERS "PORfLiKin nor' I NamedicQ ABSOLUTELY CURES DR. WHITING'S REMEDIES MANUFACTURED BY NATIONAL MEDICINE CO., LTD. 422 Mi SheUey Blk., Morrison St., Rooms 3 and 4, Portland, Or. Phone Marshall 2119 1. APPENDICITIS REMEDT. Tho only known cure lor Appendioltls without the iiid or the knife. Gives immediate nfief, and itlects s permanent on re in s short time. MUCK t.'i. 6. "SPECIAL" REMEDY. tor Women's Ailu e;iM. Tumors of the Bow t'l. Also Uinbute. Kidney and Bladder Trou l)Je. i'KICK S6. Ihis New 8oientiflo Work Is s home treatment, nriie or coll and we will explain. tenia! treatnent only. A TRIP TO PORTLAND FREE WTV CUT KATES IN jy-afr. A PAINLESS DENTISTRY f&ytf tSii Painless Extraction Free V- Silver Fillings SOe V ilETPwwl GoldFilHnes ,'.75e I Jf 22 K. Gold Crowns 3 I jf Porcelain Crowns $3 1 IZT L Molar Gold Crowns U . V . W BrideeWork, 22 K. Gold... .S3 'y Inlay Fills. Pure Gold 12 ' Very Nice Rubber Plate.... U Best Rubber Plate on Earth $7 ALL THIS WORK IS GUARANTEED. Don't throw your money away. A. dollar saved Is twodollsrs earned. OurorisinalreliableModern Painless Methods and our perfected office equip, ment saves us time and your money. BOSTON DENTISTS, 5th MorrUea, Fertlaad Entrance 291 Vi Morriton, ospotlte PoMomc sad Meier a Frank. Enzbllihed la Portland 10 yeart. Open erenlnif snill 1 and Sundari until 12 1 Id, lor people who work. 7 JF. Wf lit av v Drives away Flies, Mosquitoes and Gnats. It protects horses snd cattle from attacks of insects, enabling them to feed and sleep in peace. It prevents loss of weight and strength from worry caused by c r- - m . t auacits 01 insects, ana iroiu ue tmiation of their bites and sting?. There is a satisfaction in the relief it affords domestic animals from the scourge of maddening parasites and flies, besides the profit in returns. Horses do more work on less feed and cows yield more and better milk when relieved from the frenzy incited by constantly fighting a swarm oi voracious, insatiable insects. Four sizes, 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.25. Ask your merchant for it. J UOYT Chshical Co. rortiand, Oregon Alt BESS AND SOME OF HIS EXHIBITS. years. He computes each pair of quail as worth $5 annually to the farmer in destroying insects. . The persecuted hawk family Is also being championed by the Philo enthu siast He has discovered that for every hawk that destroys poultry there are 100 that subsist upon field mice, insects and other small enemies of the farmer. Thousands . of ; hawks are killed every year because of ignorance and prejudice. ' While studying the beautiful rose breasted ' grosbeak, one of the hand somest birds known to the United States, Mr. Hess discovered a strange mystery of nature. Ht learned tohis intense surprise that the grosbeak Is the only bird that will eat the potato bug. Students of nature and bird lovera in particular who have inspected the collection of birds, nest3 and eggs, gathered and classified by Mr. Hess, agree that it Is one of the finest in America. One case contains eighty birds with the nests and eggs of each species, every one of which were col lected within a few miles of his home. A second case contains 120 specimens secured in other sections of the coun try. The eggs range from the large mottled type of the vulture to the mi nute humming bird. Every hour1 that he can spare from business Mr. Hess devotes to bird lore. He is constantly photographing his feathered friends, never. kills one wantonly, but is con stantly trying to save them from de struction. He has learned that Illinois alone contains more than 100 speci mens of birds that annually nest In this State, and it has been an enor mous task to procure a specimen of ?ach with Its nest and eggs. Seemed Like the Real Thlnar. 'Oh, Jimmy, let's put de lamp out do smell is someth'n fierce." "Not on yer life! Dat's wot makes It seem like a genuine automobile." Every man has an Idea that others think bin important 1 nwsr Sherman Jpay & Co, ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS SIXTH, AT MORRISON ST., PORTLAND, OR. We want yorf to try this Piano IN YOUR HOME FREE. We want you to try it at our expense because At the end of thirty days the Piano ITSELF will convince you of the following facts: It's the best value on earth for the price ($275). - It's MUSICALLY and MECHANICALLY right! We know thire is so much real value in this Wellington Piano we're selling for $275 on easy payments that we're willing to let it be ITS OWN SALESMAN. It will tell it's own story to you in your home if you'll send us the coupon. Please send me hill particulars concerning this unusual Piano offer. Name.. V. .... Address. ! TIT" T '1 SEND THIS AD. FOR FREE PREMIUM LIST Pacific Coast Biscuit Company Portland Seattle Spokane Ask for Their Goods and SAVE THESE SWASTIKA END SEALS THEY ARE VALUABLE They Will Secure You Many Useful Articles Without Cost , WE GROW HAIR We Cure all Scalp Diseases, stop Pallinir Hair. Prevent Baldness, Grow Ladles' and Children's Hair rapidly, soft, glossy and beantiful. .We Furnish out of town people home treat ment. Write us today for question blank and particulars. THE GARLOW HAIR GROWING CO. SPECIALISTS 207-8 Rothchild Buildlnf. fourth and Washington Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. Consultation Free, 8 to 6. Ia It Coming; to This Beggar (returning a penny to the giver) Excuse me, lady, I can't take 'ess than 3 cents. "Why not?" "Them's the union's rules, and If 1 take less I lose my card." Meggen dorfer Blaetter. The Health Problem-Solved If you are in search of good health try the plan adopted by thousands of successful users take Hos- tetter's Stomach Bitters and watch the results. It is the Keystone to Health. For Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Poor Appetite, Biliousness, Cramps, Head ache, Diarrhoea and Malar ia, Fever and Ague it is ex cellent. Try it today, but insist on having the genu ine Hostetter's, with our Private stamp over neck. When Your Eyet Need Cars TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY T.a win uk. a Uauld Form, 26c, BOo. Silve Tubes, 25o, $1.00. Dr. B. E. Wright Have your teeth out and plate and bridge work done. For out-of-town patrons we finish plats and bridge work in one day if necessary. PRICES: HoICrws....$5.00 22k Bridie Ttdfc.. $3.50 bid FUliop $1 Eatarf Fibft... $1.00 Silrer FUliafi . . . . 50c s Coed Rubber Pblsi SS.00 BtHRodRuiW ruiM $7.50 PialtM EllTKtWS.. 50 BEST METHODS Painless Extraction Free when plates or bridge work is ordered. Consultation Free. You cannot Set better painless work anywhere, no mattes ow much you pay. All Work Tully Guaranteed for rifteen Years Dr. B. E. Wright Co. 342J Washington St,, Portland, Oregon Take car at depot and transfer to Washington St Trial Bottle Free By MaiJ If 70a suffer from Eniiepty, Fits, FalllogSlcknest, Bpaami, or bars children lliat do ,o, my New Die eoverr will relleee them, and all on areaakrd ta dole to endforaFroeTriula Bottle of Dr.Maj'i t Ltplleptloldo Our( It has cored thontands where everything n failed. Guaranteed bv Mav Medical I.aboranr Under Pure Food and Drugs Act, June (0th, 1W Guaranty No. 1SV71. Picons write for HpeclalFres (8 Bottle and rlvo AGH ond complete ad ilrtas DR. W. H. MAY, 648 Pearl Street, New York HANSEN'S Hansen Hires Help EMPLOYMENT Froe to Employers OFFICES - 26 North Second St Phones: Main 4m; A 1626. ladies Department, 84!, H Washington St. Phones Main A Wi. Portland. Oregon. DAISY FLY KILLER &SiSCut NuLflllLMlMl taalt all ., Mad. M MM, ttnaol tpiu tp t.m w oU m la(ura Mythlns, Ouviawcd ettl.. Of all mltn o iu srapa lor call. BASOLD SOatltl - ia.DsnT.' vamalra,,!. mm if 18 THE tt BEST t ' ' f i iWilijtVrtilW "Hi iffL 1 ilii Titf fi -4 TIME of the rear to hare lour teeth put and plate and bridge work done. Foreut of-tnwa patrons we Snlah plats Sad brldiie work In ar it Beo Fbjokii t Beosaaar. BH. W. I. Will, Pauansr an Muun It inuiBun si Mmuo MolirCrowni $5.08 22kBrMf.Teeth3.5l) Gold Filllnn 1.0 Enamil Filllms 10 Silver Fillings tiood Kubbsr Fliiat 5.00 Bail Hubttr Plat.t 7.6 Exlrtlo BIST METHODS ZfWtK V': DR. a L. HAYNES EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN First class work at reasonable prices. Free examination and perfectly fitted a-laaeesas low as $2.00 No faking methods. Suite 427, Marquam Building Fourth Floor Opposite Portland Hotel, Portland Or. Alcohol Tobacco, Cocaine, Morphine. Cigarette or Other DOPE HABITS CURED Positively and harmlessly In short time by the new Olconeia. Method Treat ment ia not expensive or painful. You Deed not remain a slave to your habits, when a short stay at our Sanitarium will make you free. Address OLCONEIA CO Arleta Station. Portland, Or. Pslnlen Extraction Free when slates or briilee work i. ordered. OonaultatioaFree. Tfoa ruoBnta.tb.tu pal nlsM work anywhers, no mattor how munn yoa par. All work fully guaranteed lor Uftoen years. Wise Dental Co. INCORPORATED Painless Dentists fettlng Building, Third ft Wnhlneton, PORTLAND. 0REG0 CM. H.or.1 S A. M. te ( . M. Saaoayt, I U 1 C Gee Wo The Chinese Doctor This wondeful man has made a lifestudy of the properties of Roots, Herbs snd Barks, and Is irlvinsr the world the benefit of his sarvicaa. f A No Mercury, Poisons i x4 or Drags Used. No 0Mi22i Operations or Cutting Guarantees to euro Catarrh, Asthma, Luna-, Stomach and Kidney troubles, and all Private Diseases of M n ana Women. A SURE CANCER CURE Juat received front Pekin, China safe, sure and reliable. U..alllng In Its works. If you cannot eaU, write for symptom blank and circular. Inclose i cents in stamp. CONSULTATION rRCC The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. 1S2U flrml ... rmr UU. ParfUml. iV. FNU No. 7-X0 w BKVf wrf Una; to kdvartlsors pleaao BBontioa tnis paper. A