The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 12, 1910, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
"Pap" Urasty was in the city this
Herman Beverly is Tip from
load to remain several days.
Born, to Mr.
Chapio, August
and Mrs. Richard
7, 1910, a son.
lorn, to Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Kemp,
f Weston, August 9. 1910, a daugh
I ago Worthiogton made a business
tiip to Walla Walla Wednesday eve
ning. Mrs. B. B. Richards returned Tues
day from a short sojourn in the mountains.
i-rflKi grouse season opens Monday and
I Rlfcena nimrods are cleaning their
shotguns piepaiatory to taking the
first hunt of the seapon.
Mrs. M. L. Watts has been in Walla
Walla this week being called there
daring the last illness of her brother-in-law,
Dale Preston.
Mrs. H. O. Worthington was quite
ill the first of the week, with a severe
attack of tilioua fever. At present,
she is very much improved.
Miss Mary Peterson, the nurse who
Has been attending A. J. Willaby, left
Tuesday evening for Weston, where
she is attending a case of siokness.
Mrs. Jane Watts, who returned last
week from an extended visit in the
mountains, has been ill since- her re
turn and under the doctor's care.
Mis. Dobson was in Pendleton
during the week, taking the teachers'
"Bot" Fletcher, the East Oregon
ian subscription solicitor,
city yesterday.
Miss Graoe Bussell. of Milton died
at Portland Tuesday after a short ill
no?s aged 15 years.
-4. Mrs. Will Henry has been visiting
her parents-in-law, Prof, and Mrs. J.
8.. Henry in this city from Portland.
Mrs. A. Mackenzie Meldrum re
turned last week from an extended
stay at the seaside, with her parents.
Mrs. Lilly Miller requests all know
ing themselves indebted to her to oall
at her millinery store at once and set
tle. .
Chairman Will M. Peterson, of the
bounty demooratio central committee,
attended a meeting of the state cen
tal committee at Portland this week.
rrTFne oaterpillar engine which at-
' I J ' i : J ul liDa
was in the waoiea cousiuemuio iwuuuu, uu
oompleted its work in tnis vioimty
and has moved to a field south of Ad
Rev. Nathan Evans, of Pendleton
M. E. ohnrch, gave a very interesting
address in the cause of temperance,
last Sunday evening at the Methodist
JeBse G. Campbell, proprietor of
'the Athena .'Department store, left
Wednesday on a business trip to Oakes
dale, Wash. ;
The Rearicg of the Dudley auto
mobile was stripped this week, and
the big machine has been in garage
fnr lenairs.
f--Joe Key. who lost his threshing ma
(chine bv fire last week, bougnt
conBrntnr nnri finished threshing bis
crop this week.
Mis. M. L. Watts and her friend
returned Sunday from several weeKs
stay at Wenaha springs, where they
enjoyed camp life. -Anrk
number of members of Dolph
Lodge, A. F. & A. M. went over to
Walla Walla today to attend the fun
eral of Dale Preston.
tJU'IJuole Diok Powersas in town yes
f terday from Weston. The old lawyer
is growing infirm and is greatly trou
bled with deafness.
Edward Koontz, who has beeu oon
fined to his home with illness, being
threatened with fever, is improving
nicely and will probably be out in a
few davs.
U"Frank Beale's threshing crew was
I fn the city last night. Mr. Beale has
finished harvesting and tne maoninery
will be taken to the Dome place on
Pine creek.
U"A. J. Willaby, who was stricken
I ' j . 1 L .. ( m -t t mn.lirin
witn apopiexy ibsi wue&, imiiuiug
and his present condition gives every
promise to a return at least of tis
usual health.
alino will hfl a candidate
a new A .-nomination for the offioe of
nnnntv nlnrb. ditto Bradley and uuli
land for treasurer and county judge
Will Jamieson, Athena's meat mar
L-pf mnn. hns iust returned from a
trin int.n the John Day oountry. He
was accompanied by Bert Whitman
of Pendleton.
Fred Carden had a 35-acro field of
wheat that averaged a little better
than 53 bushels to the aore. ! '
Mrs. M. L. Akers and little daugh
ter, Maurene, are visiting at the A.
L. Swaggart home north of town.
Mrs. W. J. Gholson went to Walla
Walla this morning, where she will
be the guest of friends for several
The infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Taylor died Monday and
wns hnrind Tuesday mornine. The
little one had heen delioate from
birth, and lived but 11 days.
G. A. R. MoGrew. who has been
foremanizing in the .Brotherton har
vesting orew. has about completed dib
labors and will return to Portland next
week, where bis family resides.
ire orsinating in a straw stack on
ie Jesse Kilgore plaoe northeast of
town, burned and damaged about 300
sacks of wheat belonging to Earl
Dudley Saturday evening. Prompt
work kept the fire from spreading
and doing further damage.
John P. MoManus, owner of the
Pilot Rock Reoord, will resume the
editorial chair after a year's vacation
out of the harness. J. P. ia a war
horse when it comes to campaign ed
itorial work, and doubtless could not
resist the thrill of theooming politioal
Harvesting in this vioinity is draw
ee to a close and a number oi ma
chines have, been put under the shed
for the season. For the Brat time in
years the orop has been harvested
without rain falling on it This sea
son has heen an ideal on for harvest
ing and both men and teams stood
the work well.
IIMII .I.UL...I Jl. - IH. l'"."H..-.7Hjyr'I"'' -.r.T-. . r- . . ,.
.Tnhn Pnnhlnr. a former Athena res
idnnt: tint nnw a substantial alfalfa
grower of Stanfield, came up from the
south part of the ' county Monday.
Mra PhoHpt has been visiting rela
tives in Athena for several days.
Annual August
We mere" mention of this Sale is enough forithose who
are acquainted with our sales, for they are always the
peer of their kind. But for those not familiar with our
annual event will say that practically every article of our
$150,000.00 STOCK
of bright, new home furnishings is reduced to prices
heretofore unheard of.
Furiture, Carpets, Rugs, Draperies,
Chinaware, Glassware, Artware and
Silverware, Stoves, Ranges, Cooking
Utensils and Hardware.
All are marked with the Red Sale Tags, each one tell
ing of a great saving for you if you buy now. Freight
prepaid as usual Write for prices.
The Davis-Kaser Company
Walla, Walla Wash The home of Greater V, I iTncn)
' Branch Store at Pasco. Wash-
It is reported that a "peeping Tom"
in the north part of town frightened
seme ladies last evening, but, after a
lusty scream from one or tnem, ne
disappeared, and could not again be
looated. Had he been discovered
doubtless his inquisitiveness would
ave received a peremptory check.
!en S. Burroughs of Pendleton, for-
et county olerk, has filed his peti
tion for the republican nomination
for county reoorder. Ben has many
friends in both parties who will be
pleased to have the opportunity to
vote for him. He nas been in in
health and for years luck has been
breaking badly for him.
George Bannister came
the monntains yesterday,
comnanied by Mrs. T. J.
spent several days at the
down from
He was ao
Kirk, who
oamp. Mr.
The Athena Department Store is
Going out of Business.
The doors close just as soon as stock is reduced to
where we can handle the balance at one of other stores
Now is ,the time to make your selections, before the stock
is broken. You have seen our Circular announcing our
prices, the like of which have never been offered be
fore in Athena. Remember stocks are complete in both
summer and winter goods. We sell for cash and al
ways have it for less. Highest market price for eggs,
Bannister reports the Athena campers
to be having a good time. He says
there are not enough huckleberries
in the Blue Mountain range to make a
eood pie. and attributes the ruination
of the crop to late frosts.
NEmery Worthington, one of the
oung members oi tne Ainena uauu,
ia the proud possessor of a new fin
trumpet. He prizes the new instru
ment very highly for in addition to
being of fine quality, it was presented
to him by his parents on nis lecn
birthday. Emery has been playing
an Eb cornet in the band and has
made excellent progress since becom
ing a member of the organization.
n new Athena Cafe opened for
Htmsiness with a rush yesterday morn
ing. The new eating bouse is looatea
in one of the Betz buildings on Main
street. The place hns been fixed up
in flrft class shape, tne luruisoings
are new and ud to date and include
one of the finest ranges in this section
of Oregon. The dining room is neany
furnished and (private bcxes are ar
ranged on the east side of the dining
John Bannister has returned from a
trip to Wallowa county.. He says
that he is favorably impressed wun
that seotion as a grain produoing
oountry but for stock he thinks it
cannot be excelled. Bern Bannister,
who bought a ranoh there some time
ago had a.punlio sale at enterprise
last Saturday, and will return with his
family to Athena and again take up
his residence here. He will be nere
the first of next week.
John Bell, who has been driving a
White steamer for over a vear, mes
with bis first acoident Saturday even
ing when he collided with a buggy
near the city limits north of town.
He undertook to pass tne venioie,
whioh was driven by Zepb Lookwood,
... i i m u A
jr., and struok tne rear wneei.
occupants were thrown out, but no
serious injury resulted, luokilyyHad
Mr. Bell been going at faster tfeed a
terrible acoident might have resulted.
Mrs. H. H. Hill is again summonefl
to the bedside of her invalid mother.
at. r.auiiatnn Tdnhn. and left OO the
train last night for that city. airs.
Fleener has been a sufferer for many
months and it is said that her once
particularly brilliant mind is now
almost a complete wrecu rrom nenouK
continued sufferings. She 79 years of
age, and is at the home ot ner aaugo
tar. Mrs. Frank Parkyn, who with her
ftusband wns formerly a resident of
A pleasant midsummer party was
Divan hv on ma rT ma VOUUU Lueu v
the opera house Saturday evening, the
following guests being, present: ra
troneeses, Mrs Byron N. Hawks, Mrs.
F. S. LeGrow and Mrs. Bowles; Miss
es Laura and Bell Mclntyre, Ceoile
Boyd. Jessica McEwen, Areta and
Ruth Rotbiock, Zelma and Merna
DePeatt, Lillian McDonald. Lula
Tharp. Lela Lienallen, and Ethel Mo
Molntyre; Messrs. Dean Dudley, Fred
erick B. Gross, Glenn Dudley, Clar
enue Brotherton, 8heldon Taylor,
Maurice B. Hill, Orville Reeves,
Charles Hastings and Hub Lienallen.
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder rlzht
thena Department Store
Jesse G. Campbell, Proprietor
liilT-'K -"TiinuiiniwiiiiiM
losgrove Mercantile 1
i a
South Side
Main Street
From now until September 1st we will
sell all Remnants, Waist and Skirt lengths
at actual cost.
All ready-made ladies' Shirt Waists, in
silk, mull and percale, at less than cost.
Men's 2-piece outing suits at half price.
Ladies' linen and duck suits at half the
usual price.
Lots of other seasonable goods at far be
low regular prices.
We must make room for our new fall
goods, which are now on the way.
e 5 ii hen i a ne