This Edition con tains Six Pages jj 1 ' ' Athena Merchants Carry Bio Stocks Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer VOLUME XXII. ATIIENA, UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1910. NUMBER 31 'Be sure you arc right u another way o aying -"Be sure you Have a, Stetson Every Station bear the Stetson Name arid then go ahead.' We Lave the Stetson Soft and Derby Hats r in all the latest styles. Remember Yon Kt4 pjr cent Discount for Cash. ..Return $25.00' in cash rvji;tci checks and get $1 cash or trade free. t. m.taggaht General Merchandise Athena, Oregon The i '. Vawtm.A-''4 8 Don't Mod irro Cash Grocery HOT VOTES ENOUGH Eugene Ordinance, Prohibiting Sale ol Non-Intoxicating Near Beer," Spir uous Liquors etc. Turned Down, An ordinance prohibiting the sale of near bear, spirituons,. malt and vin ous liquors, copied from the one now iu foroe at Eugene, and passed upon by Federal Judge Wolvertou as being constitutional, was offered for consid eration by the city council at the meeting of tbat body held Tuesday eveuiog. f -" - :' - In presenting Jthe ordiuauoe, Mr. Wilson 'said he did so at the solioita tion of some twenty wealthy and in fluential men of Athena and vicinity. He stated that be presented the ordi nance as an attorney, and that the coauoil could oonsider the merits of the measure. This, the oounoil pro ceeded to do. Mayor MoEwen, io quite a lengthy address, strenuously opposed the pro posed ordinanoe, Oounoilmen LeQrow and Jaoobs oononrring in the stand as sumed by the 'mayor. Disoussion of the measure was prolonged and to . ordain as follows: " " Section 1. That no person or per sons shall be permitted to sell, barter, give away or otherwise dispose of any near beer, spirituous, vinous or malt liquors toat are not intoxioating with in the corporate limits of the City of Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon. Section 2., That every person who shall sell, barter, give away or other wise dispose of any near beer, spirit nous, vinons or melt liquors, that are not intoxioating within the corporate limits of the City of Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon, shall upon conviction thereof before the Recorder's Court of said city be puuished by a Una of not less than fifty dollars nor more tcau one hundred dollars, or by im prisonment in tbe city jail not less than twenty-Qve days nor more than fltty days, or by both snob fine aud imprisonment, at the discretion of the oourt; and eaob and every Belli -it?, bartering, giving away or otherwise disposing of any near beer, spirituous, vinous or malt liquors that are not intoxioating, within 'the oorporate limits of aid city, shall constitute a separate and distinct violation of the provisions of this section, and the pro visions of ordinanoe, and the parsons guilty thereof, shall, upon conviotion thereof before the Recorder's court, lie Fl SCHOOLS Every County in State of Oregon Re ceives $1.92 for Each. Child of School Age. . State Treasurer Steele has made the largest annual apportionment of the income of the common sohool f und to the several counties tha.t has ever been made in the state of Oregon. The amount was 329,744.64, wbiob was so apportioned that every county re ceived $1.92 for eaoh child within its boundaries of sohool age; that is, ba tweeu the ages of 4 and 20 years. The total number of sohool children in the state as reported hy the oounty sohool superintendents of the different Coun ties was found o bo 171,742. On Au gust 1' last year the amount apportion ed was $303,000, which was the larg est sum up to that time ever appor tioned. The number of school chil dren a year ago, aooordin? to the sohool oeDsns taken by the county su perintendents was 166,649 for the en tire state, an iuorease for 1910 of 6093. The rate apportioned a year ago was $1.85 for eaoh child of sohool ey with Inferior Goods Hill Brosr HOE STEEL CUT COFFEE Blue Label Can, 35c Red Label Can, 45c Ask your neighbor it he has ever tried that Hitch Grade Steel Cut Coffee, which Worthington carries, and it he has not, 'PHONE UN 113 . -if-1 it yum j in "in M4 I jit v , ll New Gymnasium Buildr'ng, Idaho State Normal School, Lewiston. Men's Working Clothes and Shoes, No Shelf-worn Goods. Quick sales and small profits is the motto of the Old Reliable BLUE FRONT STORE, SOUTH SIDE MAIN, ATHENA, ORE. Dean H. A. Hallowell of the Lewis ton State Normal school) visited nere J during the past week. The coining year will be tne test in tne nistory of tbat institution. During the past year 272 students were enrolled, an increase of 73 over the previous term. i This year an enrollment of 400 is ex- peoted, making a total including the praotioe sohool of 600. This will make the Lewiston Normal the larg est of the six Normals in the Paoiflo northwest. Three new bnildings have been completed during the year a central THE TUH-LUi LU1BER GO. Lumber, Mill Work and all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES Posts and Blacksmith coal beating plant, a splendid gymnasium wbioh'is said to be the flneet in the Inland Empire, and a well equipped manual arts and domestio scienoi building. Six new members have been added to the faoulty, which now numbers tweuty-flve. The new faoulty mem bers are all graduates of Eastern uni versities and are especially well qual ified for their work They are: Sam uel W. Brown, graduate- of Stanford and Columbia Universities, head of the department of education; Mrs. Theodora R. Brewitt, a graduate of Wisoonsin University, librarian; Mr, Guy L. Chiesman, graduate of Lake Forest University, assistant in man ual arts; Miss Mary Frazee, rural training teacher; und Miss Alba Bales, graduate of Pratt IusUtute, Brooklyn, bead of the new domestio science de partment. ' Several new courses for teaohers have beeu added for next fall, the most important of these being the rural sohool training course and the course for the special training of teaohers to teaoh domestio science and the man ual art in elementary and high sobools. A. M. Johnson, Manager Athena, Oregon, bring it to final conclusion. Council man Betts made a motion tbat the ordinanoe pass on its third reading. The third reading was by title and when it .came to the vote, Councilman Johnson said be declined to vote one way or the other, giving for his rea son that be would like further time for consideration and tbat if it were laid over until the next meeting he would be prepared to vote. . The recorder oalled the oounoilmen by name in tnrn, and the vote result ed: For the ordinanoe, S. F. Wilson, Charles Betts; against the measure, F. S. LeGrow, W. W. Jaoobs. It looked like the Mayor would have to cast the deciding ballot, but when Mr. Johnson's name was oalled he voted "no." The provisions of the proposed ordinanoe are as follows: : t Ordinanoe No. An ordioanoe to prohibit the selling, bartering, giving away or otherwise disposing of near beer, spirituous, . vinous or malt liquors that are not intoxioating, and to declare an emergenoy. The People of the City of Athena do i UtUVtnT 1IIIL.I1L. I IIIULU fill I- IIIUII I T,!Alil OJ 1 id The Freshest and most Choice the Market affords in n rr- a 3 7$; Best that Money can Buy Always Found Here DELL BROTHERS, CATERERS TO THE PUBLIC IN GOOD THINOI TO EAT Atnena, uregon p b pooishod as in this seotion pro vided. ProviJed, however, that the provisions of this ordinanoe shall not apply to druggists who sell snob liquor for medioal purposes only. Seoti n 8. Tbat inasmuch as theie are large quantities of near beer, spirituous, vinous and malt liquors that are not intoxioating being sold, bartered, given away and otberwise disposed of within the City of Athena, by whioh the peace and good order of the city is disturbed, an emergenoy is hereby declared and found to exist, and this ordinanoe shall be in full foroe and effect from and after its approval by the Mayor of said city. THE TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS Commence Wednesday, August 10, to ' Saturday, 13th at Court House, County Sobool Superintendent F. K. Welles will hold the regular teachers' examinations for applioants for state and county certificates, at Pendleton as follows: ; Fpr State Papers. Commencing Wednesday, Angnst 10, 1910, at nine o'olook a. m.,' and con tinuing until Saturday, August 13, 1910, at four o'olook p. m. Wednesdays Penmanship, history, spelling, physical geography, reading, psychology. Thursday Written aritbmetio, theory of teaobing, grammar, book keeping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, composition, algebra, English litera ture, sobool law. Saturday Botany, plane geometry, general history. For County Papers. Commencing Wednesday, Angnst 10, 1910, at nine o'clock a. m., and continuing snfil'Friday, August 12, 1910, at four o'clock p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, history, orthography, reading, physical geog raphy. . ' Thursday Written arithmetic, the ory cf teaching, grammar physiology. Friday Geography, school law, civil government, English 'literature. age within the oounty, as against $1.92 today. Under the new apportionment, of course, Multnomah leads with the largest sobool population. Her school population is 39,634 and her allotment of sohool money is $76,097.28. Mar ion is second with a sonool population of 11,753 and an apportionment of $225,675.76. Lane is third with a school population of $10,492 and a cor responding apportionment of $20,144. 64. Claokamas is fourth with hssobool population of 9,508 and an apportion ment of $18,255.86. Umatilla's ap portionment $12,130.56 based on a sobool population of 6,318. On August 1, 1910, the total of the principal of the oommon sobool fond amounts to $6,000 000 in round fig ures, of wbiob $5,000,000 is iuvested in first mortgage on land within the state of Oregon; $250,000 is invested in sobool district bonds; $700,000 in certificates of sohool land and the small working balanoe is being loaned to applioants on first mortgage loans. There is praotioally no delinquency io the matter of interest payments, all patrons of the fund Deing required to pay interest promptly as it acornes. The result of this lRrge apportion ment will be to reduce materially the tax levies for the common sobools in 1911 and still allow more funds for the upbnilding of the sobools than in any previous year in the history of the state. The continued sale of sohool lands and ready demand for the sobool fond among responsible bor rowers assures oontinned inoreaae in the interest to be apportioned each year. - - . - j - Another Big Apple Orchard. Walla Walla valley is to have on other big commercial orchard, so it is reported. Hall & Korts of Freewater, together with C. M. Dall of the bard ware department of "Davis-Kaser com pany, have eeonred the 160-acreWrigbt farm near Walla Walla on wbiob tbey will plant 10,000 apple tree of the Rome Beanty, Winesap and Jonathan varieties. As toon as tne fall rains pot tbe land in shape it will be thoroughly plowed, and with straight leveling will be in excellent shape for the trees, wbiob will be planted this fall. By spring tbe owners intend to have a complete irrigation system. The wat er is to come from a large well to be sunk on tbe place. This projeot will be one of tbe biggest 'ever attempted in tbe Freewater neighborhood, and it will no doubt be successful, taking tbe result already obtained in tbat dis trict as a standard. Secretary Carlisle Dead. John G. Carlisle, former seoretary of tl;e treasury, who had been crit ically ill for two days, - di d at his apartments in New York at 10:50 Monday night of heart failure and oedema of the lungs. John Griffin Carlisle was born in Kenton oounty, Kentucky, September 5, 1885. From 1877 to 1890, be was a member of the national house of representa tives and from 1883 to 1889 was its speaker. He resigned to fill the un expired term of James B. Beok in the senate, from whioh he again re signed in 1893 to beoome seoretary of the treasury nnder'President Cleve land. With tbe retirement from pow re of tbe domooratio party in 1889, he withdrew from politios and took up tbe praotioe of law In New York city. Slaughtering Grouse. Pendleton sportsmen are becoming very mnoh enraged over the f aot tbat young grouse are being ruthlessly slaughtered in all directions by no forupolons bnntors who bib daily vio lating Ibe caniw luw with impunity, says the Eust Ortiaoiii t:. The opn season doai not b'Riu ivitil August '5. but il is deolurad t.";i p-t fow weeks hundreds, po--i lily: tiousnuds of jonns birds htivo bent Khot a!nn the footl ill tegious. It Is said tlittt tburrt WRSH veritable tjo;uh ttriine:it of gu8 in tin viointv of Meachaiu Sunday, while the Hluugbter eloi-s Unpr McKuy Hid ulo.g Meaoham en ek is said to Lave hteu even worse. $10 to File Papers; Salary $00. Wbo wanlB the job of couuty coto ner iu Columbia couuty. Wash,? Any body can hare it, but uobody wants i As a rtsult Dr. John Hnuiiuston of Startork, present iicoratent, may find a life job toiated opt u him. Re pnblioaua and demooruts are of ouo opiuion on I tin question the salary in too small to maktt the oftUm ihi object to any pbytiuiHrf, It cnstn $10 to tile a dt'clarution cf CKudirfncy, t-iud it is a long cliauce wLelber the coroner will make baok this amount iu fees daring bis term. Columbia county must have a coroner and so if . Dr. Huntington refuses the job as a present, it may bs neoessary to attach a salary to the office for the first time. C. W. B. M. Meeting. Tbe IoobI auxiliary of tbe Christian Woman's Board of Missions met at tbe home of Mrs. Jackson Nelson near town Wednesday afternoon, and en joyed a most pleasant and profitable session. After tbe business of tbe day bad been transacted, dainty and seasonable refreshments were servod by tbe hostess. Seventeen members were preseut. The September meeting will be held at tbe home of Mrs. Wm. Dobson in this city, and, being the end of the business year, election of officers will take plaoe and other im portant business transacted. It is planned by tbe ladies to have a year book issued, and this will be done in the near future. Pump Is Crippled. Tbe new pump wbiob is driven by an eleotrio motor and furnisbes water for the city system is out of commis sion and tbe city water is now beiDg pumped with -tbe old machinery by steam power. The elootrio outfit was purobased by tbe water commissioners from tbe Fairbanks-Morse company and was installed last winter. It has been giving more or less trouble, and finally last wiek went entirely out cf commission. An expert came from Walla Walla this week, but the pump is still on tbe bum and the company has been notified to send another man to set tbe macnine in proper working order. Scalped in Accident. J. O. Albreobt, employed on tbe John Walter farm west of town, had bis scalp badly torn in an accident Sunday evening. He was brought to town and Dr. Sharp dressed tbe wound wbicli requited several stitches to bring tbe scalp in proper place. Al breobt was riding in a back and lead ing a horse beh nd tbe vehicle, when tbe team lurched forward and the' horse being led reared aok. Tbe baiter tope beoame entangled in the man's band and be was pulled back ward over the seat, striking bis head on the hack endgate, as be fell to the ground. Train Sever Head. Alouskin, a Umatilla reservation Indian, known as Jim Guyer, was run over by a train in the Pendleton yards Monday night and instantly killed, tbe wheels of tbe cars entirely sever ing tbe head from tbe body. It was earned by Pendleton officials that Unyer had beeu drinking and it is pre turned tbat be orawled under tbe pas eeoger coaones to sleep, shortly be fore midnight when tbe Spokane pass enger train was being made np, a switch engine pulled tbe ooaobea onto tbe main line, and it was then that the Indian met bis doatb. i -j II ' l. Ml r is if X .