Smith Wants Eggs We will pay as follow for first-class pro duce. Ship by express. Veal.....:.,. .J 10c fork.. 12c Live Hens 18C Live Spring Chickens, lb 20 to 22 Jc Eggs ... 25c Address - FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. "Fleming the Beef Trust" PORTLAND, OREGON PIPE REPAIRING OfewiY Ascription br w&. AMRR,BRIER sal MEERSCHAUM. Arttticiil CoWnt. SIO SICHEL & CO. KTsHSkett - Parlbsa Dr B E. Wright Have your teeth out and plate and bridge work done. For out-of-town patrons we finish plate and bridge work in one day if necessary. PRICES: . $5.00 .$3.50 ,.$U , $1.00 , 50cm Molar Crtwsa 22kBridsTttdi GoUFfflingi... Esntl FilGngj., Stiver Filling! . . , food RubW Plates $5.00 Bat Rtd Rules; Plata $7.50 Pam'tn Ejlndiei.. 50c BEST METHODS Painless Extraction Free when plates or bridge work is ordered. Consultation Free. You cannot pet better painless work anywhere, no matter how much you pay. All Work Fully Guaranteed for Fifteen Years Dr. B. E. Wright Co. 342J Washington St., Portland, Oregon Take car at depot and transfer to Washington St - ' 1V' Greedy. Helen, aped 6, raa telling Mary, agea 7, of her plans for the future." . "I'm go ing to be married," she announced, "and have eighteen children." "O!" gaspod Mary, her , eyes ' wide with amazement, "you mercenary wretch!" Cleveland Leader. Years of Suffering Catarrh ' and Blood Disease Doctors Failed to Cure. Miss Mabel F. Dawklns, 1214 Lafay ette St., Fort Wayne, Ind writes: "For three years 1 was troubled with catarrh and blood disease. I tried sev eral doctors and a dozen different rem edies, but none of them did me any good. A friend told me of Hood's Sar eaparllla. I took two. bottles of this medicine and was as well and strong as ever. I feel like a different person and recommend Hood's to any one suf fering from catarrh." ' Get It today in usual liquid form or-chocolated-tablets called Sarsatabs. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. of Portland, Oregon FURNISHES HELP FREE TO EMPLOYERS Main office. 12 North Second St Main 6670; A 1403 Ladies Dept 205H Morrison St Main 1062; A 20M Phone or wire orders at our expense. . Far Better a It la. Visitor (in Washington) Why Is It that the capital of the United States can't support a better baseball club? Resident My dear sir, It's providen tial that we haven't a first-class ball team here. If we had, by George, there wouldn't be any business transacted either In Congress or the White Houst during the entire league season Ml 1 ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS ' . SIXTH, AT MORRISON ST., PORTLAND, OR. We want you to try this Piano IN YOUR j HOME FREE. We want you to try it at our expense because . . " , : At the end of thirty days the Piano ITSELF will convince you of the following facts: -' .' 'y .. -' " It's the best value on earth for the price ($275). It's MUSICALLY and MECHANICALLY right! ' ' We know, there is bo much real value in this Wellington Ptano we're Belling for $275 on easy payments that we're willing to let it be ITS OWN SALESMAN. It will tell ifs own story to you-An your home if you'll send us the coupon.' -,."... ' Please send me full particulars concerning this unusual Ptano offer. in t Name. . . . . ....... ... ..... . . . . . ... Address. ANGELA HOTEL One Rate: Room with d? 1 T A "V 625 Washington Streev Private Bath, H V U PORTLAND, OR. Kew brick, splendidly furnished. Ladies' parlor; spacious lobby; elevator; steam heat; running .--water; phones in all rooms. In quiet neighborhood, lake car Irom union uepot, transier n waan tagton street Phone Marshall 1950. in it ? f f . " mssm WE GROW HAIR We Cure all Scalp Diseases, stop Falling Hair, . Prevent Baldness, Grow Ladies' and Children's Hair rapidly, soft glosBy and beantifuL -We Furnish out of town people home treat ment Write us today for question blank and particulars. - THE GARLOW HAIR GROWING CO. SPECIALISTS 207-8 Rothchild Building, Fourth and Washington Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON, Consultation Free, 8 to 5. SEND THIS AD. FOR FREE PREMIUM LIST Pacific Coast Biscuit Company Portland Seattle Spokane Ask for Their Goods and SAVE THESE SWASTIKA END SEALS THEY ARE VALUABLE They Will Secure You Many Useful Articles Without Cost m tm n jiwtwp smiwaa m HatiWl'i''i ifia ili-TTliimr w Union Painless Dentists (fixf-'y TEEtH Full Set of Teeth $5.00 Bridge Work or Teeth without Plate $3 50 to $ J Gold Crowns $3.50 to $5.00 Porcelain Crowns : $3.50 to $5.00 Gold or Porcelain Fillings $1.00 Up Silver Fillings ".....50c to $1 .00 Beat Plate Made ....., $7.50 No charges for Painless Extracting when other work w done. 15 years Guarantee with all work. Hours. 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. 221 Vi Morrison Street Trial Bottle Free Br Mati It yon sailer from Epilepsy, Fits, Falling Sickness, Bpaims, or hava children that do io,mj NewDir covety will relieve them, and all you are asked to do Is to send for a Free Trial (2 Bottle of Dr.ilay'i Eplloptlold Cure' tt has cured thousands where everything aba fsikd. Guarsntetd by May Medical Laboratoiy Vnckr Pure Food and Drugs Act June 80th, 1 WW Gusrtnty No. lSBTl.- Please write for Special Free j DH W, H. MAY, m Paarl Street, New Yorl "Jake Bald he was going to break ip the suffragette meeting the other night. Were hla plana carried out?" "No, Jake was." Wigwag I never knew such a fel low as Bjones! He is always looking for trouble. Henpecked Then why floesu't he get married T Boston Courier. Willie Ma, can't I go out on the street for a little while? Tommy Tones says there's a comet to be seen. Mother Well, yes; but don't you go too near. . "'It wasn't much trouble to wind up poor old Sleesem's affairs when he died." "No?" "All the property ha left behind was a silver, watch." Bir mingham Age-Herald. "My new hat is a poem," she said jnthusiastically. "I have Just received tho bill for it," replied he. "I don't understand these stories of bo many poets dying in poverty." Washington Star. . - "Why do you make that patient wait three hours every day in your ante room?" "He needs rest," explained the doctor, "and. that is the only way ( can compel him to take it," Courier-Journal. "English is a funny language, after all, isn't It?" "Why so?" "I heard a man talking of a political candidate the other day say: 'If he only takes this stand when he runs he'll have a walk-over.'". Fancier This dog, madam, would be iheap at$100. Lady I would take him; but I'm afraid my husband might object. Fancier Madam, you can get another husband much easier than a dog like that. , Squire -Durnitt ( of Lonely ville ) Our town's got the four biggest liars In the State. Uncle Welby Gosh (of Drearyhurst) I guess that's right. You're three of 'em. Who's the fourth? Chicago Tribune. Chief of Detectives Now give us a description of your missing cashier. How tall was. he? Business Man- don't know how tall he was. . What worries me is that he was $25,000 short. Philadelphia Record. "Have you been married, Bridget?" "Twlcet, mum." "And have you any children?" "Yls, mum I've -three. One be th' third wife av me second husband, an' two be the second wife av me first.'.' Cleveland Leader. v "My dear Brother," said the cleri cal looking man, "are you doing any thing to keep your .brother, from fall ing?" "Why, yes," was .'the reply. "I'm interested in a concern that manufactures lamp-posts!" Boston Courier. Mrs, Starvem How do you like the chicken soup, Mr. Newbord?' Mr. Newbord Oh er is this chicken soup? Mrs. Starvem Certainly, how do you like it? ; Mr. Newbord Well er it's certainly very tender. Catho lic Standard and Times. Author Have courage, my boy, I tried for ten years to sell my manu script and finally Literary Aspi rant You succeeded?1 Author No. I was the means of raising the local postoffice from the third to the second class. Chicago Daily News. "I believe we ought to have a change in our constitution, providing that only citizens who could read and write good English should be permit ted to vote." "Whafa your object? Do you. want to shut out the college graduates ?" Chicago Record-Herald. "Before we were married," sighs the fond wife, "you used to call me up by long-distance telephone just to hear my voice." "Well," retorts the rebel lious husband, "nowadays you won't let me get far enough from you to use the long-distance." Chicago Post. I endeavor not to make any dis tinction as to my servants," says the new mistress. "My rule is to treat each of them as one of the family." 'Yes, mum," replies the new girl, "but If it'a all the same to you I'd rather be treated with respect." Chi cago Post "So you think the bluffers are fak ing about their extended European tour?" ""I should say. so. They said there were so many Americans in Ven ice that many had to walk in the middle of the street?" "Well?" "Why, the streets of Venice are canals." Springfield Union. - The Man Did you notice that worn an we Just passed? The Woman The one with blond puffs and a fur hat and a military cape, who was dread. fuily made up, and had awfully soiled gloves on? The Man Yes, that one. The Woman No, I didn't notice her. Why? Cleveland Leader. A DC A TELY I IT 10 CHESTS SOLID SILVER 26 Pieces in Beautiful Lined ChestG TO THE 10 NEATEST CORRECT SOLUTIONS TO THIS FATHER TIME PUZZLE DIRECTIONS There are 10 faces in this picture. Can you find 7 of them? Outline each face with a pencil on this or a separate sheet of paper, or number them 1, 2, 3, etc. To the 10 neatest correct an swers we will give absolutely free a Beautiful Lined Chest of Silver. To each one finding 7 faces we will give absolutely free a Handsome Souvenir. . All correct answers will receive a val uable prize. Be sure your answer is correct. All answers must be in our hands by July 27th, 1910. Every cor rect solution will receive a prize. Remember, prizes will be awarded to the neatest correct answers received, and you must find at least 7 of the faces. The contest will be judged by 'the representatives of our leading news papers. fend your solution and name and ad dress plainly written (be sure to write plainly) to BUSH & LANE PIANO CO. 386 Washington St, bet W. Park and 10th Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON Alcohol, Tobacco, Cocaine, Morphine, Cigarette or Other , DOPE HABITS CURED Positively and harmlessly tn short time by the new Olconeia Method. Treat ment is not expensive or painful. You need not lemain a slave to your habits, when a short stay at our Sanitarium vil make you free. Address OLCGNEIA CO., Arleta Station. Portland, Or. NamedicO ABSOLUTELY CURES DR. WHITING'S REMEDIES MANF'criUKn BY NATIONAL MEDICINE CO., LTD. 422 Shelley BUc, Morrison St., Kooms 3 and 4, Portland, Or. Pho .e MKHhnll 2119 I. APPENDICITIS REMEDY". Th only known curs tor A pindieint without the sid of th? knifo. Give, itnmsdisi telM. nH efforts s permanent curs in s ssort tiaio. HUCESA. 6. "SPECIAL" REMEDY. For onion's Allmeuts. Tamoni f h Bow e). Uik ':lts. Kidnsr snd Blidsar Iroa blu. t KICK 6. lhi Kew Rotiitifl Work Is s bores trjstr-imit. Wri s or cwll nd w will extiUia. K Ural trosttront onlf . Mrs. Crlmsonbeak It is. said that the five great original forests of the United States covered, eight hundred and fifty million acres and contained fiftv two billion feet of lumber. Mr. Crimsonbeak In those days, you sea, there was some place for a man to go when Lis wife cleaned house. Yon ers Statesman. I understand, Miss Aramlnta," said the professor, "that you are Inclined toward literature." "Yes," said the blushing spinster, "I wrots for the Bugle Magazine last montn." in rieori! May I ask wbatr asked the professor. "I addressed all the envo- lonea for the rejected manuscripts. gaid Araminta, proudly. Harper's Weekly 4 Nothing- Nev to Him. - His Host I have some curiosities nDBtaira I should like to show you. Did you ever see a real, genuine, old time Toledo blade? Mr. PniirltRh Oosh. ve: many a timel I've seen the Memphis Scimitar, too. In the days when I was a cub printer I worked a while for both of em. Chicago Tribune. . Mothers will find Mrs. WlnsloWi Boothlna Syrup the best remedr to use lot their children luring the teething period. Absent Minded. -Willie Papa, there's a big black bug on the celling. Pana fbusy readlne) Well. BteD on It and don't bother me. Boston Transcript. Experts who Have examined the re cently discovered deposit of litho graphic stone In Greece declare thai at least 35,000,000 cubic feet of thl choicest quality flaps are in slfrht , REDUCE THE COST OF LIVING; useCRESCENT BAKING POWDER 25c. FULL POUND LTHE KEYSTONEi TO HEALTH IS HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS Poor health can nearly always traced to a dis ordered stomach, weak kidneys, sluggish liver or constipated Dowels. The Bitters acts directly on these organs, making them strong and healthy. Try it. Harness Catalog Free! Send for our 100-page Har ness Catalog Free. Will save you 20 to 50 per cent sure. m KELLER HARNESS CO. 49 North SIM St., Portland, Oregon DAISY FLY KILLER C5.!i: Ut, convenient, thesp. Lftttt fell ftioa. Marie of mtl, cmmI tpill or tp over, will a4 toil or Injur wvihtnf. Curntd cflocttvt. Of ftU 4Mln or MM prepaid lor 10 cents, i EAKOLD 10 MBit 1M DKsib At, BEST READY ROOFING KNOWN Send for Samples snd Prices. Majestic Roof ing Co. 326 Worcester Bidg PORTLAND, ORE. '.-rtt; 3.00 SAMPLE DERBY. FELT, STRAW $1.80 rtaU1lened, Dloctea ovci r.nim.i, SI. Trimmina, 25c each. Ladia' Has) i'fVi h i.i-j fi;:ii pi.. J AIM 33 llfl nl r'omnlrt, I Jn. of Millinerr. 31S ALDKR ST.. PORTLAND HANSEN'S Hansen Hires Help EMPLOYMENT Free to Employers OFFICES , 26 North Second St. Phones: Main 1526; A 1529. Ladies Department, 84.'lM Washington St. Phones Main 26U2; A 2UU2. Portland, Oregon. ITCH CAN BE CURED In a short time by using PLUMMER'S ITCH REMEDY In BO-cent cans only. Address PLUMMER DRUG CO MP ANT Third and Madison Portland, Or. MODERN METHODS Semper Fidelia PARCRAWF SECRET SERVICE AGENCY We are prepared to undertake any leirttimat detective work (both civil and criminal) in all parts of the United Slates. Open Day and Night. C I. PARKER, Sunt (Wt: Office. Mais 3209; Rn.. M 442 214-16 Heiry tm Jim, PORUAHD. ORECOW. ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER are quickly relieved by Wyatt's Asthma Remedy. Ask your druKKiat or Bend six centa postage for Free Sample to J. C. WYATT, Druggist, VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON. MOW'IeWTIIVIE M. W. a. WW, tmmm tm nisal PalnTaM Kxtrsotioa Free wl U Conaoiiatioa Fr of ths year to bars your teetk ool and plate aad brldg work done. Foroot of-towa satroas enl.h plat and rldse work In eoa dar It BtosMary. Pbiomi MoltrCrtwss $5.00 f; ZZkBridnTssUO.OV GoUrilHstS I.UU EauwiFiinnn 100 SHnr nnisrs .50 Bowl R other Platss 5.03 Mil Rbllber . - Plata -7.50 PaUlHl trtr'tlM .60 EST MKTMODS) heaplstee or brtds work oaoaot t Detter yo pay. years. iff.-: 'V" Jj w ' ' 4k f v DR. C. L. HAYNES EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN First class work at reasonable prices. Free examination and perfectly fitted (lasses as low as $2.00 No faking- methods. Suite 427, Marquam Building Fourth Floor Opposite Portland Hotel, Portland Or. la oraered. r re. To saaaot aainleea work.nywti.r. no SD.tteraow mxaea j Ail work fullr aruarautMd tot tlftasi Wise Dental Co. INCORPOHATED Painless Dentists luRtlnf. Third I waihlnrtsu, fOltTUNO.OKECOal " m. w . . m, aaneaya, a ATRIP TO PORTLAND FREE CUT RATES III PAINLESS DENTISTBI Painless Eatraotioa Free Silver Filling 30c Gold Filllna s .......75c 22 K. Cold Crowns 3 Porcelain Crown ......... .W Molar Oold Crown U Bridge Work, 22 K. Oold.,.. 13 Inlay Fills. Pur Oold 2 Very Nice Rubber Plet....H Beet RubbeaPlat on Earth tl ALL THIS WORK IS GUARANTEED. Don't throw your money away. A dollar saved I twodollars earned. Oar original reliable Modern PainUs Methods and our perfected erUe equip ment saves ns time and your money. BOSTON DEI TUTS. Sta S Merrls.a. rrtlaad Estraaos 291 Vi Murriion. eppoeile reanOes aad Mciar Prank. EabU.bc4 is ronlsiid It yssn. Oyea rrulcp asiU I aad suadars satU 12.10, hr ! wke werk. j C0FFEEI ) TEA SPICES BAMN0 POWDER EXTRACTS "JUST RIGHT CU)SSET&DEVER3 bohti luri nor ' s 1 1 C. Gee Wo The Chinese Doctor This wondeful man ha made a lifestudy of th properties of Roots, Herbs snd Barks, ana is giving the world th benefit ot hi atnrvka. 'l3 or Drugs Ussd. No fc,L'?il Operation or Cutting Guarantees to euro Oatarrh, ABthma, Lung, Stomach and Kidney troubles, and all Private Iiaeases of M a ana Women. A 8URK CANCER CURE Just received from Pekln, China safe, Bur and reliable. U-Jailihg In It work. If yon cannot call, writ for symptom blank and circular. Inelos 4 cents in stamp. CONSULTATION TREE The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. 12U PW Si.. ca. Marrlsan. PawtlaauL Or. PNU No. U-10 WHKM writing to swlvertlser plea nenilen tbls paper. A