The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 10, 1910, Image 3

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Press Paragraphs
Lemon ice oream at the Bakery.
Oranee cider, nnrn nnd annrklincr
- ... ' x- O J
fUt the Bakery.
Dr. Sponogle, dentist. Good work,
uoderate prioes.
f Miss Lula Tbarp went over to Walla
f iValla Wednesday.
Matt MoEgrove, was in the oity from
Milton yesterday.
f Mr. and Mrs. John Eates are in the
sity from Pendleton.
p Dr. Arnold, dentist, extracts teeth
without pain 50 oents.
fr For dental work, don't forget Dr.
SpoDogle, reliable dentist. -
i' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sohmitt were
fin Pendleton Wednesday.
S 2?iok Taiteuger transaotd business
s'.'.i; PnnnlRrnn Wnrinpsrinv.
lMiss Eva Sobrimpf is a caeat of Miss
Kate Maloney in Milton this week.
Mrs. E. A. Boyd has been visiting
kber daughter at Milton the past week.
I Bev, and Mrs. Hammond spent
Monday on Weston mountain, visiting
s friends.
Mrs. J. D. Mathesou, of Seattle, is
I visiting ber mother, Mrs. Jackson
Mi. and Mrs. Louis LaBraohe are
among the Rose Show visitors in Port
land this week.
Tree wires on Fourth street are to
be installed by the telephone oompany
so it is reported.
Will Harden and "Dad" Helmink
left on a flshiug trip to the Umatilla
river yesterday.
Miss Delia Darr ot Adams, was the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Harry Mo
Bride, tbis week.
Mrs. and Mrs.- J. E. Sta'nfleld of
Adams have taken op summer resi
dence at Meaoham.
J. P. Joy passed through Athena
Monday from Walla Walla, to his
ranch at Vansyole.
Elmer and Bert Ferguson of Weston
mountain, were in th city Monday
on a trading expedition.
A marriage license has been issued
. i-i i i n i j mj
i ivir. itaipa may ana iuibh uru
Douglas, both of tbis county.
Dave Stone and Vergil Willaby and
ahh DePeatt have returned from a
sbiog on the Umatilla river.
All hats and millinery goods at Mrs.
-ones' stcre will be reduoed in price
just one half until further notioe.
Eev. T. S. Handsaker, of Walla
Walla, preaohed iu the Christian
church in this city Sunday morning.
Henry Koepke left Wednesday
morning for Portland where he will
look after business matters for a few
The Maroon? play at Weston Sun
day afternoon. This will be the last
game of the sea on between these two
A cluster of Royal Ann cherries
frozen iu a bnge cake of ice will be
displayed at the Bakery tomorrow af
ternoon. iHenry Barrett and County Survey
'or Kimbrell were engaged yesterday
in running lines in the Barrett neigh
borhood on Pine creek.
Monday and Tuesday of tbis week
Were bad days for handling bay. The
wind bijew a gale, makiug it a hard
matter to haul alfalfa from the fields.
There are about 50 applicants to
take the eighth grade examinations in
the second series which is being held
today in the different distriots of the
A Two carloads of prospective settlers
upon toe Umatilla projeot arrived at
Hermiston this week. The people came
M T71 . TT-ll L XT ..lL
iroin jc argo ana v auey vny, 11 urtu
Clarence Goff, of the Palace drug
store, is coin agent in Athena for In
ternational Stock Food and remedies.
Henry Harold left for Portland
Monday morning in response to a mes
sage which notified him that his son
was not expeoted to live.
. Mrs. Burrell, of North Yakima,
mother of Mr. A. S. Burrell, who re
sides on Weston mountain, visited at
the R. E. Stewart home near town
this week.
The subjoct'of the morning sermon
at the Methodist churoh Sunday will
be, "The Children's Day." The theme
of the evening disoourse will be "The
Worldly Mind."
Miss Carrie Sharp, in oompany with
Miss Hutchens, a teacher at Pendle
ton, left Monday for Seattle, where
the two will visit at the home of Miss
Hutchens' relatives.
Maohinery is being overhauled and
put into condition for harvest. Sev
eral new maohines have been pur
chased and will he in the harvest
fields in proper time.
Dr. Newsom has plaoed an 'order for
n uveriand automobile, in is is saia
to be one of the best makes of ma
ohines on the market and is giving
universal satisfaction wherever need.
The Press has inst received news of
the death of Mrs. Davis-Bowling,
whioh occurred in Elgin some time
ago. Mrs. Bowling had many friends
in Athena, whom she gained by her
sterling worth.
Miss Alta Sharp went to Spokane
this week, where she met her sister,
Miss Katherine, who is returning from
Montana. The two young ladies will
visit at the home of their uncle in
Colfax before returning home.
VMr. and Mrs. Robert Walker are
Proving into the cottage of Austin
Fosa on Jefferson street, near Third.
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Riohards will
oooupy the Willaby cottage on East
Jefferson street, vacated by them.
Mrs, N. E. Taggart, of Vale, Mal
heur county, who has been visiting
her son, T. M. Taggart aud wife, left
on Wednesday morning's train for
Portland where she will visit the Rose
show before returning to her home
Y Miss Minnie Naylor is in the oity
and will spend the vacation here
among relatives. Miss Naylor has
been retained in the same sohool in
whioh she taught, near Hermiston the
past year, at a salary of $75 per month.
Miss Ceoile Boyd arrived home
Tuesday evening from the Lewiston
normal, for the summer vaoation.
Sha was accompanied as far as Wes
ton by Miss Gertrude Wheeler, who
is also a student at the Lewiston
Remember the great sale at, the
Athena Department Store. $15,000
(not $150,000, as stated by typograph
ical error in the big ciroulars,) worth
of high grade merchandise is to gi at
from 25 to 50 per cent below the reg
ular prioe. '
VReports brought in by ranchers re
ading northwest of town are to the
effect that "Jim Hill' mustard is rais
ins hob iu many of the fields of the
Helix and Vansvcle seotion. The
weed is a bard one to eradicate for the
reason that its principal growth oomes
after the season for summer fallow
cultivation has passed.
A petition for a reheating in the
Mike Ryan murder case has been filed
with the supreme court and a deoision
is expeoted Tuesday, June 21.' Ryan
is now suffering from a broken collar
bone as the result of being thrown
from a horse. In oase the petition for
a bearing is denied he will be taken
to the penitentiary at Salem.
E. L. Smith was in the oity from
Pendleton Tuesday, making prepara
tions to deliver a Holt combined har
vester to John Martin. George Lieu
alien, Wm. Kilgore and Vic. Harris
are partners in the purohase of a com
bined harvester, purohased from Mr.
Smith, and the delivery of the ma-,
chines is expeoted to take plaoe tbis
With a stock of home furnishings that is larger and more complete
than the combined stook'of any three stores in our line within one hun
dred miles of Walla Walla, we know we can fit out your home with just
the articles that you want, for our stock is so large and varied that we
oan fill your every want and suit your tastes, no matter how simple or
elaborate thev may be.
We want you to eee our stock and get better acquainted whether you
are in need of anytbiug or not. When you are in Walla Walla or Pasco,
we want you to make our store your headquarters for you are always
welcome. Watch for our Summer Goods Catalogue.
A farewell reception " was held by
the ladies of the Methodist church on
Monday evening in honor of Mrs. E.
M. Smith. Mrs. Smith has been an
aotive member of the chnrou during
her residence here, and she will be
greatly missed.
Mrs. Weeks, formerly Miss Lula
Lorenz and correspondent for some
time for the East Oregonian in this
county passed through the oity Tues
day on her way to visit ber parents at
Cove, Union county. Mrs. Weeks is
traveling with her husband, who is a
vaudeville actor. I
The Press neglected mention last
week of the marriage of Joseph Clem
mons and Miss Takla Beokman, both
of tbis oity. The young oouple will
make their home here. A rousing
charivari was tendered them Monday
evening at the Clemmons home on
west Jefferson street.
The tennis oonrt on upper Main
street is well populated with players
during the evening hours, and several
weilders of the raquet aie becoming
proficient in the game. It is under
stood the younger set have a move
ment on foot to seoure permission to
establish a court in the school
btLots of people were at Milton Friday
attending the Farmers' pionic. There
was a horse show held in oonneotion
and J. M. Swaggart's Black Diamond
carried off seoond prize in the saddle
class. This horse is one of the best
in the country and takes prizes where
ever shown, either as a roadster or a
J. F. Brown has sold his Depart'
ment store to Mr. Jesse G. Campbell,
of Spokane. Mr. Campbell is in pos
session of the store and will open bus
iness in Athena with a big "get
acquainted" sale, which 6tarts to
morrow morning at 8:30 and closes on
July 2. Mr. Brown and family will
reside in Spokane.
The Milton strawberry season is
about to close and but few berries will
be on the market until the mountain
crop matures. Many prefer the moun
tain prodoot to the irrigated berries
that come from the Milton ranobes.
The mountain berries are considered
to be superior-Jin flavor and are also in
demand for canning purposes.
Mrs. Jarvis Hard, a former resident
of this city, died in Salem Sunday
morning of tuberoulosis, from whioh
she had (been a long sufferer. She
was aged 54 years at the time of death.
She was the wife of Jarvis Hard, who
at one time was engaged iu the black
smith business in Athena. The re
mains were interred fit Salem last
Monday, the husband and youngest
son being present at the funeral.
hivCards have been reoeived by friends
f in tbis vioinity announcing the mar
riage reoently in Mojave, Calitotnia,
of Miss Ada Ely aud Alfred Castello.
The bride was formerly of tbis city,
but reoentJy has finished a term of
sohool near Le Cross. Wash. The
groom was a student at the Weston
Normal, and has reoently aoquired a
dairy farm in the sunny south, where
the two will make their home.
Tuesday, June 7, was the 18th anni
versary of the auspicious day on
which -Clarence Brotherton was ush
ered into tbis world, and a large
nnmber of his young friends cele
brated the oooasion by tendering to
him a grand surprise. All gathered at
the home of Miss Zolma DePeatt and
proceeded in a body to the Brotherton
borne where a jolly time was bad until
a late hour. Games and refreshments
were the order of the evening.
The official board of the Sunnyside.
oburoh at Portland, ty a vote of U to
have dispensed with the services of
the Rev. Mr. Euster, who went from
the'Pendleton churoh to the metropolis
to serve as pastor. Rev. Euster has
a reputation as being a.cnurch build
er and the trouble wbioh resulted in
the minister's dismissal originated in
the work of building the new Sunny
side oburcb, whioh is to cost $30,000.
The edifice is onlyhalf completed nd
all work has been suspended during
the controversy.
b&The family of E. M. Smith left
I ' . , . . -t : m - J
.amena 'xuesaay morning lor iuuurun,
Crook county. Athena people wish
Mr. and Mrs. Smith prosperity in
their new home. Mr. Smith is suc
ceeded as agent for the O. R. & N. in
this city by W. C. Dunning of Spo
kane, who was transferred to Athena
from Endeoott. Wash. where he
served the O. R. & N. as agent. He
is assisted by F. C. Alexander, tele
graph operator, who came here irom
the Oregon Short Line. Mr. tan
nine 's family will 'arrive in Athena
shortly from Spokane.
1rNine oarloads of horse and cattle
were loaded at the O. R. & N. yards
in this oity Friday afternoon and
shipped to Miles City. Montana, by
Fay LeGrow. The shipment was ao
oompanied by Mr. LeGrow, W. R
Taylor. Green Esles and Al Sigman.
Good Pasture.
If you want good pasture for your
stook. where there is plenty of grass
and good water, at $1.25 per month,
write G. W. Johnson. Weston. R. F.
D. No. 2. -
The Belgian stallion, Commisaaire,
SXO. Will MO iU mucuu
Wrieht'sfeed stable for the season.
Terms, $10, $15 and $20.
K, E. Stewait.
The Davis-Kaser Company
Walla, Walla Wash TJie home cf Greater Vlif-vn)
Branch Store at Pasco. Wasb-
Took All His Monev.
Often all a man earns goes to doc
tors or lor medicine, . to cure a stom
ach. liver or kidney trouole that Dr.
King's New Life Pills would quietly
cure at sliubt cost Best for dyspepsia,
indigestion, billiousness. constipation,
jaundice malaria and detility. 250
atfall druggists.
ie MSiem
Post Building, Main Street, Athena, Oreg.
Farm Lands and City Property
Listed for Sale at Right Prices
Should you wai.t choice city
property, see us. We have it.
Property bought, sold and ex
changed in all parts of Oregon
and Washington. Box 274,
'Phone, 355.
We have a first-class Sta
tionery Steam Threshing out
fit for sale cheap. Full equip
ment and ready for the field.
Four sections of wheat land
in Township One, Morrow
county, can be had for $25
per acre. Well watered and
all fenced 2003 acres tillable
and level enough for a com
bine. Owner will either sell
or exchange for Portland
suburban property.
Art Squares
and Rugs'
right, Goods right, and you can't beat
'em at Walla Walla or Pendleton, either
. , 1I. ylB
MILLER THE RUSTLER, Main Street, Athena.
South Side
Main Street
Great Clearance Sale of Ladies' Mull and Lawn Shirt
Waists and summer Suits, now when you need them.
The hot weather is yet to come. No reserve. Take
your choice. They come to you at actual cost, & &
This Season's Seasonable Goods
$6.50 Ladies' white Duck Suits, $4.75 $1.00 Ladies' white Lawn Waists, 69c
$10.50 Poplin Suits, now .. 6.95 $1.25 Ladies' white Lawn Waists, 89c
$3.75 fancy silk Pongee Waists. 2.85 $1.50 Ladies' white Lawn Waists, 98c
$4.50 fancy silk Pongee Waists, 3.25 $1.75 Ladies' white Lawn Waists, $1.18
$5.50 black Peau de Soie Waists,, 4.25 $2.50 Ladies' white Lawn Waists, 1.68
Sale Begins Saturday
June 11th, 1910