The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 13, 1910, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
W. W. Harrah of Pendleton, was
in tbe oity Satarday.
Ed. Kidder was up from bis ranch
at Cayuse Saturday.
Barry Engler was in tbe oity Tues
day from Pilot Rook.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark, of Pendletpn,
spent Sunday in tbe oity.
X Henry Stamper was in the oity
from Weston Wednesday.
Mrs. F. S. Le Grow returned Tues
day from a visit to Walla Walla.
Mrs. Byron N. Hawks spent Wed
nesday with friends in Pendleton.
J. E. Froome returned Tuesday eve
ning from a business visit to Spokane.
X Billy Chamberlain was up from
Pendleton a oouple of days this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swaggart have
been at tbe A. L. Swaggart home this
week. . '.
Athena boys are finding employ
ment in tbe strawberry fields at Free
water. ' ; ' . ,
V Charley Brotberton last week made
4l trip to bis Franklin oounty land
X The estate of the late William Wil
laby, Sr., has been appraised at
i A new well is being exoavated neat
Abe lumber yard, to supply tbe street
The Junior League will meet on Fri
day afternoon at 4 o'olock, daring tbe
.summer months.
Mrs. Crockett, of Pendleton; was a
guest of her daughter, , Mrs. A. M.
Meldruni Sunday.
Dr. Hoisiogton, of Pendleton, was
in the vioinity on professional bus
iness the first of tbe week.
been visit-
to ber
home in Pendleton Satarday.
A marriage lioense was issued to Dr.
Bay Farusworth of Spokane, and Miss
Laura Wyiiok, of Pendleton.
Mis. W.C. Dibble of San Franoisoo,
is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs
J. 0. Walter, West of the oity.
ji Unole Tom Watts returned Satur
day from an extended visit among
lelatives in tbe Willamette valley.
X Mrs. L. Dell, who has EhOde Island
'Bed obiokens, reoently reoeived seven
fine birds from a fancier at Irrigoo.
Mrs. Ed. Sommerville and daughter
of Pendleton, were guests Monday eve
ning at tbe Forrest home in this oity.
f Fay LeGiow, Jinks Taylor and Will
Dobson have returned from a short
trin to tbe stock ranoh on the John
Day. ,
Mrs. Henry Wood has been brought
to tbe borne of her daughter Mrs. John
Stanton, and is under tbe care of Dr.
V .T S NTm-onll V. .T Snnndprs A. H.
f v "- - 1
Doering, Thos. Robertson, W. H. Mor
rison and G. W. Piper drove over from
Helix, Saturday evening, to attend
Masonio lodge.
Mrs. Etta Wheeler, of Pendleton,
has spent the week at tbe homes of
her brothers, A. L. and Milt. Swag
gart, north of town. .
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Akers were up
from tbeir farm on MoKay creek this
week, oalled by the fatal illness of
Miss Ettabelle Swaggart.
Leader. : Weston is soon to have a
cafe, a building on Water street south
of Main having been leased by an
Athena caterer for that purpose. .
vfMis. Amy Lee, who has
log Athena friends, returned
JA number of his former Pendleton
parishioners came up from that oity
Sunday to hear A. MaoKenzie Mel
dram preaoh at the Christian ohurob.
Mrs. Foster, of Prineville, and Mrs.
W. B. Soott, of Seattle, are guests
this week at the borne of their grand
parents Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Kelson.
Next Sunday evening the Epwortb
League will use the time of the usual
preaobing service for the League anni
versary program. There will be good
rousio and all are cordially invited.
Xgov Shattner, Ed. White and Harry
fHaseur, Lewiston high sohool boys,
were guests of Mauroie Hill Saturday
night. The boys bad been at Walla
Walla, attending tbe inter-state traok
meet. ' ;
Marriage lioenses were issued this
week at Pendleton to Frank Clemmons
and Louise Byrd, both of this county,
and to Biobard Morrison of Des
j Moines, Iowa and Myrtle ' Stevens of
this county.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MoArtbur ar
rived in the oity from Portland Thurs
day, and will visit here for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. MoArtbur have reoently
returned from California, where ' tbey
spent the winter.
Mrs. L. T. MoBride, mother of
Harry MoBride of this " oity," has re
turned to her: home in Weston after
two weeks treatment in a Walla Walla
hospital. ' The lady is reported ruuoh
improved in health. ' .
)f Mrs. Minnie Baker came up from
Weiser, Idaho, this week for the par
pose of disposing of her household
goods.' Mrs. Baker ia doing well at
hair dressing and- maniouring in the
Southern Idaho oity.
The pupils of the eighth grade gave
tbeir teaober, Mrs. - Etbei Mnlkey, a
pleasant surprise Friday evening, at
her residence on High street. Games
were played until a late hour, and re
freshments were served.
YEd. Eoontz and Byron Hawks re
turned Saturday from Meaobam creek
where they had been trout fishing.
They had fair luok, and displayed a
number of speckled beauties in the
showwindow at the Pioneer drug
; Mrs. Nelson A. Miller, who was
threatened tbe first of the week with
an attack of pneumonia, was taken
Tuesday to Pendleton, where she was
plaoed under the care of her pbysioian.
At last reports it was hoped the attack
might be happily averted.
V Have you seen the comet? If you
1 i
morning at 2:30 and take a squint at
Mr. Hall'y's splendiferous heavenly
visitor. Many Athena people have
viewed the comet this week in the
wee sma' hours and the sight is well
worth tbe oandle of early morning
Hermiston gave a strawberry fes
tival Tuesday to a large number of
invited guest from surrounding towns.
Milton has annonnoed her "Straw
berry day" for June 8. To make the
event still greater, tbe oounty organ
ization of the farmers' union will hold
tbeir annual pionio and reunion and
a big horse show will be held in Mil
ton tbe same day. ,
W. P. Wallan, the well known
Adams farmer;' died Sunday evening
of oomplioations inoident to old age.
He oame to Oregon in an early day
from Missouri. He leaves a wife and
seven obildren, all grown. At his
death he was aged 73 years.- The
funeral was held at the residenoe
Wednesday afternoon, interment be
ing in tbe Athena cemetery.
jAthena young people have organized
Biennis club and have begun outdoor
recreation. Officers reoently eleoted
are Ed. Eoontz, pres., Byron Hawks,
seoretary - treasurer and Dr. Bilyeu,
manager. Other members of tbe club
are Dr. Newsom, Maurice Hill, A. O.
Hammond and Novie Desper. At pres
ent tbe sohool house grounds are be
ing used for tbe oourt.
Weston Leader: The report comes
from Nanton, N. W. T., that W. H.
Fletoher has suffered a stroke of par
alysis, rendering useless half of bis
body. Mr. Fletober is a well known
Umatilla county pioneer, who for
many years oonduoted a sawmill in
tbe Blue mountains 12 miles east of
Weston. Sinoe going to Alberta a
few years ago be baa been farming on
a large' soale, using a traotion engine
to draw his plows. Friends are very
sorry indeed of his misfortune.
School Notes
Now for Spring
For month hs we bave been planning tbe coming spring campaign.
New goods are already arriving at frequent intervals while many more
are on the way. . "
In order that no new or otherwise desirable items might be over
looked, oar buyers are now scouring tbe eeastern markets, and seeing to it
that we own our merchandise at tbe lowest possible landed costs. In spite
of advancing markets we will be able to offer our customers most items'
for as little and in some oases less than heretofore.
More stress than ever before will be laid on quality, ever keeping in
mind tbe faot that "Tbe sweetness of low prices never equals the bitter
ness of poor quality." The best is being culled from all lines for all
tastes and all purses.
All over this great store, even in our exchange department on tbe third
floor, our customers are proteoted against possible costly errors by our
"Satisfaction or your money back" guarantee. With us this means re
fund promptly and cheerfully without quibbling or protest. Unless our
friends are pleased we are not.
Wherever possible our servioe is to be improved to the end that we may
merit in still greater volume tbe favors of our old friends and secure the
confidence and ptaronagejof the ever increasing number of new citizens
in our midst.
No effort ia to be spared to make shopping bere convenient, pleasan
and profitable whether in person, by proxy or by mail.
The Davis-Kaser Company,
Walla, Walla Wash The home cf Greater V ri'wn)
Branch Store at Pasco. Weh;
The Eighth Grade state examina
tion is being held this week. There
are some 12 taking the examination in
the Athena school. B. B. Riobards
was appointed by Chairman Barrett
of the sohool board, to oonduot tbe ex
amination. In the contest among the rooms for
the beat attendance, Mrs. Watts' room
so far is ahead, having made an av
erage for the eight months of 96.22 per
cent. The oontest has been close and
will end Friday of this week, so as to
give the winning room an outing next
week. ,
Sohool will close May 20. The last
week will be devoted to reviews and
final examinations. On aooount of
the Caledonian pionio, wbiob begins
Friday, the last day of sohool, it will
be neoessary to have tbe olosing exer
cises Thursday at the sohool, unless
otherwise announoed, In the evening,
Judge Lowell of Pendleton, by invita
tion of the school board, will deliver
an eduoational address, whioh will be
free to all.
' All library books belonging to the
Athena Sohool Library should be re
turned befoia May 20. There are a
number ol books out, whioh have not
been returned by students who are not
in sohool.
)C The seoretary and manager of tbe
County Traok Meet naa been busy
this week completing arrangements
for the meet Saturday, May 14. Over
300 letters have been written. Walla
Walla officials have been ohoeen to
ofHoiateVtln aooount of the length
of the Athletid program, some events
may bave to take plaoe in the fore
noon in addition to tne baseball
A Birthday Party.
Mrs. John Stanton and Mrs. Ohas.
MoFarland entertained a number of
little folks Saturday afternoon'in hon
or of the 6th and 10th birthdays of
Mildred Stanton and Hazel MoFar
land, respectively. Ioe oream . was
served and the little ones found great
enjoyment hunting for oranges and
nuts in the grass. Those present were :
Hazel Sanders, Lucille Taylor, Mae
Forrest, Esma Kidder, Ida Crabill,
Thelma Crabill, Edna Shubert, Stella
Wilson, Marjorie Rugbi Zola Keeu,
Velton Reed, Wilbur Harden, Donald
Johnson, Frank and Vernon Miller.
Pccc- is' Experience of a Turkish Lit
erary Man.
Oii'f M'.miu u time a t'crwiln Turkish
IIi.tiii-v man -'living in 0irsi:iiiliiinile
ai r.iir.'i-d id tviiHMiitf for it daily news
paper n novel I lien popdlnr In Eng
land Unrh day lie rendered n suffi
cient part of It -Into I lie Turkish Inn
Rune to lill the spare reserved for It.
One day his peaceful Ixmie' was en
tered hy the police,: who peremptorily
n r rested the nun) of letters and drag
ged lilni off to prison. No explanation
was ;lven for Ills arrest. The novel re
flected in tin way against the politics
nt i lie state, aud he had broken no
law. He was not even given time to
bid farewell to his family, but he was
commanded to bring tbe work under
translation with him. Arrived at the
prison, he was given pleasant quar
ters, good food arid drink and sternly
commanded to complete bis task. So
for several days tbe frightened trans
lator worked arduously.
When the work was done be was, to
his astonishment. Instantly liberated
and presented with a large sum of
money. Upon further inquiry as to his
treatment it Was explained that tbe
sultan had become Interested in tbe
story as it appeared from day to day
and was too Impatient to wait for tbe
end. He wanted to read all the rest of
It at once Truly, there are certain ad
vantages in being a sultan.
Their Comings and Goings Always
Known to the Police.
"I hnd no Idea that they kept such
an espionage over strangers in Berlin
until a friend of mine had occasion to
look up some one there," said a trav
eler. "We had come up from Vienna,
and as my friend was in the diplo
matic service we called at the em
bassy. "While there he happened to think
of another friend, an American, who
had gone to Berlin about three years
before to represent an American con
cern and wondered how be could get
a trace of him.
"Nothing is easier said the em
bassy secretary. 'Just wait a moment'
"He wrote a note and handed it to ft
" 'We shall know all about your
friend within fifteen minutes,' he said
to us.
"Sure enough,5 within that time the
messenger reappeared with an answer.
From it tbe secretary read that So-and-so
bad arrived in Berlin on such a
date three years previous, that be
lived at a certain address, that be bad
gone tbe week before to a little town
in the Interior, but that he was ex
pected back within three days.
"Well, be turned lip on the day.tbe
police said be would be back, and we
had dinner with him." Detroit Free
An Old Family.
' Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, talking
to a friend about the antiquity of his
family, was told roughly that he was
"a mere mushroom."
"How is that?" be asked indignant-
"Why," said the other, "when I wns
in Wales a pedigree of a particular
family was shown to me which filled
more than five large parchment skins,
and near the middle of it was a note
in the margin, 'About this time the
world was created.'."
New Goods Just in. sSsySSZ
tion. No holdovers, but on-the-level, clean merchandise.
If Yw
Clean, uptodate Merchandise at prices that don't
sacrifice quality; to save the difference between a
cash system and a 12 months time system, and if
you don't want to help pay the loss of the credit
system, buy" your goods at Athena's Dep'i Store
Sole agents for Red Gross Shoes, David Adler C& Sons
Clothiiig, Captain Kidds suits for children, Curlee $2.50
and $5.00 warranted pants. On any of these we will
save you 25 to 35 per cent. Latest and1 best novelties.
Athena Department
Art Squares
and Rugs
right, Goods right, and you can't beat
'em at Walla Walla or Pendleton, either
MILLER THE RUSTLER, Main Street, Athena.
j iosgrove lercantile Co I
Spring days bring the necessity for many changes in
wearing apparel So with the most attractive and
extensive stock we have ever carried, we are ready
for your critical examination. We commend the new
styles in Suits, Hats and Furnishings to your consider
ation. No store can undersell us on equal quality and
none offer the premier lines we submit to your approval
We are now carry
ing the largest line
of hand-tailored and
high grade Mens
and Boys
ever seen
in this section. The
best Styles, the best
workmanship, the
best linings that can
be put in first-class
W ' 1 ill
JO. 3
We are sole agents
for the Celebrated
Gordon Hats, and
we are now show
ing the latest
and colorings
of the season, e
Gordon Hat always
gives satisfaction; it
is known at home
and abroad as the
best $3 hat on earth
We had an extra shipment of tan and cream Shirts sent to us by mistake, consis-
1 ting of $1 and $1.25 Shirts. While they last we shall sell them at 60c and 98c.