The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 29, 1910, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
Dan Jarman was in
Beaton Saturday.
the city from
daughter, went
this morning's
. raisa raary iiatirasone went over i
A. Walla Walla Tuesday. .
W. P. Leach was in town from
Walla Walla Monday.
Attorney Will M. Peterson was up
fiom Pendleton yesterday.
r. Lowell Rogers was in town Satur
day from his Adams ranob. ; f
T. M. laggart has been in Spokane
this week on a business trip.
Editor Aldrioh, of the East Oregon
. ian, was'in the city yesterday.
t ; Charles Olson, the miller, is speud
v ing the week in Walla Walla. ?
Attorney Wilson transacted business
t'ii'ia Pendleton Monday evening.: ' '
X Warren Raymond oame over from
Walla Walla Wednesday evening.
v,v M. E. Smith, 0. R. & N. agent.
Aa been on the siok list' this week."
.' B. F. Swaggait, of Lexington, Mor
row county, was in the city yesterday.
y George Gross attended the Odd Fell-
owe' celebration at Walla Walla Tues
day. . " .:'
MiBses Blanche Orswell and Velma
-' Wilkinson visited in Pendleton Satur
day. . ' . -j :
Deputy Sheriff Joseph Blakley was
in the city Tuesday on offioial busi
i :f Miss Pearl Edwards teaoher , in the
Weston schools, was in the city Tuesday.
, E. J. Zerta and
down to Pendleton on
v train.
' f .Before buying your machine oil, go
; to the Palaoe Drug Store. Special
' prices. -
V L.' 1. - MoBride, the well known
; Weston citizen, was in the city Wed
nesday.:, :
; Miss Delia Danner came over from
Milton and spent Sunday with Athena
friends. .
W, R. 'Taylor and Will Dobson left
for the Taylor ranoh on the John Day
Attorney Watts went to Walla
Walla Tuesday evening on profession
al business.
Douglas Ball, representing Blake
MoFall printing supplies, was in the
city yesterday. '
Mrs D. B. Jar in an and obildren
spent the past week at tbe Winship
home iu this city.
A. J. Parker aooompanied James
Bryan to Wulla Walla Tuesday, even
ing for an auto ride.
Charles .Wilkes is this week direct
ing road improvement near the Taylor
place north of town. ' V
Mrs. B.' B. Riohards will viist her
sister, Mrs. Otis Whitemnn, at La
Cross. Wash., next week.
' Frank Martin was in town from his
reservation ranch yesterday and re
ports a flue prop prospeot. -
f Mr. and Mrs. Charles Betts enter-
tained tbe families of Henry and Em
1 est Koepke at dinner Sunday.
Mrs. Richard Thompson recently
pnrubased a handsome Sobumau piano
of the filers' Piano bouse in Walla
, Walla. .
Mrs. W. E. Dobson will visit rela
tives in Portland for the nest three
weeks, going down on Monday's
tiain. '
Mrs. Lillie Miller will reoeive an
i other line of new style hats, wbioh
will be on display the first of next
week. ' '!' ."
Fred R. Jewel of Yakima and Miss
Pearl Crookston, of this oounty, were
. united n marriage at Pendleton Wed
s nesdaY.y,",T . . . : ,
Emery Staggs, a popular Weston
young man. was in tbe oity Sunday
with bis Maxwell automobile.
- Mr. and Mr 3. E. E. Koontzand Mr.
and Mrs. Harry MoBride were in
Walla Walla Monday evening.
Dr. and Mrs. Newsom have moved
the cottage reoently vaoated by
Mr. and Mrs. Weir, opposite the M.
E. cburob. -
Athena gardens are doing well this
'year, and many tables are now being
supplied with fresh lettuoe, radishes
and onions.
game on the new baseball
Sunday afternoon, at 1:30
Pendleton. Admi
sharp, Athena vs.
sion 25 oents. , : ; - , - - .
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Preston drove
over from Walla Walla Saturday in
their auto, and visited for a few hours
with friends here.
, Attorney Wilson left this evening'
for Portland, and will also go to Spo
kane before returning home the mid
dle of next week.
Robert Walker, local agent for tbe
Northern .Paoiflo, recently reoeived
the sad news of the death of his mo
ther, in New Jersey.
YfJoy Burke has ' aooepted ' a position
at tbe Pioneer drug store. William
Weir has gone to Milton to work in
Putnam'sPbarmaoy. ;
John P. Viebrook, a well known
Umatilla oounty rancher, and Mrs.
Mary Schmidt were united in marriage
at Pendleton Wednesday.
LV'The street spriukler was pressed
into service a couple of days this week.
The big sprinkler will be on regular
duty beginning next week.
V Postmaster Githens, who has been
'seriously ill tbe past week, is improv
ing. His plaoe at tbe postomoe bas
been filledpby his son, Harold.
Lee Hiteman and wife left this
morning for their home in San Fran-
oisoo. They were aooompanied as far
as Pendleton by Mrs. Henry Dell.
Miss Eltabelle Swaggart, who has
been under a doctor's care at Pendle
ton, was brought home Wednesday
afternoon somewhat improved iu
Y Burke & Son, who will deal in fuel
and who are also oondnnting a trans
fer business, hava opened an office on
Main street, next door to the Kidder
paint store. i
A. J. Miller, father of Henry Miller
of this oity, died at his borne near
Eugene, Wednesday evening, aged 70
years. . Henry left for Eugene on yes
terday morning's train.
Ben Hill, secretary of the Pendleton
Commercial Association, was in the
oity yesterday, arranging for the
meeting of the Association with
Athena business men next Wednesday.
J M, Swaggart attended the Odd
Fellows celebration at Walla Walla
Tuesday, and reports that the 8-linkers
had a splendid time. Floyd Corpora n,
his fore "an. aooompanied him as far
as Milton.
j Charles Dunn has been in tbe oity
this week from Tekoa, Wash. Chas.
is employed ty the O. R. & con
ductor on tbe Wallaoe branob. He
tells some hiyu fishing stories of tbe
Coeur d'Alenes.
Mrs. J. L. Smith who resides
south of town on tbe reservation,
will be taken to Pendleton for treat
ment for lung trouble. Dr. Cole of
Pendleton was called yesterday in con
sultation with Dr. Sharp in tbe case.
Weston carpenters are this week
commencing a four months contract
in building on the farm of Alex Jodu-
son north or town. A commodious
farm house, barn and outbuildings
will be constructed tbe work to con
sume tbe greater part of tbe summer.
The Sunday sohool class of Mr; ,
Arthur Stone, naxed "The Altruists,"
of the Christian churoh, was enter
tained Friday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brother ton.
About 30 were present and enjoyed a
pleasant evening, with games and refreshments.
B. E. Ryder and family took their
departure the first of the week for
Centralia, Wash., where Mr. Ryder
will be pastor of the Christian ohurob.
Mr. Ryder preached twioe in the
Christian ohurob here Sunday, s to
large and appreciative congregations.
It is hoped by their friends here that
they will prosper in the now location.
Two families leave Athena this week
for Enterprise, Wallowa county., Bern
Bannister and Charles Baddeiey mov
ed their stock and household goods
and will engage in farming in the
former hunting grounds of Chief Jos
eph. Mr. Bannister acquired land
holdings of his brother. Sam, and Mr.
Baddeiey purohased laud in Wallowa
several weeks ago.
V While harnessing a mule on 1 hi
ranch near Adams Monday, Lawrenoe
Lieuallen was , badly injured. The
mule kicked ., him on the head and
made an ugly gash from tbe forehead
down the nose to the nostril. The
tip of the nose was broken. Dr. Mo
Kinley of Adams attended the patient
and in dressing the injnry took seven
ititobes to close tbe wound. . .
Saylor Parris' haok team took a
f runaway spin down Main street and
out of town Saturday afternoon. Mr.
Meldrum mad a strong bid in his
effort to stop the team and would
have succeeded bad he not slipped
and fallen in tbe street. An auto
driven ty Mr, Withee, of Pendleton,
started in pursuit and overtook tbe
runaways west of town. No damage.
School Notes.
XAt a
reoent meeting of Hose oom-
No. 1, tbe following offloers were
eleoted: James Henderson, president;
T. M. Taggart, vioe president; W. P.
Littlejohn, seoretary ; G. B. Kidder,
treasurer and Sam Hawortb, foreman.
A woman known as Mrs. James
Hazleton, aged' 28 years, committed
suicide in a Pendleton lodging honse
Sunday night, by drinking laudanum.
Hazleton will be remembered in Ath
ena as a brioklayer employed by Dan
May. The mother of the snioide re
sides at Nampa, Idaho.
Now for Spring
For monthbs we have been planning tbe coming spring oampaign.
New goods are already arriving at frequent intervals while many more
are on the way. " . .
In order that no new or otherwise desirable items might be over
looked, our buyers are now scouring tbe eeastern markets, and seeing tu it
that we own our merchandise at tbe lowest possible landed costs. In spite
of advancing markets we will be able to oiler our customers most items
for as iittle and in some cases less than heretofore. ,
'' More stress than ever before will be laid on quality, ever Keeping in
mind tbe faot that "The sweetness of low prices never equals the bitter
ness of poor quality." The best is being culled from all lines for all
tastes and all purses.
All over this great store, even in our exchange department on tbe third
floor, our customers are proteoted against possible costly errors by our
"Satisfaction or your money back" guarantee. With us this means re'
fund promptly and cheerfully without quibbling or protest. UnleEs our
friends are pleased we are not.
Wherever possible our service is to be improved to tbe end tbat we may
merit in still greater. volume tbe favors of our old friends and secure the
confidence and ptaronage'of the ever increasing number of new citizens
in our midst. , ' , .
. No effort is to be spared to make shopping here convenient, pleasan
and profitable whether in person, by proxy or by mail.
The Davis-Kaser Company
Walla, Walla Wash (The home cf Greater V rH
Branch Store at Pasco- v6h-
Following is tbe report of Athena
schools for tbe month ending April 22 ,
Total'number of days attendance,
2978.'. ' P"'-
Whole number of days absence, 239,
Number of pupils neither absent nor
late, 45.
Average daily attendance, 148. ; i
Per cent attendance, 91.76. y
Number visits by parents, 4. - -
Number visits by members of school
board, 1.
Present enrollment ty rooms: Pri
maw. 32. Third grade and B fourth
crade. 37. A fourth and fifth grades,
28. Sixth and 7tb grades, 31. Eighth
grade, 12. High sohool, 20. Total, 160.
The last month of sohool is one of
the most important of tbe term, for it
means a review of essentials and tbe
oomnletion of the work of tbe term.
A dett of gratitude is due-fhose-in
tfilliofint and consistent patrons who
realize the vast difference between
spasmodic and transitory, enthusiasm
and consistent cooperation that lasts
bine months at least of tbe year.
Pupils neither absent nor tardy in
Rooin No. 2, Mips Wilkinson teaoher :
Lawrenoe Baker, Charles Brotherton,
Sylvester Crabill, George Lieuallen,'
Ray Jones, Glenn McAlexaQder. Har
ry Taitincer, Martha Hutt, Hazel Mo-
Farlaffd, Helen Russell, Hazel Sanders
Vernita Watts, Mamie Weaver, Mae
Forest, Claude Coomans. Verne Dud
ley, Henry Koepke, Lucille Taylor,
Donald Weaver, Stella Wilson. ;
Pupils in the 6th and 7th grades
neither tardy nor absent: Wesley
Tompkins, Edna Harden, Lester
Vaughn, Edna MoAlexander, Hazel
Parker, Gladys Smith, Lillian Tomp
kins, Jeannetto Jaok.
In the Eighth grade, neither absent
nor tardy, Nina Jaok. Number excus
ed from room, 14. ,
' Primary department, neither absent
nor tardy: Morris Bannister, Henry
Knight, Frank Miller, Bill Parker,
Pearl Ramsey, Viotor Weaver, Harold
Case, Ida Crabill, Edna Pinkerton,
Belle Pambruu, Everett Knight,' Are
ta Littlejohn.
Took All His Money.
Often all a man earns goes to doc
tors or for medicine, to cnre a stom:
aoh. liver or kidney trouole tbat Dr.
King's New Life Pills would quicBly
cure at slight cost. Best for dyspepsia,
indigestion, billiousness, constipation,
janndioe malaria and debility. 25o
at all druggists. ' .
Good Pasture. ;
If you want gotfi pasture for your
stook, where there is plenty of grass
I and good water, at $1.25 per month,
wme u. w. jonnson, wesion, js.
D. No. 2. ... . :
The Belgian stallion, Commissaire,
No. 32870, will be iu Athena' :at
Wright's feed statle for the season.
Terms, $ 10, $15 and $20. . . '
R. E. Stewart.
5 Anj
May 6 and 7, at Athena's Department Store. A treat
for all lovers of the Beautiful and Useful.
Hanger & Thompson
f Walla Walla, will display and offer for sale their
handsome line of spring wearing apparel. Ladies' and
Misses Dresses and exquisite Tailored Suits, Wraps, etc.
Those Celebrated Parisiana Corsets
have arrived, and our new arrivals of Red Cross Shoes
are beauties. Drop in and see them. They'll please you
Athena . Department Store
Art Squares
and Rugs
right, Goods right, and you can't beat
'em at Walla Walla or Pendleton, either
MILLER THE RUSTLER, Main Street, Athena.
Strayed or Stolen,
' A two-year-old brown Percheion
gelding, brand lazy J on left hip. , A
reward of $10 for information leading
to recovery of animal. Inquire at
this offioe. '
Improved Wheat Lands
We can supply you with improved
wheat land, good soil, on easy ter ms,
at $25 to $35 per acre. These la nds
are improving every year and are now
is good as your lands were a few years
ago which are now selling at $60 to
$100 per acre. These lands will soon
be selling at $50 to $60 per tore. Buy
now and don't regret having waited
If you bad bought land in your violn
ity several years ago, you would now
be ricb. For further particulars, ad
drets Jay-Hayden Realty company
Lind, Wash.
losgiwe Mercantile Co
Spring days bring the necessity for many changes in (
wearing apparei. oo wnn ine most attractive anu
extensive stock we have ever carried, we are ready"
for your critical examination. We commend the new
styles. in Suits, Hats and Furnishings to your consider
ation. No store can undersell us on equal quality and
none offer the premier lines we submit to your approval
We are now carry
ing the largest line '
of hand-tailored and
high grade Mens
and Boys
ever seen
in this section. The
best Styles, the best
workmanship, the
best linings that can ( J
be put in first-class
We had an extra shi
ting of $1 and $1.25 Shir