The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 29, 1910, Image 1

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    This Edition con
tains Six Pages
Athena Merchants
Carry Big Stocks
Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer
. ... . Every
'Be sure you are right" is another way of SteUon
raying "Be sure you Have a . Jj
,'. and tKen go aLeacL'
We Lave tte Stetson Soft and Derby Hata
. in all the latest styles.
You get 4 per cent Discount for Cash. Return
in cash register checks and get $1 cash or trade free.
General Merchandise Athena, Oregon
Cash Grocery
Don't Monkey with Inferior Goods
Hill Bros. v
Blue Label Can, 35c
Red Label Can, 45c
Ask vour neighbor if he has ever tried
that Hieh Grade Steel Cut Coffee, which
Worthington carries, and it he has not,
'PHONE 113
Men's Working Clothes and Shoes,
No Shelf-worn Goods.
Quick sales and small profits is the motto
of the Old Reliable
Lumber, Mill Work and all Kinds of
Posts and Blacksmith coal
A. M. Johnson, Manager
Athena, Oregon
Convention of Walla Walla District
Ministerial Association Begins Sun
Day Evening Ends Thursday.
. Next week will be Methodist week
in Athena. Beginning Sunday even
ing with a sermon by Rev. Roberts,
the convention of the Walla Walla
District Ministerial Association will
oonvene. The convention will close
Thursday evening with a sermon by
Rev. Nathan Evans of Pendleton
' The convention comes to Atbena
this year through the solicitation of
the Athena Commercial Association,
and the visiting ministers will be ten
dered a banquet by the members of the
organization on next Tuesday evening.
The delegates to the convention will
he entertained in the homes of the
city dnring their stay here. The ses
sions will be held in the big auditor
ium of the Methodist Episcopal
ohurcb. The evening servioes will
Minnie Johnson, Zola Key.Vergie Key
Carl Johnson, Floyd Corporan and
Elmer Corporan have neither been
absent or tardy dming.the entire seven
months and are therefore on the grand
roll of honor. Visitors are: Mrs.
Joe Key, Mrs. Jas. Barnes, Mr. A. L.
Swaggart, Miss Shirley Barnes, Miss
Helen Johnson, and Master Grant
Lillian Downs Dobson, teaoher.
' Taxicab Service.
James. Bryan says he is meeting
with success in his taxicab business.
His big Franklin oar is in demand and
he has made several trips to Walla
Walla and Pendleton. He is becom
ing proficient in his capaoity as obaf
feur and takes delight in "hitting the
high plaoes."
Sale Netted $24.50,
The pastry sale which was conduct
ed by the ladies of the Baptist church
in this citv Saturday, netted them the
tidy sum of $24.50 More sales could
have been made bad the cakes been on
hand for disposal. The sale was held
in the Barrett building on Main Btreet.
m w srs si
1 i ?3 ft 1
7'V '
Methodist Episcopal Church, Athena, Where Convention Will Be Held.
prove to be of especial interest to the
general public and all are cordially
invited to attend them. Speoial musio
will be provided and some of the best
speakers in the Walla Walla distriot
are on the program to deliver sermons.
The features of the program inolnde
preaohing Sunday evening, by Rev.
Monday evening, preaching by Rev,
Payne, of Weston.
Tuesday afternoon, third quarterly
oonterenoe of Atbena charge.
Tuesday evening, banquet and re
oeption given by the Athena Commer
cial Association.
Wednesday fiom 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.,
Bible conference.
Wednesday evening sermon by Rev.
Marvin of Walla Walla.
Thursday from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m
Bible conference.
Thursday 2 p. m., meeting for
women, at wbioh Miss Barge, of Del
eware, Ohio, will speak. :
Thursday evening, sermon by1 Rev.
Nathan Evans, of Pendleton. , ;
School Report'
Mrs. Dobson closed a very suooessf nl
term of school last week in LaMar
Distriot., No. SO, and submits the fol
lowing report for the final month of
fcobool: For month beginning Marob
28 and ending April 22. Number of
days taught, 14; number of pupils en
rolled, 15. Those pupils who have
been neither absent nor tardy and are
on the roll of honor for the month
are as follows: Carl Johnson, Floyd
Corporan, Elmer Corporan, Mamie,
Sbeard, Lulu Barnes, Velma Schubert,
The Freshest and most Choice the Market affords in
Best that Money can Buy Always Found Here
M DELL BROTHERS, IN Athena; Oregon f
Circulate Petitions Asking Abolition of
Traffic at Toppenfsh,
Indians of the Yakima reservation,
headed by the chiefs and councillors
have started a orusada against the
saloons in Toppenisb and Wapato and
are circulating and signing peti tions
asking for the revocation of lioenses
forever and the wiping out of the bus
iness whiob tbey say bas been foroed
upon them.
William Charley, one of the leading
Indians of the Yakima tribe, says that
every Indian on the reservation will
sign the petition whether he drinks or
is "dry." He deolares they realize
that liquor is ruining the raoe.
, The petitions being circulated carry
exactly the same wording to the two
councils as follows: "We, the under
signed chiefs, oounoilmen and laymen
of the Yakima Indian reservation, be
coming alarmed at the increasing
deatb'rate among onr people, beseech
the municipal councils of Toppenisb
and Wapato to revoke all licenses now
granted for the ; sale of spirituous
liquor within the corporate limits of
said towns forever. W '
- "We not only ask, but we expect
those of our white friends who have
the welfare of onr tribe at heart to
help eliminate this blighting evil
wbioh bas been foroed upon us."
The petition" is headed by Charles
Wesley. Head Chief George Waters
has said he will sign when the paper
is presented to him and among other
signatures are those of William Char
ley and Lancaster Spenoer. .,, ;
' The Sunshine Club Elects. r
's Tbe last meeting of the Sunshine
club was held at tbe borne of Mrs.
William Piper, April 21. New officers
elected for tbe term of three months
wore: Mrs. William Piper, president;
Mrs. Ueo. Hansell. 'vice presidont;
Mrs. W. H. Kissler, secretary. The
clob bas three new members, Mrs.
Charles (Jerking, Miss Lula Lienallen
and Miss Maxine Elliott. Visitors
were Mrs., Clark Walter Walla Walla;
Mrs. Bane and Mrs. Starr, Helix; Mrs.
A. O. Hammond and Miss Norma
Smith, ; Atbena. The Sunshine club
is growing, and every meeting is en
joyed by all who attend. Dainty re
freshments were served ty tbe hostess
and her daughter, Miss Ella.
Juvenile Ball Game.
The jnrenile ball teams of Atbena
and Adams played a game in this city
Saturday afternoon, the Atbena kids
potting it over their adversaries by
tbe decisive score of 16 to 1. Tbe
game was played in record time and
two umpires officiated.
Pendleton, Athena and Weston Com
mercial Associations Will Return
Walla Walla's Recent Visit.
Next Wednesday tbe Commercial
Associations of Pendleton, Atbena
and Weston will invade Walla Walla
in a body, for the purpose of repaying
the get-aoqnainted visit made to these
cities reoently by the Walla Walla
commercial club. .
Tbe Pendleton Commercial Associa
tion bas chartered a special train for
tbe ocpasion and the Pendleton "pusb
ers'.wiil arrive in this city at 9 o'
clock Wednesday forenoon, headed by
a Land. They will remain here for
one hour and during that time tbe
plan of taking advantage of tbe law
pertaining to county publicity will be
explained to the people. The Atbena
Commercial Association will make
arrangements for a meeting plaoe and
it is expeoted a large crowd will be in
Yesterday Will M. Peterson, Ed
Aldriob of the East Oregonian and
Seoretary Ben Hill of the Pendleton
Commercial Association were in ' the
oity arranging the sobedule for the
Walla Walla trip, and met several
members of tbe local association.
It is proposed that tbe Athena As
sociation join the Peudletonians and
in a body go to Weston and Walla
Walla, and on tbe return trip stop at
Milton and Freewater. Tbe Weston
Association will join the booeter brig
ade at Weston. The O. R. & N. peo
ple are disposed to do all tbey can to
make the trip one of success and plea
sure. A splendidly equipped train,
including an observation oar will be
at the disposal of the Pendleton Com
mercial Association and guests.
The Pendleton speoial will arrive iu
Atbena at 9 a. m. . and leave for
Weston at 10 a. m. Returning from
Walla Walla, the train will arrive at
Atbena about 7 p. m.
Brotherton's Mother Dead.
Charles Brotherton received tbo sad
intelligence of his mother's death,
whiob transpired at her home in
Summit Point, Va., last Saturday,
April 23. At tbe time of death, she
was aged 80 years. The funeral was
held Monday.
"Lefty" Smith Opened Game Auspic
iously By Fanning 5 in First Two.
cept near the Atlantic, the thermom
eter was below 40 degrees above zero,
with falling temperature at night;
Cottonseed oil mills were appealed to
for seed for replanting and state offic
ials implored tbe mills to crush no
more seed until tbe farmers were sup
plied. It is donbtful however if there
is sufficient soed to replant one-half of
the area of young cotton destroyed
by the oold.
, Pay Small: Carriers Quit.
Rural mail delivery out of Walla
Walla is seriously threatened by the
small remuneration given the employ
es of Unole Sam and anlees there is an
inorease in salary soon it looks as if
there would be a discontinuation of
several of the routes leading from that
oity. Siuoe November 1, four men
have resigned and there are it ia said,
more to follow. The regulations of
tbe servioe provide that if there is a
vaoahoy on any route for a month,
that route shall be discontinued. At
present one man is carrying tbe mail
only until another man oan be seoured.
And this is not a likelihood. The po
sition pays but $39 a month, although
it takes but half a man's time.'
After Telephone Company. -.
Tbe fight of Pendleton citizens
against what they term the exorbitant
charges and inefficient servioe ot tbe
Paoifio telephone company is on in
earnest, says tbe East Oregonian. The
fire of indignation whiob has been
smouldering for several days was fan
ned into a flame at the council meet
ing Wednesday evening and is now
burning with considerable fury. Tbe
latest move is the circulation of peti
tions whiob are to be presented to the
oity oounoil and whiob call upon that
body to offer inducements to some
other company to enter tbe field.
' Caledonian Picnic
Extensive preparations are under
way for tbe holding of the Caledonian
pionio, in Atbena Friday and Satur
day, May 20 and 21. Tbe committee
on program have been in correspond'
enoe with Jock Coleman, tbe well
known entertainer of Portland, and be
says .that ho bas a lively party of
danoers and singers lined up for tbe
oocasion. Posters will be up in a
few days annoonoing tbe events that
will take plaoe on tbe program, and
everything will be done to make this
year's, pionio tbe most successful of
any yet held by tbo Umatilla County
Caledonian society.
If Manager Christian's Maroons bad
been in form with Mr. "Lefty" Smith
in Sunday's seance at Pendleton, tbe
soore book might have bad a different
tale to tell. As it was, tbe game
went to tbe men who deliver tbe
"Nelson squeeze," by a soore of 11
to 2.
And tbey say (be umpiring was
something fierce they do.
To begin with, Pendleton led off in
tbe first semester with two and added
one more in tbe second.
Thus the sidewheeler was put to tbo
bad and was foroed to pitch an uphill
session from tbe start. He pitobed
bis bead off in thd first two innings,
striking out six, and having the en
couragement of seeing two of them
reaob first on muffed strikes.
Pendleton added two in the fourth
and whon Athena went to bat in her
balf of the fifth she had four .zeros
marked against ber on tbe score board.
Then DePeatt broke through with one
add in the sixth they bad the bases
loaded, with Mr. Harlan up in tbe
air. Tbe best tbey could muster out
of tbe scrimmege was a braoe of three
and they got no more thereafter.
Tendleton heaved over two in tbe
seventh and four in tbe eighth. Tbe
soore: .
Pendleton 2 1 0 2 0 0 2 4 x11
Atbena . 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 04
Weston defeated Pilot Rook Sunday
by a score of 4 to 8. Weston and Pen
dleton remain tied for first place in
tbe percentage column. Atbena plays
Pendleton here Sunday afternoon and
Weston goes to. Pilot Rock.
i Crop Prospects.
From all points In tbe wheat pro-
dnoing territory tributary to Athena
come flattering reports on crop pros
peots. Tbe soil was saturated with
moisture during tbe winter months,
and tbe copious rains of this spring,
assisted by warm weather started veg
etation on tbe rond to healthy growth,
with tbe result that grain is well ad
vanced for this season of tbe year.
Plowing is drawing to a close and
general farm work is well along, ex
cept in tbe footbill country, where it
has been retarded by rain.
Cotton Crop Ruined.
With minions of acres of young
cotton destroyed ty tbe cold weather
wbicb Monday overspread tbe entire
cotton belt, with tbe unusual appear
ance in many sections of snow a nd
sleet, tbe South bas suffered its most
disastrous financial setback since tbe
Civil War. In Atlanta and through
out tbe northern half of Georgia, ex-
Ilcrmiston Berries.
Tbe hot days of tbe past week rip
ened tbo Herraiston strawberries very
rapidly, and by tbe first of May there
will be a nioe lot of fine berries ready
for pioking. Most of tbe growers that
have any sized patoh, are getting boxes
ready to harvest' the firet rips fruit.
A great many of the berries were
planted only last fall and this spring -so
there will only be a limited num
ber of boxes to be shipped to ether
markets. '
Hot at Pendleton.
With the meronry in the offioial
thermometer registering a strong 91 in
tbe shade Monday, Pendleton exper
ienced tbe hottest April day ever re
corded there. Tbe next bigbest was
in 1904, when a temperature of 92 was
reaobed. Ninoty was registered Sun
day and 89 on Saturday. Next to
1904, tba hottest April was in 1906,
when a temperature of 80 was recorded.
Athletes Gaining Form.
Maurice Hill is training the Atbena
Higb school athletes for the county
school traok meet which is to be held
in this city Saturday, May 14. A
notable improvement has been made
in tbe. form of the boys sinoe Mr.
Hill took charge of them. Each eve
ning be puts tbein through a strenuous
period of training. Tbe sprinters are
allowing up well and the hurdlers are
doing good work.
Oratorical Winners.
At tbe preliminary oratorical oou
test held in tbe Baptist church Friday
evening, for the purpose of selecting
participants for the contest of tbe
ooauty sohools to be held in this oity
on Saturday evening, May 14, tbe
judges selected Veinita Watts to rep
resent Division C, uud .Miss Ruth
Kidder for Dlvieiou B. Clarence
Brotberton will be tbo orator for Di
vision A.
Loses Life in Water.
' Falling into tbe water when the
steep bank gave way under bim, John
Sobiffner jr., the 1.3-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. John Bchill'ner, Was
drowned near bis borne at Touobet,
Sunday afternoon. Tbe body never
oame to tbe anrfaoe, and although his
oompanion, Georga Gradwell, gave
tbe alarm, at once, search failed to
bring tbe lad's remains to view.
Deaf, But Are Married. '
To be deaf yet able to speak is tbe
fortune of Biddy F. Bayze of Pasco,
and Flora E. Barnes, of Athena, who
were united in marriage Monday
morning by Justice of tbe Peace
Parkes, says tbe East Oregonian.
For Sale A new 6-room bouse in
Milton; or will exchange for Athena
property. For particulars, see Emery
Achilles. Atbena.