Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer VOLUME XXII. ATTIENA, UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. APRIL 15 1910. NUMBER 15 Evenr Be sure you ars right" is another way of ' Steuon saying "B aure you have a Jr Stetson Nam -. Stetson mama New Members Must Be Enrolled In the Athena Fire Department to . , Make it Efficient. and then go ahead." We Lave the Stetson Soft and Derby Hats ' in all the latest styles. Remember You get 4 per cent Discount for Cash. Return $25.00 in cash register checks and yet $1 cash or trade free. T. M TAGGART General Merchandise Athena, Oregon TBie E w front Cash Grocery Doo't Monkey with Inferior Goods . Hill Bros. HI RRftDE STEEL CUT COFFEE Blue Label Can, 35c Red Label Can, 45c Ask your neighbor i he has ever tried that Hie;h Grade Steel Cut Coffee, which Worthington carries, and it he has not, 'PHONE UN 113 ' B. A. Barrett tbe retiring ohief of the Athena Fiie Department, informs the Press that the department is in receipt of the long delayed certificates for exempt firemen. The records are being overhauled and all firemen who have served the required time and are entitled to exempt' certificates, will receive them without delay. The fact that several members of the department are serving over time and the different companies not being represented to tho foil number of membership at the present time, tbe department is placed in a preoarious oondition with the withdrawal of the exempt members. : . . In towns and small cities where the fire demon is fought by volunteer companies, the matter of keeping the ranks filled is npgrade effort to say the least and defloienoy from this cause creeps' ont only when a fire is ragiug and property interests ate threatened with destruction. In Athena some good work has been accomplished by the department in battling with flames, but its present condition is such that to make it effioiont, immediate enrollment of new members to take the plaoe of those about to retire, is required. "; V J " At the meetings of the different oo -panies this month, company offi cers are to be elected. Men who will take an active interest in tbe affairs of tbe department should Le eleoted. Then they should be encouraged by the property owner and the business man, with the view of making the department as effloient as pose bile. The members who have held tbe de paitment together and are about to beoome exempt from duty, . have done more than their part, and now it is np to others to take hold and do their share of the work. i -v - v I Men's Working Clothes and Shoes, No Shelf-worn Goods. Quick sales and small profits is the motto " , of the Old Reliable BLUE FRONT STORE, gB$! THE TUH-H LUMBER CO. Lumber, Mill Work and all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES ' Posts and Blacksmith coal A. M. Johnson, Manager Athena, Oregon Excursion for Track Meet. Passenger agent Van de Water of tbe O. R. & N. was in the city Mou day evening,: and met with members of the Athena Commercial Assooia tion and disonssed matters pertaining tbe running of an excursion train from the west end of the county , for the county school track meet and oratori cal contest, to be held in this city Friday, May 15. Mr. Van de Water offered a special train from Umatilla and retnrn for a guarantee of 1102. The special, train would accomodate the people of Umatilla, Bermiston, Stanfleld, Eoho. Pendleton and Adams It would arrive here in tbe morning and return after the oratorical con test at night Tbe matter of securing tbe train will be taken up' by tbe Athena Commercial Association and tbe Umatilla County Atbletio and Oratorical Association. . '. Fruit Outlook is Good. Distriot Frnit Inspector Q. L. Whit-, ney, whose territory iuoludes Walla Walla, Columbia and Garfield coun ties has returned from a trip through that region and reports fruit in an ex cellent oondition. Tn speaking of tbe outlook, Mr. Whitney said: "So far there has been no injury of any kind to the frnit and if no killing frosts appear, tbore will be a record break ing yield, in tbe three counties whioh embraces my field. Many trees are being planted and orcharding is everywhere being given more and more attention." Baker County Land. John H." Lewis, , secretary of the state land board, has plaoed on file in the local land office of the state tbe "seleotion" of forty-four thousand acres in Baker county, whioh will be given eway to tbe homesteaders who pay for irrigation and reclamation. Tbe proposition is similar to tbe Twin Falls project under tbe Carey act, but tbe state will not charge for this land. Mi E3 a Hra trsti una La "Eta WHERE PRICES ARE RIGHT P0H& 83 ' The Freshest and most Choice the Market affords in 5 DELL BROTHERS, " Athena, Oregon 'We Best that Money can Buy Always Found Here Mi if REGARDING CENSUS -TAKING Charles Betts Will Take Census of the Athena Precincts. Ul Ut HERE lhis morning, Cbas. Betts began taking . tbe census enumeration of North and South Athina preoinots. The law requires every adult person to fornish the prescribed information, but also provides that it shall , be treated oonfidentally, so that no in jury can come to any person from answering the questions. Tbe President has issued a proclam ation, calling on all oitizens to co operate with the Census and assuring them that it has nothing to do with taxation, army or jury Bsrvioe, com pulsory school attendance, regulation of immigration, or enforcement of any law, and that no one oan be iu jured by answering the inquiries. It is of the utmost importauoe that tbe oeusus of population and agricul tural in tbis state be complete and correct. It is necessary for tbe oredit of the city that every resident be counted as the offioial figures of this oensns must be the standard for tbe next ten years and from these figures the city will be judged..,, In order toassist the enumerator in his work, it is requested that oiti zens be prepared to furnish promptly tbe facts concerning all tbe members of their households, inoluding those temporarily absent, and all persons residing on the premises. It is necessary that the native state or foreign country of both parents of each person enumerated shall he re corded. Then, too, many oitizens, while liv ing in tbe city, own and operate farms in the country and it will be neoessary for them to furnish the number of aores cultivated last year in the var ious orops together with the yield and the value of eaoh crop. ' The various farm and domestio animals must also be given. All these calculations re quire time and delay the enumeration if not given promptly. Every citizen is requested to assist and co-operate with tbe oensns taker in making a full count of tbe inhabitants of Atbena. . ' . , PBIIR GRADES HAVE TE1 Will Compete at Meet in Athena On , May 14 . , V ' That tbe publio schools of Pendle ton will make a strong effort to cap ture tbe cup offered by the Atbena merobants at tbe county intersoholas tio track meet to be held in that town on May 14 is testified to by the in creasing aotivity among tbe athletes of all Bizes and ages; says the East Oregonian. Tbe high school has bad a team in the field for a cumber of years and tbe candidates for tbis year's team have been limbering np for some time. But as the events at tbe Athena meet will be divided into three seotlcns in order to allow gram mar grades to participate, and as the onp will be awarded to tbe town making tbe largest number of points in these three divisions. Manager Tom Boylen of the high sobool team has effected an athletio organization in eaoh of the four grammar schools here and will fee that young athletes are properly prepared to enter the con test in May, ; The following are the officers of the organizations in the different Pendle ton schools: Washington. Joe Dorrisy. president. Harold bfook, secretary. Ralph Knight, manager. Fontie Snyder, captain division B. Ernest Boylen, captain division C. Hawthorne. Wilbur Kurrle, president. Bufford Butler, seoretary. Harrison Minnis, maaager. Orson Straugbn, captain division B. Charles Gordon, captain division C. ' - . Lincoln. Miss Alma Harris, president. Riley Furnish secretary. Lyn Gordon manager. ' Claire Brown oaptain division C. I '- - Field. ' Miss Grace Harris president. William Longmeier seoretary. Lee Teutsob manager. Jack Malarne oaptain division C. The high sobool teams will be classified as. division A, tbe teams from the 7th and 8th grades as divis ion B and those from the lower grades as division 0. ' . . Manager Boylen has planned to pull off four grammar grade events in con nection with tbe high school interclass cross country inn to be held tbis after noon. Damage Suit Dismissed. For the second time sinoe the orig inal suit was filed, the oase of John Bergevio against Dr. J. A. Spooogle of Atbena, was dismissed Monday morning on motion of the plaintiff. This was a suit brought by Bergevio against Sponogle for tbe recovery of $15,000 for tbe alleged ruin of Ber- gevin's daughter. Tbis soit has been Died twice and as many times has been dismissed. Garden Citv Commercial Club Received ' by Commercial Association, Citi zens and Band. . ' The Walla Walla Commercial club, 135 strong, and many of tbe members accompanied bv their wives made a ''get-aoquainted" visit to Athena Tuesday forenoon. The Walla Walla boosters came in on a special train, a: 1 were met at tbe O. R. and N. station by tbe members of the Athena Commercial association, - citizens, pupils from tbe Athena High School and the Athena Band. Tbe special train arrived at 10:15, and headed by tbe baud, tbe visitors were escorted up Main street and were turned loose in tbe business district for bait an hour, after whioh time they boarded tbe train and left for Pendleton where tbe Commercial Clnt of that city took care of them daring tbe afternoon. Tbe juukerters were in charge of President Crawford and Secretary Moore. . Big Chief Kauffman in bis vast capacity of utility man, herded, the big orowd, inolnding the sohool girls, into li e, when tbe march np Main street began and kept all in place. Before arriving in Atbena, stops had been made at Freewater, Milton and Weston. At Weston, Kauffman kidnapped Col Wood, Ira Kemp and Sim Barnes and they were in the par ade here. It is rumored that tbe big ex-polioeman corraled a couple of Athena men and took them to Pendle ton with tbe excursionists. . The Atbena High Sobool and tbe 8th grade students were dismiasd for the ocoasion and tbe preaenoe of the pupils helped to swell tbe ranks of tbe orowd on hand to reoeive the visitors,- A i Pendleton the Walla Walla people were 1 entertained at lunch by the Commercial association. In the near future the Pendleton Commercial Association will make a trip to Wulla Walla and intervening towns and in all probability tbe Ath ena Commercial Association, will join the Pendleton association on the trip. Bower man Lost Out; ' ; V ' In tbe most spirited city eleotion Condon has witnessed in eight years tbe foroes of Jay Bowerman went down to defeat at tbe hands of tbe independents",, who eleoted the may or and three out of four oounoilmen. In the campaign political Hues were practically thrown aside as far as tbe republioan and democratic , parties were concerned. : Tbe issue was ae to whether tbe Bowerman faction of tbe republican party should hold control of tbe city and by their votes tbe people of Condon voted nay to tbis proposition. Dr. J. F. Wood is a demourat politically, but in tbe race for mayor be was supported by re publicans as well as by democrats. Dr. Donnely the present mayor and defeated aspirant for re-election, was appointed by tbe counoil to fill tbe vaoanoy caused by tbe removal from the city of former Mayor Farnsworth. Stanfield Wants Laborers. A Stanfleld item says tbe demand for labor in that part of Umatilla county so far outruns tbe available supply that 500 men oould easily find employment at good wages at tbe present time. This oondition has its origin mainly in the rapid develop ment taking plaoe in tbe West part of tbe county in tbe irrigated fruit dis tricts about Hermiston and Stanfleld. At Stanfield alone 250 men will be needed tbis year to take care of newly planted orohard traots. The great amount of improvement work and new construction just being begun on tbe O. R. and N. will still farther inorease tbe demand for labor and men who are looking for work at remunerative figures need have no bositanoy in making Stanfleld their point of des tination. " PLAYED A 10 E Change in Train Service. A slight change in train servioe on tbe O. R. & N. went into effeot Wednesday says the East Oregonian. With the exception of a change in mail cars at that point the Pendleton Portland local will be run on through to Walla Walla each evening and tbe Walla Walla Pendleton local will run on through to Portland each morning. Tbe train crews will bave tbe same runs as at present, tbe times and num bers of all tbe trains will be tbe same; tbe only change being that passeagers will not be compelled to change cars at this point. Tbe change is made for tbe purpose of expediting tbe ser vioe. - : D. J, Kirks Baby Dead. The Walla Walla Union of Wed needay says: Anna Elizabeth, the one year old baby of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Kirk, 623 North Eight street, died yesterday afternoon after a month's illness. Tbe funeral will hi at tbe boose at 10 a. m. Thursday morning and the iatermnnt is to be in the Mil ton cemetery, tbe funeral party going over on tbe 11 o'clock oar. It Took All Pilot Rock Had to Win Out In Extra Inning Session, ' There was an extra inning session out at Pilot Rook Sunday and it took all the barleygrower 's had to put the Maroons down for the count of 8 to 7 the same score that stood in tbe pre vious Sunday game. , i Over at Weston, the mountaineers threshed it out with the Pendleton hunoh. and everybody, was glad that Nordean's men wou. The shave was a close one, the score being 2 to 8. Next Sunday, Weston plays hero and the Rook team will face Harlan on 'the county seat grounds. The Atbena game will be played on the old grounds, for the reason that the new diamond is not yet in proper con dition. Tbe game , will uot be oalled until 2:30, whioh time will give everybody a chanoe to attend.. Athena was in it to win Sunday, and but for infield errors, the boys would bave lifted the cellar door. Tbe team was materially strengthened with Hawks behind tbe bat, and with a shift or two n the positions of the men now on the team, the boys will soon strike their stride and give tbe other teams their "needina." Tbe soore sheet shows that four barleygrowers bad tapped the pan r, before the Maroons bad even a lookin. Two scored in tho first tight off the reel, and they dittoed a like number in the third, after Stone bad ozoned two . basimen in the second and the side retired on Westgate's out at second. In the fourth Athena even ed things up and went , one to the good when nine men faoed Lobaugh and four bits with a ohoioe collection of errors, netted five sooreB. In the sixth Pilot Rook soored three more runs and the ; Maroons tied up .the paokage in the nineth when Wilson and Starr soored. Athena was retired in her half of the extra inning, and L. Gilbert, first man up for tbe Rook, fanned, B. Gil bert laid down one whioh Groves booted and was safe. He worked bis way around to tbe second sack and took third on Westgate's single. Royer who had been methodically fanning, connected for a dribbling grounder that shot straight at Starr. Mr. Starr overlooked the home plate and the fleeing Gilbert, tossed tbe ball to first and Pilot Rook had ' won .another mi -.i'. -. game. xneBcore;.; : . Pilot Rook 2 0 2 0 0 8 0 0 0 18 'Athena. ; 0 00 500002 07 Batteries Lobaugh, Lieuallen and Gilbert, Stone Wilson and Hawks." Freak Hens in Missouri. What effeot is Bailey's comet hav ing on Missouri hens? Tbis question isioooupying the minds of farmers near Independence, Mo., who have almost decided to lock tbe doors of their henneries tbat tbe fowls may not see tbe comet. Recently a . hen belonging to George Davidson laid an egg with a tail an inoh long. The tail wai about tbe diameter of a' lead penoll, was composed of tbe same material as the shell, r Mrs. Ida Cook reported one of ber prize Plymouth Rooks had laid two eggs at once. One of them had a little white caudal ap pendage. ; Tbe shell was soft, and "glvy" to tbe touch. Tbe two eggs were joined tocetber with a sort of ligament two inohes long whioh ap peared to be of tbe same material as tbe oovering. ; The tail dropped off soon after Mrs. Cook began tit handle tho eggs. , -a,. . , . Don't Try Now. ,. , Friday, April 15, at 10 o'olook in tbe morning will be tbe earliest time at whioh it will be worth while trying to see Bailey's comet with tbe aid of tbe naked eye, it was asid at the Georgetown ; University latoratory. During April and early part of May the comet will bo visible in the east before snnrise a few degrees north of east. By May 17 it will be too nearly in line with tbe snu to be seen in tbo morning, but from then on it will appear in tbe west in tbe evening. On May 20 it will set two boars after tbe sun with the interval growing longer eawh night. . - v Memorial Services. .,, There will be a epeolal service in tbe Christian Cburob, Sunday, even ing at 7:30, in memoriom for the late Alexander MoKenzie. Tbe oitizens of Atbena are specially invited to be present The Mayor, Mr. McEwon, will represent the people, and Mr. Potts and Mr. Foes will represont tho oongregatlon. ' The pastor will deliver , - i - . CJ ! I ! . . an appropriate aauiesa. chuiu uiumu will be rendered. Come, there is a seat, a book and a hearty welcome for all. Remember tbe usual morning seivioes. ' ' A. M. Meldrnm, Minister. , Walla Walla Bov Killed 5 Terribly and fatally mangled when the train on wbiob be was stealing a ride broke in two, Floyd R. Hnssey, 20 years old, of Walla Walla bled to death almost instantly. He was a member of the militia company and was stoalicg a iido to come to tbe in spection at tbat place. Ho was on Northern l'aoiflo train No. 67.