The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, March 04, 1910, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
G. Kidder has been
ill the
past week.
Attorney Wilson was in Walla Walla
XGarl Christian was'an Adams visit-
jqr yesterday. y.. t;
I B. G. Kidder was a Pendleton vis
itor yesterday,
viouu, lug uiui, euoub cuuuaj
in Walla Walla.
f. tinier uonnios was in town yester
day from Milton.
Bern Bannister transacted bneiness
iii Adams Monday.
ii A. L. Swaggart was a county seat
. tisitor Wednesday, j . J. ; ;
4 .Tnhn Roll anA A T U7S11..L... -
in Pendleton Monday.,
Marion Jaok was io, town from bis
borne near Fendletoni
W. D. Chamberlain was a Pendle
ton visitor Wednesday. v
.);: Miss Eva Wright went down to
Pendleton this ruorbiog. ,
r John Baokman joined the family of
Press readers this week.
There will be regular sorvioes at the
aptist Church, Sunday.
I Mr. and Mra. John Walter went to
to Walla Walla Monday.
,,"B. J. Slater, the Pendleton lawyer,
as in the city Tuesday.
?M."L. Watts made a business visit
ti Walla Walla Tuesday.
i ; "
: ; C. A. Barrett transacted business in
Walla Walla Wednesday. ;
The M. E. parsonage has recently
been rf pain ted and papered.
"fMr. and Mrs. J. M. Swaggart went
down to Pendleton Thursday.
A fine line of base ball goods is now
carried at tne Pioneer drug etore.
i. Mis. Jerry Swart returned to her
home in Dayton, Wash., Tuesday.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Soott Ban-
city X
tor of
nister, Maioh 8, 1910, a daughter.
Attorney Will M. Peterson was in
the city from Pendleton, Tuesday.
J. E. Froome and , daughter Kath-
rine, spent baturday in Pendleton.
i, Lost A Ladies , open . faoed Gold
watch. Finder please return to Miss
Ada DeFreece. .
Miss Norma Smith is assisting' in
the sales department of the Athena
Department store. '
X Dean Dudley is at Monta Rova, Cal
'fornia, and tLe Press will be forward
ed to bis address there.
Mr', nnrl " M'fw To: 7.arrm .'Afs. Dni f
land'.Tpeut the week"" with relatives
in Athena and vicinity.
Charles Keen was in the city yester
day, being called here by the death of
his grandmother, Mrs. Fletcher.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gerkirig have
returned to their home near Milton,
after a visit with Athena friends.
Photographers here have deoided to
stay for a week or two more as busi
ness is rushing.' Studio on Main
Mrs. Ada Lakiu, nee Bannister, who
has been visiting relatives in this vi
cinity, returned Tuesday to her home
in Montana.
Herbert Paiker and Emery Achilles
were in Pendleton Monday evening
and attended the production of the
"Spenders" at the opera house iu that
city. ;, :.
Mrs. Grant Steen and little sou,
were in this city yesterday from their
home near Milton, .visiting at the
home of Mrs. Steen's sister, Mrs. J. G.
Dr. Newsom reports Mrs. Shiuk,
mention of whose illness was recently
made in the Press, to be improving,
with every prospeot of permanent re
covery. ,v
R. F. Johnson the well known
mountain farmer and owner of the
famous "Fairview" farm was in the
ojty Tuesday.
Meldrnm, recently elooted pas
tba Christian ohuroh in this
city, will preatih to that congregation
Sunday evening.
Mrs. Mnlkey and Miss Blanohe
Orswell, teachers in the Athena pubiio
school, are visiting the sobools at
Pendleton today.
I The "hard times" social at the M.
E. ohuroh Tuesday evening was large
ly attended by the young people and
all present had a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Steward left Athena
Tuesday evening for Baker City,
where Mr. Steward intends to engage
iu the mercantile business.
D. M. Taggart of Ontario, was in
the city Wednesday, . visiting his
brother, 1. M. Taggart. He was on
his way home from Portland.
Mrs. Lillie Miller is in Portland
this week, where she is trimming hats
for the spring trade, and seleoting an
uptodate line of millinery goods.
Mrs. Jooelyn Roberts returned to
her home in Walla Walla Tuesday,
atfer spending several days with her
mother and brothers in this city.
A Attorney Watts ' has added 180
volumes to his law library this week.
Mr. Watts now has one of the most
comnlete libraries io Eastern Oregon.
A Dr. Newsom has opened offloes in
the DePeatt building at the upper end
of Main street. His residenoe will to
in the King oottage, south of the First
National Bank.
)H. O. Worthington informs the
public that he is still engaged in shoe
repairing at the old stand. He is
prepared to do - first olas.s work at
reasonable prioes.
Colonel Wood and seven other Wes
ton Knights, attended last night's
meeting of Pythian lodge. After oon
fering ranks on new members refresh
ments were served.
Carter Myers, father of Cleve Myers,
died last week at the home of bis son-in-law,
Robert Root, at Prosser, Wash.
Cleve attended the funeral and re
turned home this week.
y Charles Wilkes and family have
returned irom a two montns visit- to
relatives in Missouri. Wilkes says
the "show me" state is O K but Ore
gon looks good to him.
Mrs. Sam Hawoith and Mrs. Will
iam Winship this week visited at the
Jarman ' home in Weston. Juanita,
the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jarman, has been quite ill.
Y The many friends of Mrs. John
Stanton will be pleased to learn that
she has returned to her home in Ath
ena from the Pendleton hospital and
is gradually: recovering- from her re
cent illness. -
Mr. Luther Van Winkle, a photo
grapher of Cbehalis, Wash., has
leased the photograph gallery and will
engage in that business here. He
comes highly recommended and will
undoubtedly do well in Athena.
John Thompson was in the oity
Wednesday from bis ranch on the
Umatilla river. His oattle came
through the winter all right, he being
fortunate in having sufficient feed to
tide him thiough the long winter.
XAttheannual meeting of the Athena
fire department, which was held Mon
day evening, .Wm. Dobson was elect
ed chief for the ensuing year. The
vote was as follows: Wm. Dobson, 9;
H. A. Barrett, 2; Henry Miller, 2.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Harris came
down from Dayton, Wash., Monday,
and spent a portion of the week in
Athena and viciuity. They returned
to Starbuck, Wash., where Mr. Harris
will conduct a series of revival meet
ings. YyMi. and Mrs. Merle Ko by returned
to' Athena Wednesday evening from
their wedding trip to Portland and
other Willamette valley points.
Their young friends celebrated the
oooasion of their return with a rous
ing old time charivari. : '
Now for Spring
For monthbs we have been planning the coming spring campaign.
New goods are already arriving at frequent intervals while many more
are on the way. ,
In order that no new or otherwise desirable items might be over
looked, our buyers are now'soouring the eeastern markets, and seeing to it
that we own our merchandise at the lowest possible lauded costs. In spite
of advancing markets we will be able to nfter our customers most items
for as little and in some cases less tbau heretofore.
More stress than ever before will be laid on quality, ever keeping in
mind the fact that "The sweetness of low prices never equals the bitter
ness of poor quality." The best is being culled from all lines for all
tastes and all purses.
All ever this great store, even in our exchange department on the third
floor, our customers are protected against possible costly errors by our
"Satisfaction or your money back" guarantee. With us this means re
fund promptly and cheerfully without quibbling or protest. Unless our
friends are pleased we are not.
Wherever possible our service is to be improved to the end that we may
merit in still greater volume the favors of our old iiiends and secure the
confidence and ptaronageof the ever increasing number of new citizens
in bur midst.
No effort is to be spared to make shopping here convenient, pleasan
and profitable whether in person, by proxy or by mail.
The Davis-Kaser Company
Walla, Walla Wash (The home of Greater Whitman)
" . -"Branch' Store at Pasco. Wash.
I will sell jt Public Auction at the Hamilton place, seven and one-half mi
les north of Athena and one and one-half miles northeast of Waterman
Station, on Friday, March 11th, the following' described personal property:
Three 3-year-old Geldings, five head of brood Mares with foal, two head of 2-year-old Geldings, fifteen head of good
farm Horses,three 3-inch. Mitchell Wagons, one 3 1-2 inch Studebaker Wagon, one 3 1-4 inch Stiidebaker Wagon,
three 12-inch gang Plows, two 20-fbot Harrows, two double disc Monotor Drills, one Mower and Rake, two good
farm Weeders, nine sets of work Harness, one set of hack harness, one full kit of blacksmith Tools and shop comple
te, six or eight tons of good wheat Hay in stack. Also acomplete Threshing outfit, including a 20 horse-power Pitts
engine, a 32-inch Case Separator; two 14-foot McCormick .Headers, eight boxes with nets, three barrel-tanks, two
tank pumps, 80ft 2 inch No. 1 hose, one net table, one fork table, three derrick forks, cables and pullies complete one
cook-house mounted and furnished with table fixtures for 25 men. Eleven head of shoats, weight about 40 pounds
each, two fine brood sows heavy with pig, two milch cows, one yearling heifer, one fine yearling Shorthorn Bull, one
full-blood Jersey Bull. Many articles too numerous to mention, such as leadbars, chains, shovels, pitch-forks, etai
. Terms gf Sale: v
All sums of $20 and under, cash in hand; all sums over $20, seven
months on approved notes bearing 8 per cent interest; 3 per cent discount
for cash on all sums over $20. All property will be sold without reserve.
Sale begins at 10 o'clock a, m. Free lunch will be served on the grounds
at noon. Everybody invited.
JAMES G. BRYAN, Owner. COL. BAULDWIN, Auctioneer.
Graydon and Lenox.the photograph
ers, have been doing a fino businees
sinoe arriving in Athena. Their
work is superb. They have taken some
splendid pictures while here and
should they ever decide to return they
oan expect liberal patronage.
The Snnshine club met at the home
of Mrs. George Bansell, February 24,
from 2 to 4:30. All member's were
present. Mrs. Luke Beed beoame a
member. Refreshments were served
by the hostess and a general good
time enjoyed by all present.
H. H. Bill announoes that he will
soon close up bis spring cider to the
Washington Nursery company for
fruit trees, shrubs, etc Any one
aesiring to set out trees tnis spring
should avail themselves of the op-
nnrt.nnif'.v nf sprtnrino (ham nnuf.
Don't neglect your eyes. Dr. F. A.
Clise, the eyesight specialist will be
in Athena at the St. Nichols Hotel
March. lltb. Eyes examined free and
glasses gronnd to fit. Thirty years
praotioe fitting glasses. Main office,
John Sobmidt building, Pendleton,
Oregon. "
There is no telling now when the
Spokane-Pendleton trains will resume
the schedule. The bridge work near
Starbuok is to be of concrete and the
cold weather, delayed construction.
It U also reported that a portion of
thnwork already done, has been wash
ed out by high waters of this week.
A baby girl was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Jos. N. Soott Wednesday. The
little one died soon after birth, and
the remains were interred in tbe
Athena cemetery yesterday afternoon.
Tbe young parents have tbe sympathy
of tbe community in their sad be
reavement. A novel oake baking contest is to be
inaugurated in Atbena by E. F. Brad
en, representing tbe N. K. Fairbanks
Co. Prizes consisting of a barrel of
American Beauty Flour, a 5 pound
can of baking powder and a can of
Cottolene will be awarded ladies for
tbe best white loaf cakes, judges to
deoide who the winners are, after
which tbe cakes will be sold at auo
tion and tbe proceeds to be given to
tbe Athena High school Atbletio As
sociation. For further particulars,
see hand bills which will be distribut
ed tomorrow.
XDavid Taylor, who always treats his
election supporters with candy, did
not by any means fall short in this
respect after his flattering victory
of Tuesday. David was on tbe streets
Wednesday with a backet of sandy
in a cart treating everybody As a
memento of the occasion, through the
thoughtf ulness of Chas. Barrow, Mr.
Taylor's friends have photographs of
him leaning in characteristic attitude
on tbe cart Mr. Barrow yielded to
tbe temptation and called into action
tbe services of a photographer without
Mr. Taylor's Knowledge.
!'..' '
South Side
Main Street
3 ve Mercantile
Many of our departments are now complete with
new spring goods and others are arriving daily, East
er comes early this year and you cannot get your East
er dresses made in a day. '
Wool Dress Goods
New goods just arrived; the
lafest importations in wide
Wales fabrics. All the la
test shades in the fashion
able soft Grays and Black
and White effects. Cream
Serges with colored stripes.
Black Dress Goods in all
the new weaves, at lower
prices than asked for the
same goods in large towns
and cities.
Wash Dress Goods
In this department we are
showing every novelty of
the season. French, Scotch
and Domestic Ginghams in
the new shades, in stripes,
plaids and plain. New Per
cales in light and dark ef
fects. Wash Poplins in the
newest shades. Striped and
plain Linens, all colors, and
Handkerchief Linons, the
latest fad for thin Waists.
Silk Department
Guaranteed Black Taffeta
in all grades. New line of ji
. ..I J . .. llU 1 1 T-T1. 1
wiuc W1UU1 LU1U1CU IcllICia,
in new colors. India Silks,
all colors. Brocaded Indias,
the latest in novelties for
Shirtwaist suits. Tokio and
Shanghai Pongees in all
grades. Shantung Silks in
every shade. New Shirts
New Shirtwaists just re
ceived. New Corset covers.
Favor us with a call and compare the qualities
and prices with what you pay at other stores. We
will be pleased to show you the goods, the qualities
and the prices will do the rest. .