The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 25, 1910, Image 3

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    ffiess Paragraphs j
- Frank Steen was in town Saturday;
from :Miltou.
f D. Jarman was in town from
A Westbn, Monday. ,
. Arthur Stone went over to Walla
Walla; yesterday. , (
Beriji Banister was a Pendleton
J. p Herndon of Freowater, was in
the oit'y Saturday. .
MraJ. 0. Bnrke spent Tuesday
. with friends in Pendleton. .
Gbai Norris has been on the sick
list apportion of this wees.
i' . ' , V
James Boddy returned to his home
in W(afla , Walla, Wednesday.
Many believe the breakup of winter
is at hand the Chinook is here.
Miss'Stella Jaokson returned to her
homfein Dayton, Wash.. Sunday i
A spa was . born to Mr. and Mrs.
. Viotor- Burke of Pendleton, February
19, 191.0.
Mm F. S. LeGrow spent Sunday
witb.Cber mother, , Mrs. Bowles, in
Walla Walla. ; '
Prof; Hahey, principal of the Adams
publ&sobool, was in the oity Satur
day evening.
Mrs. Wm. Winship visited her
daughter Mrs. D. B. Jarman of Wes
ton, Saturday.
Mrs,' M. L. Akers is visiting at the
horned f her parents, Mr; and Mrs.
A. Lf jiwaggart.
K If yon ere a fireman, ' yon should
rememoer mat your presence Is desir
ed at the annual meeting of the de
partment Monday evening.
The many friends of Grandma Shiok
will regret to learn that her health
oontinues to be on the decline. All
wish for her speedy reoovery.
Mr. John Fobs and sister, Mis,
Mitchell, returned to their homes at
Moro, yesterday, after visiting with
Mr. Allen, father of Mrs. George
Carmioheal, died at his home in Wes
ton, Wednesday. The funeral, con
ducted by the Masons, 'will take plaoe
today. ..
xne pnotograpners Here will re
main until Snnday - March" the 6tb.
Don It miss this opportunity to have
your piotnre taken. Studio on Main
street Athena, Ore.
Operator Kicbolson, who has been
employed by the O. R. and N. in this
oity; has been transfered to Colfax,'
Wash., and his place here taken by
operator Burns.
: Alf Riobmond an - insane man who
recently escaped from the asylam at
Medioal Lake, was apprehended in.
this oity Monday by officials and
aken to Pendleton. ' -
Joaeph Blakely, deputy sheriff, was
in toVto from Pendleton -Tuesday on
. offioiali! business. , v
all there is to be
oarried in stook
Bear in mind that
bad ii vegetables is
by thejDell boys.
: MrjjfeR. L. Maloney and family left
yesterday for Milton, where they will
make their future home.
Shaow men in Athena ' making
portraits, family groups and post
oards! Work guaranteed.
Mrs J. 0. Stamper and ' daughter,
Lela,. returned Saturday from Weston,
where they visited friends.
A Carriage license has been issued
to Albert Lloyd of Benton county and
Jv Miss&racvJnx:.Jt;Weston.
Joseph llBlntll left for Chemawa.
Thursday, where he will visit bis
obildren who are in sohool there.
Mrsi Byder? wtfe--of the pastor, of
the Baptist Chtitoh has been seriously
ill this weerbuT Js" reported better
today. - .s,jS;.iP,;,; ,v
Mr. aniMrs;'ATtnnr Douglas . re
turned;from Walla Walla Wednesday
where .they spent several days with
friends-. '
- - Mr. jand Mrs. N. H. Pinkerton were
up from their home near Pendleton
this week visiting friends in this
vicinity,;! :
B. S. Conrad, late of Spokane, has
fitted up a shoe shop in the building
formerly - occupied by R. J. Boddy as
an office.
Mr. arid Mrs. Joseph Bingle came
'up from Touohet yesterday, to attend
V the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan's
f little child.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gerking have
been over from their borne near Mil
ton, this week,, visiting relatives in
this vicinity' S
Rev Ryder WAd passenger on this
morning's trair forV Portland, wfcere
be goes on invitation, to preaoh in that
city, Sunday.
Niob Taitineer la- back from a fly-
ying trip to Alberta. When be left the
A north farmers were disoing and doing
other farm work.
A cumber of Adams young people
ycame up in sleighs Saturday evening,
and witnessed the basket ball game at
the opera WeTK Y vv
The Urn atilla ' Oonnty Caledonian
iety will hold a meeting in the
Atbena Commeroial Association rooms
Saturday, Maroh 6tb, at 2:80, p. m.
John Bell, President.
Wilbur H. Bailey, a Milton young
man is ia the toils for having passed
forged obeoks at Milton and 'Walla
Walla. Be was apprehended at Port
land by Sheriff Taylor. , ;
Mrs. Lizzie Jones' cottage on Jeffer
son ' street is for rent. The bouse is
neatly furnished and will be rented at
a reasonable prioe. Call at her mil
linery store; on Main street.
Lost A gentleman's gold watoh
fob in or near the Atbena opera
house. The initials "L. J. M." are
engraved on the pendant. . Finder
please leave same at this offioe. "
Rev.' Guy Denny of Penawawa,
Wash., is in the city, being called
here to preaoh the funeral sermon of
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Briyn's little
ohild, the funeral of whioh was held
yesterday. .
Unole Jaok Crlglar was in town
from bis home near Freewater. Satur
day. The old gentleman is enjoying
fairly good health, and was glad of
the opportunity to meet with old
men as nnre. "
Y Chas. Barrow, of the Mosgrove Mer
' oantile company, returned Saturday
evening from Portland, where he spent
a couple of ' days buying goods of the
wholesale houses for the spring and
summer trade.
Miss Alta- Sharp, operator in the
local telephone offioe, was confined to
her. home a portion of this week with
illness. During her absence from the
offioe, her place was taken by Miss
Gertie Boohor.
Sam Hutt bas reoeived intelligence
of the death of bis sister, Mrs. Fanny
Hypes, who died at her borne in In
dianola, Iowa. February 22.- The tele
gram stated that 4 the funeral would
be held yesterday.
There was plenty of snow for good
sleighing, and every old 1 kind of a
sled in the country was being used
until the balmy Chinook came.
Carriages, haoks and automobiles were
entirely out of the running.
Considerable interest was manifest
ed in the result of the Nelson-Wolgast
prize1 fight by Athena sports. Prefer
ence seemed about ' evenly divided,
judging from th manner in whioh
the outcome of the flstio contest was
Mr. and Mis. LeRoy W. Fike are in
the oity this week, working in tbe :
interests of tbe Auxiliary Educational
League of Boston. . The work of the
leagne is supplementary to that now
done by schools and churches. The
general plan of the' league is for its
members to call at the homes of
. ' ' " : .. '.".V': ' " ' : . ;" v.
Now for Spring
For month tia-. we have been - planning the coming spring campaign.
New goods are already arriving at frequent intervals while many more
are on? thejwa. -
In' order that no new or otherwise desirable items might be over
looked our bnyete-jare now'soouring the eeastern markets, and seeing to it
that we own our merchandise at tbe lowest possible landed costs. In spite
of advanoing markets we will be able to nfter our customers most items
for as littlB.SBdn some oases less than heretofore. ,.
More 'stress than ever before will be laid on quality, evertteeping in
mind the faetbat'The tweetness of low prioes never equals the bitter
ness 6 pooryjuality." The best is being culled from all lines for all
tastes and -all purses.
All Over this great store, even in our exchange department on tbe third
floor, ;our8 WsCornerB are proteoted against possible costly errors by our
"Satisfaction or. your money back" ' guarantee. With ua this means re
fond proruptly,ajQd cheerfully without quibbling or protest. Unless our
friends are pleased we are not.
WherTerpoisible our service is to be improved to tbe end that we may
merit in etilt greater volume the' favors of our old iriends and secure the
confidence -and "ptaronagejof the ever, increasing number of new citizens
in oumidst--'-' , v , : ,
jfp effort is tq ie spared to make shopping here convenient, pleasant
and profitable whether in person, by proxy or by maiL
: : The Davis-Kaser Company
WalfMUa-Wash Hie home of Greater Whtimzn)
-vtBranch Store at Pasco- Wash-
ill at Public I Auction iail the Hamilton place, seven and one-half mi
les north of Athena: and iOrie ;ahd -one-half miles northeast -of Watermari
Station, CTori Frida March dlth, "thelbllowing described personal property
: ' ' . ' "" ' ' " ?' .DESCRIPTION. ,
" . ,.tv;?. I . V-v
Three 3-year-old Geldings, five, head of brood Mares with " foal, two head of ' 2-year-old Geldings, fifteen head of good
farm Horses,three 3-inch Mitchell Wagons, one 3 1-2 inch Studebaker Wagon; one 3 1-4 inch. Studebaker Wagon,
three 12-inch gang Plows, two 20-foot Harrows,' two double disc Monotor Drills, one Mower and-Rake; two good
farm Weeders, nine sets of work Harness, one set of hack harness, one full kit of blacksmith Tools and shop comple
te, six or eight tons of good wheat Hay iri ' stack.-t,; Also acomplete Threshing outfit,' including a 20 horse-power Pitts
engine, a 32inch Case Separators two 14-foot McCorniick Headers:; eight boxes with nets, three barrel-tanks, two
tank pumps, 80ft 2 inch No. 1 Jiose, one net table, one fork table, three derrick forks, cables and pullies complete one
cook-house mounted and furnished with' table fixtures for 25 men.' - Eleven head of shoats, weight about ; 40 pounds
each, two fine brood sows heavy with pig; two milch cows; one yearling heifer, one fine yearling Shorthorn' Bull, one
full-blood Jersey Bull. Many articles too numerous to;mention,isuch asleadbars, chains, shovels, pitch-forksi etc.
' j ' Terms Sale: .' .-ifffV:
: All sums of $20: and1 under, '-cashrih hand; Vail sums over! $20, seven
months on approved) notes bearing 8 per cent interest; - 3 per cent discount
for cash on all sums- oyer$20 All property1 will' be so
Sale begins at 10 o'clock a; m, 1 Free lunch will be served oil; the; grounds
at noon. Everybody; invited. I
JAMES G. BRYAN, Owner. i COLi BAULDWIN,' Auctioneer:
children ranging io age from 7 toJ5
years," aind " by" suggesting a line o f
literature for tbe children, assist the
parents in oharaoter development.
AMayor MoEwen has been absent
irom town for several days.' Be bas
been assisting in feeding the stook at
His ranch. During his absence bis
hardware store is being oonduoted by
his daughter Kathleen, assisted by Mr.
Thomas DoFreece.
Tuesday being the anniversary of
the birth of George Washington and
a legal holiday, there was no sobooL
Teaobers bad tbe pupils taking part
in tbe sohool entertainment for tbe
evening, in rehearsal at the opera
house a portion of tbe day.
Frank Martin, the reservation far
mer has just olosed a deal whereby he
beoame owner of a three-fifths interest
in tbe LaDow block at Pendleton. He
traded Alberta land for T. C. Taylor's
interest in trie big business blook, and
will go to Pendleton to reside.
. A carload of blaok diamonds re
ceived this week by tbe Tnm-a-lum
Lumber company was eagerly gobbled
up by residents who were in serious
need of fuel. Manager Johnson made
tbe diamonds go as far as possible, but
at bis very best he oould not make
them go around. There is no danger
of a famine for wood oan be secured.
' Tbe Press man bas been frequently
asked of late as to bow long he intends
to permit the present state of weather
to oontinue holdl this item was
melted by a ohinook wind before it
got to tbe press. It's a long time
between waits, brother, but if we
wait long enongh tbe gentle ohinook
always comes, then spring maybe. ;
V Tbe organization of tbe Atbena
Diobestra - will be appreciated after
tbe manner of a long felt want in tbe
city. ; A good orchestra - is an adjunct
to social fonotions in any community
and Athena's new musical organiza
tion will be liberally supportod.
With tbe musical talent here, it is
possible for Atbena to soon boast of
a first olass orchestra.
It is understood that tbe Dry Creek
grade on tbe O. E. and N. makes it
impracticable to use a gasoline motor
oar on tbe Walla Walla-Pendleton rnn,
and tbe looal passenger will continue
ou its regular sohedule. Some time
ago rnmor was current that the pas
senger was to be replaoed by one of tbe
motor oars, such as is now beiog run
between Dayton and Walla Walla.
Tbe body of Mrs. Eaton, the lady
wbo mysteriously disappeared from
tbe Odd Fellows home in Walla
Walla, a couple of weeks ago, was
found Saturday afternoon in Mill
creek. Tbe body was lodged against
a bridge, crossing cne of tbe streets
of that city. As workmen had been
working near tbe bridge, it is sup
posed tbe corpse bad floated there
from a point further up the stream.
Tbe remains were intered in tbe ceme
tery at Walla Walla, Sunday.
f losgroye lercantile
Ti - 7
J l 'AW trr ir tt
A,.K,,a UUlllUftli V
On Tuesday February 1 we shall open an advance
shipment of fine dress ginghams, latest styles and :col
orings for the coming i spring. Also 200 pieces (of ? fine
embroderies imported direct from St. Gaul, Switzerland
( Goods worth 15 and 25c per yard will be sold at 10
and 15c. The celebrated B CS, H Green trading stamps
with every cash purchase.
osgwe lercantile