Painless Dentistry AN Out ftf town fteonlf. ca bava their pUtc and bridge work fin ished In an da: if neoesnrj. W will gin w t te 22k gold tr porceliii crows fw $3.5t 5.0C 22kBrMtTMth3.5C Gold Fillings 1.00 Enamel Fillings 1.00 8ilr Filling .50 Inlay Filling 2.50 Good Rubber nn putn 5.00 Bait Red r-ih- bpiiK 7.50 atnlaiafcrtf (ton ,50 L W. a. WW, rmsmt in Mutts n ma tniMmn a rnnia WABir AIMMNTItB VOR IB YEARS Painless Ejrtrsotlon i ree whaa plates or bridge work ordered. Consultation Fnt, Ton cannot get better painless work done anywhere. All work full? guar, nteed. Modem l xctrlo equipment. Beit metnoae. Wise Dental Co. THrBDWa.8i. PORTLAND, OREGON CniOI BOOM: li.H.HII.11. ludejrs, 1. E. B. U. course ftc soft pfictktL b trvxkul afc eaka. Pernail Ms. 629 Wsrcntor Buiktat. Fsruui, Omm rom ot uttrerence. i Tea," said the bride ot three short months, "I had made up my mind to remain in the spinster class, then Joha' , appeared upon the scene and I ac cepted him because he was so unlike other men." "Oh, of course he's different," re joined the envious lady friend. "He proposed." Yonkers Statesman. If Your Eyes Bother You - getajrtxof PETTIT'S EYE SALVE, old. reliable, most successful eve rem edy made. All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. An Annual Lsmrf, An English boy went to visit his two Scotch conslns during his summer vacation. His breakfast every morn ing consisted of plain oatmeal, and he got very tired of it. , "Say, Jack," he , said, "don't you ever have milk with lour porridge?" '. ' Jack turned to his brother. "Eh, 'om,? ihe said, "the lad thinks it'a Ihristmas." Success Magazine. ,1 find Cascarets to good that I would be without them. I was troubled a i it deal with torpid liver and headache. I r since taking cascarets janay vatnar I . feelverv much better. I shall cer- ly recommend them to my friends as .. best medicine I have ever seen." ' ,' Anna Bazinet, Osborn Mill No., a, Fall River, Mass. ' COT THIS OUT. mail It with your id- . dress to the Sterling- Remedy Company, -' Chicago, HI and rec tv a handsome sou venir Gold Bon Bon FREE. JNCENTRATED FIR TREE OIL . not a comooand. Na'ure's natural remedy. i the Douglas FirTree. Has wonderful anti- Hric and healing properties. On account of its btrating power jt is quickly taken up by the H corDitacleu and carried to all parts of the fir. deatrovinirsnd carrying off all impurities In of the flesh and bones, leaving the system in untied condition. It is indispensable for all jctions of the nose, throat and luntrs, such as (ids. hoarseness, tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneu monia, catarrhal troubles, rheumatism, eczema and all skin diseases, kidney, liver and bladder troubles, also for sprains, sore muscles and lame back. t Mailed upon receipt of stamps or money order; bottles 25cts SO cts. and $1 sizes. . Honey refunded if purchaser is not more than satisfied. .gents wanted. Puget Sound Wood Product Co-, ANACORTES. WASH. C. Gee Wo The Chinese Doctor This wondeful man has made a life study of the properties of Roots, Herbs and Barks, and is giving the world the benefit of his services. yy,A No Mercury, Poisons vMsfiih OperaUonsor CUin Guarantees to euro Catarrh, Asthma, Lang, Stomach and Kidney troubles, and all Private Diseases of M n and Women. A SURE CANCER CURE Just received from Pekin, China safe, sure and reliable. U..f ailing in its works. If you cannot call, write for symptom blank and circular. Inclose 4 cents In stamps, CONSULTATION fREE TheC. Gee Wo Medicine Co. 162V4 Tint St, cor. Morrison, Portland, Or. r s I I A LEADER WATER SYSTEM IN YOUR HOME Means an unfailing water supply. It means that you will have the most practi cal Domestic water amply system now in use. No elevated tank, no frozen pipes in winter, no stagnant water in summer, no water supply troubles of any sort. Tank placed in basemmt out of sight and way. made of premed steal, will not mat and will last a lifetime. . . You will be pleased with the LEADER system of furnishing Domaetie Water Supr y. A-k lor our eatatogue and free booklet. "How I Solved My Water "apply ' Problem." LEWIS & STAYER CO. Portland, Ore. Spokane, Wash. Boise, Idaho. Portland, Ore., Dec. 31, 09. These are the ruling prices in Portland today and we are paying likewise. We never charge commission. Ship any day. Let all Pro duce be of good quality. Live Ducks in demand, at per pound....:.. 16c Dressed Veal up to 130 lbs 11c Dressed Hogs .... . ...... IOC Live Hens and Springs, . . . 14c Dressed Hens and Springs 16C Dressed Turkeys, 22ac to. 25c Dressed Geese, .......... 15c ; Address, FRANK L SMITH MEAT CO. . "Fighting the Beef Trust" , PORTLAND, OREGON SOJEETHINa FOS EVERYBODY Needed Attention. - The Parent Are you sure you give my boy as much attention in school as you do the other boys? The Teacher Attention? Why, say, I'm afraid to take my eyes off that boy of yours. Yonkers Statesman. Clip This Out. At the first sign of rheumatic paina or backache, Or a feeling of being gen erally run down and weakened, the fol lowing simple prescription should be used: , ' . "One ounce compound syrup Sarsa- parilla; one ounce Toris compound; half pint high grade whiskey. Mix them and take .a tablespoonful before each meal and at bedtime. The bottle must be well shaken each time." Any druggist has these ingredients 01 he will get them from his , wholesale house.. ' . . 7 One on Mamma. "Gwendolen, I suppose some worth less young dude is going to take you to the theater this evening?" "Yes, mamma, I'm going with broth er George to-night." ' The danger from slight cuts oi wounds is always blood poisoning. The immediate application of Hamlin t Wizard oil makes blood poisoning im possible. " , :''': Obviously. ' '. "Aunt Hepsy, what do they use "invisible-hairpins' for?" . "To fasten up invisible hair, course, child." YabWs id soW o.sssawcao uaktc xm) be TcAua)i dispejse4wVbL wktv.wo ovier tieedei.os ebes cj rcmc&es vWT6cpr aT&oasss JurAcVvows.wlucVmwsX Acpeiaivi proper otXs.ond tVtVwi ctoWy To'Abnacds.o.vAysbtt.y ike icwtttw, CALIFORNIA Fio Syrup Co. SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS INISIIEONLY-REOULAR PRICE SO PER BOTTLE SUG(ERS wear well and they keep you dry while you are wearing mem 4300 EVERYWHERE GUARANTEED M7E?PJ?00rX CATALOG ME A. J.lbWER CO. BOSTON. UAAJ Tower Canadian Co. united, todonto. Can. A careful estimate ' shows that the buildings and land, on Manhattan isl and from the Battery to Central Park are worth $2,900,000,000. : You Ma(i Need It Ask your doctor about .the wisdom of your keeping; Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house, ready for colds, coughs, croup, bronchitis. If he says it's all right, then get a bottle of it at once. Why not show a little foresight in such matters? Early treatment, early cure. Ws publish ear foraulas yers Vim bsBlah aloohel horn our aisaiaiBM W. rt jtm to m.uit rur Many boy ia called dull and stupid, when the whole trouble is due to a lazy liver. We firmly believe your own doc tor will tell you that as occasional dose of Ayer's Pills will do such boys a great deal of good., They keep the liver active. Had kv tk I. a. Armt Oe Lntu, : Ivory doubles in prlca every few years.. Brandy was first made in France in 1310. .- ' ' ;;- The first pair of spectacles was made by an Italian in 1299. Norway has a factory in. which 24, 000 pounds of haddock can be turned Into fish balls in a day. Though hydrophobia has been stamped out of Britain, it is Btill ram pant in Germany, where every year over 2,500 dogs and cats afflicted with the disease are destroyed. " When the post office was first opened at Kal-Feng, China, the clerks had a fight with some of the men who bought A Miracle of Sclenra, . Aeroplaning is another miracle of practical science another impossibil ity shown to be possible another dream of centuries realized, but real ized in a manner which none but this generation could have understood. Will the history of the steam locomo tive repeat Itself? The actual maxi mum speed on railways is no higher to-day than it wasK sixty years ago, though, of , course, the train loads are very different. 'Will it be so with the aeroDlane? " Mothers will find Ki-s, 'wlnslow's Soothing Byrup the b et remedy to use for their uhUdxeA Ouring ihe teething period. Taking Kim at Ills Word. Upgardson It goes without saying Atom Then euppo'se we let it go that way. I.ovpiv afternoon, isn't it? the stamps were licked and stuck on their envelopes for them. The present wave of agitation for the amendment - of the British copy right law is gaining strength from the discovery that a great-grandson of Robert Burns is now making a pre carious living as a mender of pots and pans. ;'. Queensland and Victoria possess only small ostrich farms, which have not prbduced very encouraging results. In all there are now about two thou sand ostriches In Australia. The In ferior feathers are used at home and the more valuable ones are exported, chiefly in Germany. , ; v The French government takes 15 per cent of all the money staked at the casinos of the seaside and other health resorts on the little horses and other gambling devices. For the season of 1908-09 this percentage amounted to $943,393, the summer season natural ly contributing the greater part over 8600,000. , ; The duke of Atholl holds part of his lands conditionally on his presenting a white rose to his sovereign when honored with a visit The late Queen Victoria and Prince Albert once were his guests at a time when these flow ers were out of season and the duke had much difficulty in obtaining two roses for the occasion. The court house at Washington, Ma son County, Kentucky; In which Uncle Tom of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" fame was sold, was struck by lightning and de stroyed on August 13. The building was erected In 1794. It was the sale of the aged negro at this place that gave Harriet Beecher Stowe the basis for her story. Green Bag. ' One of the main features of the agri cultural exhibition at Allahabad, In dia, next month will be the tillage field, on which as large as possible a choice of plows and other Implements of tillage will be regularly at work, so that visitors can see tor themselves the, depth and quality of the tilth, and the weight and draft of the various Implements. ' ' About one million persons in the working period of life in the United States are on the sick list each year. The cost of their illness is about t,- 000,000,000 a year, of which at least one-naif la preventable. Therefore, tne estimate, considered low, of the pre ventable loss from disease and death in this country is $1,500,000,000. Profes sor Irving Fisher. Henrik Ibsen's posthumous works have just been published In Norway. They consist of a collection of verse, biographical material and sketches of the plots and morals of his plays, as well as the text of the plays as first completed, the last showing the great importance Ibsen attributed to careful planning of his plays in advance and to thorough revision. Wilfred Stevens, of Shakopee, Minn., translator in the service of the United States government, has a working knowledge of twenty-odd languages and can converse is as many dialects of various other tongues as may be demanded of him. He knows more diplomatic secrets than any official of the government, with the possible exception of the President and the Secretary of State. : Hookworm can certainly be quickly conquered, malaria more slowly and consumption most slowly, but almost as completely. Consumption Is vir tually the same great, sweeping de stroyer in modern cities of science that it was a century ago, say, in Lon don. Indeed, since the great grip epi demic of 1831 consumption seems worse than it ever was before and the grip epidemic of twenty years ago did not make things any better. New York Press. In the British postofflce savings bank in 1907 there were 18,771,969 de posits, of the value of 44,217,288, and last year 18,379,991, representing 44, 770,782. -In 1907, 9,308.247 withdraw als were 'made, involving 46,463,632, and last year 9,922,169, representing 45,895,400. The interest credited to depositors in 1908 was 3,772,755, as compared with 3,719,975 In 1907, and the total standing to the credit of de positors on savings bank account on December 31, 1908, was 160,643,214, an increase ot 3,148,137 in the year. It was the custom one hundred years ago to purchase .British army commissions for newly born babe,. their rank progressing as opportunity occurred. One of these fortunate in fants was the son of Sir William Hon- tyman. One day a caller heard Lady i y y j Honeyman snout irom ner Dearoom door: "Jean, what's the matter? What's all that crying in the nursery V And Jean answered: "Oh, my lady, .... i PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT is iroarante?d to cure any cast of Itching-, Blind, B!erlinsor Protruding- Piles in . to 14 days or money refunded. 60c FREE! HARP-GUITAR! FREE: ISerW Sir A new and wonrVrful musical instn mont, which is a combination of the Brand Italian harp and guitar; It hits a beautiful tone and is positively the easiest instrument to r-!ay evei made. Vt eteach you at your own home. As an advertisement we are GOING TO GIVE AWAY on of our 12.r.O Harp Uuitara to each of the first ten persons in each county who rend us their name, address Rnsl whom the ham -a for. Sit down EIGHT NOW and drop us a card and be one of the lucky few, as they are going fast. HARP-GUITAR MfG. CO.. 428 Lumber Exchange Building, Portland, Ore. "UK"' 'flPWllk E . II Low Holiday rates now. One - IB- I J free scholarship in each city. - w K9 Wjrml(r myj PtrtUli ,: What's In a NnmeT An amusing story has been told con cerning Mr. Phillips' classic drama, "Ulysses." When It was being played in America, two young girls were sit ting together in the stalls at a matinee performance, and before the curtain rose .the following conversation was heard: "Say, Maude, I know this play is going to be funny." "What makes you think so?", asked Maude. "Why, anybody could tell that from the name!" was the reply. M. A. P. It Cures While You Welk. , " Allen's Foot-Ease la a certain hum for W sweating, callus, and swollen, aching feet. Sold bv all Drutreists. Price iftn. Dnn't uniin. substitute. Trial package FREE. Address Aliens. Olmsted, LeKoy, N. Y. Small Humming- Bird. Cuba probably has the smallest hum ming bird in the world Calypte Hel enas (named after Princess Chris tian), but it may have a rival in tlmi ness in . a Peruvian species of Aces trura. The Calypte Helenae Is an ex quisite little creature . not quite two Inches long, with a forked crimson gorget - ' . TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. DrutririRts refund money 'if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25c Ea Famine. Willie, a little country boy, years of age, was taken one Sunday night to a large city church, where he saw for the first time a vested choir. To his mother's surprise and gratification, he not only kept wide awake, but seemed greatly interested In every part of the service. At its close he turned to her and said, "I like this church, it is so nice to watch the preacher when he comes out with all his wives In their nightgowns." Har per's Magazine.- fZ 3 t I I , Best School of Shorthand. II. Bl We sruarantee positions. J 6,9 wrceil(f p,,, Oreioi SEND FOR PRICES AND BUY YOUR GROCERIES WHOLESALE Portland Wholesale Grocery Co., 2641 Taylor, St Portland. Ore. Died at Elirkty-elffht Predicted. Prophesying early in life that she would live to see her eighty-eighth birthday, Miss Julia H. Hancock, of Brockton, Mass., died a few 'days ago her death. Infirmities of age are given as the cause. She gave no particular reason for her prediction, although she seemed imbued with the belief that her prophecy would romp true. - COFFER TEA SPICES BAKING POWDER ,r EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT ....IH".HJJ.U.II,(I.,JV CLQSSETfiDEVERS! QUICKEST WITH SAFETY 9 CURE For the baby bften means rest for both mother and child. Little ones like it too it's so palatable to take. Free from opiates. AU Druggists, 28 cents. , The confidence felt br farmers and ' gardeners in Ferry s Seeds -to-day 1 would have been impossible to (eel i any seeds two score ot years ago. We have made a science of i growing. ai sua always io i exactly what you ' expect ol them. For sate 1 everywhere. FEEttY'S 1910 SEED ' MNl'U. Free on request D. M. FERRY A CO Detroit, Mloti. 1 MODERN EXPERT DENTISTRY At Prices that Defy Competition TtErtl WITHOUT PLATES A SPECIALTY PAINLESS EXTRACTION,,.,, Oc SILVER FILLINGS ..60c up GOLD FILLINGS 1.00 UP I2K GOLD CKOWN S5.00 GOOD RUBBER PLATE $5.00 THE BEST RUBBER PLATES... $8.00 WHALEBONE PLATES S 10.00 Out-of-town patient can obtain parfset work sad savs money by calling- at oar office NO BTUDEN rS NO GAS NO COCAINE AU work smarantacd for tan yaon CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS 323tt Washington Sc. Car. Sixth 1 Kstablfahrd 15 wr . Hrtos'a li a. illB " " ,m ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT AVegelauIePreparallonforAs sirailaiing theFbotfantiRcguIa ting Uie Stomachs midTjowclsof . Promotes DigestionJCliecrful ncss and Rest.Contatas neither Opiuni.Morphine nar Mineral. Not Narcotic. naHMamaait4iaa(BBM !pe oOUIkW'JJElFmB. flarpkm Sad" JhtSama , - Ptfpmmt- lliiarkHusiSxit Warm Sad- VipttifteaFlimft Ml.. Apertfect Remedy forCcmsRp Hnn . SmirStmnach.Dlarrho; Yorras,Coiwulsious,Fcvcrisli nessandLoss or Sleep. IfcSimile Signature of NEW YORK. Will For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the of lllll Guar-uttced underth Exact Copy of Wrapper. 1 SlfTTI tr tf i AT Ml VW w U' ror uver Thirty Years 5i nMnVi ! nl M ULiUU U TMS CTAUH OOWFANV, NKW YOUM OITT. IJJBWffaglBy?i'T!TOay , It - 1 I I 3r"fc :1k. 1!KJ!.. Wlll iaiiilU.i M Tho RAYO LAMP la a hlli Krade lamp fold at a low pries. There tiro laniu thut ciwt mure hut tin-re la no bt-ttcr lumy at any price. The Hurner, the Wick, the Chluinev-Holiler an are vital imugi in a lump; inesepanioi uiu RAYO ii a tin LAMP uie perfectly constructed an ,liere la noihlnf THE STEADY WHITE UCHT known In the art of lamp-making that could arid to th iy If not at yourt, write for descriptive circular to Iha Tiiluuof the RAYO as a liKht-Klviufc device. Buluiblefor nxini in trio nouao. J-.very ru-aler everywnera. nearest Agency ot the Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) ni BAKING POWDER Chicago MASK MSI COMPLIES WITn AU PURE FOOD LAWS Makes the Baking Sweeter, Lighter Always works rldht NO FAILURES Costs YOU Less , , NO TRUST PRICES 23 Ounces for 25 Cents BEST AT ANY PRICE or your money back nn n A flavorfng used the same as Itmoa or vanflla. ( 1 1 1 1 Hr dissolving ftranuuuca sugar in water ana ' IL'- mAttititr Maolcine. a delicious miD is made and L3 JVJ syrup better than maple. Mapleine i s sold or gTocers. II nx sen a jn- tor t ot. rxittie ana recipe book. Croscont Mfg. Co, SssttU, Waw PNU No. i-lO WHEW writing to ad-rartlaars ploao montloa thla papor. PUTNAM FA DELES S DYES Uiere'a naething the matter. It'a only Color more rood brighter and fatr colors than any other dye. On 10c pacVajre colors silk, wool and cotton equally wU th major (still an infant) greeting n4 is guaranteed to give perfect reaui-a. Aitic Onaitti, or we will aenci pontuaid at 10c a paclcoga. V.nte for free booklet (crying) lor hit paxTUch.'", i i bow w oye, Pieaca aaa m cowre. , auunawft iwu vuMAnj, uuuwy, uuoeia,