A STROKEOFJORTUNE The Bit of Good Luck That Over ; took Barney O'Connor. WEALTH THRUST UPON HIM. Thi Visitor That Called to See th. Man Who Had Been Injured Tha Sight That Greeted Him and the Hasty Proposition He Handed Out. . Several years ago two brothers named McDonald were In business in Ilalsted street Among the habitues of their establishment was a man named O'Connor. A man named An derson then was claim agent for the street railway company that connected Ilalsted with Chicago. - Barney 0Conjior was a happy-go-lucky chap who didn't worry much about anything. He was partial to his beer, had no kith or kin to be re sponsible for, cared little for clothes andworked only when It was abso lutely essential, which wasn't often. McDonald Bros, liked to have Bar ney around on account of the wit be had brought with him from the ould sod, and so they found little tasks for him to do. One day Barney was loaf ing around McDonald's about half il luminated and Jn an extremely rosy frame of mind when they decided they wanted some goods over In'tho city. Barney was delegated to go after them. Ho stopped at the corner buffet, hoisted another one and took a car for the loop. , The car was crowded fore and aft, and Barney got on the aft. He didn't ' ' got much more than halfway on the step when there came a jolt The crowd surged back on Barney, and be, with several others, was dumped into the street. Barney suffered worse than the rest, as be was underneath. But he wasn't hurt badly. He was knock ed unconscious, but after they carried blm into a store and threw cold water on him he came out of It in good shape. All that remained were a few cuts. '. The conductor, however, was ex cited, lie wasnew at the business, , and when he took the names and ad dresses of the victims of the crash be got considerably balled bp. Perhaps he made Barney's injuries a little more grave than they really were. After O'Connor got over bis dizzi ness he went on uptown and bought bis stuff for the McDonalds. He also visited a drinking place on Randolph street. It was there that he learned of a clam bake that was to be held that night at a saloon on lower Ilal sted. Celebrations of this sort ap pealed to Barney,, and he resolved to be on hand. . He was. They had a lovely time. Along about 12 o'clock the festivities became superjoyous, and arguments arose. Barney was in the midst of these. Fisticuffs followed forensic froth, and O'Connor was numbered among the slain. How he got to his room be couldn't explain coherently. He sure was some beat up. What tbey didn't do to blm wouldn't take loug to tell. It was the, eompletest walloping be ever had experienced. lie slept late. When he woke up he wlsTied he could have slept later. He found moving undesirable after an at tempt or two at It, so he stayed in bed. About 2 o'clock in the afternoon the landlord of tb3 rooming house came up and told Barney a man wanted to see him. Seldom had Barney bad visitors,, and his curiosity was aroused. But it wasn't Btrong enough to Induce him to get up. lie told the landlord to have tho man sent up to tho room. Anderson, out to settle early and avoid the rush, came in and took a look at Barney. lie nearly fainted. "It I get out,ot this on less than $1, 000 I'll be lucky," he told himself. Then he proceeded to business. "It kind o' bunged you up, didn't it?" he Logan as a feeler. He couldn't , sny less, for ho had a conscience. "Well, some," acknowledged Barney, not grasping the pertinence of the question, but realizing its truth. "You know, a suit always involves a lot of delay and trouble, and the company has better facilities, and it's better for the plaintiff to settle" "Wot are yea talkln' about?" Barney broke in. "Why, I'm from the street railway, and we want to see if we can't fix this up for you for getting hurt. We want to do what's right; but, of course, you understand" Barney aw a great light. It made him forget his woes. "Do yes mean ye want to pay mo for fallln off the car yistlddy?" he asked. "That's the idea," answered Ander son. -: "Well, here I am," raid Barney "How much am I offered?'! Anderson hesitated. J "Uh-er-I thiuk-cr how'd two fifty strike you?" "I think it's worth at lenst five," ho replied. "Now, look here," explained -Anderson, "if you fight this case it'll cost you nt least $100 for a lawyer, l'oa might get 5300 in ft trial, ana suu again you might get nothing. It's al ways a good idea" "D yes mean ye'll give ma $230?" Interrupted O'Connor, sitting up quick ly desnlte his aches. - "That's it" replied Anderson, so fas cinated by the picture of war's horrors portrayed by Barney's face that ho failed to notice the surprise in uia "I'll take U," said O'Connor la a hurry. "Bring It to rue all ia qumr- tors." Chicago Tribune. The rcrlotl of deepest sleep varies from 8 o'clock to 5. . . , . . FINE POULTRY EXHIBITION Will Be Held at Pendleton By Umatilla-Morrow Countr Association. With prizes amounting ia value to approximately $500, the first annual exhibit of the recently formed Umatilla-Morrow county Pooltry Associa tion will be held in Pendleton, Jan nary, 25, 26, and 27. It is to be a score curd show and will be the lar gest score caid show in Oregon this year. The announced pnrpose of the or ganization is to develop the poultry industry in the two counties named and for that leason it was deoided to make a score card show. The exhibit will therefore be of great value to all breeders in the two counties, both'old and new. It gives the beginner a chance to find out exactly the quality of the chickens he possesses for every bird will be given a card, showing its good and bad points. For the old breeder the show will prove to be an exceptional opportunity, for the ohickeu industry is just get ting a good start In this section of Oregou and from all sides, are com ing in inquiries concerning eggs and stock. There will probably te more intending purchasers at this show than at auy other held in the North west this winter. The dates, too, are the vory best possible for the sell ing of stock and the taking of orders for eggs. v - ' ' ; "" In addition to these faots the list of caBb prizes, the special and the beautiful cups offered makes it by far the most attractive show ever held in eastern Oregon. The association fuels that it is exceedingly fortunate in having secur ed the sorvioes of Elmer Dixon for judge. He is a man of national rep utation, is a member of the Amerioan Poultry association and is licensed fcy that organization to judge all classes of poultry iuoluded in the standard of perfection. Ho is classed ty many as the leading judge of poultry on the OOaSt ;" - ','' '" ' ' ' FLY' AIRSHIP HT PENDLETON Plan Craft to Rise Perpendicularly From Ground. As soon as an engine can be install ed in the airship now being built at Pendleton a trial flight of the inven tion will be made, says a special. There has been uc seoreoy about the work at any time, but the tuilders prefer to have visitors wait until something definite can be shown. -The machine is being, built at the home of John H. Bahr a few miles outside the city limits. It is an at tempt to build a maohine that will bo able to rise directly from the earth without having to resort to the pre liminary slide or run whioh all aero planes now find necessary. The tiresent aeroplane is arte some large birds, which it is said may be confined in a case with the top re moved and yot be unable to fly out unless the oage is sufflolently wide or Ions. These birds, snob as wild tur keys, aud the present aeroplanes all need a running start to be able to fly. Some of them have a epeoial piece of apparatus for this and at one time the Wright maohines started only from a monorail, ; down whioh the nmnhina slid to cet a start. As it will not be possible to have a special starting rail wherever an aeronaut niav happen to land, this type or aero plane has drawbacks. For this reason the rendieton in vestigators Intend, first of all to make n mnohine which can rise perpen dicularly from the ground. The first flichta will sanoosedly demonstrate whother this has been accomplished. If tho liftiug arrangement is found satisfaotory then propellers to drive the machine will be added. Saved at. Death's Door. The door of death seemed ready to open for Murray W. Ayers, of Transit Bridge N. Y., when his life was won derfully saved. "I was in a dreadful condition," he writes "my skin was almost yellow; eyes sunken; tongue coated ; emaoiated from loting 40 pounds, growiug weaker daily. Vii ta lent liver trouble pulling me down to death in spite of dootors. Then that matchless medioine Electrio Bitters cured me. I regaiued the 40 pounds lost and now am well and strong." For all stomach liver and kidney troubles they're supreme. 50a at all druggists. ' School Notes, Oar young people have been so very busytbat tbey haven't bad time to write notes school notes this week. Tuesday night the Athena , High School held a tryout debate on Capital punishment, in whioh the affirmative bore off tbe .honors with Attorney S. F. Wilson as the leading speaker. Students have oome up better this week with their sohQol work. hi st Friday tbe teachers iu antici pation of distinguished visitors served a chicken dinner at sobool. The sobool board was invited and repre sented. . . Next week will close the first half of our present school term. Final examinations will be held next week, covering tbe first semester. Students of school age desiring to enter sobool should start Monday January 24. Ihe school contemplates an old fashioned spelling match iu tbe near future. " :' " Our girls' Basket Bell team was defeated by Pendleton High Sobool girls, on our local floor last Saturday night. A .most delightful reception was given tbe visitors in tbe basement of the M. E. cburoh. It was . our girls' first experience. They did well under the oiroumstances.. Come again Pendleton. You ar6 nice people. Basket ball game tonight, Opera house 8 p. m. ; Pendleton. Academy versus Athena High Sobool. The season is nearing tbe end. Our team has made substantial progress and hopes to win at least one game before the season is over. "' '."'" In the inter-High School debate, Weston will debate Athena at Athena Saturday night, January 22. .Place to be announced later. We pay ex penses of judges and visitin g team. Admission 25 and 35 cents. Four New Bridges. Four new steel bridges are to be constructed in Umatilla couuty this spring, the county court having dir ected the clerk to advertise tor bids. Tho longest of these is to be 110 feet, whila the shortest is to be 40 feet Two structures will be put aoioss the Wslla Walla river, one across ury Creek aud one across Butter creea. ' Revival Closes. The climax of the speoial meetings in tbe town seems to be reached this week at tbe revival services at the Methodist ohurob. The Key. Payne of tbe U. B. ohurob, Weston, , has been preaohing splendid sermons to large audiences every night. The unvarnished truth as presented ty him has greatly stirred the community, ; : Here'a-a Snap, : A 640 acres diy laod ranob for sale cheap, if bought before March Jst 1910. Have , option : and can sell oheap. ' Will guarantee 50 per cent a year on your money in raise in value, besides guarantee 10 per cent interest on crop. Write concerning this ranch and learn particulars. Midvale Real Estate' and Loan Co., Midvale, Idaho. Rev. W. S. Payne Making Life Safer. Everywhere life is being made mora safe through the work or Dr. juag s New Lite Pills In Constipation, billiousuees, dyspepsia, indigestion, liver troubles, Kidney diseases and iinwnt disorders. They're easy, but sura and perfectly build up the health. 25c at all druggists, a . i mi- r-ri For Sale. Several pieces of furniture, house bold conveniences, chickens, horse, linocv. wheat hay. coal, etc. Call next week. Ellis 8. Harris. n a u n n n ba i.vn m most haaiina aalva in trm weridU and has aroused some to seek tbe higher life. The children's meetings held every afternoon have been un ique and interesting.' , The series of meetings are to close on Sunday night, bnt we nifidiofc that a deeper interest in vital godliness has been already aroused that shall continue, after tbe sorvioes are closed. A Wild Blizzard Raging brings danger, suffering often detitb to thousands, who take colds, coughs and lagrippe that terror of winter and spring. Its danger signals are "stuffed up" nostrils, lower part of nose sore, chills and fever, paic in baok of head, and a throat-gripping cough. When Grip attacks, as you value your life, dont delay getting Dr. King's New Discovery. "One bottle cured me" writer A. L. Dunn of Piue Valley Miss, "after being 'laid up hi .in 1 ttm inree weeas wiin urip. ror sore lungs, Hemorrhages, coughs, colds, Whooping cough, Bronohitis, asthma, it's supreme. 50o $1. Guaranteed by all druggists. . Do You Want to Sell? If you want to sell your businees, or if you want to sell your property, and will make the- price right, I would lise to hear from you. . Give descrip tion and price. Address J. E. Smith 613 Chamber of Commeroe, Portland, Oregon. . For Sale. 40 acres of iioh hay soil plenty of moistute 7 milesfrom Condon county seat of Gilliam county and a railroad town. Horses, harness, machinery, blaoksmith shop etc goes with the place. '$38 per acre, one-third cash, good terms. Write Box 125 Condon, Oregon, r , . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Ia the County Court of tbe State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In tbe matter of the estate of Bobert J. Boddy, deoeased. : . V Notice is hereby given to all persons whom it may concern that Jaokson Nelson has qualified as exeoutor-of tbe last will and testament of Bobert J. Boddy, deoeased ; and that all per sons having claims against his estate are required to present them, with proper vouohers as reason by law, to said executor at the law offices of Peterson & Wilson at Athena or Pen dleton, Oregon, within six months from date hereof. Dated this the 7tb day of January, A. D. 1910. Jackson Nelson, Exeontor. ''T-'.'v SUMMONS. . Iu the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Umatilla County. DoraC. Hahnert, Plaintiff, vs. ;- " William F. Hahnert, defendant; To William F. Hahnert, the above named defendant: In tbe name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby summoned and re quired to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in tbe above entitled suit within six weeks from tbe date of the first publication of this summons in the Athena Press, a news paper published weekly at Athena, Umatilla oounty, - Oregon, and yon will take notioe that if you fail to so appear and answer the said complaint or otherwise plead thereto within said time the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for and de manded in said complaint, viz: For an absolute decree of divorce from you; or plaintiff's name to be chang ed to Dora C. Adams, and for other equitable relief. . This summons is published pursuant to an order of tbe Hon. H. J. Bean, Judge of the Sixth Judicial District of the State of Oregou, duly mada and entered on the 29tb day of Deoember A. D. 1909, and the first publication thereof is made on Friday the 31st day of Deoember A. D. 1909, and the same win oe puouHueu iur tu uuu seoutive weeks, the last publication to appear on Friday " the 11th day of February A. D. 1910. Peterson & Wilson Attorneys for Plaintiff, 40,000 Fruit Trees, Forty thousand fruit trees were set bnt in Lans oounty last year, accord ing to Fruit Inspeolor Beebe, who submitted to tbe county Horticultural association his annual report at its annual meeting.. The figures are as follows. Two hundred and "twenty two sores of apples, 13,911 trees; 895 acres oherries, 39,588 trees; 34 acres pears, 2901 trees; nine acres prunes, 967 trees; 149 acres peaches. 13,283 trees; 200 aores walnuts, ,5376 trees; total, 1009 aores, 74,053 trees. Set Qut in 190S: One hundred and ninety three aores apples, 10,020 txees; 184 aores oherries, 10,049 trees; 121 acres pears, 8633 tress; 33 acres prunes, 8490 trees; 101 acres peaohes, 6571 trees; 63 acres walnuts, 1598 trees; total 694 aores, 40,536 trees.' Professional S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls, both night and day. Calls promptly answered, Offloe on Tblrd Bireei, Ainena uregor V. R. BILYEU, Dentist V Athena, Oregon Office in Post Building. Hours, 8:30 ' a. m. to 5:00 p. m. A Wretched Mistake, to endure the itohing painful distress cf Piles. There's uo need to. Listen: "I suffered muob fioni Piles.", writes Will A. Marsh of Silver City, N, a "till I got a bos of Buokleu's Arnica Salve and was soon cured," , Burns, boils, ulcers, fever sores, eczema, cats, chapped hands, - ohilblaius, vanish before it, 25o at all druggists. , Stanfield'a First Baby. StanSeld's fiist ptLte baby has arrived and a choice residence lot has been presented to the little tot. She came to tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Ulen Richards and weighs 13 pounds and has the lusty disposition of her native town. Prizes are still unclaim ed for the first boy taby and for the But baby boru alter Juua 15, 1910. The town having beeu platted Septem ber 15, 1909, the latter class was established iu order to avoid handi caps. ' PETERSON & WILSON , Attorneys-at-Law Athena, Oregon. - Pendleton, Oregon i WATTS & NEAL Attorneys-at-Law Athena, Oregon. - Freewater, Oregon rsa' 1 OFFICERS P T. J. KIRK, President. H. KOEPKE. Vice President, & F. S. Le GROW, Cashier, EDW. E. KOONTZ, Ass'L Cashier. 1 THE ST. I1ICII0L8 HOTEL ! J. E. FROOME, prop. y 11? Only First-class Hotel in the City. . THE ST. EICKCLS Ii the only one thai can accommodate oommTi&l travelerm. fan beieeouended for IU clean a4 well ventilated rooms. Cor. Maim ahoThiss, Atheka.Ot. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kMacys end tlsdJcr rirfit' - - DIRECTORS T. J. KIRK F. 8. Le GROW, D. H. PRESTON, A. B MoEWEN, EDW. KOONTZ, H. KOEPKE. i 6 BAt? OF ATHENA CAPITAL STOCK. $50,000 SURPLUS, $35,000 A General Banking Business cond ucted jon Conservative Principles "' ' ' ii' pin ilium' " in. : Tir'lr'T.'I,'r"f liming mtifimiftu&ii imiw lriT'l jit r i J V c y " i i r-" i , I Carl Christian IMP Everything Flmt ClaM Mo d ern and Cp-t- d ate SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET " ATHENA I4 liIRl is - . , . - . ESTABLISHED 1865 g Preston-Partoh Milling Company BEflHW Flour is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in the latest and best equipped mill in the west, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown anywhere, Patronize home industry. Youcgrooer sells Amerioan Beauty for r -Sack, H m Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers i Athena, Oregon. Waitsburg, Wash. S JOB PRINTING Neat Workmen iPaat, Modern- Presses . High Grade Stock "A Better Piano for Less cJtforiey j . Eilers. r . Home of the Glorious Chickereng, . 7 Weber . Kimball, ; . Hobart M. Cable,, ' ' . Ani other good Pianos. EILERS PIANO HOUSE. PENDLETON, ORE. PORTLAND, ORE. WALLA WALLA, WASH. Are You Looking for BARGAINS In Choice Farm Lands If so I can supply your wants, as I carry the largest list of choice tracts in western Whitman County. Bang ing from 80 to 1S00 acres. Prices $25 to $40 per" aore according to location and im provements. Buy now and take ad vantage of a raise of from $10 to $23 per acre in tbe next two years. If in terested write me. George W. Taylor, La Crosse, Wash. THE 0LEL1C RESTAURANT GOOD TD TO EAT WELL SESYED GUS LAFONTAINE. PROP Pendleton. Or. 'fr r7 N,r TOOY LAUJD0Y - For -GOOD WORK ' HENRY KEEXE, A;cnt, KEENE'S .Barber Shop. lSS$SItlI3SSSei9 Shaving, IXaircutting, Shampooing, Massage for" Facp and Scalp. sSfiitxfiici0Bitseit .HOT BATHS. fSStSfStISlSSZflSI3 $ Shop North Sii3e Iain Street, Athena. Ore.