i '; - Mm tm ,y AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Six and Eight Pages Every Friday. F. B. Boyd, Pcbusheb. Application for entrance as 2nd class matter made on July;6, 1907 at the poHtofllce at Atbena, Oregon Under an Actol Congress of Marcb 8, 1879 u u i i -V t Subsorl tton Hatct : p rjjrear. In advance 12.00 Single copies In wrappers, 5c, cATHENA, ORE.. JAN. 7, .......1910 f i 4 The Press is 22 years old today. Sinoe June 1, 1892 for 17 years, the paper bag been Id oharge of the present edit or. From a small hamlet the Press has watohed Athena grow to its pres ent importance; it has noted the hundreds of improvements made for betterment of conditions, progress and ,.,.-s advancement, commercially, educa tionally and socially ; from small trad ing shops it has witnessed the build ing op of the splendid mercantile es tablishments now oonduoted by Athena merchants; it has been through the millstones of hard times and good times and seen the poor man grow riob by stioking to Umatilla connty wheat ranches; it has seen two of the largest and most handsome obnrobes in Eastern Oregon bnilt throngb unit- . ed effort, backed by the indomitable Atbena spirit; it has chronicled the 1 evolution of grain shipment, wherein the prodnot now goes to foreign end domestio points ground into floor by one of the largest and best mills on the coast; it has viewed with piide the construction of macadamized streets, the coming of electric lights I and power, and the erection of sub I etantial business houses; it baa been In at the death of one commercial asso- elation, and the birth of a bigger and A better one; it has seen the high sohool dwindle away to praotioally nothing, then revive and asoend the plane of ' its present high rank and usefulness to the community; it has witnessed business thrive and seen fine homes result through tbriftiness. All this muoh and more has passed in review of the Press. And what of the future? The coming Atbena has every resource to flatter its prospeots. Commercially she is tbo center of the riohest and most fertile productive territory on the Paoillo coast. Her social environ ments are second to no town of ber size in the state. Her eduoational facilities are unsurpassed by cities ' trebling ber population. Her mer chants and business men are progres sive and imbued with enterprising spirit. Her oommeroial association is a live wire, infusing aotivity into every artery of enterprise that tends to general advancement along the path of progress. Consequently the Press enters the new year with bright hopes for the future of Athena pledg ing its very beat efforts on behalf of the city. We desire the good will and co-operation of all, and shall strive to morit it in every way. The Press asks its friends to aid it in this line of work. It hopas iu the future as iu the past, to be a factor in making Athena bigger and better with each succeeding year. Tonight transpires the olimaz of eduoational enthusiasm which has dominated Athena during the recon struction period , of the new High sohool. Aotive, discerning, intelli gent men on the sohool board, backed by a distriot out of debt and unani mous in its verdiot for sohool pro gress, is responsible for the present splendid condition of the Atbena school. So tonight, when State Sup erintendent of Sobools J. H. Acker man arises in the auditorium of the Methodist Episoopal church to deliver his address, the Pi ess predicts that ha will speak to the largest and most appreciative audience he has had for some time. And after the rendition of the evening's program those Com mercial Association members who have contracted to feed the hungry, will find tbey have their hands full. A petition signed by business men, asking that all porohes, trees, and water hydrants be removed from Main Street, was favorably considered by the city oounoil Monday evening, and the ordinance Committee now has the matter in oharge. When the ordin ance, providing for the removal of these obstructions is introduced for passage, it will oontain a clause pro hibiting the tying of teams on Main street. It would have been belter were it possible to order the removal of telephone and eleotrio light poles and wiies from this street, but the conditions embodied in franchises granted three different companies for periods of 20 to 30 years effectually precludes any such aotion on the part of the city. The lnited States is not the only country in the world where the cost of living has advanced in reoent years. The complaint is so great in Austria that a demand is being made that the government take over, through an agrarian bank, the oattle and meat business. It is also propo sed that a central agenoy bn established with kranohes in foreign countries so as to facilitate importation and dealing in oattle and meat produots. A minister in Cbioago wants com pulsory marriage by the state just as it enforces compulsory education. He also advocates women's proposing when the men hesitate. This is a radioal age, but not so radioal as to turn ioonoolastio concerning things too deeply ingrained in the best im pulses of human nature ever to go out of fashion. Unless tbey are prepared to prove themselves justified, Central Ameri can republics should execute Amerioan citizens only by the thought-wave prooess. Castro, lately of Venezuela, is said to have expressed the intention of coming to the United States to live. So long as the immigration laws dc not bar him out he will be permitted to oust his lot with our people. The California Midwinter Excursion Walla Walla A V To Los Angeles and Return on January 17, 1910 This rate iuoludes railroad tloket for the round trip, and berth in sleeping oar for the going trip, side trips provided for in the itinerary, aud all meals from the hour of departuro Mouday sight, January 17. until arrival in Los Angeles, 6:30 p. m.. Sunday. January 23. are also inolud ed; also trip to Riverside and Badlands, over the inside track, Monday, January 24tb. Two tiokets eutitle holders to a full section. Return Limit, April 17, 1910 I Berth reservaVbns aud full itinerary of the trip can be bad of your looal agent or PSurns, District Freight and Passengjr Agent, Walla Walla. Vanh.jT A deposit of f 00.00 will be required on each ticket at a is mado. time reset vat ft I i association good. probably would do bim Wilbnr Wright says the 60-mile-an-hour aeroplane is praotioally here. And there are no telephone poles ahead. When a man dies bis expenses stop, but whether or not his experiences stop is another question. In looking into the politioal future the blind man is under no handicap. Kindly note the few fatalities among the billiardists this season. Are we to have the crook-worm dis ease again this winter? Mnnv fnnhhnll nlnvfirs are DOW em erging from the arnioa stage. The Cussing Habit. The jackal is a beastly beast; and when it hankera for a teas';, it has no use for nice fresh meat; the all-flred fool would rather eat some animal that died last year; and so the jackal, far and near is shunned by self -respecting brutes, and slugged with rooks and bricks and boots. And men whose language is decayed, who make pro fanity a trade, are like the jaokal of the wild, that hunts around for things defiled. In all your rounds you'll never rind a healthy, clean and gentle mind possessed by BDy son of wrath whose language needs a turkish tath. On great oooasions there's exouse for turning ring tailed cuss words loose; the father of his oountry swore at Monmouth and then ouesed some more ; that patient soul the Man ot Uz ripped off some language rioh and brown un til old Bildad called him down. Great men beneath some awful stroke let loose remarks that fairly smoke and we forgive them as we write the story of their deeds of might. But little men, who swear, and swear, and thus polute our common air, are foul and foolish as the frogs that trumpet in their native bogs. Walt Mason in Portland Journal. CHOICE PROPERTY FOR SALE Bargains Which are Offered by the Athena Land Company. '. , Farm Lands. 705 An estate of 480 aores of the finest land in Umatilla county. Abun dant water supply hot and cold water ten room bouse modern and well appointed.! About ; 40 aores of good alfalfa land. , The farms adjaoent to this are all selling for 100 per aore. This place can be had for $85 per aore if taken at once. If you want a borne let us show you this immediately. 700560 aores of fine wheat land- good water eight room house good barn and out houses place higniy improved on the railroad and only one mile from the station. $65 per aore. City Property. 505 $1100 for a nine room house in Athena two blocks from Mam street and half block from the sohool buildine. You can not buy the mat erial in the house for what we ask for the entire place. If you have something to sell or trade tell us about it. It will not hurt either of us and it may be an advan tage to both of us. ATHENA LAND UU. Box 274. Phone 3W5. ..-.,.....,,.,. ,,-,... .,-.,., ie Athe na cHQHtf Company Farm Lands and City Property Listed for Sale at Right Prices Post Building, Main Street, Athena, Oreg. Kills Her Foe of 20 Years. "The most meroiless enemy I had for 20 years," deolares Mrs. James Duncan, of Haynesville, Me., . "was Dyspepsia. I suffered intensely after eating or drinking and could scarcely sleep. After many remedies had fail ed and several doctors gave me up. I tried Eleotrio Bitters, whioh cured me completely. Now I can eat any thing. I am 70 years old and am overjoyed to get my health and strength back again." For Indiges tion, Loss of Appetite Kidney Trouble. Lame Baok, Female Complaints, it is nuequaled. Only BOo at all druggists, Forced Into Exile. Wm. Upohuroh of Glen Oak, Okla, was an exile from home. Mountain air, he thought would cure a frightful lungraoking cough that had defied all remedies for two years. After six months he returned, deatn dogging bis steps. "Then I began to use Dr. King's New Disoovery," he writes, "and after takiug i'ix bottles I am as well as ever." It saves thousands yearly from desperate lung diseases. Infallible for Coughs and Colds, it dispels Hoarseness and sore Throat, Cures Grip, Whooping Cough. 50o and $1, trial bottles free, guaranteed by all druggists. A Good Position. can be bad by ambitious young men aud women in the field ot "Wireless" and Railroad telegraphy. Sinoe the 8-hour law beoatue effective, and sinoe the Wireless companies are establish ing etatioua throughout the country there is a great shortage of telegraph era. Positions pay beginners from $70 to $90 per month, with good ohanoe for advancement. The National Tele graph Institute of Portland, Ore., operates six oflkUl institutes iu America, under supervision of R. R. and Wireless o fficinls and places all graduates into rositious. It will pay you to write than for full details. V II V II -I' ll . 11" (I t I C .inwiniiiiiiiniiii II.. i I. r i i ii ii ill i fooiMiiawMuiJ). V II IflMlMBllfilfiiailim rril rl" mH"l"'litm tmnniiiilllTHiii nllllinr nil m , . if- - . ";"v ---o, PfPn rl ti rn an- J Cures -c?y d CD , AH Kidney an ladder Diseases Foley s Kidney Cure will positively cure any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is1 not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. If you notice any irregularities, commence taking Foley's Kidney CW? at once and avoid a fatal malady. A Merchant Cured After Having Given Up Hop Foley & Co., Chicago. Gentlemen: I was afflicted with Kidney aad Bladder trouble for six years and had tried numerous preparations without getting any relief and had given up hope of ever being cured when FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE was recommended to me. After using one bottle I could feel the effect of it, and after taking six fifty-cent bottles, I was cured of Kidney and Bladder trouble and have not felt so well for the past twenty years and I owe it to FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE. James Smith, Bentons Ferry, W. Va. A Veteran of the Civil War Cared After Ten Years of Suffering. R. A. Cray, J.P., of Oakville, Ind., writes: "Most of the time for ten years I was confined to my bed with some disease of the kidneys. It was so severe I could not move part of the time. I consulted the best medical skill available, but got no relief until FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE was recommended to me. I am grateful to be able to say that it entirely cured me." Befuso Substitutes Two Sizes, 50 Cents and $1.00 t I 4