The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 26, 1909, Image 4

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    Site Mm $m
Six and Eight Pages Every Friday.
F. B. Boyd, Publisher.
Application forentranee as 2nd class matter
made on July;5,
li)07 at the postofflce at Athena, Oregon
Uuderan Actot tJongresa of March 3, 1879
Subsorl tlon ft tea. :
p r year. In advance 12.00
Hlngle copies In wrappers, 6c,
cATHENA. ORE.. NOV. 26 1909
As a reminder it may be well at
this time to call attention to tbe fact
tbat it will be whoJly unnecessary for
anyone in Atbena or surrounding
country to spend a dollar witb mail
order Looses or mercbants in otber
towns, for boliday presents. Tbe mat
ter is brought to tbe attention of onr
readers in view of tbe fact tbat from
now nntil after Christinas, tbe mails
will be flooded witb alluring circulars
and catchy booklets, setting fortb tbe
wares of crafty outside dealers wbo
stop at nothing short of misrepresen
tation to beguile people into biting
at their smooth propositions. This
your Atbena merobants have given
tbe boliday trade more consideration
than ever before, and several stores
in town will carry large and varied
liues of tbe best grades tbat money
can buy. Therefore, aBide from its
being due tbe homo merchants to re
ceive your patronage, everything be
ing equal, all tbe more so is your
trade due him wben be makes it a
special purpose to go into tbe markets
and purobase a class of goods tbat is
not only equal but superior to the linos
offered by outsiders. By giving tbe
matter of boliday purchases proper
consideration and reserving time for
selection until the borne merobant has
bis stock on display, you may be bet
ter pleased and your pooket book may
be tbe fatter, tco.
The small espouse to which tbe
district will be put by installing
eleotrio lights in tbe putlio school
building, may bo retrieved through
other channels, but injury to eyesight
remains forever. Tbe rooms of tbe
Atbena school building, until suoh
time as the windows are enlarged will
remain in a poorly lighted condition,
gloomy, and of a certainty, injurious
to tbe eyes of tbe soholars. To obviate
this condition, tbe school board at a
recent mooting, decided to investigate
what the cost would be to have tbe
building wired so that eleotrio lights
could be utilized during the latter
portion of the winter days, wben low
ering clouds bring darkness early.
Tbe Commercial Association com
mittee has selooted tbe cup winch will
bo competed for by tbo different
schools cf the county at the sohool
track meet to be held in this city
next spriug. When it has been re
ceived it will be sout on tbe rounds of
tbe schools that its bouuty may be ad
mired and intorest created iu the big
county track meet.
Tbe Pres9 is inclined to pass over a
personal remark made by Hon. Frank
K. Welles in bis speeoh at the sohool
entertainment tbe other evening, being
satisfied to leave tbe question of ethi
cal propriety as between host and
guest wholly to tbe intelligence of Mr.
Welles. Further, too, the Press will
not undertake to question Mr. Welles'
inalienable right to choose bie sub
jeot or topic for discussion. It matters
little, whether bis discourse runs along
the high plane of eduoational progress,
is based on eulogies on deceased oan
nines or bis thought turns to the re
counting of cat stories, tbe normal in
telligence of bis audience must be tbe
scale in which judgment is weighed.
A learned sociologist assures tbe
American people tbat life is not so
rushing as it was ten years ago. His
assertion might carry some weight if
it were not for the overwhelming
proofs to the contrary. It is true tbat
in some things labor saving devioes
have made business and domestio con
ditions easier, but on tbe other band
tbe increasing number of wants and
desires, witb the growing mania for
baste in everything makes life more
intense than ever.
Tbe movement to prevent the dis
figuring of scenery by huge advertis
ing signs deserves suooess. Tbat such
signs do mar tbe landscape and are
offensive to everyone wbo has any
sense of beauty few will question. As
a business experiment they are not a
suooess. Investigation proves that of
all forms of advertising they produce
the poorest results while newspaper
advertising produoes the best.
The new pumping plant is said to
be in good working order and giving
satisfaction. The principal part of
tbe satisfaction comes in feeling that
the pressure of expense has been re
duoed, even though the quality of
water has not been improved. How
ever, thia improvement may be realiz
ed iu fact should sufficient moisture
come to start up tbe gravity system
Oh 1 Lord, please pass tbe moisture.
Since the prospoots that Athena is
soon to espouse the distinotion of being
at tbo head and tail end of a rural
delivery mail route, tbe Press feels
like crowing to tbe world in large
letters that the metropolitan burg
over-the-wav will have only two more
than we'nns.
No one has "bobbed" up to lay
claim to tbat if 175 reward, and we
Btill have the dog murderer witb us
If Jupiter P. keeps up bis work there
will be no shortage of rainfall this
Younz Girls are Victims,
of beadaobe, as well as older women,
bnt all get quick relief and prompt
oure from Dr. King's Life Pills, the
world's best remedy for siok and
nervous headaches. They make pure
blood, and strong nerves and build up
your health. Try them. 25o at all
Una most haallna salve In the world
The Peoples Warehouse
Pendleton's Largest and Best Store
has now on exhibition in the Ready
to Wear section the largest and most
complete stock of Women's Suits,
Coats and Capes, Waists, Petticoats,
Skirts, Children's Coats and Dresses
ever shown in Eastern Oregon.
If there is anything new that is
worth having, you'll find it here
every time, and at
Guaranteed Lowest
Onr ilttiug and alteration looms are iu a class
by themselves. No woman need thiuk but we
can fit her form perfeoly and at tbe same time
satisfy her pocket book.
ill i
KB 1
Wo can show yon the oronui of tbe newest and latest and most stylish bats
in chaigo of an export milliner who will help you toseleot a hat that will
be stylish and at tho sume tiuio beoomiug. Tho prioes ou our hats are
Department Storo Prices, a saving to you every time.
AInko this store your headquarters when visiting Pendleton for you are
equally welcome whether you come to look or to lay. Ladies' lavatorias
on the sucoud floor at your service.
Till: PKOPLF-S WAREHOUSE. Where it Pays to Trade.
Bargains Which are Offered by the
Athena Land Company.
Farm Lands.
705 An estate of 480 aores of the
finest land in Umatilla county. Abun
dant water supply hot and cold water
ten room bouse modern and well
appcinted. About 40 aores of good
alfalfa land. The farms adjacent to
this are all selling for $100 per aore.
This plaoe can be bad for $85 per aore
if taken at onoe. If you want a borne
let us show you this immediately.
700 560 acres of fine wheat land
good water eight room house good
barn and out houses plaoe highly
improved on tbe railroad and only
one mile from tbe station. $65 per
City Property.
505 $1100 for a nine room house
in Athena two blocks from Main
street and half blook from tbe sohool
building. You can not buy tbe mat
erial in tbe bouse for what we ask for
the entire plaoe.
If you have something to sell or
trade tell us about it. It will not hurt
either of us and it may be an advan
tage to both of us.
Box 274. Phone 855.
Throe and one balf aores more or
less on Main street Milton, nearly the
entire traol in first class fruit trees,
mostly young; tbe entire traot in a
high state of cultivation.
A fine nine room bouse, modern in
every way; a good barn, holds four
tons bay and room for four bead of
stock. All nioely fenced, neatly
painted, good water right with plaoe.
One of the best homes in tbe city.
Close to ohurohes and sohools.
This is a bargain at $7500, $4000
cash; 8 per cent on deferred pay
ments. Progressive Realty Co.
Sole agents, Milton Oregon.
A Good Positron,
oan be had by ambitious young men
and women in tbe field of "Wireless"
and Railroad telegraphy. Sinoe the
8-hour law beoame effective, and sinoe
the Wireless companies are establish
ing stations throughout tbe country
there is a great shortage of telegraph
ers. Positions pay beginners from $70
to $90 per month, with good obanoe
for advancement. Tbe National Tele
graph Institute of Portland, Ore.,
operates six offioial institutes in
America, under supervision of B. R.
and Wireless officials and plaoes all
graduates into positions. It will pay
you to write them for full details.
Union Pacific
Through Pullman standard and sleeping
cars dally to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping
car dally to Kansas City; through Pullman
tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted,
weekly to Chicago, with free reclining
chair cars, seats free, to tbe east dally irom
Walla Walla, Day
ton, Ponieroy, Lew
Iston, Colfax, Pull-1-05
p. m. riian, Moscow, the
Coeur d'Alene dis
trict, Spokane and
all points north.
Walla Walia - Pen
7:58 a m dleton Special
Fast Mall for Pen
dleton, LaUrande.
Baker City, and all
ttngton, Ore,, Also
. forUniatilla,Hepp
4:15 p m ner, The Dalles,
Portland, Astoria,
Willamette Valley
Points, California,
Taooma, Seattle, all
Mound Points.
8:50 p- ni. Pendleton - Walla
Walla Special
1:05 p.m.
7:58 a. m,
4:15 p. m
5:50 p la
E. M. Smith Agent,
J. E. FROOME, prop.
Only First-class Hotel in
I the City.
1 the only one that can accommodate
commercial traveler.
Can beieoomended for IU clean and
well ventilated rooms.
Com. Uaih akdTbikd, Atbena, Or.
Foley's Honey and Tar No opiates.
Stop cf CoBiisWcfcp
buy- -M
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidaeys end bladder rizht.
Lie you buying your goods right? &Are you
ing your goods at home? Are you helping
to keep up Athena progress?
We carry a heavy Stock and are prepared to fill (or
ders. We wish to guide you in making your , pur-;
chases and aid you to make them sensibly". &S..
Outing Flannel
Ginghams Linings
Dress Goods
Frenoh Flannel
Ourtain Goods
Table Linen
Safety Pins
Side Combs
Silk Thread '
Cotton Thread
Ladies' Belts
Ladies' Handkerohiefs
Sweater Coats
Men's Underwear
Wool Gloves
Leather Gloves
Men's Socks
Men's Shoes
Ladies' Shoes
Children's Shoes
Canvas Leggins
Leather Leggins
German Sooka
Rubber Boots
Over Gaiteis
Shoe Polish
Dry Goods
We have just added a
new line of Dry Goods
and Piece Goods of all
kinds, and solicit your in
vestigation of the same.
Why Buy
the second best when the
best costs no more?
Don't skip a word or
you may skip a dol
lar. We carry the lar
gest and most uptodate
line of furnishings in
the city. Come in and
inspect them. They're
free to behold and are
cheap to buy. All val
ues struck by a live
wire, backed by our
long buying experience
Silver Collars in quarter sizes and
Ide Shirts are the best manufactured.
Soft shirts from 50c to $2.50; Neglegee
shirts from $1 to $3; sweater coats from
$1.75 to $ i; mens underwear per suit, $1
to $3; socks 5c to 60c; neckties 25c to 65c;
We make a specialty of Mens 50c four-in-hands.
A big line of the famous Florsheim shoes
for the man who cares, to arrive soon.
A large line of Foot-Shulze shoes just re
ceived. We are leaders in shoes. We
sell cheap but sell a heap.
Boot Powder
Women Foothold Rubbers
Silk Luster . ..
Hair Pins : 1 1 '
Hose Supporters , ,( ,,c
Elastio ' 1
Ladies' Hosiery .
Boys' HcBiery -u.v i
Boys' Pearl Waists
Infant's Wrappers . i -;
Wool Blankets
Cotton Blankets
Children's hose supporters
Suspenders "
Men's Suits
Men's extra Punts
Hat Bands
Sleeve Holders
Shoe Laoes .
Canvas Gloves
Crepe Paper
Paper Napkins
Testaments .
Traveling Bags '. 1
Telesoopes - ' :';
Suit Cases '.
Umbrellas . . v
Stationery .
Pencils , u, ,.
Oil Cans
Chewing Gum
Hams and Bacon
n .
i i
We carry the Hartman line and will give you Chicago prices.
cTVIens Clothing
We carry a complete line of Alfred Benjamin ready-to-wear clothes. The best
on the market at modest prices. Call and see for yourself.
We have everything for your
Thanksgiving Dinner
Sweet potatoes,
Nuts and Candy.
Everything Fresh
111 w
Coffee fa the morning U (
pesi wneamadetromoneot
Chase & Sanborn'
iHzh Grade Cofiees.
trtry care is taken
irom tne selec
tinnnf thhrr
n ra Diacine in tna
Package which von !. 1
Ii yx appreciate fine
Coffee.coffeeof clearcolof
fnd delicate aroma Done
but Qum A Saoboro'a
auit ,
T. M. Taggart Athena Or.
General 1 Merchandise