This Edition con tains Six Pages Buy Your Groceries from Your Home Grocer Athena Merchants Carry Big Stocks VOLUME XXI. ATIIENA, UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 5. 1909.. NUMBER 44 THE rUM-A-LUSVI LUMBER GO. Lumber, Mill Work and all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES Posts and Blacksmith coal A. M. Johnson, Manager Athena, Oregon B . s FSTART.TSTIFn ISfiR B B a g . B m B 1 Preston-Parton Milling Company Flour is made ia Athena, by Athena labor, in the latest and best equipped mill in the west, of the best seleoted Blnestem wheat grown anywhere. Patronize home industry. Your grooer sells American Beauty for a m " a Per : Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers s Athena, Oregon, Waitsburg, Wash. PARKER-STONE BARBER Everything First ClasK - Mo d eru sud Up-to-date SOUTH STREET SIDE MAIN ATHENA Wall Paper Paints, Oils, Glass House Sign and Carriage Painting E. T. Kidder, Mclrthur Building City Meat roi i arket J. II. STONE, Prop. NORTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET The Best Meat to be found in Town. Come and see me. I will treat you right. J. n. STONE, ATHENA, OREGON RICHARDS ELECTED Will Serve On School Board In Place of Director Jerry Stone Who Resigned. At At a speoial eohool meeting held Monday for the purpose of electing a school direotor to fill the unexpired term of Jerry Stone, resigned, B. B. Rioriardswas the choice of the voters presoht. Twenty votes were cast, Mr. Richards receiving 17 - and Benry Keen, three votes. When the name of Mr. Riohards was placed in nomination, Mr. C. A. Barrett, Chairman of the board and presiding offioer of the meeting, called attention to the fact that as Mr. Rich ards was holding the offloe of sobool clerk, his election to the office of dir ector would necessitate the holding of another speoial eleotion for the pur pose of choosing a new clerk. .." Apparently the voters were of the opinion (bat Mr. Richards was the man needed on the board, and that it would be an easy - matter to select a clerk. No other nominations were made, and the ballot resulted as above stated. After the voting was over; Chair man Barrett spoke in congratulating terms of the effioient sorvioes Mr. Riohards had given the district as olerk. Adjournment then followed and neailv all repaired to the high eohool recitation room, where Prof essot Case explained in detail' the methods of laboratory work and the relative con nection each instrument in the collec tion, contained. To same, many of the vessels and instruments were familiar and brought to mind memories of the class room. However, there are instruments up-to-date, in the Athena High School collection whioh back in the log sohool house days were un known. One of these more than all the others attracted particular attention the wireless telegraph equipment, whioh will be in operation when the class reaohes the subjeot of electrioity. 0. R. a N. MAY DOUBLE TRACK The Dalles is Source of Latest Rumor Regarding New Plans. That the O. R. & N. company is really in earnest in the move to straighten the traok, reduce grades, make tunnels and otherwise improve the road between Huntington and Portland, is evidenced by the filing of several right of way suits in the circuit oourt at The Dalles. It is stated in the complaint that the latfd is desired for the straightening of tjhe track between Desohutes station and The Dalles, but according to a report from the latter city, it is believed that, it is really the intention of the railroad company to double track its line from La Grande to Portland. " In speaking of the proposed removal of onrvee, the Dalles Chroniole sajje. While this would be an important move on the part of the 0. R. & N., one whioh wonld be welcomed by all travelers on the, road between the points mentioned, the report is current here that the railroad company jhas still a more important move up its sleeve, that the property on whioh right of way suits have been filed, is wanted for the purpose of double tracking the road. From an authen tic railroad source the news is received here that the O. R. & N. will double its tracks from LaGrande to Portland. Were 3nch an improvement made, it would greatly lessen the time now consumed in tho handling of freight between these two points. Much time is now wasted, due to the side-truok-ing for passenger trains as this traffio is exceedingly heavy, and according to the state law, a freight crew -M not allowed to work more than 1& hours without taking a rest of eight Jiours. I TuYEnY YHERE PRICES ARE RIGHT POHNE MAIN 83 The Freshest and most Choice the Market affords in tige Best that Money can Buy' Always Found Here CHRISTIAN REVIVAL SERVICES Prominent Evangelist Coming to Athe na Next Week, II BIG TRACK MEET K ommenoing next Weduesday night November 10, Rev. A. A. Doak of Washington will oonduot a series of evangelistio servioes at the Christian ohuroh. He is a whirlwind. Full of life, fire, ztal, good sense, wit, pathos, faot, in faot all those traits that go to make np a great speaker. You simply uauum auuru tu ujjbm a eiuKiB service. A fcNeither can your friends. rTell theia or toe meeting. The seivioes will commence promptly at , 7:30 eaoh evening, . and will close early. No long drawn out meetings. Everything VYlli 1UUVO IIUU1 IUB WOIQ gO. JNO waiting, no sleeping. You will enjoy every minute. . ' Convention Next Week. The Umatilla Sub-District Con vention and Missionary Rally of the Christian church will be held in Atbeua next week, Monday and Tues day. Monday . evening at 7:30 will be the opening session. The audieuoe will be addressed by Mrs. Clara G. Esson state superintendent ot Bible schools. She is a live wire. You will be interested. Tuesday beginning at 9 a. m. addresses will be made by C. H. Hilton, of Milton and A. Mc Kenzie Meldrum of Pendleton. Rev. Meldrum will tell of the things he saw and heard at the Centennial con vention. In the afternoon the C. W. B. M. session will be held, and at night C. F. Swander of Portland, state secre tary will be the speaker. People, of Athena should not lose this opportunity to bear some good and inspiring addresses. , A Scalded Bovs Shrieks, horrified his grandmother, Mrs. Maria Taylor, of Nebo Ky., who writes that, when all thought he'would die, Buck lens Arnioa Salve wholly cured bim. Infallible for Burns, Soalds, Cuts, Corns, Wounds, Bruises. Cures Fever sores, Boils Skin Eruptions, Chilblains, Chapped Hands. Soon routs Piles. 25o at all druggists. 5200 ON $3.80 INVESTMENT Davton Furniture Dealer Introduces Ancona Chickens. 45 nUVTT. BBfiTTIWBQ J XJXIUU JLJ.LVX IXUILUj CATERERS TO THE PUBLIC IN GOOD THINGS TO EAT Athena, Oregon I Homer Saiuudl, a furniture dealer of Dayton, Wash., has found poultry rather profitable. In less than 15 months from $3.80 Mr. Samuel bus netted 1183.50 from eggs and the sale of obiokens, in addition to having enough eggs to supply his family. In May,. 1908, Mr. Samuel paid $3.80 for a setting of Auoona eggs. Wnen 4 months old the pullets com menced laying. Some of these pullet eggs were set in Ootober. During this year he sold $90 worth of eggs, besides reserving plenty for table use. A few days ago Mr. Samuel sold 21 Ancona bens to A. J. Knight for $3.50 eaoh. Tn addition ho sold 10 yonng henswith the understanding that he was to have half the profits from their sale, whioh at the price reoeived for the others will mean $25. Mr. Samuol reoeived $25 in cash prizes at poultry exhibitions outside that state, so that the total reoeipts from his experience reach over $200. Anconas were reoently imported to this country from Wales, of whioh country they are natives. Farmers Want More Money, According to Portland buyers of wheat farmers are not offering tbeii grain so freely during reoent weeks. The greater demand has caused many of them to hold for higher prices, and aooording to some of the bigger buyers they are justified in doing so from present conditions. Outside millers are clamoring for on advance in the price of patent flour, but the big millers are not disposed to pot np quotations because they say that the small millers simply use their advauce in order to out values. County School Athletes Will Contest For Cup Given by Athena Commercial Association Professor Case, prinoipal of the Athena High sohool, in an address before the Athena Commercial As sociation Wednesday evening, divulg ed plans on whioh he is working and through whioh he hopes to interest the sobools of . the oounty in a big traotc meet to be held in this oity next spring. - After diBOUBsing the matter in a thorough manner, tho Commercial Association at onoo took up Professor Case's proposition and unanimously voted to pnrohase a silver loving oup, value $75, whioh the assooiation will offer as a grand piize to the sohool winning the greatest number of points at the meet. Traok teams from the sobools of Umatilla county will be eligible to enter all athletic contests sohedoled for the Athena meot, and a speoial committee has been appointed to inter est the sobools of the oounty in the big contest. A committee was also appointed by Presideut Riohards of the assooiation, to select the oup and have it properly engraved. It will be placed on exhi bition immediately ou its arrival here. The traok and) grounds on whioh field sports will bo held will in all probability be made at the oity park. Goes to Philippines. The four troops of the Fourteenth oavalry, for a long time stationed in Walla Walla, left Monday night fr San Franoisoo, on their way to the Philippines where they have keen ordered for servioe. Upon their arri val in the islands they will relieve the Sixth oavalry, four troops of which, in command of Colonel John Rogers, will e stationed at Walla Walla. The troops were joined at Umatilla by tho two troops from the Boise barraroks. T-he famous Four teenth cavalry band goes with them. WOMAN WAS THE INSTIGATOR Mrs. Wherry and Two Boys In Jail At Heppner For Arson. Mrs. Mary Wherry, wife of a busi ness man of Heppner, Valley Dexter and Clyde Cribbins, two 16-year-old boys, are looked up in the Morrow oounty jail obargod with arson, the boys having confessed to the crime. A barn in that oity belonging to Bob Dexter was burned Sunday nigbt. The fire was discovered abouf 11:30. Marshal Walbiidge was at the fire and the Cribbins lad came to him vcluntarily and made tbe remark that be could not see how tbe fire bad started because he had not beon in there for a mouth. This aroused the suspicions of tbe offioer and after questioning the boy the latter con fessed, implicating Mrs. Wherry and Valley Dexter. The Dexter boy lives out of town and when arrested by Sheriff Sbutt be confessed, telling praotioally the same story that the Cribbins boy told. The story of tho boys is that Mrs. Wherry. was tbe instigator; that she went to tbe woodshed at tbe Wborry home and splitting up some pitch wood, gave it to tbe boys, who dug a hole under the barn and started the fire whioh destroyed tbe bnilding. Mrs. Wherry is a sister of Bob Dextor tbe man who lost tbe barn. Oregon Woolgrowers. Arrangements are nearing comple tion for entertaining in Pendleton, November 9 and 10, tho largest body of sheepmen ever gathered in Oregon. Tbe ocoasion is tho twelfth annual convention of tbe Oregon Woolgrow era' assooiation. Pendleton Easy. Pendleton Aoademy proved easy for the LaGrande eleven Saturday, when that team romped up and down tbe field at wilL The visitors were out classed and never made things inter esting. La Grande made seven touob downs the final soore being, LaGrande 36. Pendleton 0. y Lost a Finger. VLittle Riobard Cartano had a por- severed Monday evening. His sister was cutting kindling with a hatchet, when tbe little fellow, reaching for a (tick got bis band under tbe hatchet. The finger was out in two between tbe first and second joints. To Enforce Laws. meeting or oluzors A mass meeting or oluzors was held at tbe county oourt house Wed nesday afternoon. Tbe meeting was held for the purpose of devising means to enforce tbe looal option laws. Tbe result of tbe meeting was that County commissioners gave assurance of am ple funds with whioh to suppress vio lations of tbe law, and the matter of enforcement of tbe law was plaoed in tbe bands of Sheriff Taylor, with the understanding that ho be empowered to employ additional help other than bis regular deputies, to aid bim in such enforcement. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES ft Commercial Association Holds Annual Election of Officers. There was more ginger sprinkled around at the meeting of the Athena Commercial Assooiation Wednesday evening than has been in evidenoe'for some time. Nearly every member bad soma thing to propose for the good of the town and a corking, lively session was tbe result The meeting opened with the election of offloers for the ensuing year. The new officers are: B. B. Riohards, president; J. E. Froome vioe president; J. V. Mitohell secretary; James Henderson treasurer. President Riohards named his stand nig committees as follows: City Interests. T. M. Taggart, T. H. Beverly, F. B. Boyd. Transportation, Jas. Henderson, N. A. Miller, Jas. Coniey. County Afifairs, H. A. Barrett, S. F. Wilson A. B. McEwen. Z. W. Lookwood J. F. Brown, John Froome, W. O. Miller. Education, S. F. Wilson, B. N. Hawks, H. G. Case. A number of speoial oommittes were also appoiuted. Tbe assooiation de oided to meet twice eaoh month dur ing the winter, the first and third Wednesday nights in eaob month. To Be Spotless Town. Monday began a oleannp campaign iu Walla Walla which will last nntil tbe town is spotless. Under the di rection of Sanitary Inspector William C. Gates, Health Offioer, E. E. Shaw ' and F. S. Hull, chairman of the oity oounoil committee on health and police, the work was taken np at 8 o'olook. Dump carts and wagons are being utilized and tbe whole town is to be scoured. Fall Seeding Better. Aooording t o leading framers, a period of transition is at hand in tbe planting of grain crops of eastern Washington. Tbe old method of seeding spring graiu is rapidly giving plaae to fall seeding. Commissioner C. B. Bowman, who lives in tbe west ern part of Columbia county, said last week that nearly every one is sowing fall grain, wbile R. II. Prater reports tbe same conditions in tbe Turner and Covello districts. Young Girls are Victims. of headache, as well as older women, but all get quick relief and prompt cure from Dr. King's Life Pills, tbe world's best remedy for sick and. nervous headaches. They make pure blood, and strong nerves and build op your health, try tbem. 253 at all droggste. Blood Poisoning. Miss Jennie B. Patriok died Sunday night at Milton from blood poisoning caused by an accidental gunshot wound at Colfax, Wash., about a year. ago. bne was tbe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Patriok of Miltcn. BIG PUBLIC AUCTION SALE Dave Still Will Dispose of Property Thursday Novemder 11. David Still, tbe well known Milton ' farmer, having deoided to retire, will offer a large amount of personal prop erty for sale at publio auotion on Thursday, November 11. ube sale, wbioL will oommenoe promptly at 1 o'olook p. m., will be held at the old William Bado place on Dry creek, two and one half milos west of Milton. Tbe property con sists of : Seventeen head of good work hors es; two good driving noises; one lion Wilkes filly; one yearliug oolt; one oolt six mouths old; several head of hogs; 7 sots of work harness; one set eiugle harness; one set double driving harness; one oow; five wagons; one back; one buggy; two seed drills; one MoCormiok mower; one hay rake; three gang plows; three six-horse har rows; one spring tooth harrow; four seeders; one disk; one sleigh; five log chains; double trees; single trees; neok yokes; forks and other articles too numerous to montion. Terms, under $10, oasb ; all over $10 ten months credit with approved joiut note, at tbe rate of 8 per cent. Three per cent off for oasb. Free lunoh at 12:30 o'clock. he Athena hunters have returned home from the Grand Ronde, and were sucoesful in their quost for venison. John Stone killed the largest buck over brought into Athena. The deer was a monster, weighing .231 pounds dressed. Three fine bucks fell before the unerring aim of Will Dobson, and one was killed by tbe Press man. All tbe boys hud a good time and will be ready for next year's bunt. K James-Douglas. . Albert James of Walla Walla, and Miss Ruby Douglas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Douglas of Weston, were married at tbe residence of Mrs. E. Brady, tbe bridegroom's mother on Sunday afternoon at Freewater in the presence of a few intimate friends and relatives Rev. D. O. Sandorson officia ting. Tbe young people, who are well known in Freewater and Weston, left on tbe evening train for Walla Walla, where they will reside. Epworth League Social. Tuesday evening, tbe Epwortb Leaguo gave tbe first of its social meetings for tbe rear. About thirty gathered at tbe Methodist parsonage, and participated in a most enjoyable program of pleasure and sociability. These good times will be repeated on tbe first Tuesday of every month. Mr. Beveily will lead tbe Epworth League Devotional meeting next Sun day nigbt. . - 1 fS L. J. Henderson has resigned his position as operator for tbe O. R. & N. Co., and will travel for a Portlaud. firm, j