The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 15, 1909, Image 4

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To Produce Commodities For the Serv
ice of Mankind.
The mission of the land Is to pro
duce and keep on producing food, lire
stock, lumber and other commodities
for the service of man. He who owns
land and Is Indifferent to this Is guilty
of a moral wrong, and he who takes
good land out of commission and suf
fers It to He unproductive and useless
is guilty of a greater one. This Is the
only criterion by which we can prop
erly judge of the right of an Individual
to own land In large tracts.
The good results attendant upon
small Individual holdings are natural.
The purposes of nature In the upward
evolution of man are usually better
carried out In this way, and not be
cause, as Is so frequently argued,
every man has an Inherent right to Its
ownership. The lazy, the Incapable
and the densely Ignorant nssuredly
have no such right, and land Is too
precious and Its mission too high to be
thus wasted.
If the owner of a great country es
tate can farm bis land as well ns or
better' than If It were In small hold
ings; If, following the precept of Swift,
he made two ears of corn or two
blades of grass grow where onp grew
before; If he supply bis section with n
better breed of horses, cattle or sbepp,
well and good. Wo one with any
knowledge of economics could say be
was doing any Injury to the world or
mankind. It Is not the amount of land
that be owns, but what he does with
It for which be Is morally responsible.
David Buffum In Atlantic.
The Invention of the Panorama.
The panorama was Invented by a
Scotchman named Robert Barker, who
obtained a license In London in 1787
and erected a rotunda on Leicester
square. lie was associated with Rob
ert .Fulton, the practical Inventor of
the steamboat, who Introduced pano
ramas Into Paris in 1700, but resigned
In favor of Thayer perhaps In order
to give bis attention to the application
of steam to boats. Thayer raised a
rotunda on the Boulevard Montmartre,
whence comos the namo of the Pas
sage des I'nnornnias. Honnparte caused
plans to be drawn up for eight pano
ramas, In which bis conquests were to
be 8 ho iv n (o the I'arlsluns, whom be
always tried to Impress with the mag
nitude of the achievements In order to
keep them faithful to bis star. But
these projects were never realized.
Calve'e "Screaming."
I could ta'k for hours about my coun
try and my own people. I nin so fond
of both. On my birthday many of them
came in procession to see me and I
danced what Is cnlled the "botirree"
with them. They say surli qtinlnt
things. An old woman oncp, hearing
me sing, asked, "Doesn't It hurt you
to scream like that?" A peasant once
told me he was sure the proprietor of
the grotto would give me 5 francs a
day to sing there-Calve in London
The Hater of Quietude.
"That man says he will create some
real excitement If he gets Into con
gress." "Ves," answered Senator Sorghum,
"bo Is one of those peculiar patriots
,v who want to climb on board the ship
of state simply for the pleasure of
rocking the boat." Washington Star.
What Would He Do With Itr
A farmer owned a dog a very good,
high bred and thoroughly trained dog
that every morning for three years
chased a railway train that ran past
the farm. The farmer and his wife
were watching the persistent but rain
pursuit one warm morning.
"I wonder," the wife said, "what
makes that foolish dog chase the train
so persistently."
"Never thought about that," replied
the farmer, "but I'vo often wondered
what he would do if be caught it"
What He Wanted.
Professional Guide (to palace car
porter) I have an English lord In
charge, and I want him to get a good
Impression of the comforts of travel
In this country. Ilere's $5. Porter
Yes, sah. Do you want me to gib him
extra attention, sah? Guide Great
Scott, no! I want you to keep away
from him! New York Weekly.
Tommy Atkins on the Range.
Subaltern What on earth are you
fellows doing? There hasn't been a bit
signaled for the last half hour. Prl-vate-I
think we must 'ave shot the
marker, sir! London Punch.
Bond Don't you realize that mar
riage broadens a man? Benedict Oh,
yes; I suppose it can be put that way,
but "flattens" is the word I've always
UBed. London Express.
Lincoln as He Knew Him.
Asked under the civil service rules
to write what he knew about Abra
ham Lincoln, an applicant for the po
lice force of New York wrote:
"Abraham Lincoln was born in Ken
tucky at a very early age. Ills father
moved the family to Ohio, floating
down the Mississippi. If he had not
been killed by a murderer he might be
living today. He was an Intelligent
man and could easily have been presi
dent of New York city." Ladles'
Home Journal.
Needed Airing.
"What's the matter with you?" de
manded Borem hotly. "I've got a
right to"air my opinions, haven't I?"
"Oh, of course," replied Brightly.
"They're so stale and musty they cer
tainly need something of that sort."
Philadelphia Press.
"I have decided to suspend your sen
tence," the judge began.
"For the Lord's sake, Judge, you
don't mean to say lifting a few
chickens Is a hanging matter!" New
York Heral4.
Rare Exception.
"I rather pride myself on one thing,"
said the young father. "Although I
have the brightest, smartest, cutest,
best youngster I ever saw, I never
brng about him."-Ktnsas City Times.
No Chance.
"I think It's wrong for a married
man to gamble."
"It's worse thnn wrong. It's Idiotic.
His wife gives him fits If ho loses and
confiscates the proceeds If he wins,"
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Suspicious Circumstances,
"Do you know they suspect that old
man or leading n double life."
"What gives rise to that?"
"Why. lie's so mean and cross around
home that they think ho must bo
pleasant and agreeable somewhere."
H sell an fie.
Tho blessedness or misery of old age
Is often but the extract of one past
life. De Malstre.
"I suppose you're sorry now?" asked
tho prison visitor, according to tho
Philadelphia Lodger.
Tho young man who had stolen $17,
000 and spent It in sixteen weeks
sighed through tho bars. "Oh, yes,"
ho answered. "I tried to cut too much
of a splurge. Tho money ought to
have lasted me n week longer."
The Peoples Warehouse
Pendleton's Largest and Best Store
has now on exhibition in the Ready
to Wear section the largest and most
complete stock of Women's Suits,
Coats and Capes, Waists, Petticoats,
Skirts, Children's Coats and Dresses
ever shown in Eastern Oregon.
If there is anything new that is
worth having, you'll find it here
every time, and at
Guaranteed Lowest
Our flttiug and alteration toouis are in a class
by themselves. No woman need think but we
oan fit her form perfeoly and at the same time
satisfy her pookotbook.
Wo oau show you. the cream of the newest and latest and most stylish bata
in ohatge of an export milliuer who will help you to select a hat that will
be stylish nud at the same time becoming. The prioea on our hats are
Department Store Prions, a saving to you overy time.
Muke thin store your headquarters when visiting Pendleton for you ate
equally welcome whethe you come to look or to buy. Ladlea' lavatorlas
on the second floor at your eervioe.
THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE, Where it Pays to Trade."
A Note Per the Truth,
Exact truthfulness, according to a
writer In the London Sketch, had lti
proper reward In the following In
stance: Teacher-Now. can you tell me wha. :
the olfactory organ is? Boy Please,
sir. no. sir. Teacher Quite right.
Tough Skin.
Gunner-And now comes a professor
who declare that fruit is Just as
healthy with the skin on as It Is peeled.
GuycrIl'iii! I'd like to see somebody
start him n a diet of pineapple.
Chlcnco .News.
Ought to Have Known Better.
"1 feit's tfie mattery
Must fpiarrpied with ray wife-"
"What a twin
"She wild that a woman whom wt
met was henutirul and I agreed with
her."-Houston Tost.
Examiner-What Is an allbl f Can
didate For the Bar An allbl is com
mitting a crime In one place when you
are in another place, if you can be in
two other places, the allbl la all the
stronger In law. Puck.
Seared With a Hot Iron,
or soalded by overturned kettle out
with a knife bruised by slammed
door injured by gun or in any other
way the thing needed at onoe is
Bucklen's Arnica Salve to subdue
inflamation and kill the pain. It's
earth's supreme healer, infallible foi
boils, uloers, fevet sores, Eozema and
piles. 25o at all druggists.
Up Before The Bar.
N. H. Brown, an attorney, of Pitts
filed, Vt, writes: "We have used Dr.
King's New life Pills for years and
find them snob a good family medioine
we wouldn't be without them," For
Chills, constipation, Billiousness Siok
Headaohe they work wonders, 25o at
all druggists.
The Crime of Idleness.
Idleness means trouble for any one.
Its the same with a lazy liver. It
causes oonetipation, headaohe, jaun
dioe, sallow complexion, pimples and
blotohes, loss of appetite, nausea, but
Dr. King's New Life Pills soon banish
liver troubles and builds op your
health. 25o at all druggist.
WANTED Suooess Magazine wants
an energetio and responsible man or
woman in Alhena to collect for renew
als and new sutsoriptions during full
ot spare time. Experience unnecessary.
Any one oan start among friends and
acquaintances and bnild up a paying
and permanent business without capi
tal. Complete outfit and instructions
free. Address, "VON," Suooess Mage
azine, Boom 103, Suooess Magazin
Buiiding. New York City, N. Y.
A Good Position,
oan be had by ambitious young 'men
and women in the field of "Wireless"
and Railroad telegraphy. Sinoe the
8-hour law beoame effeotive, and sinoe
the Wireless companies are establish
ing stations throughout the oountry
there is a great shortage of telegraph
ers. Positions pay beginners from f 70
to $90 per month, with good chance
for advancement. The National Tele
graph Institute of Portland, Ore.,
operates six offloial institutes in
America, nnder supervision of B. B.
and Wireless offloials and plaoes all
graduates into positions. It will pay
you to write them for full details.
For Sale A half section of wheat
land, 250 aores in cultivation, at $18
per aore. Terms, $2,000 casb.'balanoe
on time. James Bryan, Athena.
'Twas a Glorious Victory.
There's reioioinir in Fedora. Tenn.
A man's life has been saved, and now
Dr. King's New Disoovery is the talk
of the town for ouring C. V. Pepper
of deadly Inns hemorrhages. "I
oould not work nor get about," he
writes, "and the doctors did me no
good, but. after using Dr. King's New
Disoovery three weeks, I feel like a
new man, and oan do good work
again." For weak, sore or diseased
lungs, ooughs and colds, hemorrhages,
hay fever, lagrippe, asthma or any
Bronobial affection it stands unrival
ed. Prioe 50o and $1. Trial Bottle
free. Sold and guaranteed by all
SALijo ii Mo
9SWiSeV Te?
Through Pullman standard end sleeping
ears del ly to Omaha, Chicago; tourist Bleeping
ear dally to Kansas City; through Pullman
tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted.
weeaiy 10 idicako, wiiq iree
chair cars, seats free, to the east dally irom
Dally. ATHENA, ORE. D''y.
Walla Walla, Day
ton, Poraeroy, Lew
Iston, Colfax, Full-
1KB p. m. raan, Moscow, the iwp.m.
Coeur d'Alene dis
trict, Spokane and
all points north.
Walla Walla-Pen
7:58 a no dieton Special 7:58 a. m.
Fast Mall for Pen-
dieton. LaUrande,
Baker City, and all
tlngton, Ore,, Also
. rorUmatimOlcpp
:13 p m ner ihft baifes, 4.J5 p m
Portland, Astoria,
Willamette Valle-
Poiuta, tfelirorola.
Sound Points.
&50p'in. Pendleton - Walla &50pu
Walla Special
K. M. Smith Agent,
toio) aim
Are you buying your goods right? Are you buy
ing your goods at home? Are you helping
to keep up Athena progress?
We carry a heavy Stock and are prepared to fill or (
ders. We wish to guide you in making your pur
chases and aid you to make them sensibly. &
Outing Flannel
Ginghams Linings
Dress Goods
Frenoh Flannel
Curtain Goods
Table Linen
Safety Pins
Side Combs
Silk Thread
Cotton Thread
Ladies' Belts
Ladies' Handkerchiefs
Sweater Coats
Men's Underwear
Wool Gloves
Leather Gloves
Men' Sooks
Men's Shoes
Ladies' Shoes
Children's Shoes
Canvas Leggins
Leather Leggins
German Socks
Rubber Boots
Over Gaiters
Shoe Polish
Dry Goods
We have just added a
new line of Dry Goods
and Piece Goods of all
kinds, and solicit your in
vestigation of the same.
Why Buy
the second best when the
best costs no more?
Don't skip a word or
you may skip a dol
lar. We carry the lar
gest and most uptodate
line of furnishings in
the city. Come in and
inspect them. They're
free to behold and are
cheap to buy. All val
ues struck by a live
wire, backed by our
long buying experience
Silver Collars in quarter sizes and
Ide Shirts are the best manufactured,
Soft shirts from 50c to $2.50; Neglegee
shirts from $1 to $3; sweater coats from
$1.75 to $i; mens underwear per suit, $1
to $3; socks 5c to 60c; neckties 25c to 65c;
We make a specialty of Mens 50c four-in-hands.
A big line of the famous Florsheim shoes
for the man who cares, to arrive soon,
A large line of Foot-Shulze shoesjust re
ceived. We are leaders in shoes. We
sell cheap but sell a heap.
Boot Powder
Women Foothold Rubbers
Silk Luster
Hair Pins
Hose Supporters
Ladies' Hosiery
Boys' Hosiery
Boys' Pearl Waists :
Infant's Wrappers
Wool Blankets
Cotton Blankets
Children's hose supporters
Men's Suits
Men's extra Pants
Garters '
Hat Bands
Sleeve Holders .
Shoe Laces
Canvas Gloves s. . ,v ,,
Crepe Paper
Paper 'Napkins v ;
Muoilage -
Traveling Bags
Suit Cases
Oil Cans
Grooeries 1
Chewing Gum
Hams and Bacon
We carry the Hartman line and will give you Chicago prices.
cTHens Clothing
We carry a complete line of Alfred Benjamin ready-to-wear clothes. The best
on the market at modest prices. Call and see for yourself.
Happy Home Canned goods are the
best We recommend them. & &
in the nomine It
at wheamadefraaiOBeef
Chase 4 Sanborn's
every cue tin
from the stlee
prtage which yea bef.
U yoe appreciate fine
Coffeccoffeeof clearcole
end eeucate sr
but Owe A
Vti Coffee
L "
T. M. Taggart Athena Or.
General Merchandise