The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 01, 1909, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
E. B. Cox went to
Lawyer Watts is in
Pendleton Mon-
Peudletou this
Mrs. J. D. Plamondon visited in
Pendleton yesterday. :
Attorney Wilson is attending oourt
nt Pendleton this week.
Al. Johnson went to Pendleton; Tues
day and visited tbe fair.
Mrs. Woo. Dobsoo returned Friday
from Portland, leaving her sister
slightly improved. Mrs. Dobson oom
rnenoed her eobool Monday in tbe La
Mar diatric".
Dean Dudley was in Pendleton Toes- V Miss Lnla Tharp
Wan ovnr fmm
Walla Walla Sunday. Miss Tharp
is well pleased with the Fisher Con
servatory of Musio, where she is tak
ing instruction.
Marriage licenses have been issued
to Louis MoDade, of Spokane and Ha
zel La Vedn Peck of this county; and
to Robert 0. Michael and Minnie M.
Bavsa. hnrh of this .innnf-v
M J- A. Kirk has puiohased Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller were Pen
dleton visitors yesterday.
Obooolate eolairs and cream puffs
Saturday and Sunday at tbe Bakery.
For rent, furnished A 7-rodm cot
tage. Inquire of Mrs Minnie Baker. .
Mr. and Mrs. B. VB. Richards will
move to the Ghas. Henry cottage on
the West side. -
Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Watts will move
to tbe Bradley cottage in tbe north
,i part of the city.
C Miss Norma Smith has returned
from a two weess visit with Miss
Oleson, at Pendleton.
A little more rain is needed to start
tbe weeds and put summer fallow
ground in working order. -
X" J. E. Froome and Zepb Lookwood
took a trip tbis week to he mines in
Wallowa oounty, near Lostine.
Mr. and Mrs. Wililam Weir will
leave in a few days for Dayton, Wash,
where tbey will visit relatives.
Beginning Monday, Ootober 4th,
, we will close at 6:30 p. m., Saturdays
excepted. Mosgrove Mercantile Go.
Beginning Monday, Ootober 4th, we
will close at 6:30 p. m., Saturdays
cxoopted. : Mosgrove Meroautile Go.
, Mr. and Mrs. Q. W. Hansell have
gone to Cambridge, Idaho, where they
will visit their daughter, Mrs. Rogers.
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Kemp and
daughters and Principal J. E. Keef e
were in tbe city Sunday from Weston.
Eugene Sohrimpf left Sunday for
Portland, where be will finish a course
iu tbe Benoke-Walker Business col
Remember the splendid motion pic
tures at the Dime tonight and toniojv
. row night, with sntire ohange of pro
gram. .
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. LeUrow were
in Walla Walla Tuesday evening and
attended the "Three Twins" oomio
Mrs. Louis Bergevin and daughter
were Walla Walla visitors yesterday.
Tbe family contemplate moving to
that city.
lage"8 farm south of town. By the
purchase of tbis plaoe of 150 aores,
Mr. Kirk's holdings there Is now 310
aores. .The consideration is not given.
K Dave Bonifer, who is in the cattle
Business, win winter nis nera or zau
bead on Meaoham creek. He is haul
ing in mountaiu hay for feed.. Five
bead of his stock were reoently ' killed
by passenger trains on the 0. R. & N.
above Gibbon.
MIsb Georgia Hansell went to Cor-
vallis last week, where she matriou-
lated with tbe Orogon Agricultural
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Roberts, who
left here last fall for Kansas, have
returned and are at Weston, living, in
their property there.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald MoKinnon
and their daughter, Mary, left yester
day for Nantou, Alberta, where tbey
will make tbeir future home.
By decision of the La Grande office
officials the case of the government
against Judge H. J. Bean, a suit to'
canoel tbe letter's desert entry, has
been dismissed. Mews to tbis effeot
was reoeived from La Grande by tbe
East Oregonian yesterday.
High olass acting and a blending of
healthy humor free from maudlin sen
timent, will be the kind of attraction
the Eohkardt Company will present
during their three nights engagement
at tbe opera house in this oity com
mencing Monday night, Ootober lltb.
The splendid Eokbardt Company
supporting the brilliant aotress, Miss
Josephine Deffry, in a splendid selec
tion of three different plays cornea to
the opera house for an engagement of
three nishts oommenoing Monday
night. Out. lltb. Prioes 25o. 35o.
and 50o.
Sanaa Pall Rincnra nntartftinflri
A a pleased and appreciative audienoe at
the Cbristiaa oburoh Monday evening.
The "Musical Eokardts" proved to be
no misnomer, and their splendid ren
dition of popular musio on Swiss bells
and numerous instruments was enter
taining to a high degree.
L C. S. Jaokson, publisher of tbe Port
Hand Journal, Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Coben, Mr. and Mrs. T. U. Taylor
and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Judd of Pen
dleton, were in the city Wednesday.
The party came up from Pendleton in
automobiles and took a spin to the
city park, which they greatly ad
Mrs. Anna Molntyre has purchased
e Terbune property on Hunt avenue;
Mr. Brown, tbe new proprietor of
Athena's Department store, has pur
chased the MoBride residence at the
corner of 4th and Adams streets;
Will Bush purobased tbe Mitohell
cottage in tbe north part of town.
These are the real estate transactions
for the week in city property.
A treat is in store for Athena theater
goers cu the evening nf Ootober 9tb,
when the Juvenile Bostonians, a olever
omio opera company, will appear at
the Athena opera house, under the
auspices of the Athena Commercial
Association. Tbis company of juven
ile performers is well known through
out the NorthweBt, and has appeared
in tbis city before. The little star,
Bane Mason, is remembered here as a
olever child performer.
Miss Alta Sharp visited friends at
Pendleton Wednesday. Miss Minnie
Tharp was in tbe telephone office
during Miss Sharp's absence.
Tbe Morse horse-stealing case is
now before the cirouit court. Up 'to
last evening three witnesses for tbe
prosecution had been examined.
X' Mr. Miller, of tbe firm of Miller &
West, tbe well drillers, will bring his
family from Prosser, Waeb., to reside
in Athena. He has rented the Jarman
cottage. .
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Richards were
m "Weston Wednesday where the judge
performed tbe ceremony'which united
John Hager and Miss Nettie Powles in
V Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hawks, T. H.
"ABeverly and Miss Nettie Beverly went
to Walla Walla Tuesday evening by
automobile, and witnessed the splen
did comio opera, "The Three Twins."
The offering of the Eokhardt Com
pany supporting that accomplished ar
tist, Miss Josephine Deffry for the
first night of tbeir three nights engage
ment at the opera house in this oity
commencing Monday night, Oct. 11th,
will be the beautiful and. refreshing
comedy-drama, "The Captain and The
Lady." If you want to enjoy one of
the most intensely interesting plays
don't miss seeing this great comedy.
I Prioes 25, 85 and 50 cents.
rv W. .T Wiltinann xahn in oarrvinflr
bail on a 60-mile route in the Twin
Falls country, met with a painful ac
cident last week. While descending
a steep grade tbe team became unman
ageable, ran away and threw Mr.
Wilkinson out of the rig. In the fall,
his light thigh was broken and he lay
hfllnlflPft nntil fnnnd 22 hours after
tbe aocident He was removed to tbe
hospital at Twin Falls, where he is
eettinsr alone as well as could be ex-
October 4th to 9th is Fair week at Walla Walla
Make Davis-Kaser's Your Headquarters Here
We want fair week to be "Visiting Week" at our s'ore. We want to have
the pleasure of visiting with you and help make your stay in Walla Walla
the most pleasant one you ever had. We want you to make our store
your headquarters use our phones use our "Rest Rooms" meet your
friends here and make yourself perfeotly at home at our store. We are
proud to asy that we have the largest and best selected stook of borne
furnishings In Walla Walla Valley and hope to have tbe pleasure of show
ing you through our store.
We have made a "Rest Room" of our booth at tbe fair for your comfort.
Thursday October ?tb, being " WallaJY'alla" day, our store will be closed
all day.
The Davis-Kaser Company
Dealers in Paints, Builders' Hardware, Sewing Machines
Complete Home & House Furnishers
Walla Walla, Wash (The home of reater Whitman)
Branch Store at Pasco, Wash.
School Notes.
Sobool is moving along nicely with
splendid support and encouragement
Miss Mattie Caton entered the High
Sobool this week.
1'he Basket Ball boys have ordered
their suits. Mr. Barrett will order
athletio goods for" the school as soon
as plans are fully matured.
We are glad that people are moving
into Athena to take advantage of her
schools. It is the aim of tbe board
and teaohers to make the Athena
schools second to none in the oounty.
Every new pupil , will be gladly welcomed.
The High Sobool girls are learning
to play basket ball. Mr. Case is
coaoh. - ; ' v
Tbe Athena sobool will consider
challenges from other sohools in ath
letio games and debates.
A High sobool Literary and Debat
ing sooiety will be organized Friday
Prof. Henry will organize a High
sobool Orohestra.
The High sobool chorus meets for
practice Thursday afternoons.
Tbe'High sobool will give a recep
tion to patrons and teaohers in the
near future. '
In a spelling contest between the
sixth and seventh grades oonduoted
by Mr. Case on Wednesday, the sev
enth grade won.
. Mr. S. F. Wilson was a pleasant
visitor at sobool Tuesday morning
and made an inspiring talk.
Rev. Harris gave a splendid talk to
tbe sobool Thursday morning, wbiob
was most helpful and greatly enjoyed
by all. We are gladto have ministers
assist us in moral instruction and wel
come them most cordially. Lot others
follow the good example.
V Anthracite Coal.
At a depth of 528 feet, a deposit of
Anthraoite ooal was tapped by tbe
big drill used in boring for artesian
water by tbe Athena Land & Trnst
oompany. Copper and other minerals
have been enoountered in drilling this
well, but to find tbe extent of the de
posits will require either drilling with
a diamond drill, or sinking a shaft.
The well is now down 580 feet and
there is no perceptible ohange in tbe
flow of water.
Stop 30-Hour Sleep. '
A "maid of mystery," traveling
with her hypnotist husband, began a
30 hour sleep in a Pendleton store
window Monday only to be awakened
after three hours had elapsed by order
of the polioe, who discovered that
Oregon had a law prohibiting suob
displays. The two "wonders" were
much chagrined.
Blind Pigger Nabbed.
Within two hours after he opened
up for business, Thomas Dethridge, a
Walla Walla bootlegger, found him
self behind the prison bars at Pendle
ton. His case will be investigated by
tbe graod ury, says tbe East Oregon
ian, but as he was caught, not only
with the goods on, but dispensing tbe
goods to patrons for a valuable con
sideration, there is no doubt of the
Christian Church Announcements.
Regular services next Lord's Day.
Sunday sobool 10 a. m. ; preaobing
and communion 11 a. m. Evening
worship at 7 :30. All are invited to
attend any or all of these services.
Baptist Church Notes.
Every member of the Baptist Sun
day sobool embarked on tbe "Trip to
Palestine" last Sunday. Tbe trip is
to take ten weeks. Two of tbe fastest
ships afloat have been ohartered for
the trip. 4 Mrs. Ryder is tbe captain
of one boat and MissTobed MoFadyen
of the other. Tbe biggest run last Sun
day was 920 miles. The attendance
has considerably increased tbe past
few weeks and tbe enthusiasm in the
school runs high. If there are others,
young or old, who go nowhere else,
we invite you to go on this trip with
us. Come next Sunday at 10 a. m.
and be registered and get a free ticKet.
At 11 o'olook Pastor Ryder will
preach, after which the ordinance of
the Lord's Supper will be observed
and tbis will be followed by a special
ly called business meeting. Every
member is urged to be present. In
the evening at 7:30 will be the usual
bright song and evangelistio servioe
with an address by the pastor. All
are oordially invited to these servioes
per cent Discount Sale on all of our
. . . . i . .
Mkra's Departmemit
New ,
) Silk Waistings
The Pacific Monthly
of Portland, Oregon is a beautifully
illustrated monthly magazine. If you
are interested in dairying, fruit iais
ing, poultry raising, or want to khovr
about irrigated lands, timber lands.
or free government land open to home
stead entry. Tbe Paoiflo Monthly will
give you full information. The price
is $1.50 a year.
If you will send twenty-five cents in
stamps, three late issues -will be sent
you so that you may beoome acquaint
ed with it. Read tbe following splen
did offers:
Offer No. 1 MoClore'e Magazine,
Woman's Home Companion and Tbe
Paoiflo Monthly, costing $4.50 will be
sent at a special rate of $3.
A Offer No. 2 McClure's Magazine,
Review of Reviews and Tbe Pacific
Monthly, costing 16, will be sent for
Offer No. 3 Human Life, 'deal
Homes and Tbe Pacific Monthly will
be sent for f 2.
uraer by number ana send your
order accompanied by postal money
order for tbe amount to tbe Pacific
Monthly, Portland, Oregon.
We find many lines of shoes overstocked and in
order to reduce the stock and enable us to specialize
and improve this department and to make some need
ed changes in the granite and crockery department
we have decided to place on sale for the next 30 days
a sweeping cut of 10 per cant on all cash purchases
in these departments.
lossrove lercantile
Dress Goods
Just received a large shipment of the very latest
styles and colorings in ladies fall suits.
In adding this new line to our already large and
varied stock of merchandise we have spared no ef
fort that time and ready money can do, to have the
very best the market affords.
Your early inspection will be greatly appreciated.
Our styles are the latest, our prices are the lowest
possible consistent with good workmanship and re
liable material. B & H green trading stamps with
every cash purchase.
losgrove lercantile
New Ribbons
and Laces
Jet Trimming
and Buttons