AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Six and Eight Pages Every Friday. B. Boyd, Publisher. ' Application for entrance as 2nd class matter maueuu juiy o, Uuderan Actot Conxress of Marcb 3, 1879 ' Subaerl tlon ftatet ! yvr. In advanci 12.00 Single copies In wrappers, 5c, cylTHENA. ORE.. cAUGUST 6... 1909 Tbe Blue Mountain Eagle, publish ed at Canyon City, reaobea oat and says something in tun following: "When God made Taft, did be make a good job? Did be make a mollyooddlo for Aldriob to work over or did be turn out a finished product? Did be give him a pieoe of hemp or a ramrod for tank bone? Did be endow bim witb real brain tisane or was it jnat gristle? A bnndred million citi zens are waiting for an answer to this conundrum. Taft will furnish tbe answer. Tbe answer will put bim eitber into tbe brain column or the gristle row. Where will be fall? If . providenoe turned bim out when be was only half baked Mr. Aldriob will , finish the job ana the tariff framed by j soulless corporations will go through witb a wboop. ... Did destiny take Taft by tbe coat oollar and jerk bim into tbe presidential chair to mle wisely, or did a bunoh of fcroadoloth land pirates steer ; bim to the throne to , ratify tbeir work? ' We shall soon know. His veto of tbe tariff bill will show the band of Providenoe, or bia O. K. to tbe bill will show tbe smooth work of "de gang." "De gang vs. Providenoe.", Ultimately "deguug" will be swallowed up and the query is what will beoome of Taft? Will it be big, Honest Tariff Taft or just Easy Hill?" Apparently the only way some uni versity professors can get talked about is by giving utterance to some very' foolish and unfair views. A professor in Obiqago recently indulged in an indiscriminate tirade against women. He obarged them with extravagance in dress and living, with drunkenness, immorality and a general smashing of tbe decalogue. Such an attaok is as senseless as it is false. Evidently be has fallen into the error of thiuk iug that the oharaoter of some so- called high sooiety women who driuk, gamble, swear, dress expensively and look lightly upon ! marriage vows reflect the oharaoter of the" average American woman. If ha knew more about practical life be would not fall iuto snob unwarrantable bluuders, Amerloan women as a rule are lovers of home, chaste, thrifty, industrious, and good mothers who look well after their obildrou. At the same time an other professor in the same city and Institution, went to the other extreme and sought to show that a woman, even in enlightened Ameioa, is but little better than a slave. He pictur es her lot as one full of hardships, and herself an object of pity In thought be must be living in tbe Dark Ages, wbeu muob of what he says was true, and not in the eulight eued twentieth century. given a generous share of tbe special mention, but by tbe irony of fate there was no Oregon Normals to read about. What a spasm of ghoulish delist) t must thrill tbe vanity chords of tbe big rims of tbe tall tower, when tbey reflect that tbe Oregonian oan liva without the patronage of Oregon normal schools, and to show it, the graves of tbose murdered institutions were deoorated by tbe advertising department with alluring announce ments of other sobools at bo much per inch, setting forth their advantages to the Oregon student body. In reference to tbe proposed federal inoome tux a member of congress said that its imposition would make Amer ica a nation, of liars. Without passing upon the merits of such a tax,' it is clear that tbe objjetion thus raised would apply to any rax in which a man's property is in any way involv ed. Doubtless when county, town or city assessors make tbeir usual rounds to determine tbe tax each man has to pay many lies are told them, but it is never said that the community is one of the liars. While in making sworn statement as to the value of inoome, personal property and real estate many may perjure themselves, yet the old fashioned houosty is so strongly en trenobed in our individual and nation al life that in most cases a truthful answer is given. Tbe price of hops is soaring and the advance means money in tbe pock ets of the Northwest growers. A rep etition ot the stirring days of 1904 in tbe hop trade is promised. Brewers of tbe world are said to be facing a serions shortage of bops. Tbe market iu Portland has been lifted in a few weeks from 10 to 20 cents. Even old hops command a good prioe. Offers of 13 cents have been made for the 1908 crop, that a few weeks ago Went beg ging for 5 cents. Short crops in Eng land and Germany are reported to be boosting tbe price. A Obioago magistrate bas decided that it is no crime for one person to tread on anotbers foot, but that neith er is it a orime for the downtrodden person to retaliate by smiting the foot crusher in the eye or on tbe jaw. It Solomon could revisit the earth and hear some of tbe judicial decisions of modern life, be would acknowledge the folly of trying to keep tbe reoord for freak decisions for an "instant. A feature of the Sunday Oregonian was three pages of advertising and speoial writeups of the oduoatioual institutions of the northwest. Wash ington and Idaho State Normals were While attending a oirous at Walla Walla recently, a young lady lost her hat trimmings when a giraffe greedily munched the tempting headgear. Any giraffe which would eat the artificial cherries off a young woman's bat is in need of iustruotion in tbe rules of hygiene and good manners. When business men and corpora tions are tempted to make money dis honestly they would do well to follow tbe example of tbe old Sootoh mer obaut who wrote in bis brass-bound, leathor-oovered ledger, "O Lord, keep me and this buik honest." Pilot Book's only near beer saloon is down and out The City counoil considered a remonstrance against granting the renewal of lioense to sell near beer, and the only oasis remain ing iu Pilot Rook is the oity pump. Tbe yellow peril is a literal and menacing fact wherever Sunday sobools and well-meaning but worldly ignorant reform movements subjeot girls to tbe sinister association of Chinamen. LADIES HIGH GLASS SUITS ALL REDUCED BEST TAILORED SUITS $17.50 Tailored Suits reduce to $11.50 84 of the very best $17.50 iu pauauia Serges and Fauoy Suitiug SO aud S3 iu. coats Quished plaiu or witb braid, go on sale at this phenomenal low price. Alternations free. $30 Tailored Suits, reduced to $21.50 76 of our very best $30 suits strictly all wool man-tailored garments of the highest class, go on sale at the extreme low prioe i $21.50 All suits up to 145 reduced to fJ?.50. There are 70 of these elegant sultsiu the most popular'spriug styles and all go on sale at the reduced prioe of $27.50 Meus new epringuits at half prioe , THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE - Where it pays to trade. Pnnoeton university rejoices in a student who has discovered the first comet seen this year. That young man probably is destined to promin ence in the astronomical world. He may not have bitched bis wagon to a star, but towed by a oomet be may get there just tbe same. Every man oannot join tbe uplift by ridding tbe world of Afrioan lions, but be oan assist at spreading traps for the feet of tbe nefarious housefly. . It begins to look as though out of tbe genera Borimmage down in Des chutes oanyon. oentral Oregon will get at loast one railroad. Diarrhea Quickly Cared. - Chamberlain's ; Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy Can always be depended upon. During the summer months children are subject to bowel disorders and should receive me most carenu attention. As soon as any unnatural looseness of the bowels ia noticed Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Beinedy should be given, uosts bnt an cents a bottle, and it is economy to always keep a bottle handy. You do not know when it may be needed, but wJhen yon do want it you want it badly. Get 6. bottle today. What is a Business Education It is what every man and woman with aspirations must have. . It is sometimes secured in the business world but at a high cost and late in life. Get yours at The Blair Business College Cor First Avenue and Madison St, Spokane, Wash. Write us and we will send a catalogue and full explanation, A A rTW, E. CHURCH SERVICES. Satbath Sohool, 10 a. m., Mrs. E. M. Smith Superintendent. Epworth League, 7:15 p.m., Fred Koontz President. Preaching 11a. m. and 7:30 p.m. Ladies Aid Sooiety Wednesday after noon, Mr. H. O. Worthington Presi dent. Prayer meeting Thursday 8 .00 p. m. Choir praotioe Friday 7 :30 p. m " C. W. Geiszler, ' Pastor. Washington's Plague Spots lie in the low, marshy bottoms of the Potomac, the t reeding ground of malaria germs. These germs cause chills, fever and ague, biliousness, jaundice, lassitude, weakness and gen eral debility and, bring suffering or death to thousands yearly. But Eleo trio Bitters never fail to destroy them and cure malaria troubles. "They are the best all-round tonio and cure for malaria I ever need," writesB. M. James, ot Louellen, S. C. They oure Stomaob, Liver, Kidney and Blood Troubles and will prevent Typhoid. Try them, 50o. Guaranteed by all druggists. Words To Freeze the Soul. "Your sou has Consumption. His case is hopeless." These appalling words were spoken to Geo. Blevens, leading merchant of Springfield, N. C. by two expert doctors one a lung specialist 1'ben was shown the won derful power of Dr. King's New Dis covery "After three weeks use," writes Mr. Blevens, "he was as well as ever. I would not take all the money in tbe world for what it did for my boy." . Infallible for coughs and oolds, its the safest, surest oure of des perate Luug diseases on earth. 60o. and $1.00. All druggists guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle free Swept Over Niagara. This terrible calamity often happens because a oareleaa boatman ionnra the river's warnings growing ripples and raster curreut Nature s warnings are kind. Thai dull pain or ache in tbe baok warns you the Kidneys need at tention if you would escape fatal mal adiesDropsy, Diabetes or Bright'a disease. Tatn Klootiin Rirtara ar nnnn and see Backache fly and all your beet feolngs return. '.'After loug suffering from weak kidneys and lame baok, one f 1.00 bottle wholly cured me," writes J. R. Blankenship, of Bolt, Tens, Only SOo stall diuggists. Great Closing Out Sale of Harvest Dishes All plates, cups and saucers and glassware must go regardless of cost to make room for a new line of china ware to arrive soon. ! " MEN'S FURNISHINGS, the largest and best line we have ever had. 'ZC Shirts from 65c to $3.00 NIGHT SHIRTS Mens Straw Hats 10c to $3 Mens Socks from 5c to 60c UNION SUITS Harvest Hats 10c to 75c Mens Belts from 50c to 75c ALL KINDS OF Mens Felt Hats $12.00 to $3 Suspenders from 2c to 75c UNDERWEAR Automobile Cans $1.50 WEAR THE FAMOUS LONGFELLOW SHIRTS Just the best shoes for men FOOT- SCHULZE $400 Ask the best dealer you Know Sec our 10 cent Counter for Bargains 1 ; - ntt l FAT St ere?" Taggart Athena, Oregon General cTVIerchandise CON. HHEtVTAR KO POISONS. CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND DRUG) LAW. Th Original Laxative Cough Syrup containing Honey and Tar. An Improvement ever all Cough. Lung end Bronchial Remedies. Pleasant to the taste and good Alike for young and old. All cough yrupa containing opiates constipate the bowels. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar moves the bowels and oontelns ne opiates. Prepared by PINE-VLB MEDICINE COMPANY. CHICAGO. V. 6. A. a J ! KEENE'S .Barber Shop Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooing, Massage for Face and Scalp. .HOT BATHS. Shop North Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. r J THE ST. NICHOLS. HOTEL J. E. FROOME, PBor. It! Only First-class Hotel in the City. n? THE ST. NICHOLS t 1 in only one that can accommodate eommerclal traveler. Caabaieeomended for lis ekan and well ventilated room. Cob. M air and Thisp, ATHs,Or. Foley's Honey and Tar ttrcmif&LSatesttrc. Ao opiates. "The Old Stan THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK OF PENDLETON . . ... Formerly the Pendleton Savings Bank . .. With which has been Consolidated The Commercial National : " Bank of Pendleton; Total Resourses a Million and a Half. - (' Capital, Surplus and Profits, Nearly $300,000.00 4 per cent Interest Paid on Time Deposits, ' Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent T, J. MORRIS, President, A. D. SLOAN, Vice-President, W. L. THOMPSON, Cashier, T. G. MONTGOMERY, Asa't. Cashier, - W. S. BADLEY, Ass't. Cashier. 1 PARKER-STONE 1 !' V !h'i sntiTu cmc uuv BARBERSHOP Clan . Holders and TJp-te-dat