a 3 iiie lima fcou J lave Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good' are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children Experience against Experiment. , What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Tcethig Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Haye Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. TH OCNTAUH ktfMPANV. TT MURK AY STRECT. NEW TOKK CITY. " - fi A flavoring used the same as lemon or vanilla. By dissolving granulated sugar in water and adding Mapleine, a delicious syrup is made and a syrup better than maple. Mapleine is sold by grocers. If not send 35c for 2 oz. bottle and recipe book. Crescent Mfg. Co., Seattle, Wn. Cleaning Dyeing VIENNA STEAM CLEANING & DYE WORKS 224-26 Third Street, Portland, Oregon To hare jrar Clothing tharmghb Clfatfcd DytA We Cleas, Dye md Cud and Make Over Soiled and Old Ostrica Fcalhera. Men's Felt and Panama Halt Cleaned and Blocked. The Cost is Litlh compared wild the result!. We do me largest -press and mail order business. Write for parhcnlan Suburban or Villas Barn. The building herewith shown Is well suited to the needs of the suburban or village resident, or of the man own ing a small tract of land, and making a speciality of gardening, poultry, bees, or fruit. Size can be varied with in certain limits. As shown it has one single and one double horse stall. The latter can be used as a box stall. There are two single cow stalls. The cows are loose, being kept in by chains behind them. There is a harness room, shelves for milk pail, etc., medicine cupboard, ventilator, three feed bins In hopper form so as to take little room In the stable and filling from above, and stairway with doqr balanced with weights at top. The carriage room is large enough for a set of vehicles, or part can be used as a repair shop. The hay loft will hold at least two loads, and some bedding. The store- The Embarrassing Troth. i "The vindication of Dr. Harvey W. . Wiley Is a great triumph," said a Washington diplomat, "for pure food. Dr. Wiley tells the truth, and the truth Is painful to certain types of food pro ducers." The diplomat laughed. "Dr. Wiley was talking the other day about the painful ness of the truth," he resumed. "He said it reminded him of a morning call that he once made on a young lady In his youth. In an swer to his ring a tiny tot of a girl opened the door, and Dr. Wiley said to her, as he walked Into the hall: "'Where is your auntie, Mabel?' " 'Upstairs in her nightie,' chirped the tot, 'a-lookin' over the balustrade.' " Well, from f 200 Down. Wifey I do really need a spring bonnet. Hubby How much? Wifey Well,' I could get one for from $10 up. Hubby I'd rather know from how much "down." C. Gee Wol The Chinese Doctor This wondeful man has made a life study of the properties of Roots, Herbs and Barks, and is giving the world the benefit of his services. No Mercury, Poisons or Drue J Used. No Operations or Cutting Guarantees to cure Catarrh, Asthma, Lung, Stomach and Kidney troubles, and all Private Diseases of M n and Women. A SUR CANCER CURE Just received from Pekin, China safe, lure and reliable. Unfailing in its works. If you cannot call, write for symptom blank and circular. Inclose 4 cents in stamps, CONSULTATION FREE The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. 162V4 First St.. cor. Morrison. Portland. Or. v ; No Objection to Telling. "Do tell me, Pulsatilla," begged the girl under the inverted waste basket, "the secret of that wonderful blonde hair of yours. It defies detection." "I will," said the girl under the in verted coal scuttle, 'if you ' won't tell anybody else. I selected for my grand mother and mother two women who bar hair just like mine." ' Sonnda Plausible. ' "What is your principal object, any how," asked the visiting foreigner, "in building that Panama canal?"- "Well," answered the native, "we have an idea it will limit the size of future battleships." Chicago Tribune. A cold on the lungs doesn't usually amount to much, but it invariably pre cedes pneumonia and consumption. Hamlins Wizard Oil applied to the chest at once will break up a cold in a night. . Glorious Victory. "You had a political debate in your district school building last Saturday night, Uncle Sime, I understand. How did it go off?" "We win. Whenever the other fellers tried to talk we turned loose two dozen cowbells, a lot o' fishhorns, a bugle, a bass drum, an' a horse fiddle, an' they guv it up an' quit. By George, they didn't git to say a blamed word!" DR. T. P. WISE DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty i 208-209 Merchants Trust Building Washington, cor. Sixth PORTLAND. OR DAISY FLY KILLER placed any where. Attracts nd kill, all files Meat, cieau. orna mental, conren lent, i-heap. Lasts allseanon. Made of metal, cannot spill or tip oyer, will not soil or Injure anything. ftlmrantPMl effao. tire. Of all dealers or sent prepaid tor 8u cents. HAROLD SOWERS. I50 Detain Ave.. Rrnnklvn. N. Y. IK Crescent .h NG PlMDtK MIX no ALL THAI AST HIGH PRICED POWDER WILL C DO AND DO '.i BOTES A FULL POUND 25c Get it from your Grocer Guaranteed under 11 Para Food Laws Jaqnes Mfg. Co. Chicago. Stands for Quality Economy Purity In providing the family's meals, don't be satisfied with anything but the best KCis guaranteed perfec tion at a moderate price. It makes everything better. 'Perfect Try and see. I IJUUSJ 1 GOOD BARN PLAIT. room filla a general need. Outside walla are covered with drop aiding, and roof has prepared roofing. Foun dation is of grout, brick, or cement blocks. Stable floors are of cement, with wood blocks In stalls. The style of exterior finish may be varied to harmonize with that of the other buildings. A cupola may be substi tuted for the iron vent cap. This de sign gives in compact form a complete small barn and stable, at moderate xist. F. L. Marsh. or Money back. Farm Mechanics1. Every farm should have a work shop. The building may be large or small. It is not necessary to have it very expensive. The tools may be few or many, but what there are should be good. No man can do good work with poor tools, and good tools cost but lit tle more than poor ones. A building 10 by 12 feet will answer for a black smith shop with a small vise bench in one corner. If this Is fitted with a good chimney, forge, anvil, hammer, tongs and good steel vise, considerable blacksmithlng work can be done to advantage. There should be a small stove to make the shop comfortable In winter. This Is very important, because there is more time to work In a shotf In the winter, and you can't work with black smith's tools in a frosty atmosphere. Carpenter's work is different. A carpenter's bench may be placed against the side of the building and covered with a shed roof, for, if neces sary, carpenter work may be done out side if you have a covered place for the bench and tools. A much better arrangement Is to have a blacksmith shop in one end of a larger building and a carpenter shop in the other end, with a partition be tween. There should be no shavings lying about a blacksmith shop; there is too much danger from fire. For an other reason, the two kinds of work do not, Jibe well together. It Is com paratively easy to keep a blacksmith shop in order, but there is a great deal of litter about a woodworking shop, and a farmer never flnd3 time to keep such things neatly In order. In buying woodworking tools the best are the cheapest. It Is poor econ omy to buy cheap tools. Not many are needed for common repair work, and a good kit may be had for a few dollars. Instruction books on mechanics may help a good deal. The principles may be studied out and applied In the shop. The boys on the farm take up such things easily and often make good mechanics. Agricultural Epito-nist STesh Water for Poultry. It Is essential, that water for fowls be changed twice daily, at least, and unless It la kept celan It will occarton disease. Should a fowl be 111, and the owner not be aware of It, as It drinks It Is bound to contaminate the water from some discharge, perhaps from Its nostrils or from the breath, says the Mirror and Farmer. A sick bird, of course, should always be removed, but sometimes the farmer or poultryuian is unaware that the fowl Is sick until it is too late to undo the harm It has done by contaminating the drinking water. The best plan is to keep the water as fresh and the drinking ves sels as clean as it Is possible to do. A few drops of carbolic acid in the drink ing water will assist In keeping it pure, but the acid should be used care fully on account of ItB poisonous quali ties. Washing the drinking fountains or vessels dally will do more to keep the water fresh and pure than any thing else. When water is allowed to stantj, even If only for a few hours, on throwing it out there will be the small est accumulation of slime in the foun tain, and if they are refilled without washing them, the coating Increases until the water, although freshly put In, Is unfit for the fowls' us& As the warm weather advances there Is more necessity of watching the drinking ves sels. 1 Increase la Farm Animals. The Crop Reporting Board of Bu reau of Statistics of the United States Department of Agriculture estimates the numbers and values of farm ani mals on farms and ranges in the Uni ted States on January 1, 1909, as fol lows: Compared with January 1, 1908, the following changes are indicated: Horses have increased 648,000; mules, 184,000; milch cows, 526,000; other ca tie decreased 694,000; sheep increased 1,453,000; swine decreased 1,937,000. In average value per head, horses increas ed $2.23; mules, 8 cents; milch cows, $1.69; other cattle, 60 cents; sheep de creased 45 cents; swine increased 50 cents. In total value milch cows In creased $52,888,000; other cattle, $17,- 816,000; sheep decreased $19,104,000; swine increased $15,764,000. The to tal value of all animals enumerated above on January 1, 1909, was $4,525, 259,000, as compared with $4,331,230,- ouo on January 1, 1908, an increase of $194,029,000, or 4.5 per cent The Silo. The silo should be depended upon, not only for winter feeding, but for the entire year. In case pasture li scarce or poor In quality. It Is the cheapest way to get succulent summer feed if the land is at all limited In area, or If the pastures are not sucn as to produce good feed In dry weath- er. In parts of Massachusetts large milk producers consider that it cosU 1 cent a quart more to produce milk without silage than with it A a Electric Farm Motor. One of the most novel uses for the electric motor is reported from Ne vada, la. A man who is extensively engaged in the poultry business has rigged up a revolving brush driven by a small electric motor for washing the feet of newly-killed fowls before ship ment. Corn Crop of 1008. The Indian corn crop for 1008, amounted to 2,643,000,000 bushels. The crops of three years have exceeded this, but only the crop of one year (1906) exceeded it very much. The value of the crop Is estimated at $1, 615,000,000. The price of corn is ex ceptionally high. There are only two years in which the farm price of this crop was as high as it is for this year, In 1881 the price was 63.6 cents; 1901, when there was only two-thirds of an ordinary crop, the price was 60.5 cents. The total value of this crop is by far the highest ever reach ed. The crop of 1902 was worth a bil lion dollars, and the crops of 1904, 1905 and 1906 were worth $100,000,000 more; the great Increase of $300,000, 000 over the crop of 1902 was made In 1907, and now the Increase is $600,000, 000 equal to the gold in the treasury of a rich nation.1 SOMETHING FOB EVERYBODY racking the Fleece. One of the best ways to pack the fleece is to lay it upon a table, turn in the head and tail, tiien the flanks. After this roll It up into a neat roll and tie it firmly, using such a device as here illustrated. The tying box is made from light lumber with slots, as shown, through which the rope is passed. The fleece is placed upon this rope and the roll easily tied. Wool buyers prefer to SIMPLE FLEECE-PACKING BOX. have the fleece loose, light to handle and elastic and tied up so that it can be easily opened if needed. Farm and Home. Honrs of Labor on Farm, Prof. Boss of the Minnesota Agricul tural College says that statistics of the actual hours of labor on the farms in vestigated show that farmers work nine hours a day in the summer and between four and five in the winter, Prof. Bailey of the Roosevelt Farm Life Commission tells the story of the school ma'am working from 9 until 4 until she married a farmer, and had to work from 4 to 9. The First Baldwin Apples. The place where the first Baldwin apple tree grew is marked by a monu ment This first tree was a chance seedling that came to maturity on a farm near Lowell, Mass., about 1740 It was not until 1784 that Col. Bald win became Interested in the apple, de veloped It and gave it his name. The original tree lived till after 1817, and did not live in vain. For the Baldwin apple is one of the best Breeding- Cora. Prof. R. A. Moore says that pains taking in breeding corn has raised the average corn production of Wisconsin from twenty-five bushels per acre In 1901 to 41.2 bushels per acre in 1907. This Increase . is worth striving for la everr State and on every farm. The cities of Europe having the low est death rate are Stockholm, Christian- la, Berlin and London. Parchment paper Is made by dipping jrdinary unsized paper for five or six seconds in dilute sulphuric acid, and then washing. . The three-year-old son and heir of he Czar Nicholas Is insured for $2,500,- XK), and is said to pay the highest pre mium In the world. The Igorrote provinces of the Philip pines have been combined and will be managed by one governor and sub-gov ernor. Bontoc will be the capital. Formosa, with its population of ,000,000, is running the Philippines neck and neck in the export of sugar. Each exported a value of $4,000,000 in 1907. Coal has been found in nearly every island of the Philippine archipelago, but only 4,545 tons were produced last year. In many places it is associated with petroleum. A railroad section laborer in North Carolina has patented a tie-tamplng machine, practical tests of which have shown that on both old and new road beds it will do the work of fifty men. The Kansas-Oklahoma oil field took the lead for production in 1907, push ing California back to second place. Il linois, formerly ninth In the list of states, attained third place for the first time. Dr. S.-Welr Mitchell, neurologist, poet, essayist and novelist has been elected to a foreign fellowship In the Royal Society of England. The elec tion is one of the choicest distinctions to which a scientist can aspire, and it has come to only three other Americans now living, Alexander Agassiz, natural ist, and George W. Hill and Simon Newcomb, astronomers. When the American fleet was at Wagga Wagga in Australia, there was given a banquet at which a labor mem ber of Parliament alluded to the Amer ican navy as the "greatest in the world." Then a senator jumped up and vehemently protested against anybody "cracking up the American fleet at the expense of the British," adding that the British could "lick any three other fleets on the face of the earth." After that patriotic declaration the senator started singing "Rule, Britannia," in which the whole company Joined. The club women of Chicago are puz zled over the question of a lawful cos tume for working women. They point out that only a little while ago a wo man in Chicago was arrested and fined for wearing trousers while earning an honest living as a hod carrier. Now they are Informed that there has been ruling in the post office department holding that women employed as mall carriers must wear trousers. There Is a movement on foot to send a delega tion to Washington for the purpose of consulting President Roosevelt on the subject. It Is told of the youth of a young German prince, many years ago, that upon one occasion, his tutor having been changed, the newcomer in exam ining the young prince asked: "Can your highness tell me how much is nine times twelve?" "Seventy-two," replied the prince, with royal promptness. The tutor paled, but soon recovered his equanimity. "Permit me to state to your highness that your hlghness's for mer tutor, whom I had the honor to succeed as an instructor to your royal highness, appears to have been a per son of rather limited capabilities," he said. Landor, the poet, was at the same time the most violent and brutal and most delicate and sensitive of men. He adored flowers. The gardens of .his beautiful villa at Florence were full Df flowers and the poet walked among them dally, never plucking them, only bending over them reverently to adore their loveliness and their perfume. His cook one day served him a wretched din ner, and in his rage the poet threw the man out of the window into a bed of splendid roses. As the cook writhed with a broken leg below, Landor, from bis window, exclaimed in a horror stricken voice: "Good gracious, I for got the roses !" At a Yorkshire inn there is a pianist who can render an accompaniment to my song that any singer wishes to sing. He can not read a note of music, yet, In the local phrase, he "can play jwt." Recently, however, he met with in unexpected check, A new volunteer bummed over the air, but the pianist failed to get the key. "Let's try It igaln," be said ; and they tried it again. Still it was of no use. A third trial Srought no better results. Then the pianist turned on the singer in anger ind said: "Sitha, Aw've tried tha on t' white 'uns. Aw've tried tha on t' black 'uns an' Aw've tried tha on t' black and white, 'uns mixed. It's no ise ; th's singing between t' crackB." Prof. Simon Newcomb, astronomer, Has Interesting views with respect to :be problems of aviation. He rules out :he possible use of a dirigible balloon for any more serious military purpose ian reconnolterlng. With respect to lie aeroplane, such as is employed by lie Wright brothers, he has little faith D Its solving the problem of air flight 3e shows that the heavier-than-alr ma mines can not be stopped in midair for epairs and "no engine yet built by hu nan skill, much less the delicate motors lecessary in the flyer, can be guaran 5eed against accident" The conclusion it this scientist is that aerial navlga Jon must ever remain "uncertain, dan (erous, expensive and Inefficient" wwswwpsi"ivwU5(jwvwv'"eww f ; JLJ A,,.- .Tn DR. W. A. WISE J2 Years s Leader in Painless Dental Work in Portland. Out-of-Town People Should remember that our -force Is so arrang-ed that WE CAN DO THEIR ENTIRE CROWN, BRIDGE AND PLATE WORK IN A DAY if necessary. POSITIVELY PAINLESS EX TRACTING FREE when plates or bridcres are or. dereri. WE REMOVE THE MOST SENSITIVE TEETH AND ROOTS WITHOUT THE LEAST PAIN. NO STUDENTS, no uncertainty. For the Next Fifteen Days We will give you a good 22k gold or porce lain crown for $3.50 22k bridge teeth 8.60 Molar crown 6,00 Gold or enamel fillings. 1.00 Silver fillings 60 Good rubber plates 6.00 The beat red rubber plates 7.00 Painless extraction! 60 ALL WORK GUARANTEED 15 YEARS Dr. W. A. Wise President and Manager The Wise Dental Co. (INC.) Third and Washington Sta. PORTLAND, OREGON Cheap R dinar. Uncle Zeke (back from the city) You talk about cheap ridln' ! I rode twenty miles on a street k'yar, an' all it cost me was a nickel. , Uncle Jed Gosh ! That ain't noth- in'. When I was thar last year I rode to the top of the tallest buildln' in town an' it didn't cost me a blamed cent! Chicago Tribune. Mothers will find Mrs. Winalow'a Bonthins Byrup the boat remedy to use lor their cuiMrsa auriug the teething period. A Gravs Doubt. Caller So your cook has passed away to a better place. Hostess Yes. but I don't know if she'll stay ; poor "Bridget was very hard to suit Boston Traveler. You Can Get Allen's root-Ease f REE. WvltO Allftvi a fMm.taH T a TJ V V .w ..uu u vnusivu.uq uu i , 1 1, 1UI R Iree sample ol Allen's Foot-EaHe. It cures sweating, hot swollen, aching teet. It makes new or tight shoos easy. A certain cure lot corns, ingrowing nans ana bunions. All arue- guts sell it. 2bo. Don't accept any substitute. Bless Hert When lovely woman buys a bonnet Constructed of some shredded hay She piles a lot of fruit upon it And walks along the Gay White Way, New York Evening Mail. rlTP nt. Vltm' Uanoa ana ; orvous uissams 111 3 neatly oared by Dr. 1' .Ino's Oreat Nerve K storer. Send for FREE $2.00 trial bottle and treatise, Dr. B. U. Kline. Ld KU Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Apprehensive. Fellow Statesman Senator, that . speech of yours in favor of the income tai was one of the strongest arguments I ever heard. Eloquent Senator (with some uneasi ness) You don't think it changed any votes, do you? Chicago Tribune. no YOU WANT A TYPEWRITER r Th Whnlnaala Tvnwritr Co.. 87 Montgomery SU San Francisco, will sell you one at 40 to 76 pat cent discount from factory list, all makes on mar ket, all fully guaranteed. The Nova Scotia government has ap pointed a commission to examine into and report on the feasibility of old-age pea ions for workmen. Nan plot. Fan That's isn't it? Cooking Up -I like a play Iteason. with a stirring the kind that thickens, PEOPLES "I tried all kinds of blood remedies which failed to do me any good, but I have found the right thing at last. My face was full of pimples and black-beads. After taking Cascarets they all left. I an continuing the use .of them and recom mending them to my friends. I feel fine when I rise in the morning. Hope te have a chance to recommend Cascarets." Fred C. Witten, 76 Elm St., NewarTt, N. J. Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe. 10c, 25c, 50c. Never sold in bulk. The genu ine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed te euro or your money back. til COFFEE TEA SPICES BAM NO POWDER . EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT h3iigXHm'l'H33 mar land. ore.J A CURE FOR FITS The Treatment 1$ to Accomplish What Sc'ence Has Been Strug gling to Attain for Centuries Tie Inbmse Interest that has been manifest 111 ugho it the country by tha wonderful cures i-at are Being- accomplished dally by pilptcU nil continues. It Is really surprising- the vest number of people who have already been cured ag flu and nervousness. In order that everybody may have a chance to test the medicine, large trial bottles, valuable literature. History of Epilepsy and testimonials, will be sent by mail absolutely free to all who write to the Dr. May Laboratory. 68 Pearl Street New York City. PNU NO. 24-0 TtTHEW writing to advertisers pi II mention this paper.