The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, July 16, 1909, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
Boy Ealey of
town Wednesday.
Pendleton, was in
Arthnr MoGatbney, a railroad man
of Spokane, wbo has bef-n visiting at
the Shear d borne near town, left the
first of tbe week for his home.
Sheriff Taylor was in town Tues
day, from Pendleton.
Born. July 14, to Mr. and Mrs.
Henry LaBraobe, a son.
B. B. Richards had business in
Walla Walla Wednesday.
Glint Bnzan and Jim Stnrgis were
up from Pendletou Monday.
Mrs. Carlile, of Weston, was
ping in the city Wednesday.
- Miss Velma Wilkinson is a gnest
Mrs. I. M. Kemp in Weston this week.
The Misses Hyatt, of Weston Mq'
i - - 1 t a .1 ; t i
ihiu, wert" sooppiag la lue uuy yem
A Mrs. Agnes Fergueon of Walla Wal
la will visit friends in Athena this
Mrs. Ellis B. Harris is visiting rel
atives iu Dayton, Wash., for a few
"Happy Home" canned goods excel
any on tbe market. For sale by T. M.
Taggart & Co.
Miss Jeannette Miller was a gnest
this week of Mrs. J. A. Kirk at her
home south of town.
VMr. and Mis. T. J. Kirk returned
' the first of tbe week from a visit witb
relatives at LaGrande.
Dr. Baddelev. veterinarv enreeon. is
prepared to answer all professional
calls', either day or nigbt.
Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Thompson re
turned last week from an extended
: visit with relatives at Heppner.
A number cf machines will start to
tbresbiug grain in this vioinity next
week. Grain is ripening rapidly.
Lost A ohild's bear-oloth coat, ou
tbe road between Athena and Adams.
liuuci vv iii pionoQ ionic nu nuio uujuoi
Wayne Wortbingtou, of Portland,
is a summer visitor at the borne of bis
unole, H. O. Worthington, in this
city. . ;
lEmery Worthington was taken sud
,penly ill yesterday, and was confined
to bis bed for the day, but is better at
' jAttorney Wilson and Mr. Beverly
VApent Monday evening in Walla Walla
. : 1. 1 TTi i l : l -
. ran.
T fWnti
' 'J"J
Mr. and Mrs. John Martin, of Walla
11a, are guests ibis week of their
daughters, Mrs. Wm. Winsbip and
Mrs. Sam Ha worth in this oity.
A party of gentlemen went up to
Wenaha .springs last evening, return
ing this morning. Tbey went in tbe
Wilson and Sturgis automobiles.
Don't forget f.bat Jarman's Depart
ment store carries a large line of Econ
omy fruit jars and caps, also Mason
paps and rubbers. Prices light.
Ira Booher of Montgomery
Indiana, is visiting relatives
is oity and vicinity. He is very
well pleased with his first trip to tbe
o slope.
is Keen. John Mitchell and Wm.
dside left' Wednesday for Goeur
Alene, where tbey will register, hop
ing to seoure a prize in the reservation
land drawing.
Ellis B. Harris, pastor of tbe Chris
tian ohurob, left today for Davenport,
Wash., where be .fills tbe pulpit for
Bev. Handsaker, who will supply at
the ohurob here Sunday.
We are headquarters for gloves,
overalls, jumpers, box, handkerchiefs,
cool hats, quilts and blankets, canvas
in fact everything for the harvest
band. Jarman's Dept. Store.
Mrs. Lillie Miller yesterday went to
Walla Walla, where she placed an
order for fall millinery witb a Denver
wholesale bouse, meeting tbe traveling
salesman there by BDDointment.
Misa Mrytle Thompson, tbe efficient
saleslady at Jarman's Department
store is taking her summer vacation
and will spend the time with friends
at Pendleton and Walla Walla.
Sam Taylor, of Manitoba, was a
guest at tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Sbeard this week. Mr. Taylor
is a cousin of Mrs. Sheard, and a bro
ther of Ed Taylor, now of Alberta.
going ovor in the new Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. MoDaoiel
down yesterday irom tneir ranon on
Weston mountain, trading witb Athe
na merchants. "
- ' J. G. Biohards of Corvallis, is here
to take charge of D. H. Sanders
threshing outfit. Be is a brother of
B. B. Biohards.
Bawl Miller is again circulating
among bis Athena friends, having
arrived from Corvallis, where he at
tends O. A. 0.
ji Dean Dudley and bis eistar, Miss
' Irene, Wednesday drove to Milton,
where they took tbe interurban to
Walla Walla. ,
SL Orell MoPhereu has aooepted a posi
tic5n. in Jarman's store and isdeoidedly
making good in tbe oapaoity of an
obliging salesman.
Lost. A purse containing about $10,
between Turn Bannister's and Luna's
blacksmith shop. Finder will be re
warded at this offloe.
A Weston farmer has a field of
wheat which is free from stunt. He
does not attribute atsenoe of tbe fun
gus to luok, but to tbe faot that be
Bowed bis seed in tbe light of the
Harveet is at hand, horses are in
demand and tbe horse thief has made
bis appearanoe. Athena offioera have
reoeived descriptions of two bunches of
horses that have been stolen during the
auto-J-Bt two days.
( XDying suddenly from an attack of
wereNUpbplexy, O. B. Ballon, one of the
oldest pioneers of the Walla Walla
valley passed away Wednesday night.
Hia death was sudden and came as a
great shook to his family
The mountain camping places and
resorts are claiming all wbo oan find
time to enjoy tbe pleasmes of reorea-
tion. Tbe buokleberry crop promises j
to be lair y bountiful and will lend a
zest to tbe pleasure of the summer
XUuole John Callender is having a
, "grand time at tbe fair. He writes
friends here that be is keeping up in
statistics of tbe great exposition, and
reports that on Tuesday, the 13th, paid
admissions to the fair reaohed tbe
millionth mark.
Just a few of the new arrivals at
Jarman'3 Department Store Silkaline
in all shades, percales with or without
border, silence oloth for the table,
olankets of all descriptions, summer
hosiery, oollar supporters. Kew'goods
arriving all tbe time.
Tuesday evening a pleasant inform-
alparty was'given at the home of Mis,
B." W. Myers, as au aftermath to the
jolly times spent ou tbe river last
week. Tbe party was confined to the
number comprising tbe young people
who were ohaperoned by Mrs. Myers, "
P. P. Collier, a former well known
resident of Pendleton, died last Satur
day at the home of bis son, Attorney
H. E. Collier, in St. Johns. vHeTvas
72 years old and a veteran of the civil
war. He moved to 1'endleton irom
Kentuoky in 1870 and last fall moved
to tbe borne of bis son.
M. M. Johns arrived in tbe city
Wednesday from Los Angeles, via
Portland, and will remain to harvest
bis wheat crop. His family, who are
visiting in Portland and Vanoouver,
will probably be in Athena witbinva
week or two, where tbey will be made
most heartily welcome by friends here.
iSlVIr. and Mrs. Felix Moian left Mon
day for their home near Nanton, Al
berta. Mr. Moran, who is a son-in-
law of James Mosgrove, who met
death in a runaway aooident, believes
that Mr. Mosgrove was stricken witb
heart failure and was dead before tbe
team, whioh was one of tbe farm
teams.and ordinarily geutle, started to
run The position in which the body
was fonnd impresses Mr. Moran witn
the belief that bad tbe victim been
holding the reins tbe bead would have
been lying in the direction tbe team
went, instead of the opposite direotion.
Tbe widow will remain at Milton
until Mr. Matt Mosgrove can return
with her to Alberta to settle the
affairs of tbe estate.
Miss'Oarrie Sharp left last week for
Yaquina Bay, where she will visit her
sister, Miss Katharine, during tbe re
mainder of her sohool term there.
The two young ladies wll return home
together at the close of (he sohool.
Mrs. 0. A. Bhodes and daughter,
Ethelwa, left Wednesday tor Salem,
near wbioh place tbey will visit at tbe
home of Mrs. Bhodes' parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Jenkins. They will
also visit friends at Hood Biver en
AA number of Athena men will reg
later ior toe iana drawing on one Spo
kane, Goeur d' Alene and Blaokfobt
Indian reservations. Considering that
it 's a 100 to 1 chance whether they
get a homestead, many will take the
trip from a standpoint of pleasure.
ompiete Home
Do you realize the full meaning of this? Complete Home Furnishers
complete in every sense of the word a stock that cannot be equaled
within hundreds of miles of Walla Walla, and bigger than ever' before.
Here are draperies, floor covering of all kinds, cbina ware, wall orna
ments, pictnres, art goods of every sort and the very best stook of furni
ture and stoves to choose from. Magnificent displays of goods in every
one of our many departments.
When in Walla Walla make your headquarters with us; use our rest
rooms, our 'phones; leave your bundles in our care in fact, make your
self perfeotly at home, whether buying or not.
Write for our "Summer Goods" catalogue.
The Davis-Kaser Company
Complete Home & House Furnishers
Walla Walla, Wash (The home of Greater Whitman)
Branch Store at Pasco, Wash.
In Memoriam.
Whereas: Our Divine Master in
His infinite wisdom, has taken unto
Himself our beloved brother, James
Mosgrove, and in so doing has for some
inscrutable purpose of His own laid
tbe heavy band of affhotiou npon our
brother's family, and the oommunity
at large, Therefore, be it Besolved,
That in tbe death of our brother,
James Mosgrove, bis bereaved widow
and family have sustained tbe irrepar
able loss of a most loving, faithful and
devoted husband and father; and the
oommunity one of its most respeoted
and valuable citizens; one whose love
and kindness was not bounded by tbe
immediate oirole of bis friends and
acquaintances, but of whom it .might
truthfully be said: "He loved all bis
fellow oreatures;" and one Who, in
every duty of life was ever found
faithful and true; whose every motive
and aotion was influenced by tbe
I right, and was as free from guile and
durjlioity as it is possible for human
nature to be. And, while we wonder
at the inscrutable ways of the Great
Being who controls and direots our
destinies, and confess our inability to
understand His ways, or eitber of the
twin mysteries of life and death, we
oan only say, with bowed heads and
hands inert. "Thv will. O God, be
Besolved, That the brethren of
this lodge extend their most heartfelt
sympathy to those whom it has pleased
t he giver of all good to add to tbe
number of tbe disconsolate: and we
most earnestly pray that He may buoy
them up under this heavy stroke, and
sustain tbem against despondency.
And may they "so live, that when
their summons oomes, to join tbe in
numerable caravan that moves to tbe
pale realms of shade, where each shall
take his obamber in the silent halls of
death." they may be prepared to meet
their loved one in the "land that is
fairer than day."
Besolved, That these resolutions be
spread upon tbe journal of this lodge,
and that a oopy thereof be lurnisned
by the Secretary to the widow of our
beloved brother, one to Brother George
Leeler. Worshipful Master of Nanton
Lodge No. 23, at Nanton, Alberta,
Canada, and one to the Athena Press
for publication.
Athena, Oregon, July 15, 1909.
E. k. Cox, ar.
J. E. Froome,
David Taylor,
Jaiirmaji's Bent
j Visit our Graniteware, Tinware and Notion depart
ment We can save you money. Below are a few of
the splendid bargains we offer. ;
humbler size Jelly glasses 45c. a dozen.
Frying Pans and
10 to 45c
Wire Clothesline
75ft 25c
! -Y- "
Wash Pans
10 to 30c
Milk Pans
Gto 30c
Berlin Kettles
10 to 60c
15 to 75c
Pot Lids
8 to 10c
Bread Pans
10 to 20c
Potato Mashers
Wire Egg Beaters
10 to 25c
Curling Irons
Tumblers 50c per dozen.
Dust Pans
10 to 15c
Flour Seives
15 to 25c
Savory Roasters
$1.25 each
10c to $1
Tf" . M"
mmti Hatchets
Spring Balances
10 to 15c
Shoe Brushes
JDnr orpat snpr.iai sale of summer wasn uooas anarcem-
--f t
nants, commences Saturday, June 12th.
"A Better Piano for Less cTHoney."
Home of the
Glorious Chickereng,
Hobart M. Cable,
And other good Pianos,
Words To Freeze the Soul.
"Your son has Consumption. Ilia
case ia hopeless." These appalling
words were spoken to Geo. E Blevens,
leadins merchant of gorinffdeld, a. i.
by two expert dootors one ' a lung
aranialist Then was shown toe won
derful power ot Dr. King's jsew uis
nnvnrv "After three weeks use."
writps Mr. BlflvfiDB. "he was as well
as ever. I would not take all tbe
money in tbe world for wbat it did for
my boy." Infallible for congiis ana
oolda. its the safestsurest cure ot des-
tinmta I.nni? diseases on earth. 50o.
and 11.00. All druggists guarantee
satisfaction. Trial bottle free
Strayed from my place nortb of
iiKans nni hrnnn flllv. Svearsold:
one black yearling Ally witb one white j
bind foot. Will pay reward of $10
each for information leading to tbeir
Lotl LotO . I
Printed Lawns, 8 1-3 and 10c quality White Goods, India Linons, 10c quality, (
Sale Price 5c per yd Sale Price 8Jc yd .,
Lot 2 Lot 7 1
Fine 15ct Printed Lawns and Batistes 12 l-2c India Linons and Victoria Lawns
Sale Price 10c yd Sale Price 10c yd
Lot 3 Lot8
Colored Dimities, Batistes and Swisses, India Linon, Victoria and Persian Lawn
20 and 25c quality, 20c quality
Sale Price I2c Sale Price 15c yd
Lot 4 Lot9
All colors in Etamines, Crepes, Eolines, Fine Persian Mulls and Lineens, 30 and
30 and 35c quality, 4 35c qualities
Sale Price 19c yd Sale Price 25c yd
1 Lot 5 Lot 10
I High Grade Mercerized Suitings and Zephryette and Grenadine Dress Goods
I Waistings, 40c qualities wide widths, 30 and 35c qualities
I Sale Price 25c yd Sale Price 19c yd
SPECIAL-About 30 Mens fine 2-piece Outing Suits with
cuff bottom pants, single or double breasted coats, rang
ing in price from $5 to $15, will go in Sale at half price.
This means $5.00 Suits for $2.50; $7.50 Suits tor $3 J5, ana so on.
Oliver Dickenson,
Athena, Oregon.